How do I host my server from an external ip? - django

I run the command:
sudo python runserver
But when I enter:
Where the x's are my external ip. My iPhone can not access the site.
My friend did this before. How do I make this work?

A lot of things can be wrong with this. Open ports, firewalls and the list goes on and on. Regardless, the built-in django server is not suitable for production. It's intended for development and a load of one user.
Django says:
DO NOT USE THIS SERVER IN A PRODUCTION SETTING. It has not gone through security audits or performance tests. (And that’s how it’s gonna stay. We’re in the business of making Web frameworks, not Web servers, so improving this server to be able to handle a production environment is outside the scope of Django.)
See here for more details.

You probably have to enable port forwarding on your router, it blocks ports so that your external IP address is not vulnerable to attack. In order to do this go into your router's settings and forward the external port 8080 to the machine and port on your network that you are running your server on. You'll probably also want to make sure to reserve an internal IP address for that machine so that it won't change its IP each time you connect to the network, forcing you to change the settings and forward that port to whatever internal IP your machine gets.


How to ssh port forward into a server to access a mysql host server for local work on Django web app and Jupyter notebook?

I'm unfamiliar with this terrain, so if any one can guide me in a step by step manner- it would really help. My MySQL database sits on a AWS host X- "". It is blocked to access from individual local machines and is usually accessed from another working server Y- "" through port '3306'. Now it is especially inconvenient to access this via terminal SSH every time and scripts while they run, its hard to prototype or build an elaborate app. I'd like to set up a SSH tunnel from my local to server Y to be able to access MySQL host X from my local machine, to run queries from my locally deployed Jupyter notebook as well as local working-in-progress Django web app.
The reason why I ask for something more step-by-step is that I have to port forward to another server hosting a redis database which again is accessible through a specific server only. So, I'll be able to carry the solution from here to there too. I'm willing to go into chat as well if needed, but I need to resolve this rather quickly. Thanks!
PS: I've tried many guides off of the internet, but nothing has worked, it's become clear to me that I'm missing some foundational understanding or pathway. That's why I'm here, trying to start from the ground.

How do I access my Django server from outside?

My computer is connected to our college's local network. I am able to access my django server in the same network from another computer. When I try to do the same from an outside internet connection, I get an " Webpage not found error" . I used the ip given by to access it from outside. Also, I started the server using the command : python runserver 0:8000
Use something like:
These create a tunnel to your localhost. You cannot host from a common IP shared by an internal network. Read more about localhost here:
Please note that the tools above allow you to share a link to your site and is mostly meant for development and testing. If you really want to host a Django server, either do it on an external server or contact your infrastructure team in college to see if they even allow such a thing.
For external hosting, Heroku ( can be a good option with a reasonable free plan.
This depends on your college network. Often, computers in local networkds are behind a NAT (one single external ip for several clients). At this point, the request cannot be routed from out- to inside. Maybe a college technician can help you to route your page.
I think it's first important to note that runserver is for local development. It is not meant to be used for deployment.
If you want to access your website from "outside", you should consider deploying it. You can then read more about this here :
Also, like stated in other answers, depending on how is configured your college network, it may not be possible to access your development server from outside, because :
It probably has NAT rules for local networks
There are probably port restrictions and a firewall for outside access (usually college networks are very restrictive from inside AND from outside)

Accessing a Jetty server from an external machine

I have made a simple Jetty server using this tutorial here,
Now that I have the initial steps completed, I can succesfully connect to my server by entering localhost:8080/hello or in my browser. Everything is going great up until this point. The servlet is working properly.
I am now interested in connecting to the server using "Machine B". I want to build a server that can be connected by any browser, anywhere.
My IP is XX.173.XXX.216, parts hidden for obvious privacy reasons. On my "Machine B" I try and enter XX.173.XXX.216:8080/hello into the browser URL. The website cannot be found. From experience I questioned my port mapping and opened my 8080 port.
After a few google searches and a while of reading, I give up. Does anyone know a possible solution to my problem? Are there any further steps I need to do in the setup of the Jetty server to make it accessible from external machines?
It is usually not hard getting from the inside of a firewall and out. It is much trickier to get from the outside and in (just have a look at the hoops Skype jumps through to be able to get two computers each behind a firewall to talk to each other directly).
First of all you need to ensure that Jetty listens to the right network devices.
Identify the IP-number of the computer running Jetty (not and see if you can connect to "http://that-ip-number:8080" from the machine itself. If this doesn't work, fix your jetty configuration. Then put another computer on the same network and connect to "http://that-ip-number:8080" too. This MUST work before you go any further. If this doesn't work, fix your firewall configuration on the computer running Jetty.
When the above works,then you can start thinking about exposing the port through your router. The router most likely has a web interface where you can configure this, but the easiest way to do that is to use a uPNP tool (if your router supports that) which can redirect an external port to a specific host and port on your internal network. I use "Port Map" under OS X which has a very simple interface.
Good luck

Making my TCP server Internet-facing - where should I start?

I have written a client/server code.
The server program executes on a terminal which plainly receives text data from the client and the client is a GUI where in you could specify the IP address of the machine where the server would be running.
However this works only in a closed Network(LAN).
I have just learnt TCP IP and have written a few codes that run on a LAN.
I wanted to make this program work across the network(over the internet).
But I have some basic doubts like,does one need the permission of the local ISP for such programs to execute across the internet.Does it involve buying a domain or some kind of permissions?
Can some one please help me on,what should I be doing,or where should I start from?
Listener have to have IP port opened in some way. If you are behind router, you should set proper port forwarding on router and if ISP provides its own subnet, you should know how to setup such link. (i do not know what kind of tehnology ISP might use for this).
For beginning you do not need you own domain name but you should be able to address by ip. If you need domain, register own domain name or create subdomain for free (i was using )
If your server is behind a router which creates a LAN, you have to configure the router that it will forward the packages from your client to the server.
You have to forward all the incoming packages at the specific port to the local ip of the server.

Mac OS X web sharing and Django

I created a web app with Django and I have it running on localhost (, my question is, how can I make it available to the world, using Mac OS X's web sharing or something?
While you start the server specify the public ip or for any ip use
sudo python runserver
If you start your application without ip and port its bind only for loopback which is and will not accessible in your network.
First off, I would strongly suggest you not to serve a website from your Mac. It's a really bad idea™. Both Mac OS X web sharing and Django's included http server (which I assume you're using) are intended for testing purposes only, for a number of reasons concerning speed, security et al. which is frankly too long to post here (but I hope that someone will :)
Second, it's already open to the world: anyone can connect to your computer using your IP address instead of the loopback (unless you're NATted). This, again, is quite useful to test it (and have your friends/colleagues/boss) test it temporarily, but again is not fit for production use. Really.
It depends what your real purpose is, what you mean by "available to the world...or something". If you do want it to be permanently accessible from the web, you need to host it on a server (be it shared or dedicated), you won't keep your Mac turned on forever, will you? :)
For hosting Django on shared hosting - I'd recommend webfaction, step-by-step tutorials on setting up Django project can be found in their screencasts and forums (9.50$ per month for basic plan, with two months money-back guarantee, which actually works, tried myself:). More options in
For dedicated server, ask yourself if you favor managing whole server(OS, web server, database server, memcache, firewall, backups...)yourself. If the answer is "yes", check out Linode, Rackspace, or Slicehost or even amazon web services, but bear in mind it's more expensive, it's way more complicated, but that's what gives you the ultimated flexibility. Once you are ready to try - this is one of the best tutorials i've found in net for a given subject.
If all you need is a proof of concept, that "whatever i can access from my web browser, should be accessible from anywhere in the world", ask your ISP if you are given the private IPaddress. If not, hm, better go for options mentioned above :) If you do, then find out what IP it is by visiting Then start the web server as Prashanth suggested, and enter the IP address from in your browser. Get nothing? a)turn off firewall of MacOSx. still nothing? b)connect your Mac directly to ethernet cable your ISP provides, without router in between. Retry entering your ouside IP in the browser. Works? great, go google "Port forwarding ", this will tell you have to configure your router to have the same effect when router is being used. Doesn't? Ask separate question in stackoverflow and provide as much details about what you are doing as you can.
Mac os Web sharing is uselless if the packets aren't routed correctly to reach your computer on a network. I guess all it can do is start apache, and open some ports in a firewall. But if your personal router or ISP wont forward external packets to your computer - you won't get what you want.
Good luck!