C++ Access Violation while calling dll function - c++

I am actually using an unmanaged C++ DLL, and I don't have access to the .h, .cpp or .lib, but only to the .DLL.
After using PE Explorer and finding the function I wanted to use, here is what I get :
#Tdtm_Dossier#Logon$qv; Index 1310; Unmangled Borland C++ Function: qualified function Tdtm_Dossier::Logon()
And here is what I get from using dumpbin :
1310 11F9 00105234 #Tdtm_Dossier#Logon$qv
Here is the exception :
Unhandled Exception at 0x034B258C (modDll.dll) in functionsCpp.exe : 0xC0000005 :
Access violation writting to 0x000000AC.
The code I am using to call and use this function is as follow :
#include <stdio.h>
#include <Windows.h>
#include <iostream>
typedef int (*Logon)();
int main()
int resultLogon;
modDll= LoadLibrary("C:\\dll\\modDll.dll");
Logon logon;
logon = (Logon)GetProcAddress(modDll,"#Tdtm_Dossier#Logon$qv");
resultLogon = logon(); //<-- This is where I get the exception
printf("Function has been loaded\n");
// TODO: Error message
Since the DLL documentation doesn't give me any interesting information on how to use the function, I can't count on it.
The DLL is correctly loaded and the GetProcAddress does return something. I guess (but I'm not sure) that it has something to do with my typedef, but I can't figure out what could be the return type of this function.

If you read e.g. this document on Borland C++ name mangling you might figure out that the symbol name "#Tdtm_Dossier#Logon$qv" represents a non-static member function of the class Tdtm_Dossier. You can't call non-static member function like normal functions, they have a hidden first argument that becomes the this pointer in the member function.
What's happening here is probably that the Logon member function tries to access member variables of the object instance, of which there is none, which leads to undefined behavior and a crash.
To be able to use this library you need the header file and the link library. You can't just call functions (member or not) and hope for the best.


c++ LoadLibrary() and GetProcAddress

I have a DLL I was handed down by a device manufacturer.
I can effortlessly call all its functions from a MS Console application (not from Qt or C++ Builder) but not from an MFC/WinAPI application? In an effort to work around the problem, I'm exploring the LoadLibrary() route. I am experimenting with this code, in VS2019 :
HINSTANCE hInstance = LoadLibrary(L"DEVICE.dll");
int(*fnDLLFuncAddress)(void) = (int(*)(void))GetProcAddress(hInstance2, "Device_RegisterDeviceEventHandler");
I have the impression that the code is working since this is the fnDLLFunAddress content :
fnDLLFuncAddress = DEVICE.dll!0x00007ffa66adda20 (load symbols for additional information)
Two questions, if I may. First, where would I look for "load symbols for additional information"? And the second, less obvious, is, once I have the Function address, in the form of a pointer, do I simply use the explicitely linked function name in lieu of the original function call to the DLL?
To start the program, I need to launch the following Event Handler, defined this way :
DEVICE_ERROR_TYPES __stdcall FPtr_Device_RegisterDeviceEventHandler(const FPtr_DeviceEventHandler inHandler);
In main(), the way I'm expected to launch the DeviceHandler is with this call :
deviceError = fnDLLFuncAddress(EventNotice);
Where "deviceError" is defined in DEVICE_ERROR_TYPES enum.
The EventNotice function is defined this way :
void EventNotice(EventCode outEventCode, uint32 outRAWDataCount, DEVICE_ERROR_TYPES outError);
When I try to execute the call, the compiler complains with E0140 "Too many arguments in function call" and E0513 "a value of type "int" cannot be assigned to an entity of type "DEVICE_ERROR_TYPES".
My intuition tells me I should try supplying the "EventNotice" function address in the function call? Is it simply a matter of "dereferencing" the function name like "*EventNotice"?
If this was to work, I guess I'd still have to resolve the "incompatible" return type of the RegisterDeviceHandler call?
Any help is appreciated.
=== additional note ===================
The reason I'm having difficulty, I think, is because I am unable to replicate the original "RegisterDeviceHandler" function prototype?
With GetProAddress(), I'm able to get a pointer to the function address in the DLL but that does not give me the corresponding "function declaration"?

confused with ::function statement

I have see codes' example such as ::function() in VS C++ but I cannot uniderstand what does it means.
I understand that :: is used for accessing the member function from outside class, but I have seen examples where I do not find this case. For example in following code
// For painting in memory
class MemCanvas: public Canvas
MemCanvas (HDC hdc)
: Canvas (::CreateCompatibleDC (hdc))
~MemCanvas ()
See the ::CreateCompatibleDC() function !!
I understand that it is defined in the Windows.h but how it is defined here I cannot guess.
:: refers to the global namespace.
As a prefix for a function call it indicates that this is not a member function, it's a global namespace function.
Together with the naming convention for Windows API functions, it pretty much identifies a Windows API function as such. To the reader. Usually there's no naming conflict so it's not necessary for the compiler: it's just a device to communicate to a reader of the code.

Calling sqrt from dll in C++. Access violation

I am thoroughly stumped on this one, can you please help.
I am trying to call the sqrt from a function with a Dll. When doing so I get the following error,
First-chance exception at 0x000082bc in DllTest.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation.
The exception happens when the sqrt is called.
The code in my Dll is (contained in the header)
#include <math.h>
extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) float MyFunction (void)
float f(10.0f);
float r(sqrt(f));
return r;
Which is run from a command line application. (Contained in the cpp file)
#include "stdafx.h"
typedef float (*MyDllFn)(void);
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
HMODULE module = LoadLibraryEx(_T("MyDll.dll"),
MyDllFn pMyDllFunction ((MyDllFn) GetProcAddress(module, "MyFunction"));
float sqrt10 = pMyDllFunction();
return 0;
I have tried moving the sqrt into the cpp file which made no difference. I am really not sure why this could be happening so any help is greatly appreciated.
You are not performing any error checking at all.
Quite possibly LoadLibraryEx fails and returns NULL. Then GetProcAddress fails and returns NULL. You then try to call a function at address NULL. Or perhaps LoadLibraryEx succeeds, but the call to GetProcAddress fails because you got the function name wrong. The function name looks right, but there is always the possibility of name mangling or decoration. Granted the way you have exported it means neither of those should happen. So I rather suspect that module is NULL.
The use of DONT_RESOLVE_DLL_REFERENCES puzzles me. I cannot imagine why you included that. The documentation says:
If this value is used, and the executable module is a DLL, the system
does not call DllMain for process and thread initialization and
termination. Also, the system does not load additional executable
modules that are referenced by the specified module.
Note Do not use this value; it is provided only for backward compatibility. If you are planning to access only data or resources in
LOAD_LIBRARY_AS_IMAGE_RESOURCE or both. Otherwise, load the library as
a DLL or executable module using the LoadLibrary function.
That is as clear as can be. Do not use this value. In fact, you should just call LoadLibrary. You do not need the added functionality that LoadLibraryEx offers.
The fact that the error is raised in the DllTest.exe module indicates that you never make it into the DLL. And so I'm reasonably confident that one of my hypotheses above is accurate.
Add some error checking. The documentation for the functions that you call tell you how to do that. Specifically you will need to check the return values of the functions that you call. For both of these functions a return value of NULL indicates failure. And, for both of these functions, when they fail you can obtain an error code by calling GetLastError. But not all Win32 functions work that way so always read the documentation carefully and always check for errors.
You want code that looks like this:
HMODULE module = LoadLibrary(L"MyDll.dll");
if (module == NULL)
return GetLastError(); // or do some real error handling
MyDllFn pMyDllFunction = (MyDllFn)GetProcAddress(module, "MyFunction");
if (pMyDllFunction == NULL)
return GetLastError(); // or do some real error handling
float sqrt10 = pMyDllFunction();

ESP Error when I call an API function?

platform : win32 , language : c++
I get this error when I call an imported function I declared:
Run-Time Check Failure #0 - The value of ESP was not properly saved
across a function call. This is
usually a result of calling a function
declared with one calling convention
with a function pointer declared with
a different calling convention.
And this is the code I used:
int LoadSongFromFile(int module);
typedef int (CALLBACK* loadSongT)(LPCTSTR);
loadSongT loadSongPtr = NULL;
dllHandle = LoadLibrary(L"miniFMOD.dll");
loadSongPtr = (loadSongT)GetProcAddress(dllHandle,"SongLoadFromFile");
int songHandle = loadSongPtr(L"C:\b.xm");
The function I'm trying to call is SongLoadFromFile which requires one argument (in C# it is string so I assume its LPCTSTR in C++) and returns an int value.
Can somebody check what have I done wrong?
P.S. songHandle gets a weird negative value of -858993460
This is how I can call that function from C# :
[DllImport("MiniFMOD.dll")] public static extern int SongLoadFromFile(string name);
P.S. 2 : Using *typedef int (__cdecl loadSongT)(char);* doesn't return an error but songHandle comes up as 0.
miniFMOD.dll is an unmanaged library
I think the other people are misunderstanding the question. It seems to me that minifmod.dll is a native library that exports a function named SongLoadFromFile. The existing code that calls this is managed code (C#) that uses DllImport to call the function in the native DLL. From what little information I could gather by a few Google searches, it looks as though it should be declared as follows:
typedef int (__cdecl * SongLoadFromFileT)(const char*);
Importantly, it is __cdecl calling convention and it takes an ANSI string instead of a Unicode string.
As an aside, I find it strange that I can't find ANYTHING on minifmod.dll other than a few forum posts on a Russian website and some SO questions from this guy. The only "legitimate" information I can find on minifmod is a small static library with similar functionality. I wonder if minifmod.dll is some kind of commercialized version of the static library; at least that would explain why there is not much public documentation about it.
Ah, I found it; it is a Delph port of minifmod (http://www.cobans.net/minifmod.php).
You need to make sure to specify the right calling convention in your function pointer prototype ('CALLBACK' might be the wrong choice).
The calling code uses the calling convention not matching that of the function being called. See this very similar question. You need to open the header defining that function (should come with the library you try to use), look the convention up and change your function pointer declaartion accordingly.

Explicit Loading of DLL

I'm trying to explicitly link with a DLL. No other resources is available except the DLL file itself and some documentation about the classes and its member functions.
From the documentation, each class comes with its own
member typedef
example: typedef std::map<std::string,std::string> Server::KeyValueMap, typedef std::vector<std::string> Server::String Array
member enumeration
example: enum Server::Role {NONE,HIGH,LOW}
member function
example: void Server::connect(const StringArray,const KeyValueMap), void Server::disconnect()
Implementing the codes from google search, i manage to load the dll can call the disconnect function..
LPCSTR disconnect = "_Java_mas_com_oa_rollings_as_apiJNI_Server_1disconnect#20";
LPCSTR connect =
I got the function name above from depends.exe. Is this what is called decorated/mangled function names in C++?
#include <iostream>
#include <windows.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include "dir.h"
typedef void (*pdisconnect)();
int main()
HMODULE DLL = LoadLibrary(_T("server.dll"));
pdisconnect _pdisconnect;`
std::cout<< "DLL loaded!" << std::endl;
_disconnect = (pdisconnect)GetProcAddress(DLL,disconnect);
std::cout << "Successful link to function in DLL!" << std::endl;
std::cout<< "Unable to link to function in DLL!" << std::endl;
std::cout<< "DLL failed to load!" << std::endl;
FreeLibrary (DLL);
return 0;}
How do i call (for example) the connect member function which has the parameter datatype declared in the dll itself?
more info:
The DLL comes with an example implementation using Java. The Java example contains a Java wrapper generated using SWIG and a source code.
The documentation lists all the class, their member functions and also their datatypes. According to the doc, the list was generated from the C++ source codes.(??)
No other info was given (no info on what compiler was used to generate the DLL)
My colleague is implementing the interface using Java based on the Java example given, while I was asked to implement using C++. The DLL is from a third party company.
I'll ask them about the compiler. Any other info that i should get from them?
I had a quick read through about JNI but i dont understand how it's implemented in this case.
i'm a little confused... (ok, ok... very confused)
Do i call(GetProcAddress) each public member function separately only when i want to use them?
Do i create a dummy class that imitates the class in the dll. Then inside the class definition, i call the equivalent function from the DLL? (Am i making sense here?) fnieto, is this what you're showing me at the end of your post?
Is it possible to instantiate the whole class from the DLL?
I was trying to use the connect function described in my first post. From the Depends.exe DLL output,
std::map // KeyValueMap has the following member functions: del, empty, get, has_1key,set
std::vector // StringArray has the following member functions: add, capacity, clear, get, isEMPTY, reserve, set, size
which is different from the member functions of map and vector in my compiler (VS 2005)...
Any idea? or am i getting the wrong picture here...
Unless you use a disassembler and try to figure out the paramater types from assemly code, you can't. These kind of information is not stored in the DLL but in a header file coming with the DLL. If you don't have it, the DLL is propably not meant to be used by you.
I would be very careful if I were you: the STL library was not designed to be used across compilation boundaries like that.
Not that it cannot be done, but you need to know what you are getting into.
This means that using STL classes across DLL boundaries can safely work only if you compile your EXE with the same exact compiler and version, and the same settings (especially DEBUG vs. RELEASE) as the original DLL. And I do mean "exact" match.
The C++ standard STL library is a specification of behavior, not implementation. Different compilers and even different revisions of the same compiler can, and will, differ on the code and data implementations. When your library returns you an std::map, it's giving you back the bits that work with the DLL's version of the STL, not necessarily the STL code compiled in your EXE.
(and I'm not even touching on the fact that name mangling can also differ from compiler to compiler)
Without more details on your circumstances, I can't be sure; but this can be a can of worms.
In order to link with a DLL, you need:
an import library (.LIB file), this describes the relation between C/C++ names and DLL exports.
the C/C++ signatures of the exported items (usually functions), describing the calling convention, arguments and return value. This usually comes in a header file (.H).
From your question it looks like you can guess the signatures (#2), but you really need the LIB file (#1).
The linker can help you generate a LIB from a DLL using an intermediate DEF.
Refer to this question for more details: How to generate an import library from a DLL?
Then you need to pass the .lib as an "additional library" to the linker. The DLL must be available on the PATH or in the target folder.