Using Xamarin.Android layout preview with Dot42 - dot42

Would it be possible to me to use Xamarin layout previewer inside a dot42 project? I'm about to switch my environment from Xamarin to Dot42, and the only thing that - I think - could be missing is a support for layout preview. Does by any chance someone made the test?
I know that Xamarin.Android requires business edition to be used in Visual Studio, so I fear there is no way with dot42 to see xml layouts.
Any possibility?


How to hide items in the solution explorer in Visual Studio 2017

I've got an Entity Framework Core 2.1 project in which for some reason VS has decided to spam my solution items with dlls, props and target files as you can see below.
Is there any way to hide these files? Strangely enough they're not even in that file location.

Is there any .editorconfig GUI editor?

EditorConfig is amazing tool, and I'm excited that in vs2017 developers can use it out of the box. But there are too many settings which should be set for each project. Visual Studio and ReSharper have awesome syntax code style editor, with GUI and live preview. But I haven't found same tool for EditorConfig. Otherwise it would be great if anybody knows way to export ReSharper or VS setting in .editorconfig format. I mean full settings with csharp specific. Actually, all settings specified here
Mads Kristensen has written an extension that allows you to add editorconfig file and it comes complete with intellisense for VS2017 - "EditorConfig Language Service"
Check it out here or download from VS2017. No UI, but you don't need a UI with this. Not a bad starter for ten...
Visual Studio 16.10 added a UI for editing editorconfig files.

Windowed XAML App

I want to make a windowed app in XAML on Windows 8 in C++, but the only XAML options as far as I can tell are Metro (casual) apps (full screen). However, my app is not a casual app, and as such I want it to be a desktop (windowed) app. Also, I would like Window 7 users who hate Windows 8 to be able to use it.
Is there any way? Changing <Page ... </Page> to <Window ... </Window> doesn't seem to fix the issue (at least for me). I know Visual Studio 2012 can do Windowed XAML C# as I opened a project from a while back and it runs windowed.
Is this just a project setting or what?
EDIT: It's not a project setting; you're attempting something that was never supported. C++ is not a WPF language. You'll need to use C# or Visual Basic to build a WPF Desktop app, which is supported both in VS2012 and VS2010. Sorry I missed the fact that you're working in C++.
(C# should not be a steep learning curve, if you haven't used it before and you're used to C++. And you can port C++ over in CLR libraries if needed.)
Probably, it's just a project setting, and it depends on the version of Visual Studio you have. I think the Express versions of Visual Studio 2012 only permit the creation of "Metro-style" apps, while the Professional, Premier, or Ultimate editions have desktop (WPF or Silverlight) target projects.
To be sure, start up a new solution and see if you're given the choice. If not, you probably don't have the right version of VS2012. Be sure to check down the treeview of project types to make sure that you haven't missed one. If it's really the Professional version of VS2012, it'll be in there or it'll be downloadable.

Rich gui in MFC/C++ application

we have once application build using MFC/C++. We want make the bit rich UI like VS 2010 or outlook etc... at last we want give new look to our app like Microsoft does on every release of their products.
Please suggest me to topic that i need to look into or suggest me the option for the same.
If you're using Visual Studio 2010 or higher, the MFC application wizard itself will generate UI like VS 2010 with tabs and docking windows. In fact you can create an application that looks like VS 2010 without writing a single line of code. There is also support for the ribbon control which has replaced the menus in the new office applications.
As I am assuming you are going to use C++/native code, MFC is still the way to go or you can choose the WTL also. If you are ready yo go to a totally different direction then QT is one of the most advanced and modern cross platform library. MFC feels old compared to QT. AFAIK you can not use ribbon control in QT without microsoft license.
Another option is to go to managed way, you can use WPF with C#.
As already mentioned, you can use the new classes in the MFC feature pack, which came with Visual Studio 2008 Service Pack 1.
MSDN provided a tutorial how to migrate an old MFC application to the new MFC feature pack classes here:

Add a web reference programmatically in .NET compact framework

I'm using a development environment which is based on .NET compact framework for Windows CE operating system. The development environment is pretty closed, but the scripting interface is like a classic code view of a Windows forms application in Visual Studio.
I need to add a reference to a web service in order to consume some methods, but there is no visual support.
How do I add a reference / create my proxy object programmatically in the code?
Which assembly/namespace should I use?
In Visual Studio 2008 (or higher probably) if you right click the References folder for your project in the Solution Explorer pane, there is an option for "Add Web Reference". I'd do that and then copy the code generated to whatever IDE you're using (since it sounds like it's not VS). You also might be able to use WSDL.exe