Passing web request context transparently to a celery task - flask

I've a multi-tenant setup where I'd like to pass certain customer specific information, specifically to the celery task, where ideally it should be available in a global variable. Is there a way to set this up, in a manner transparent to the application?
the task would be called the same way:
my_background_func.delay(foo, bar)
the task is defined the same way, except that it has access to a global variable called 'request' having an attribute 'host':
def my_background_func(foo, bar):
print "running the task for host:" +

here's how I solved it ...
class MyTask(Task):
abstract = True
def delay(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self.apply_async(args, kwargs, headers={'host':})
on the client:
#celery_app.task(base=MyTask, bind=True)
def hellohost(task):
return "hello " + task.request.headers['host']
it works, but strangely hellohost.delay().get() hangs on the client


Does Django Channels support a synchronous long-polling consumer?

I'm using Channels v2.
I want to integrate long-polling into my project.
The only consumer I see in the documentation for http long polling is the AsyncHttpConsumer.
The code I need to run in my handle function is not asynchronous. It connects to another device on the network using a library that is not asynchronous. From what I understand, this will cause the event loop to block, which is bad.
Can I run my handler synchronously, in a thread somehow? There's a SyncConsumer, but that seems to have something to do with Web Sockets. It doesn't seem applicable to Long Polling.
Using AsyncHttpConsumer as a reference, I was able to write an almost exact duplicate of the class, but subclassing SyncConsumer instead of AsyncConsumer as AsyncHttpConsumer does.
After a bit of testing, I soon realized that since my code was all running in a single thread, until the handle() method finished running, which presumably runs until done, the disconnect() method wouldn't be triggered, so there was no way to interrupt a long running handle() method, even if the client disconnects.
The following new version runs handle() in a thread, and gives the user 2 ways to check if the client disconnected:
from channels.consumer import SyncConsumer
from channels.exceptions import StopConsumer
from threading import Thread, Event
# We can't pass self.client_disconnected to handle() as a reference if it's
# a regular bool. That means if we use a regular bool, and the variable
# changes in this thread, it won't change in the handle() method. Using a
# class fixes this.
# Technically, we could just pass the Event() object
# (self.client_disconnected) to the handle() method, but then the client
# needs to know to use .is_set() instead of just checking if it's True or
# False. This is easier for the client.
class RefBool:
def __init__(self):
self.val = Event()
def set(self):
def __bool__(self):
return self.val.is_set()
def __repr__(self):
current_value = bool(self)
return f"RefBool({current_value})"
class SyncHttpConsumer(SyncConsumer):
Sync HTTP consumer. Provides basic primitives for building synchronous
HTTP endpoints.
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.handle_thread = None
self.client_disconnected = RefBool()
self.body = []
def send_headers(self, *, status=200, headers=None):
Sets the HTTP response status and headers. Headers may be provided as
a list of tuples or as a dictionary.
Note that the ASGI spec requires that the protocol server only starts
sending the response to the client after ``self.send_body`` has been
called the first time.
if headers is None:
headers = []
elif isinstance(headers, dict):
headers = list(headers.items())
{"type": "http.response.start", "status": status, "headers": headers}
def send_body(self, body, *, more_body=False):
Sends a response body to the client. The method expects a bytestring.
Set ``more_body=True`` if you want to send more body content later.
The default behavior closes the response, and further messages on
the channel will be ignored.
assert isinstance(body, bytes), "Body is not bytes"
{"type": "http.response.body", "body": body, "more_body": more_body}
def send_response(self, status, body, **kwargs):
Sends a response to the client. This is a thin wrapper over
``self.send_headers`` and ``self.send_body``, and everything said
above applies here as well. This method may only be called once.
self.send_headers(status=status, **kwargs)
def handle(self, body):
Receives the request body as a bytestring. Response may be composed
using the ``self.send*`` methods; the return value of this method is
thrown away.
raise NotImplementedError(
"Subclasses of SyncHttpConsumer must provide a handle() method."
def disconnect(self):
Overrideable place to run disconnect handling. Do not send anything
from here.
def http_request(self, message):
Sync entrypoint - concatenates body fragments and hands off control
to ``self.handle`` when the body has been completely received.
if "body" in message:
if not message.get("more_body"):
full_body = b"".join(self.body)
self.handle_thread = Thread(target=self.handle, args=(full_body, self.client_disconnected), daemon=True)
def http_disconnect(self, message):
Let the user do their cleanup and close the consumer.
raise StopConsumer()
The SyncHttpConsumer class is used very similarly to how you would use the AsyncHttpConsumer class - you subclass it, and define a handle() method. The only difference is that the handle() method takes an extra arg:
class MyClass(SyncHttpConsumer):
def handle(self, body, client_disconnected):
while not client_disconnected:
Or you could, just like with the AsyncHttpConsumer class, override the disconnect() method instead if you prefer.
I'm still not sure if this is the best way to do this, or why Django Channels doesn't include something like this in addition to AsyncHttpConsumer. If anyone knows, please let us know.

Getting celery task id

I have made something like that
def some_task()
def some_func()
So I receive normal id inside some_task, but it equals to None inside some_func. How can I get real task id?
You could bind the task and pass the request around rather than relying on a global.
def some_task(self)
def some_func(celery_request=None)
# celery_request is optional assuming you're using it elsewhere.
if celery_request:

Factory instance not creating a new deferred

I am pretty new to Twisted, so I am sure this is a rookie mistake. I have built a simple server which receives a message from the client and upon receipt of message the server fires a callback which prints the message to the console.
At first instance, the server works as expected. Unfortunately, when I start up a second client I get the follow error "twisted.internet.defer.AlreadyCalledError." It was my understanding that the factory would make a new instance of the deferred i.e. the new deferred wouldn't have been called before?
Please see the code below. Any help would be very appreciated.
import sys
from twisted.internet.protocol import ServerFactory, Protocol
from twisted.internet import defer
class LockProtocol(Protocol):
lockData = ''
def dataReceived(self, data):
self.lockData += data
if self.lockData.endswith('??'):
def lockDataReceived(self, lockData):
class LockServerFactory(ServerFactory):
protocol = LockProtocol
def __init__(self):
self.deferred = defer.Deferred() # Initialise deferred
def lockDataFinished(self, lockData):
def clientConnectionFailed(self, connector, reason):
def main():
HOST = '' # localhost
PORT = 10001
def got_lockData(lockData):
print "We have received lockData. It is as follows:", lockData
def lockData_failed(err):
print >> sys.stderr, 'The lockData download failed.'
factory = LockServerFactory()
from twisted.internet import reactor
# Listen for TCP connections on a port, and use our factory to make a protocol instance for each new connection
port = reactor.listenTCP(PORT,factory)
print 'Serving on %s' % port.getHost()
# Set up callbacks
factory.deferred.addCallbacks(got_lockData,lockData_failed) # Start the reactor
if __name__ == '__main__':
Notice that there is only one LockServerFactory ever created in your program:
factory = LockServerFactory()
However, as many LockProtocol instances are created as connections are accepted. If you have per-connection state, the place to put it is on LockProtocol.
It looks like your "lock data completed" event is not a one-off so a Deferred is probably not the right abstraction for this job.
Instead of a LockServerFactory with a Deferred that fires when that event happens, perhaps you want a multi-use event handler, perhaps custom built:
class LockServerFactory(ServerFactory):
protocol = LockProtocol
def __init__(self, lockDataFinished):
self.lockDataFinished = lockDataFinished
factory = LockServerFactory(got_lockData)
(Incidentally, notice that I've dropped clientConnectionFailed from this implementation: that's a method of ClientFactory. It will never be called on a server factory.)

Flask global exception handling

How could one handle exceptions globally with Flask? I have found ways to use the following to handle custom db interactions:
except sqlalchemy.exc.IntegrityError, exc:
reason = exc.message
if reason.endswith('is not unique'):
print "%s already exists" % exc.params[0]
The problem with try-except is I would have to run that on every aspect of my code. I can find better ways to do that for custom code. My question is directed more towards global catching and handling for:
I have found that this apimanager accepts validation_exceptions: [ValidationError] but I have found no examples of this being used.
I still would like a higher tier of handling that effects all db interactions with a simple concept of "If this error: show this, If another error: show something else" that just runs on all interactions/exceptions automatically without me including it on every apimanager (putting it in my base_writable_api_settings is fine I guess). (IntegrityError, NameError, DataError, DatabaseError, etc)
I tend to set up an error handler on the app that formats the exception into a json response. Then you can create custom exceptions like UnauthorizedException...
class Unauthorized(Exception):
status_code = 401
def _(error):
trace = traceback.format_exc()
status_code = getattr(error, 'status_code', 400)
response_dict = dict(getattr(error, 'payload', None) or ())
response_dict['message'] = getattr(error, 'message', None)
response_dict['traceback'] = trace
response = jsonify(response_dict)
response.status_code = status_code
return response
You can also handle specific exceptions using this pattern...
def handle_validation_error(error):
# Do something...
Error handlers get attached to the app, not the apimanager. You probably have something like
app = Flask()
apimanager = ApiManager(app)
Put this somewhere using that app object.
My preferred approach uses decorated view-functions.
You could define a decorator like the following:
def handle_exceptions(func):
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
return func(*args, **kwargs)
except ValidationError:
# do something
except HTTPException:
# do something else ...
except MyCustomException:
# do a third thing
Then you can simply decorate your view-functions, e.g.
def index():
# ...
I unfortunately do not know about the hooks Flask-Restless offers for passing view-functions.

How to have django give a HTTP response before continuing on to complete a task associated to the request?

In my django piston API, I want to yield/return a http response to the the client before calling another function that will take quite some time. How do I make the yield give a HTTP response containing the desired JSON and not a string relating to the creation of a generator object?
My piston handler method looks like so:
def create(self, request):
data =
*other operations......................*
response = rc.CREATED
response.content = {"id":str(}
yield response
Instead of the response I want, like:
The client gets a string like this:
"<generator object create at 0x102c50050>"
I realise that using yield was the wrong way to go about this, in essence what I am trying to achieve is that the client receives a response right away before the server moves onto the time costly function of manage_incident()
This doesn't have anything to do with generators or yielding, but I've used the following code and decorator to have things run in the background while returning the client an HTTP response immediately.
def long_process():
do things...
def some_view(request):
return HttpResponse(...)
And here's the code to make it work:
import atexit
import Queue
import threading
from django.core.mail import mail_admins
def _worker():
while True:
func, args, kwargs = _queue.get()
func(*args, **kwargs)
import traceback
details = traceback.format_exc()
mail_admins('Background process exception', details)
_queue.task_done() # so we can join at exit
def postpone(func):
def decorator(*args, **kwargs):
_queue.put((func, args, kwargs))
return decorator
_queue = Queue.Queue()
_thread = threading.Thread(target=_worker)
_thread.daemon = True
def _cleanup():
_queue.join() # so we don't exit too soon
Perhaps you could do something like this (be careful though):
import threading
def create(self, request):
data =
# do stuff...
t = threading.Thread(target=manage_incident,
return response
Have anyone tried this? Is it safe? My guess is it's not, mostly because of concurrency issues but also due to the fact that if you get a lot of requests, you might also get a lot of processes (since they might be running for a while), but it might be worth a shot.
Otherwise, you could just add the incident that needs to be managed to your database and handle it later via a cron job or something like that.
I don't think Django is built either for concurrency or very time consuming operations.
Someone have tried it, seems to work.
Edit 2
These kind of things are often better handled by background jobs. The Django Background Tasks library is nice, but there are others of course.
You've turned your view into a generator thinking that Django will pick up on that fact and handle it appropriately. Well, it won't.
def create(self, request):
return HttpResponse(real_create(request))
Since you seem to be having trouble... visualizing it...
def stuff():
print 1
yield 'foo'
print 2
for i in stuff():
print i