Does multi-layer inheritance make sense in C++? - c++

I use 3-layer inheritance design below:
class connect_info {
// these members
class vertex : public connect_info {
// ...
// user-defined struct
class algo_vertex: public vertex {
// ...
members of connect_info class(I call it these members in this question) is only used in vertex class. But to keep the semantic of vertex class clear, I must separate these members to another base class(connect_info).
Problems generate here:
how can I hide these members from user-defined class? (protected and private are both useless now. If there is no connect_info base class, private can work well)
Does multi-layer inheritance design make sense in any situation?
Can virtual de-constructor function work well in multi-layer inheritance case?

You might need to move to has-a relationship, where connect_info can be an internal class(A class inside class) and make it private, if you want to hide connect_info members in user defined class.
class vertex {
// ...
class connect_info{/*these members*/};
class algo_vertex : public vertex{
// connect_info members no longer accessible,
// unless you provide member functions in `vertex` to access it.

Inheritance is introducing strong coupling between classes, and is generally avoided. Instead, people are using composition. Read Prefer composition over inheritance question and answers.
In your specific example, what do you do, when you add algo_B_vertex class, where some of fields and methods from Vertex make no sense. Or in worse case scenario connect_info. Then you get into all sorts of problems. Not to mention complexity of several layers of inheritance.
how can I hide these members from user-defined class?
By using composition, and creating objects in private section.
Does multi-layer inheritance design make sense in any situation?
Of course it does. Fortunately that number of such situations is little. General advice is to think twice before jumping into multiple inheritance.

A good trade-of here would be to make vertexinherit privately from connect_info. The big difference with composition is that within the class vertex you can consider yourself being a connect_info, which means you will be able to access these members by doing this->member instead of connect_info_attribute.member. Also you won't need any friend or encapsulation hacks.
To sum it up, from the point of view of the child class, private inheritance means i consider myself being a "parent" but i don't want anyone else (not even my children) to consider me like one.


How to create a class which uses member functions defined in another class C++

I'm new to object oriented programming and am struggling a bit with how best to write classes.
I am trying to abstract the idea of sorting to objects that are not just lists of numbers. I have an abstract base class, SortableContainer, which contains all the necessary virtual functions for comparing and swapping elements, along with some overloaded operators. I then have two classes derived from that, MVector and CoordinateArray. Both of these derived classes have proper definitions for all the virtual functions in the base class. Everything up to this point has worked just fine. MVector just stores vector-like objects and CoordinateArray stores vectors of coordinates onto which a notion of 'less than' has been defined.
My problem now is that I have created a new class, Life, which I want to use to implement the game of life using a CoordinateArray object to store the alive cells. The outline of my Life class looks like this:
class Life
CoordinateArray LiveCells;
When I create a Life object and initialise it with the coordinates of some alive cells, none of the member functions defined in the CoordinateArray derived class will work. How can I fix this? Do I have to derive the Life class from the SortableContainer class and then override all the pure virtual functions? Any help or direction to help will be much appreciated.
To answer your question simply and in a pragmatical way, yes, if you want your Life object to have some member functions they need to come from somewhere, the most straight forward way is to derive it from a class containing those member functions, composition does not transfer members to the owner, inheritance does that:
class Life : public CoordinateArray
Now you can use your Life objects as a CoordinateArray object. If anything is pure virtual in the parent class you will indeed need to implement it in the derived class, but even if something is not you can still reimplement it in the child class to overwrite the parent behaviour.
I avoided conception and design problematics on purpose, this is mainly a technical answer, judging this from a design point of view requires more context and has some subjective side too so that's another story altogether.
It would be useful to see the declaration of CoordinateArray. However, I suspect you need to make public methods in CoordinateArray. If the methods are declared private (i.e., they come after private: in your class declaration), then they can only be used inside the class's own scope. If they're declared public (underneath public:), then they can be used in any scope. (As a sidenote, there is one other classification, protected, which means they can be used by the class and any of its subclasses.)
In order to initialize co-ordinates of some live cells declare the class CoordinateArray LiveCells public to Life
class Life::public CoordinateArray{ }

C++ why use public, private or protected inheritance?

Well there is enough information about this subject. For example this thread was very clear to me: Difference between private, public, and protected inheritance
Except one point; Why is it useful?
Use public inheritance to reflect an is-a relationship. This is the main use for inheritance, especially in combination with virtual functions. It allows re-use of interface, not just of old code by new code, but also re-use of new code by old code! (because of virtual function dispatch at runtime).
In exceptional circumstances, use private inheritance to reflect an is-implemented-in-terms-of relationship. This is a commonly overused pattern, often the equivalent goal can be reached through composition (having the would-be base class as a data member). Another drawback is that you can easily have multiple inheritance of the same base class (twice or more removed) leading to the so-called Diamond Problem.
Avoid using protected inheritance, it suggest that your class interface is client-dependent (derived classes versus the world). Often this is due to classes having multiple responsiblities, suggesting a refactoring into separate classes is appropriate.
The answer to this question concerns class interfaces and data encapsulation, rather than language capabilities.
The use cases of protected and private inheritance are rather limited, since there are often other options available which better solve the problem (such as using composition, rather than inheritance). However, there are times when you necessarily must inherit from some type (for example to interface with a third-party library), but you would strongly prefer (for reasons related to user interface of your class) to hide most members inherited from the base class from the users of your new type. A typical scenario would be when you need your type to have the member functions of a certain class for internal use, but it would break the logic of your new type if it was called from outside the class itself.
In these situations, you need to use private or protectedinheritance (depending on whether the interface should be similarly restricted to further derived classes or not.
Bear in mind, however, that this is all just about (strongly) hinting to the users of your class how they should use it. You're adapting its public interface to hide certain features which were public in its base class. This doesn't strictly speaking prevent people from accessing these members, since anyone can still cast a pointer to your derived class to a pointer to the base, and reach the "hidden" resources that way.
It's all about Data Encapsulation.
Encapsulation concept
It is good to protect your classes 'internal' data from other classes. Benefits include:
other classes have to go through the known proper access mechanisms (e.g. methods) to access your class and can't monkey around with the internals of your class directly (and hence potentially put your class into some unknown and broken state)
you can change the inner workings of your class and know that other classes won't break as a result
reducing visible external points of contact with a class makes your classes simpler to use and understand
Having the option of using protected instead of private also makes your code easier to extend through subclassing.
Private: private members of a class can be accessed only from class functions, constructors, and destructors. The client who will use your class will be unable to access them. So, if for example you are implementing a list class and you want to keep track of the list's size, then you should have a private variable (listSizeP for example). You do this because you don't want the client to be able to modify the size of the list without inserting elements.
Public: public members can also be accessed by the client. In the list example mentioned above, functions like insert and erase should be public.
Protected: protected members of a class, like private members, can be accessed only from class functions, but they can also be accessed by classes inherited by this class(actually it depends on the way the derived class inherits the base. If it is not public inheritance, then the derived class cannot access the private members of the base class. That's why the most common way of inheriting is public inheritance). Example:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Base {
int num;
Base(int x=0) : num(x) {}
class Derived : public Base {
Derived(int x=0) : Base(x) {}
void tell() { cout << "num: " << num << endl; }
int main() {
Derived D(4);
D.tell(); // would cause error if num was private
return 0;

Without using `protected`, how the subclass can effectively use the variables defined in base class

Bjarne Stroustrup once said that he can address most of the tasks with ONLY private or public member variables and he seldom uses protected member variables in his design. I have heard similar arguments in other places. Here is an example,
class BaseClass
int m_iAge;
double m_dSalary;
string m_strName;
bool m_bGender;
class SubClass : public BaseClass
Given the above class design, how the subclass SubClass can use the variables defined in BaseClass?
Question1> Why we should prefer to having private rather than protected variables? Is it the reason that the BaseClass can hide the implementation detail and make it easy for further improvement?
Question2> In order to let the SubClass access the variable defined in BaseClass, it seems to me that we have to define public access(get/set). However, getter/setter are evil! So the second choice is to define protected access(get/set). Any better idea?
Thank you
Bjarne's point is that generally the derived class shouldn't access the variables of the base class -- doing so frequently leads to maintenance problems. And no, changing it to use get/set (accessor/mutator) functions isn't an improvement.
Ask yourself - why would the derived class ever change the value of m_bGender? Or m_iAge? Doesn't the base class already handle these values correctly?
See, there is generally no need to have direct access to the internals of the base class. So we make them private, and use the class' public interface.
In some very rare cases, there might also be one or two protected functions, if derived classes need some special interface. But that is unusual. If derived classes have different behaviour, we more often use virtual functions for that.
I think the rationale for this claim is that in many situations, subclassing doesn't often change the behavior of the existing (inherited fields), but rather one adds fields and adds new methods that manipulate the new fields.
If you are looking for a way to manipulate inherited members w/o protected, you can, in the base class, make the derived class a friend. You would have to know it ahead of time, though.
The only main reason to use private over protected members is if they indeed are not required in child implementations. That's why we have protected members, because there are cases where the child class does need direct access to members of a parent class. I think Stroustrup is referring to a design whereby there is little need to access parent members in the first place, and child classes simply build upon the functionality of their parent rather than modify the functionality of their parent.
However, getter/setter are evil!
Why so? Getters and setters are an important part of OOP from my experience. There are good reasons to make an interface with a class, rather than access its variables directly.

Private inheritance and composition, which one is best and why? [closed]

Closed. This question is opinion-based. It is not currently accepting answers.
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Closed 2 years ago.
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suppose i have a class engin and i inherit a class car from engin class
class engin
engin(int nobofcylinders);
void start();
class car:private engin
void start()
engin e;
now the same can be done by the composition, the question is which approch would be best and is mostly used in programming, and why???????
Composition is to be preferred for two main reasons:
the thing(s) being composed can have names
you can compose more than one thing of the same type
I prefer to think of inheritance as derived is a kind of base, that basically means public inheritance. In case of private inheritance it more like derived has a base, which IMHO doesn't sound right, because that's IMHO the work for composition not inheritance of any kind. So, since private inheritance and composition essentially mean same thing logically, which to choose? With the example you posted, I'd most certainly go for composition. Why? I tend to think of all kinds of inheritance as a kind of relationship, and with the example you posted, I can't think of a situation where I could say a car is kind of an engine, it simply isn't. It's indeed like a car has an engine, so why would a car inherit from an engine? I see no reason.
Now, indeed there are cases where it's good to have private inheritance, namely boost::noncopyable, with it's ctor/dtor being protected, you'd have hard time instantiating it, and indeed since we want our class to have a noncopyable part, that's the only way to go.
Some style guides (e.g. google c++ style guide) even recommend to never use private inheritance, for reasons similar to what I already written - private inheritance is just a bit confusing.
If you want to compare private inheritance with composition, read I don't think private inheritance is good.
A Car has-an Engine, but a Car is-not-an Engine, so it should be better done with composition.
Inheritence is useful for "is-a" relationships, e.g. a Bus is-a Car, a Car is-a vehicle, etc.
Composition is useful for "has-a" relationships, e.g. a Car has Wheel-s, a Car has-an Engine, etc.
So a logical code should be like
class Car : public Vehicle {
Engine engine;
Wheel wheels[4];
Private inheritance, despite the name, isn’t really inheritance – at least not from the outside (of the class), where it matters.
For that reason, different rules apply. In C++, private inheritance is said to model an “is implemented in terms of” relationship. Thus, a priority queue which is implemented in terms of a heap, could look like this:
template <typename T, typename Comp = std::less<T> >
class priority_queue : private heap<T, Comp> {
// …
Personally, I don’t see the advantage of this pattern, and Neil has already stated that in most cases, composition actually has the advantage over private inheritance.
One advantage exists, though: since it’s such an established pattern, the meaning of a private inheritance is immediately clear to a seasoned C++ programmer; the above code would tell them that the priority queue is implemented in terms of a heap – which wouldn’t be obvious if the class just happened to use a heap as one of its members.
Private inheritance tends to get used in C++ primarily for policy classes. The classical example is allocators, which determine how a container class manages storage internally:
template <typename T, typename A = std::allocator<T> >
class vector : private A {
// …
No harm done. But once again, this could also have been done using composition.
Usually, composition is to be preferred (others gave the major reasons), but private inheritance allows things which can't be done by composition:
zero-size base class optimization (a base class of size zero will not increase the size of a class, a member of size zero will), that't the reason behind its use for policy classes which often have no data members
controlling initialization order so that what is composed is initialized before a public base
overriding a virtual member in what is composed
with private virtual inheritance, ensuring that there is only one composed thing even if one do it in several bases
Note that for the later two uses, the fact that the base class exist can be observed in a descendant.
Composition is used more than private inheritance. The general rule I follow and would recommend is that unless you have a specific reason to use private inheritance you should use composition.
Composition has many benefits over private inheritance:
You can have more than one instance of a particular class.
You don't pollute your class' namespace with a bunch of private functions that don't make sense for your class.
You can give names to the parts of your object
Your class is less coupled to the classes it's composed of than it is to a class it inherits from
If you discover you need to swap out an object that you've included by composition during the lifetime of your object, you can, with private inheritance you're stuck.
There are a lot of other benefits to composition. Basically, it's more flexible and cleaner.
There are reasons to use private inheritance though. They are very specific reasons, and if you think they apply, you should think carefully about your design to make sure you have to do it that way.
You can override virtual functions.
You can get access to protected members of the base class.
You need to pass yourself to something that wants an object of the class you're inheriting from (this usually goes hand-in-hand with overriding virtual functions).
And there are a few rather tricky ones as well:
If you use composition for a class that has 0 size, it still takes up space, but with private inheritance it doesn't.
You want to call a particular constructor for a virtual base class of the class you're going to privately inherit from.
If you want to initialize the private base before other base classes are initialized (with composition, all the variables in your class will be initialized after all your base classes are).
Using private virtual inheritance to make sure there's only one copy of a thing even when you have multiple base classes that have it. (In my opinion, this is better solved using pointers and normal composition.)
Private inheritance means
is-implemented-in-terms of. It's
usually inferior to composition, but
it makes sense when a derived class
needs access to protected base class
members or needs to redefine
inherited virtual functions.
Unlike composition, private
inheritance can enable the empty base
optimization. This can be important
for library developers who strive to
minimize object sizes.
Scott Meyers "Effective C++" Third Edition.
Base classes are evil.
In my mind, good OO design is about encapsulation and interfaces. The convenience of base classes are not worth the price you pay.
Here's a really good article about this:

Abstract Base Class with Data Members

If I'm creating an abstract base class, and the classes derived from it are going to have some of the same data members, is it better practice to make those members private in the abstract base class and give protected access to them? Or to not bother and just put the data members in the derived classes. This is in C++.
The main question to ask in an OOP setting is: Where does this data belong?
In an inheritance relationship, Data (and functionality) should be defined at the highest stage where it is more or less invariant. This promotes maximum modularity and code-reuse. For example, assume two classes:
class Human;
class Student : public Human;
When adding a data member 'm_Arms', we determine the 'Human' level as the best place to define the data, its usage and its visibility to the derived classes, based on the following questions:
Will specializations of humans require more-or-less invariant behavior from the human's arms? i.e. Will they be able to do something that a 'generic' human normally cannot? - (determining common data).
Will the student (or other possible Human specializations) require direct access to it? (determining visibility to child classes).
If visible, which functions are common? (determining associated common functions)
The context should be thought of from the base class's perspective - even if there is one additional is-a-Human class that can do something extra, then it needs to have access to the data. e.g. If for some reason, you decide class Robocop : public Human, you need access to his thigh directly to store the gun inside. Under this architecture, Thigh then needs to become visible to all child classes of Human.
The architecture can be refined using the same principles of data modularity, function modularity and visibility. For example, when defining the class Robocop, The base class Human can be further extracted as follows to allow a change in visibility, and consequent changes in functionality.
class Human;
class NormalHuman : public Human; //declare Thigh private here.
class SuperHuman : public Human; //continue using Thigh as protected.
Further, Arms may themselves be made polymorphic, allowing (excuse the unintended dystopic interpretation) factory-based architectures to modularly assemble different types of Humans using Human parts.
If the data belongs to the derived class, let the derived class do what it wants to contain that data.
By placing that data in the base class (not privately), you force every derived class to have it. The derived classes shouldn't be forced to do anything unless they need to fill out the data member, for example. The base class defines what derived classes must do, not how they should do it.
If you find there might be a common theme, you can make a derived class that has those members and implementations, which is then intended to be the base class for those that want to use it. For example:
struct car
virtual ~car(){}
virtual unsigned year(void) const = 0;
virtual const std::string make(void) const = 0;
// Dodge cars can feel free to derive from this instead, it's just a helper
struct dodge_car
virtual ~car(){}
virtual unsigned year(void) const = 0;
const std::string make(void) const
static const std::string result = "Dodge";
return result;
And so on. But you see, any derived classes still have the choice of implementing the entire car interface. This also improves code cleanliness. By keeping your interface a real interface, implementation details won't get in the way.
Any variables your base class uses should be private, because derived classes don't need to know how it works, in the same way users of your derived class don't need to know how the internals of the derived class work.
How can you make members private and give protected access?
Derived class cannot access base class' private members.
Would Derived class A and Derived class B both need those data members you are talking about? If yes, then put them in base class and make it protected yes.
I know, I actually wanted to post a comment, but I don't know how. May be I need more reputation?
Don't think about what some of your derived classes would do, think about what all of them must do, when writing the base class. In other words, think about the base class itself and the guarantees it makes—its interface.
C++ doesn't have a separate concept of "interface definition" and just reuses classes for that. (Or duck typing in templates.) Because of this, be careful how you write your abstract interface classes so you don't impose restrictions on implementations.
I'm not answering either yes or no because you haven't given enough information, and the answer depends on those other details; but if you follow the guidelines I've briefly laid out, you'll be in decent shape.
There's nothing wrong with having some of the data (and of the implementation, i.e. methods) in the base class.
The base class could be virtual by the mere fact that only one of its methods must be implemented in derived class. The decision of making these variables and methods [of the base class] private, protected or even public, is a case by case issue.
For example the base class could have a public method, a protected method and/or data, and a few private methods.