Video Stabilization - c++

I 'm researching about Video Stabilization field. I implement a application using OpenCV.
My progress such as:
Surf points extraction
But the result video is not be stable. Can anyone help me this problem or provide me some source code link to improve?
Sample video: Hippo video
Here is my code [EDIT]
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp"
#include "opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp"
#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <opencv2/nonfree/features2d.hpp>
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
const double smooth_level = 0.7;
using namespace cv;
using namespace std;
struct TransformParam
TransformParam() {}
TransformParam(double _dx, double _dy, double _da) {
dx = _dx;
dy = _dy;
da = _da;
double dx; // translation x
double dy; // translation y
double da; // angle
int main( int argc, char** argv )
VideoCapture cap ("test12.avi");
Mat cur, cur_grey;
Mat prev, prev_grey;
cap >> prev;
cvtColor(prev, prev_grey, COLOR_BGR2GRAY);
// Step 1 - Get previous to current frame transformation (dx, dy, da) for all frames
vector <TransformParam> prev_to_cur_transform; // previous to current
int k=1;
int max_frames = cap.get(CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT);
VideoWriter writeVideo ("stable.avi",0,30,cvSize(prev.cols,prev.rows),true);
Mat last_T;
double avg_dx = 0, avg_dy = 0, avg_da = 0;
Mat smooth_T(2,3,CV_64F);
while(true) {
cap >> cur;
if( == NULL) {
cvtColor(cur, cur_grey, COLOR_BGR2GRAY);
// vector from prev to cur
vector <Point2f> prev_corner, cur_corner;
vector <Point2f> prev_corner2, cur_corner2;
vector <uchar> status;
vector <float> err;
goodFeaturesToTrack(prev_grey, prev_corner, 200, 0.01, 30);
calcOpticalFlowPyrLK(prev_grey, cur_grey, prev_corner, cur_corner, status, err);
// weed out bad matches
for(size_t i=0; i < status.size(); i++) {
if(status[i]) {
// translation + rotation only
Mat T = estimateRigidTransform(prev_corner2, cur_corner2, false);
// in rare cases no transform is found. We'll just use the last known good transform.
if( == NULL) {
// decompose T
double dx =<double>(0,2);
double dy =<double>(1,2);
double da = atan2(<double>(1,0),<double>(0,0));
prev_to_cur_transform.push_back(TransformParam(dx, dy, da));
avg_dx = (avg_dx * smooth_level) + (dx * (1- smooth_level));
avg_dy = (avg_dy * smooth_level) + (dy * (1- smooth_level));
avg_da = (avg_da * smooth_level) + (da * (1- smooth_level));<double>(0,0) = cos(avg_da);<double>(0,1) = -sin(avg_da);<double>(1,0) = sin(avg_da);<double>(1,1) = cos(avg_da);<double>(0,2) = avg_dx;<double>(1,2) = avg_dy;
Mat stable;
Mat canvas = Mat::zeros(cur.rows, cur.cols*2+10, cur.type());
prev.copyTo(canvas(Range::all(), Range(0, prev.cols)));
stable.copyTo(canvas(Range::all(), Range(prev.cols+10, prev.cols*2+10)));
imshow("before and after", canvas);

First, you can just blur you image. It will helps a bit. Second, you can easily smooth your matrix by simplest implementation of exponential smooth A(t+1) = a*A(t)+(1-a)*A(t+1) and play with a-value in [0;1] range. Third, you can turn off some type of transformations like rotation, shift etc.
Here is code example:
t = estimateRigidTransform(new, old, 0); // 0 means not all transformations (5 of 6)
// t(Range(0,2), Range(0,2)) = Mat::eye(2, 2, CV_64FC1); // turning off rotation
//<double>(0,2) = 0;<double>(1,2) = 0; // turning off shift dx and dy
tAvrg = tAvrg*a + t*(1-a); // a - smooth level in [0;1] range, play with it
warpAffine(new, stable, tAvrg, Size(new.cols, new.rows));


How to rotate an image without using OpenCV functions? (using Linear, Qubic interpolation)

I am trying to rotate an image without using the OpenCV function.
I want to do it pixel by pixel with interpolation (nearest neighbors & linear & cubic) and later I would like to do it with a rotation matrix.
Can't understand how to implement the interpolations. Even one example with the Qubic will help me.
for some reason the left pixels in the original image are sent to the right side in the rotated image and it seems not right for the rotation (should be black pixels).
Add an extra option (but not a must) to rotate the image from the center of the image. (and not from (0,0) which is the top left of the image by default)
The original image:
My code: (AFTER UPDATE 1)
#include <iostream>
#include <math.h>
#include "opencv2/opencv.hpp"
using namespace std;
enum interpolation_type{
void Interpolation_Calculator(const cv::Point& srcPixel,cv::Point2i& dstPixel, interpolation_type type){
// The origin pixels for the currPixel in the newImage depends on the interpolation type
int originX = 0;
int originY = 0;
originX = (int)round(srcPixel.x);
originY = (int)round(srcPixel.y);
else if(type == INTERPOLATION_LINEAR){
else if (type == INTERPOLATION_CUBIC){
dstPixel.x = originX;
dstPixel.y = originY;
void RotationFunction(const cv::Mat& src,cv::Mat& dst, int angle, interpolation_type type){
// The pixels in the new image we want to find right origin pixel for his value.
double rotatedX;
double rotatedY;
double toRadian = 3.141592653589/180;
for(int r=0;r<dst.rows;r++)
for(int c=0;c<dst.cols;c++)
rotatedX = r*cos(angle * toRadian) - c*sin(angle * toRadian);
rotatedY = r*sin(angle * toRadian) + c*cos(angle * toRadian);
cv::Point rotatedPixel(rotatedX,rotatedY);
cv::Point2i originPixel;
//cv::Vec3b vector(0,0,0);
// Checking if the Interpolation calculations crossed the boundaries
if(originPixel.x < 0 || originPixel.x > src.cols - 1 || originPixel.y < 0 || originPixel.y > src.rows - 1)<cv::Vec3b>(cv::Point(r, c)) = 0;
else { // In case everything is good
cv::Vec3b currPixel =<cv::Vec3b>(originPixel);<cv::Vec3b>(cv::Point(r, c)) = currPixel;
int main() {
cv::Mat img = cv::imread("../lion.jpeg");
cv::Mat rotatedImage(img.rows,img.cols,CV_8UC3);
// Rotating
// End of Rotating
// Show the images
// End of Show the images
return 0;
Bad Output:

Slow motion in C++

I want to do slow motion. I've seen an implementation here:
I modified the code to generate only one frame.
#include <opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp>
#include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>
#include <opencv2/video/tracking.hpp>
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
using namespace cv;
using namespace std;
#define CLAMP(x,min,max) ( ((x) < (min)) ? (min) : ( ((x) > (max)) ? (max) : (x) ) )
int main(int argc, char** argv)
Mat frame,prevframe;
prevframe = imread("img1.png");
frame = imread("img2.png");
Mat prevgray, gray;
Mat fflow,bflow;
Mat flowf(frame.rows,frame.cols ,CV_8UC3); // the forward co-ordinates for interpolation
Mat flowb(frame.rows,frame.cols ,CV_8UC3); // the backward co-ordinates for interpolation
Mat final(frame.rows,frame.cols ,CV_8UC3);
int fx,fy,bx,by;
cvtColor(prevframe,prevgray,COLOR_BGR2GRAY); // Convert to gray space for optical flow calculation
cvtColor(frame, gray, COLOR_BGR2GRAY);
calcOpticalFlowFarneback(prevgray, gray, fflow, 0.5, 3, 15, 3, 3, 1.2, 0); // forward optical flow
calcOpticalFlowFarneback(gray, prevgray, bflow, 0.5, 3, 15, 3, 3, 1.2, 0); //backward optical flow
for (int y=0; y<frame.rows; y++)
for (int x=0; x<frame.cols; x++)
const Point2f fxy =<Point2f>(y,x);
fy = CLAMP(y+fxy.y*0.5,0,frame.rows);
fx = CLAMP(x+fxy.x*0.5,0,frame.cols);<Vec3b>(fy,fx) =<Vec3b>(y,x);
const Point2f bxy =<Point2f>(y,x);
by = CLAMP(y+bxy.y*(1-0.5),0,frame.rows);
bx = CLAMP(x+bxy.x*(1-0.5),0,frame.cols);<Vec3b>(by,bx) =<Vec3b>(y,x);
final = flowf*(1-0.5) + flowb*0.5; //combination of frwd and bckward martrix
imwrite( "output.png",final);
return 0;
But the result is not as expected.
For the images:
The result is :
Does anyone know what is the problem?
The optical flow algorithm won't work for your test images.
The first problem is that your test images have very little difference in neighbour pixel values. That completely black lines and a single color square give no clues to optical flow algorithm where the image areas moved as the algorithm is not able to process the whole image at once and calculates optical flow with a small 15x15 (as you set it in calcOpticalFlowFarneback) pixels window.
The second problem is that your test images differ too much. The distance between positions of brown square is too big. Again Farneback is not able to detect it.
Try the code with some real life video frames or edit your tests to be less monotonous (set some texture to the square, background and rectangle lines) and bring the squares closer to each other on the images (try 2-10 px distance). You can also play with calcOpticalFlowFarneback arguments (read here) to suit your conditions.
You can use this code to save the optical flow you get to an image for debugging:
Mat debugImage = Mat::zeros(fflow.size(), CV_8UC3);
float hsvHue, magnitude;
for (int x = 0; x < fflow.cols; x++)
for (int y = 0; y < fflow.rows; y++)
auto& item =<Vec2f>(y, x);
magnitude = sqrtf(item[0] * item[0] + item[1] * item[1]);
hsvHue = atan2f(item[1], item[0]) / static_cast<float>(CV_PI)* 180.f;
// div 2 to fit 0..255 range
hsvHue = (hsvHue >= 0. ? hsvHue : (360.f + hsvHue)) / 2.f;<Vec3b>(y, x)[0] = static_cast<uchar>(hsvHue);<Vec3b>(y, x)[1] = 255;<Vec3b>(y, x)[2] = static_cast<uchar>(255.f * magnitude);
cvtColor(debugImage, debugImage, CV_HSV2BGR);
imwrite("OpticalFlow.png", debugImage);
Here pixel flow direction will be represented with color (hue), and pixel move distance will be represented with brightness.
Try to use this images I created:
Also note that
for (int y = 0; y < frame.rows; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < frame.cols; x++)
const Point2f fxy =<Point2f>(y, x);
fy = CLAMP(y + fxy.y*0.5, 0, frame.rows);
fx = CLAMP(x + fxy.x*0.5, 0, frame.cols);<Vec3b>(fy, fx) =<Vec3b>(y, x);
code won't color some flowf pixels that have no corresponding target positions they moved to, and optical flow algorithm can produce such situations. I would change it to:
for (int y = 0; y < frame.rows; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < frame.cols; x++)
const Point2f fxy =<Point2f>(y, x);
fy = CLAMP(y - fxy.y*0.5, 0, frame.rows);
fx = CLAMP(x - fxy.x*0.5, 0, frame.cols);<Vec3b>(y, x) =<Vec3b>(fy, fx);
const Point2f bxy =<Point2f>(y, x);
by = CLAMP(y - bxy.y*(1 - 0.5), 0, frame.rows);
bx = CLAMP(x - bxy.x*(1 - 0.5), 0, frame.cols);<Vec3b>(y, x) =<Vec3b>(by, bx);
With this changed code and my tests I get this output:

OpenCV : algorithm for simple image rotation and reduction

I have tried image rotation and reduction(JPEG) with getRotationMatrix2D(center, angle, scale);
and warpAffine(image1, image3, rotation, image3.size());
I got the result I wanted(image as below)
for (int r = 0;r < image1.rows;r++) {
for (int c = r + 1;c < image1.cols;c++) {
Point center = Point(image1.cols / 2, image1.rows / 2);
Point center1 = Point(image1.cols / 2, image1.rows / 2);
double angle = 90.0;
double scale = 1;
double angle1 = 90.0;
double scale1 = 0.5;
rotation = getRotationMatrix2D(center, angle, scale);
rotation1 = getRotationMatrix2D(center1, angle1, scale1);
but I want to learn some simple rotation and reduction algorithm ( simple for beginner like me ) without using any library
to get the same result.
After searching for various solutions, i ended up with this
Can anyone break up bit by bit of the simple linear algebra to explain to me in regards to my pesudo code?
Reduction code
void reduction(Mat image1)
for (int r = 0;r < imgC.rows;r++)
for (int c = 0;c < imgC.cols;c++)
int new_x = c * (125 / 256);
int new_y = r * (125 / 256);<uchar>(r, c) =<uchar>(new_y, new_x);
In this example I have loaded two images. One is in gray scale and other is color image. Both are same image so you can understand easily how to handle rotation with mathematical equation. Please see this example which is very easy to understand. Also in the similar manner you can add scaling and reduction. Here each point is converted according to the equation and color value set on new location. Here is the code:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "opencv/highgui.h"
#include "opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp"
#include "opencv2/objdetect/objdetect.hpp"
using namespace std;
using namespace cv;
#define PIPI 3.14156
int main()
Mat img = imread("C:/Users/dell2/Desktop/DSC00587.JPG",0);//loading gray scale image
Mat imgC = imread("C:/Users/dell2/Desktop/DSC00587.JPG",1);//loading color image
Mat rotC(imgC.cols, imgC.rows, imgC.type());
rotC = Scalar(0,0,0);
Mat rotG(img.cols, img.rows, img.type());
rotG = Scalar(0,0,0);
float angle = 90.0 * PIPI / 180.0;
for(int r=0;r<imgC.rows;r++)
for(int c=0;c<imgC.cols;c++)
float new_px = c * cos(angle) - r * sin(angle);
float new_py = c * sin(angle) + r * cos(angle);
Point pt((int)-new_px, (int)new_py);
//color image<Vec3b>(pt) =<Vec3b>(r,c);//assign color value at new location from original image
//gray scale image<uchar>(pt) =<uchar>(r,c);//assign color value at new location from original image
return 0;

clustering image segments in opencv

I am working on motion detection with non-static camera using opencv.
I am using a pretty basic background subtraction and thresholding approach to get a broad sense of all that's moving in a sample video. After thresholding, I enlist all separable "patches" of white pixels, store them as independent components and color them randomly with red, green or blue. The image below shows this for a football video where all such components are visible.
I create rectangles over these detected components and I get this image:
So I can see the challenge here. I want to cluster all the "similar" and close-by components into a single entity so that the rectangles in the output image show a player moving as a whole (and not his independent limbs). I tried doing K-means clustering but since ideally I would not know the number of moving entities, I could not make any progress.
Please guide me on how I can do this. Thanks
this problem can be almost perfectly solved by dbscan clustering algorithm. Below, I provide the implementation and result image. Gray blob means outlier or noise according to dbscan. I simply used boxes as input data. Initially, box centers were used for distance function. However for boxes, it is insufficient to correctly characterize distance. So, the current distance function use the minimum distance of all 8 corners of two boxes.
#include "opencv2/opencv.hpp"
using namespace cv;
#include <map>
#include <sstream>
template <class T>
inline std::string to_string (const T& t)
std::stringstream ss;
ss << t;
return ss.str();
class DbScan
std::map<int, int> labels;
vector<Rect>& data;
int C;
double eps;
int mnpts;
double* dp;
//memoization table in case of complex dist functions
#define DP(i,j) dp[(data.size()*i)+j]
DbScan(vector<Rect>& _data,double _eps,int _mnpts):data(_data)
for(int i=0;i<data.size();i++)
void run()
dp = new double[data.size()*data.size()];
for(int i=0;i<data.size();i++)
for(int j=0;j<data.size();j++)
for(int i=0;i<data.size();i++)
vector<int> neighbours = regionQuery(i);
delete [] dp;
void expandCluster(int p,vector<int> neighbours)
for(int i=0;i<neighbours.size();i++)
vector<int> neighbours_p = regionQuery(neighbours[i]);
if (neighbours_p.size() >= mnpts)
bool isVisited(int i)
return labels[i]!=-99;
vector<int> regionQuery(int p)
vector<int> res;
for(int i=0;i<data.size();i++)
return res;
double dist2d(Point2d a,Point2d b)
return sqrt(pow(a.x-b.x,2) + pow(a.y-b.y,2));
double distanceFunc(int ai,int bi)
return DP(ai,bi);
Rect a = data[ai];
Rect b = data[bi];
Point2d cena= Point2d(a.x+a.width/2,
Point2d cenb = Point2d(b.x+b.width/2,
double dist = sqrt(pow(cena.x-cenb.x,2) + pow(cena.y-cenb.y,2));
Point2d tla =Point2d(a.x,a.y);
Point2d tra =Point2d(a.x+a.width,a.y);
Point2d bla =Point2d(a.x,a.y+a.height);
Point2d bra =Point2d(a.x+a.width,a.y+a.height);
Point2d tlb =Point2d(b.x,b.y);
Point2d trb =Point2d(b.x+b.width,b.y);
Point2d blb =Point2d(b.x,b.y+b.height);
Point2d brb =Point2d(b.x+b.width,b.y+b.height);
double minDist = 9999999;
minDist = min(minDist,dist2d(tla,tlb));
minDist = min(minDist,dist2d(tla,trb));
minDist = min(minDist,dist2d(tla,blb));
minDist = min(minDist,dist2d(tla,brb));
minDist = min(minDist,dist2d(tra,tlb));
minDist = min(minDist,dist2d(tra,trb));
minDist = min(minDist,dist2d(tra,blb));
minDist = min(minDist,dist2d(tra,brb));
minDist = min(minDist,dist2d(bla,tlb));
minDist = min(minDist,dist2d(bla,trb));
minDist = min(minDist,dist2d(bla,blb));
minDist = min(minDist,dist2d(bla,brb));
minDist = min(minDist,dist2d(bra,tlb));
minDist = min(minDist,dist2d(bra,trb));
minDist = min(minDist,dist2d(bra,blb));
minDist = min(minDist,dist2d(bra,brb));
return DP(ai,bi);
vector<vector<Rect> > getGroups()
vector<vector<Rect> > ret;
for(int i=0;i<=C;i++)
for(int j=0;j<data.size();j++)
return ret;
cv::Scalar HSVtoRGBcvScalar(int H, int S, int V) {
int bH = H; // H component
int bS = S; // S component
int bV = V; // V component
double fH, fS, fV;
double fR, fG, fB;
const double double_TO_BYTE = 255.0f;
const double BYTE_TO_double = 1.0f / double_TO_BYTE;
// Convert from 8-bit integers to doubles
fH = (double)bH * BYTE_TO_double;
fS = (double)bS * BYTE_TO_double;
fV = (double)bV * BYTE_TO_double;
// Convert from HSV to RGB, using double ranges 0.0 to 1.0
int iI;
double fI, fF, p, q, t;
if( bS == 0 ) {
// achromatic (grey)
fR = fG = fB = fV;
else {
// If Hue == 1.0, then wrap it around the circle to 0.0
if (fH>= 1.0f)
fH = 0.0f;
fH *= 6.0; // sector 0 to 5
fI = floor( fH ); // integer part of h (0,1,2,3,4,5 or 6)
iI = (int) fH; // " " " "
fF = fH - fI; // factorial part of h (0 to 1)
p = fV * ( 1.0f - fS );
q = fV * ( 1.0f - fS * fF );
t = fV * ( 1.0f - fS * ( 1.0f - fF ) );
switch( iI ) {
case 0:
fR = fV;
fG = t;
fB = p;
case 1:
fR = q;
fG = fV;
fB = p;
case 2:
fR = p;
fG = fV;
fB = t;
case 3:
fR = p;
fG = q;
fB = fV;
case 4:
fR = t;
fG = p;
fB = fV;
default: // case 5 (or 6):
fR = fV;
fG = p;
fB = q;
// Convert from doubles to 8-bit integers
int bR = (int)(fR * double_TO_BYTE);
int bG = (int)(fG * double_TO_BYTE);
int bB = (int)(fB * double_TO_BYTE);
// Clip the values to make sure it fits within the 8bits.
if (bR > 255)
bR = 255;
if (bR < 0)
bR = 0;
if (bG >255)
bG = 255;
if (bG < 0)
bG = 0;
if (bB > 255)
bB = 255;
if (bB < 0)
bB = 0;
// Set the RGB cvScalar with G B R, you can use this values as you want too..
return cv::Scalar(bB,bG,bR); // R component
int main(int argc,char** argv )
Mat im = imread("c:/data/football.png",0);
std::vector<std::vector<cv::Point> > contours;
std::vector<cv::Vec4i> hierarchy;
findContours(im.clone(), contours, hierarchy, CV_RETR_LIST, CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE);
vector<Rect> boxes;
for(size_t i = 0; i < contours.size(); i++)
Rect r = boundingRect(contours[i]);
DbScan dbscan(boxes,20,2);;
//done, perform display
Mat grouped = Mat::zeros(im.size(),CV_8UC3);
vector<Scalar> colors;
RNG rng(3);
for(int i=0;i<=dbscan.C;i++)
for(int i=0;i<;i++)
Scalar color;
int label=dbscan.labels[i];
putText(grouped,to_string(dbscan.labels[i]),[i].tl(), FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX,.5,color,1);
I agree with Sebastian Schmitz: you probably shouldn't be looking for clustering.
Don't expect an uninformed method such as k-means to work magic for you. In particular one that is as crude a heuristic as k-means, and which lives in an idealized mathematical world, not in messy, real data.
You have a good understanding of what you want. Try to put this intuition into code. In your case, you seem to be looking for connected components.
Consider downsampling your image to a lower resolution, then rerunning the same process! Or running it on the lower resolution right away (to reduce compression artifacts, and improve performance). Or adding filters, such as blurring.
I'd expect best and fastest results by looking at connected components in the downsampled/filtered image.
I am not entirely sure if you are really looking for clustering (in the Data Mining sense).
Clustering is used to group similar objects according to a distance function. In your case the distance function would only use the spatial qualities. Besides, in k-means clustering you have to specify a k, that you probably don't know beforehand.
It seems to me you just want to merge all rectangles whose borders are closer together than some predetermined threshold. So as a first idea try to merge all rectangles that are touching or that are closer together than half a players height.
You probably want to include a size check to minimize the risk of merging two players into one.
Edit: If you really want to use a clustering algorithm use one that estimates the number of clusters for you.
I guess you can improve your original attempt by using morphological transformations. Take a look at Probably you can deal with a closed set for each entity after that, specially with separate players as you got in your original image.

Creating vignette filter in opencv?

How we can make vignette filter in opencv? Do we need to implement any algorithm for it or only to play with the values of BGR ? How we can make this type of filters. I saw its implementation here but i didn't understand it clearly . Anyone with complete algorithms guidance and implementation guidance is highly appriciated.
After Abid rehman K answer I tried this in c++
int main()
Mat v;
Mat img = imread ("D:\\2.jpg");
img.convertTo(v, CV_32F);
Mat a,b,c,d,e;
a = getGaussianKernel(img.cols,300,CV_32F);
b = getGaussianKernel(img.rows,300,CV_32F);
c = b*a.t();
double minVal;
double maxVal;
cv::minMaxLoc(c, &minVal, &maxVal);
d = c/maxVal;
e = v*d ; // This line causing error
imshow ("venyiet" , e);
d is displaying right but e=v*d line is causing runtime error of
OpenCV Error: Assertion failed (type == B.type() && (type == CV_32FC1 || type ==
CV_64FC1 || type == CV_32FC2 || type == CV_64FC2)) in unknown function, file ..
\..\..\src\opencv\modules\core\src\matmul.cpp, line 711
First of all, Abid Rahman K describes the easiest way to go about this filter. You should seriously study his answer with time and attention. Wikipedia's take on Vignetting is also quite clarifying for those that had never heard about this filter.
Browny's implementation of this filter is considerably more complex. However, I ported his code to the C++ API and simplified it so you can follow the instructions yourself.
#include <math.h>
#include <vector>
#include <cv.hpp>
#include <highgui/highgui.hpp>
// Helper function to calculate the distance between 2 points.
double dist(CvPoint a, CvPoint b)
return sqrt(pow((double) (a.x - b.x), 2) + pow((double) (a.y - b.y), 2));
// Helper function that computes the longest distance from the edge to the center point.
double getMaxDisFromCorners(const cv::Size& imgSize, const cv::Point& center)
// given a rect and a line
// get which corner of rect is farthest from the line
std::vector<cv::Point> corners(4);
corners[0] = cv::Point(0, 0);
corners[1] = cv::Point(imgSize.width, 0);
corners[2] = cv::Point(0, imgSize.height);
corners[3] = cv::Point(imgSize.width, imgSize.height);
double maxDis = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
double dis = dist(corners[i], center);
if (maxDis < dis)
maxDis = dis;
return maxDis;
// Helper function that creates a gradient image.
// firstPt, radius and power, are variables that control the artistic effect of the filter.
void generateGradient(cv::Mat& mask)
cv::Point firstPt = cv::Point(mask.size().width/2, mask.size().height/2);
double radius = 1.0;
double power = 0.8;
double maxImageRad = radius * getMaxDisFromCorners(mask.size(), firstPt);
for (int i = 0; i < mask.rows; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < mask.cols; j++)
double temp = dist(firstPt, cv::Point(j, i)) / maxImageRad;
temp = temp * power;
double temp_s = pow(cos(temp), 4);<double>(i, j) = temp_s;
// This is where the fun starts!
int main()
cv::Mat img = cv::imread("stack-exchange-chefs.jpg");
if (img.empty())
std::cout << "!!! Failed imread\n";
return -1;
cv::namedWindow("Original", cv::WINDOW_NORMAL);
cv::resizeWindow("Original", img.size().width/2, img.size().height/2);
cv::imshow("Original", img);
What img looks like:
cv::Mat maskImg(img.size(), CV_64F);
cv::Mat gradient;
cv::normalize(maskImg, gradient, 0, 255, CV_MINMAX);
cv::imwrite("gradient.png", gradient);
What maskImg looks like:
cv::Mat labImg(img.size(), CV_8UC3);
cv::cvtColor(img, labImg, CV_BGR2Lab);
for (int row = 0; row < labImg.size().height; row++)
for (int col = 0; col < labImg.size().width; col++)
cv::Vec3b value =<cv::Vec3b>(row, col);
value.val[0] *=<double>(row, col);<cv::Vec3b>(row, col) = value;
cv::Mat output;
cv::cvtColor(labImg, output, CV_Lab2BGR);
//cv::imwrite("vignette.png", output);
cv::namedWindow("Vignette", cv::WINDOW_NORMAL);
cv::resizeWindow("Vignette", output.size().width/2, output.size().height/2);
cv::imshow("Vignette", output);
return 0;
What output looks like:
As stated in the code above, by changing the values of firstPt, radius and power you can achieve stronger/weaker artistic effects.
Good luck!
You can do a simple implementation using Gaussian Kernels available in OpenCV.
Load the image, Get its number of rows and columns
Create two Gaussian Kernels of size rows and columns, say A,B. Its variance depends upon your needs.
C = transpose(A)*B, ie multiply a column vector with a row vector such that result array should be same size as that of the image.
D = C/C.max()
E = img*D
See the implementation below (for a grayscale image):
import cv2
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
img = cv2.imread('temp.jpg',0)
row,cols = img.shape
a = cv2.getGaussianKernel(cols,300)
b = cv2.getGaussianKernel(rows,300)
c = b*a.T
d = c/c.max()
e = img*d
Below is my result:
Similarly for Color image:
NOTE : Of course, it is centered. You will need to make additional modifications to move focus to other places.
Similar one close to Abid's Answer. But the code is for the colored image
import cv2
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
img = cv2.imread('turtle.jpg',1)
rows,cols = img.shape[:2]
zeros = np.copy(img)
zeros[:,:,:] = 0
a = cv2.getGaussianKernel(cols,900)
b = cv2.getGaussianKernel(rows,900)
c = b*a.T
d = c/c.max()
zeros[:,:,0] = img[:,:,0]*d
zeros[:,:,1] = img[:,:,1]*d
zeros[:,:,2] = img[:,:,2]*d
Original Image (Taken from Pexels under CC0 Licence)
After Applying Vignette with a sigma of 900 (i.e `cv2.getGaussianKernel(cols,900))
After Applying Vignette with a sigma of 300 (i.e `cv2.getGaussianKernel(cols,300))
Additionally you can focus the vignette effect to the cordinates of your wish by simply shifting the mean of the gaussian to your focus point as follows.
import cv2
import numpy as np
img = cv2.imread('turtle.jpg',1)
fx,fy = 1465,180 # Add your Focus cordinates here
fx,fy = 145,1000 # Add your Focus cordinates here
sigma = 300 # Standard Deviation of the Gaussian
rows,cols = img.shape[:2]
fxn = fx - cols//2 # Normalised temperory vars
fyn = fy - rows//2
zeros = np.copy(img)
zeros[:,:,:] = 0
a = cv2.getGaussianKernel(2*cols ,sigma)[cols-fx:2*cols-fx]
b = cv2.getGaussianKernel(2*rows ,sigma)[rows-fy:2*rows-fy]
c = b*a.T
d = c/c.max()
zeros[:,:,0] = img[:,:,0]*d
zeros[:,:,1] = img[:,:,1]*d
zeros[:,:,2] = img[:,:,2]*d
zeros = add_alpha(zeros)
The size of the turtle image is 1980x1200 (WxH). The following is an example focussing at the cordinate 1465,180 (i.e fx,fy = 1465,180) (Note that I have reduced the variance to exemplify the change in focus)
The following is an example focussing at the cordinate 145,1000 (i.e fx,fy = 145,1000)
Here is my c++ implementation of Vignette filter on Colored Image using opencv. It is faster than the accepted answer.
#include "opencv2/core/core.hpp"
#include "opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp"
#include "opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp"
#include <iostream>
using namespace cv;
using namespace std;
double fastCos(double x){
x += 1.57079632;
if (x > 3.14159265)
x -= 6.28318531;
if (x < 0)
return 1.27323954 * x + 0.405284735 * x * x;
return 1.27323954 * x - 0.405284735 * x * x;
double dist(double ax, double ay,double bx, double by){
return sqrt((ax - bx)*(ax - bx) + (ay - by)*(ay - by));
int main(int argv, char** argc){
Mat src = cv::imread("filename_of_your_image.jpg");
Mat dst = Mat::zeros(src.size(), src.type());
double radius; //value greater than 0,
//greater the value lesser the visible vignette
//for a medium vignette use a value in range(0.5-1.5)
cin << radius;
double cx = (double)src.cols/2, cy = (double)src.rows/2;
double maxDis = radius * dist(0,0,cx,cy);
double temp;
for (int y = 0; y < src.rows; y++) {
for (int x = 0; x < src.cols; x++) {
temp = fastCos(dist(cx, cy, x, y) / maxDis);
temp *= temp;<Vec3b>(y, x)[0] =
saturate_cast<uchar>((<Vec3b>(y, x)[0]) * temp);<Vec3b>(y, x)[1] =
saturate_cast<uchar>((<Vec3b>(y, x)[1]) * temp );<Vec3b>(y, x)[2] =
saturate_cast<uchar>((<Vec3b>(y, x)[2]) * temp);
imshow ("Vignetted Image", dst);
Here is a C++ implementation of Vignetting for Grayscale Image
#include "opencv2/opencv.hpp"
#include "opencv2/core/core.hpp"
#include "opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp"
#include "opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp"
#include <iostream>
using namespace cv;
using namespace std;
int main(int argv, char** argc)
Mat test = imread("test.jpg", IMREAD_GRAYSCALE);
Mat kernel_X = getGaussianKernel(test.cols, 100);
Mat kernel_Y = getGaussianKernel(test.rows, 100);
Mat kernel_X_transpose;
transpose(kernel_X, kernel_X_transpose);
Mat kernel = kernel_Y * kernel_X_transpose;
Mat mask_v, proc_img;
normalize(kernel, mask_v, 0, 1, NORM_MINMAX);
test.convertTo(proc_img, CV_64F);
multiply(mask_v, proc_img, proc_img);
convertScaleAbs(proc_img, proc_img);
imshow ("Vignette", proc_img);
return 0;