TikiWiki Login Error Message - wiki

I just finished installing Tiki Wiki on my server (standard Hostgator account), and was able to log in as an admin. I am trying to create a new file gallery, but I keep receiving this error when I fill out the gallery settings and hit the "Save" button:
Youre are not logged in. Go to the Log In Page.
Problem is, that doesn't make sense. How could I even access the admin interface to create a new file gallery if I wasn't logged in as an admin!?
Any ideas what's going on, and how to fix it?

Additional information would be helpful:
- What Tiki version?
- Are you storing Tiki session info in DB or File System?
- Did you turn on Tiki error reporting, and is anything shown?
- Are there any errors in your server log?
For best support, try the Tiki forums: http://tiki.org/forums


Unable to enable AWS Amplify Admin UI

I'm currently finding myself unable to enable the Admin UI. It was enabled before and now does not seem to work.
When I looked at my backends I see this.
Image of Amplify backend environment with a button to enable admin UI.
I then clicked the switch to turn on the Admin UI as shown below.
Image of the Admin UI enable screen.
I clicked it and it says it's enabling in a popup here, before saying it succeeded in another popup here.
I thought this was originally something wrong with my project but it's happening on my other amplify project - is the Amplify Admin UI down for some reason?
P.S. I was going to post this on server fault as this post says but there was no tag for Amplify on here.
Sorry this is not an answer, I cannot make comment so I have to write here.
I wasted a whole day by meeting the exactly the same issue.
At the same time, I tried to run Amplify pull --appid --envName several times, it always stuck there.
Amazon status page shows everything is fine now but I cannot believe it.
I also posted a question here but it seems nobody answered it.
I hope this issue was discovered by more people and Amazon finally can fix it, I believe it's not a problem on our side.
The issue was resolved as shown in this ticket I opened.
Have you tried selecting the environment and then clicking Open Admin UI?
I also wasnt able to login clicking in the URL and with my credentials, but clicking there worked.

InfoPath cannot call web service when uploaded to Office 365 Sharepoint

Not my normal line of questions, sometimes we've got to be flexible!
I've designed an InfoPath form that I'd like to upload to a Sharepoint site.
On my form I've got a data source that is consuming the following SOAP service
I call the Operations "GetUserProfileByName" and get various information about the account looking at the form. In preview this works very well. I've got the header saying "Hello Pete" and I'm able to filter lists based on the user's data. However. When it comes to uploading the form to the server, I'm greeted with the following exception:
An error occurred querying a data source.
Click OK to resume filling out the form. You may want to check your form data for errors.
An error occurred while trying to connect to a Web service.
An entry has been added to the Windows event log of the server.
Log ID:5566
Correlation ID:19df2c9d-a036-2000-3929-0bce8940cf2a
Any ideas what I'm doing wrong? Is there limitations due to the way that my account details are being used on SharePoint? If so what's the work around? I'm not a full admin on the server, so I've only got access to a Sandbox site.
Any help greatly appreciated,
The issue is loopback protection. In o365, it cannot be disabled. Stupid though, there are a lot of useful web services available for information. See this link: Error message when you connect an infopath form to a sharepoint online web service

wso2 dashboard user information recovery

Does the WSO2 dashboard allow for User information recovery? I am looking at it currently, and documentation shows that it allows for users to log in and manage their account. Does the Dashboard also support User Information Recovery, (i.e. resetting the password or finding a forgotten username). And if it does, what values in the configuration file do I need to modify?
Yes it does. Sort of. Here is a sample app that, I'm guessing, the WSO2 folks created.
The example at the bottom has a readme with how to configure the server. What i did was to add a button to the dashboard login page that loaded the configured sample app, then rebranded the sample to make it look more like the dashboard page.

Elmah and removing sensitive info, server variables from error page

In the Elmah error log page it shows server variables. However, while it is nice to have this extra info I'd like to turn this off as it displays authorization tokens which are sensitive. Is there way to configure Elmah to turn this feature off so they aren't displayed?
I think the only way to do this will be to create a custom Log viewer. From the Elmah Project Home Page:
Use ErrorLogDataSourceAdapter together with ObjectDataSource from ASP.NET to create your own custom views of the error log, almost purely in server-side markup and without a line of code!
Also, have you considered just restricting access to viewing the Elmah logs? See Securing Error Log Pages for more details.

Django admin login page redirects to same page on correct login credentials

I'm running a relatively fresh Django app that I haven't added much to. I tried to set up the admin (which I've done on plenty of other apps) to create some sample data while I build out the app, but whenever I try to log in with the super user account I created I get kicked back to the login screen.
When I enter incorrect credentials, I see the proper error message... I just can't get it to take me past the login screen to the admin when I have correct credentials. Has anyone else had this problem and been able to solve it? I'm at a dead end troubleshooting.
Check that SESSION_COOKIE_SECURE is not set while you are not using HTTPS.
Looks like your cookies are messed up. Please start with clearing cookies in browser. If it doesn't help you can also check if your cookies configuration for project is correct. List of settings for cookies configuration can be found here.
Use the below settings for the SESSION_COOKIE_DOMAIN:
SESSION_COOKIE_DOMAIN = "yourdomain.com"