How to make the Visual Studio profiler show function calls properly - c++

My Visual Studio (2012) does only show me the .exe and .dll files in the profiler. I searched the internet but I can not find a proper answer to my question. I asked my teachers aswell, but none seem to know the answer.
This is the only thing I see:
EDIT: I still can't seem to fix this, after +- 2 months. I tried some settings and my project settings have "Generate Debug Information" set to "Yes".

Please update to the latest version of Visual Studio 2012 (it has some symbol bug fixes). The problem you are seeing means we cannot decode the symbols, let me know if the update doesn't fix your issue


Cannot open source file in a CMake Project in Visual Studio

I have a C++ Project in Visual Studio 2022 (Windows 11) that is put together using CMake. I understand that the difference here is, that my project is not a Solution but rather just folders with code and the CMake tells it how to compile it?
But my problem is, that it doesn't seem to find C's standard libraries and shows error "cannot open sourcefile".
The error is definitely not in the project, since it runs just fine on my laptop, just not on the PC I want it to run on.
How can I tell it where these libraries are? Where are they located even?
Any help would be greatly appreciated and I can share more files on request.
Things I have tried:
Going to properties and choose the correct Windows SDK Version - The properties are empty
Comparing every variable of the CMake Settings with the ones on my laptop where it works
completely reinstalling Visual Studio (yes I did that)
looking through lots of StackOverflow questions but none of them describe my problem

Updated Visual Studio, OpenCV Project No Longer Working

I had this working OpenCV project in visual studio 2017. I update Visual Studio to version 15.6.4 yesterday and the project no longer worked. The include files are still there, so are the dlls. The environment settings have not changed.
I tried opening other OpenCV projects that I know also worked for sure before the update and I'm getting the same error so I know my it's most likely not my code.
Here are the errors I'm getting:
I'd really appreciate any help if possible. It was a huge hassle for me getting the environment running the first time and now for this to happen is insanely frustrating, I just really want to start worrying about the actual code instead of all these inconvenient problems that are stopping me dead in my tracks.
After the update, the project was targeted for Windows SDK version 10.0.16299.0 which was not found on my device.
I right clicked on the solution and clicked retarget solution and that fixed the problem.

Program looking for msvcp140D.dll instead of msvcp120D.dll

Before you say that this is a duplicate question, I have tried everything I could find on stackoverflow and Microsoft forums but none of them worked for me. I have Visual Studio 2013 installed on my Windows 10 machine. My project's target and platform versions say V 12 but when I try to open the executable, it tries to find msvcp140D.dll instead of msvcp120D.dll
How do I make it get the msvcp120D.dll?
I have both the 2015 and 2013 C++ distributables installed.
I also tried to change the code generation properties to /mT and /mTD but it gives a lot of errors when I do that. Any help appreciated. Thanks in advance!

C++ Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 Debug issue (Cannot find or open the PDB file.)

Very new to coding as well as compilers. I have recently started learning C++ and have been attempting to use Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 as my compiler. Unfortunately every time I try to compile even the simplest of programs, I continuously get the same error. I have looked for other solutions but everything seems to be outdated showing either 2010 or 2013 Microsoft VS. I have tried editing the debug options, "Load dll exports (Native Only) as I saw that that could have been a possible solutions but that also did not solve the issue. If anyone can help me out it would be very much appreciated, also if you could explain the issue as simply as possible it would also be much appreciated as I said before, I know very little about coding or the compilers yet.
In Debug -> Options -> Symbols check if you have folder where you have PDBs and Microsoft Server. Also create folder for Cache, and have "Load all modules" checked
Get Debug -> Windows -> Modules, and start app step by step. Go inside until you see you app in Modules, right click on your module and try to force loading symbols.

VS 2010 intellisense not working for upconverted project

We have a very big C++ solution with several projects for which intellisense works perfectly in Visual Studio 2008, but not at all in Visual Studio 2010 (not even for structs defined in the same file where they are used). I've verified that intellisense does work in VS 2010 for other projects on my machine. I've tried importing one of the problematic projects from a brand-new solution with no success. Re-building the project files from scratch seems promising, but it would require days of work to follow that path, with no guarantee of success at the end. Any alternative suggestions are welcome. The actual error message I get is:
"Intellisense: 'No additional information available'(See 'Troubleshooting IntelliSense in C++ Projects' for further help.)
I've tried that, but there's basically only one suggestion on the MSDN webpage, to make sure "stdafx.h" on the include path, but we're not using precompiled headers and don't include it from anywhere, so I'm pretty sure that's not the problem.
Have you deleted all of the generated database (.ncb and .sdf) files? Corrupted database files is the most likely cause of Visual Studio failing to display IntelliSense.
Intellisense was not included as a component of Visual Studio 2010 for C++/CLI. Unfortunately, it seems they are not going to support it soon either. This is an incredible detriment, as i find myself having to open VS2005 on occasion to simply find an object member.
Here is Microsoft's release on the subject: