how to raise a exception in clojure pre-expr? - clojure

clojure's pre-expr seems cool, but does it possible if I want to raise an Exception when the :pre is false?

You can use Dire instead
(ns mytask
(:require [dire.core :refer [with-precondition! with-handler!]]))
(defn add-one [n]
(inc n))
(with-precondition! #'add-one
"An optional docstring."
;;; Name of the precondition
(fn [n & args]
(not= n 2)))
(with-handler! #'add-one
{:precondition :not-two}
(fn [e & args] (apply str "Precondition failure for argument list: " (vector args))))
(add-one 2) ; => "Precondition failure for argument list: (2)"

Preconditions are conditions that must be true or else an exception is thrown. If you have a condition where you want an exception to be thrown when false, just complement the conditional or not the result.
user=> (defn magic? [n] (= 0 (rem n 42)))
user=> (defn foo [n] {:pre [(magic? n)]} n)
user=> (foo 42)
user=> (defn bar [n] {:pre [(not (magic? n))]} n)
user=> (bar 42)
AssertionError Assert failed: (not (magic? n)) user/bar
user=> (defn baz [n] {:pre [((complement magic?) n)]} n)
user=> (baz 42)
AssertionError Assert failed: ((complement magic?) n) user/baz


Required keys when destructuring

Is there a way to have an exception raised if the keys you're trying to destructure aren't in the map passed to your function? Would this be a good use case for a macro?
For example:
(defn x [{:keys [a b]}] (println a b))
I'd like this to work:
(x {:a 1 :b 2})
But this to raise an exception (:b is missing)
(x {:a 1})
What about a pre-condition?
(defn x [{:keys [a b]}]
{:pre [(some? a) (some? b)]}
(println a b))
user=> (x {:a 1})
AssertionError Assert failed: (some? b) user/x (NO_SOURCE_FILE:1)
Edit: Yes, you could use a macro to handle this for you. Maybe something like this:
(defmacro defnkeys [name bindings & body]
`(defn ~name [{:keys ~bindings}]
{:pre ~(vec (map #(list 'some? %) bindings))}
(defnkeys foo [a b]
(println a b))
(foo {:a 1 :b 2})
(foo {:a 1}) ;; AssertionError Assert failed: (some? b)
(foo {:a 1 :b nil}) ;; AssertionError Assert failed: (some? b)

Trouble with clojure quote-paren `( ... ) macro

For practice, I've defined
(defmacro quote-paren
"body -> `(body)"
[& body]
which has the expected transformation (quote-paren body) => ``(body)`. It seems to satisfy a few basic tests:
user=> (macroexpand-1 `(quote-paren 3 4 5))
(3 4 5)
user=> (macroexpand-1 `(quote-paren println "hi"))
(clojure.core/println "hi")
user=> (macroexpand-1 `(quote-paren (println "hi")))
((clojure.core/println "hi"))
However, I've been testing it with this do-while macro (modified from here):
(defmacro do-while
[test & body]
(quote-paren loop []
(when ~test
(def y 4)
(do-while (> y 0)
(def y (dec y)))
But the result is
IllegalStateException Attempting to call unbound fn: #'clojure.core/unquote-splicing clojure.lang.Var$Unbound.throwArity (
I don't understand this, because from what I can see the `quote-paren' macro works fine (with ~#body plugged in):
user=> (macroexpand-1
`(quote-paren loop []
(def y (dec y))
(when ~test
(clojure.core/loop [] (def user/y (clojure.core/dec user/y)) (clojure.core/when #<core$test clojure.core$test#1f07f672> (recur)))
But trying to macroexpand do-while causes an "unbound fn". Is there something subtle I'm missing?
missing the syntax-quote before quote-paren
user> (defmacro do-while
[test & body]
`(quote-paren loop []
(when ~test
which then expands properly:
user> (macroexpand '(do-while (> y 0)
(def y (dec y))))
(loop* [] (def y (dec y)) (clojure.core/when (> y 0) (recur)))
and seems to work:
user> (def y 4)
user> (do-while (> y 0)
(def y (dec y)))

Why applying seq on a LazySeq returns ChunkedCons?

(class (range 10))
;=> clojure.lang.LazySeq
(class (seq (range 10))
;=> clojure.lang.ChunkedCons
From my understanding, LazySeq is already an sequence, since:
(seq? (range 10))
;=> true
I guess I have an answer.
That's because using seq enforces the evaluation of the first element of LazySeq. Because seq returns nil when the collection & sequence is empty, it has to eval the element to decide that.
That's the exactly reason why rest is lazier than next, because (next s) is just (seq (rest s)).
To expand upon your answer (and because comments don't support new lines):
user=> (def r (range 10))
user=> (realized? r)
user=> (class r)
user=> (def r2 (rest r))
user=> (realized? r2)
ClassCastException clojure.lang.ChunkedCons cannot be cast to clojure.lang.IPending clojure.core/realized? (core.clj:6607)
user=> (class r2)
user=> (realized? r)

Does 'concat' break the laziness of 'line-seq'?

The following code appears to force line-seq to read 4 lines from file. Is this some kind of buffering mechanism? Do I need to use lazy-cat here? If so, how can I apply a macro to a sequence as if it were variadic arguments?
(defn char-seq [rdr]
(let [coll (line-seq rdr)]
(apply concat (map (fn [x] (println \,) x) coll))))
(def tmp (char-seq ( file)))
Part of what you're seeing is due to apply, since it will need to realize as many args as needed by the function definition. E.g.:
user=> (defn foo [& args] nil)
user=> (def bar (apply foo (iterate #(let [i (inc %)] (println i) i) 0)))
user=> (defn foo [x & args] nil)
user=> (def bar (apply foo (iterate #(let [i (inc %)] (println i) i) 0)))
user=> (defn foo [x y & args] nil)
user=> (def bar (apply foo (iterate #(let [i (inc %)] (println i) i) 0)))

Clojure: How to to recur upon exception?

I am trying to execute a func several times before giving up upon exceptions.
But it is not valid in Clojure to recur from catch block.
How can this be achieved ?
(loop [tries 10]
(catch Exception e
(when (pos? tries) (recur (dec tries))))))
java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: Cannot recur from catch/finally
The best I could find is the following clumsy solution (wrapping in func and calling it)
(defn do-it []
(catch Exception e nil)))
(loop [times 10]
(when (and (nil? (do-it)) (pos? times))
(recur (dec times))))
Macros are calling...
How about this:
(defn try-times*
"Executes thunk. If an exception is thrown, will retry. At most n retries
are done. If still some exception is thrown it is bubbled upwards in
the call chain."
[n thunk]
(loop [n n]
(if-let [result (try
(catch Exception e
(when (zero? n)
(throw e))))]
(result 0)
(recur (dec n)))))
(defmacro try-times
"Executes body. If an exception is thrown, will retry. At most n retries
are done. If still some exception is thrown it is bubbled upwards in
the call chain."
[n & body]
`(try-times* ~n (fn [] ~#body)))
kotarak's idea is the way to go, but this question tickled my fancy so I'd like to provide a riff on the same theme that I prefer because it doesn't use loop/recur:
(defn try-times* [thunk times]
(let [res (first (drop-while #{::fail}
(repeatedly times
#(try (thunk)
(catch Throwable _ ::fail)))))]
(when-not (= ::fail res)
And leave the try-times macro as it is.
If you want to allow the thunk to return nil, you can drop the let/when pair, and let ::fail represent "the function failed n times", while nil means "the function returned nil". This behavior would be more flexible but less convenient (the caller has to check for ::fail to see if it worked rather than just nil), so perhaps it would be best implemented as an optional second parameter:
(defn try-times* [thunk n & fail-value]
(first (drop-while #{fail-value} ...)))
A try-times macro is elegant, but for a one-off, just pull your when out of the try block:
(loop [tries 10]
(when (try
false ; so 'when' is false, whatever 'might-throw-exception' returned
(catch Exception e
(pos? tries)))
(recur (dec tries))))
My proposal:
(defmacro try-times
"Retries expr for times times,
then throws exception or returns evaluated value of expr"
[times & expr]
`(loop [err# (dec ~times)]
(let [[result# no-retry#] (try [(do ~#expr) true]
(catch Exception e#
(when (zero? err#)
(throw e#))
[nil false]))]
(if no-retry#
(recur (dec err#))))))
Will print "no errors here" once:
(try-times 3 (println "no errors here") 42)
Will print "trying" 3 times, then throw Divide by zero:
(try-times 3 (println "trying") (/ 1 0))
One more solution, without macro
(defn retry [& {:keys [fun waits ex-handler]
:or {ex-handler #(log/error (.getMessage %))}}]
(fn [ctx]
(loop [[time & rem] waits]
(let [{:keys [res ex]} (try
{:res (fun ctx)}
(catch Exception e
(when ex-handler
(ex-handler e))
{:ex e}))]
(if-not ex
(Thread/sleep time)
(if (seq rem)
(recur rem)
(throw ex))))))))
This allows catching multiple more then one exception and provides some feedback about the causes for the retries.
(defmacro try-n-times
"Try running the body `n` times, catching listed exceptions."
{:style/indent [2 :form :form [1]]}
[n exceptions & body]
`(loop [n# ~n
causes# []]
(if (> n# 0)
(let [result#
~#(map (partial apply list 'catch) exceptions (repeat `(e# e#))))]
(if (some #(instance? % result#) ~exceptions)
(recur (dec n#) (conj causes# result#))
(throw (ex-info "Maximum retries exceeded!"
{:retries ~n
:causes causes#})))))
If you add a result arg to your loop, you can nest the (try) block inside of the (recur). I solved it like this:
(loop [result nil tries 10]
(cond (some? result) result
(neg? tries) nil
:else (recur (try (might-throw-exception)
(catch Exception e nil))
(dec tries))))
Here's yet another approach:
(loop [tries 10]
(let [res (try
(catch Exception e
(if (pos? tries)
(throw e))))]
(if (#{::retry} res)
(recur (dec tries))
But may I also recommend a cool little trick, instead of having a number of retries, provide a seq of times to sleep for:
(loop [tries [10 10 100 1000]]
(let [res (try
(catch Exception e
(if tries
(throw e))))]
(if (#{::retry} res)
(Thread/sleep (first tries))
(recur (next tries)))
And finally put it all into a macro if you want it to be less verbose:
(defmacro with-retries
[retries & body]
`(loop [retries# ~retries]
(let [res# (try ~#body
(catch Exception e#
(if retries#
(throw e#))))]
(if (= 'retry# res#)
(do (Thread/sleep (first retries#))
(recur (next retries#)))
(with-retries [10 10 100 1000]