Morphology from Magick++ to match Command line Convert - c++

I am trying to duplicate the ImageMagick command line:
Convert In.jpg ( -bias 50% -morphology Convolve LoG:0x1.5 ) Out.jpg
via the Magick++ in C++ (visual Studio 2010 Express)
I have read that the morphological operations are not part of Magic++ so the C MagickCore functions need to be used. I am unable to obtain output that matches (or is even close) to
ImageMagick command line output.
I am attempting to create the Kernel via
and execute the morphology via
m = MagickCore::MorphologyImage(i, MagickCore::ConvolveMorphology, 3, k, e);
I am guessing at these methods and parameters due to lack of information on specifics.
Does anyone have guidance on how to accomplish the same output from C++ ?

To accomplish these operations in Magick++ would require many tedious steps that I have no documentation on. The kernel creation is especially dubious as it came out as 13x13.
I found another way to accomplish the same goal: Use the MagickCore::ConvertImageComand(). The parameters are the same as the command line version and the output is the same. Using the command from C++ seems to work without problems...
using namespace Magick;
char *args[]={"convert", "In.jpg","(","-bias","50%","-morphology", "convolve", "LoG:0x1.5", ")","Out.jpg" };
int args_count = 10;
MagickCore::ExceptionInfo *exception = MagickCore::AcquireExceptionInfo();
MagickCore::ImageInfo *image_info = MagickCore::AcquireImageInfo();
(void) strcpy(image_info->filename,"In.jpg");
image = MagickCore::ReadImage(image_info, exception);
MagickBooleanType status =
ConvertImageCommand(image_info, args_count, args, NULL, exception);
I would prefer to have this operation result in a buffer or in-memory image rather than writing to the disk but I guess that is another question...

The next version of ImageMagick (6.8.8-7) will have support for morphology in the Magick++ API. Your command:
convert In.jpg -bias 50% -morphology Convolve LoG:0x1.5 Out.jpg
can be written like this:
Magick::Image img;"In.jpg");
img.artifact("convolve:bias", "50%");
img.morphology(ConvolveMorphology, LoGKernel, "0x1.5");


Plot values in .m file from C++

I have looked extensively in the net, yet not found exactly what I want.
I have a big simulation program that outputs results in a MATLAB M-file (let's call it res.m) and I want to plot the results visually.
I want to start the simulation with C++ many times in a row and therefore want to automatize the plotting of the results.
I come up to two options:
Execute from C++ an Octave or MATLAB script that generates the graph.
-> Haven't found anyone who managed to do so
Use the Octave source files to read the res.m file and output them after with whatever plotting C++ tool.
-> Theoretically possible but I get lost in those files
Is someone able to solve this? Or has a better, easier approach?
The answer is to execute through the terminal.
I didn't manage to actually run a octave script from my c++ program directly, but there is a way around messing with/through the terminal and a extra Octave file. I used in my cpp:
string = "octave myProgr.m"
const char *command = str.c_str();
myProgr.m is the script that plots the res.m file

CImg Error : 'gm.exe' is not recognized as an internal or external command,

I am new to c++ programming , today i was trying to save an image using CImg .
CImg is C++ Template Image Processing Library .
The basic code i wrote is(Please forgive any syntax erros , as copied part of my codes) :
#include "CImg.h"// Include CImg library header.
#include <iostream>
using namespace cimg_library;
using namespace std;
const int screen_size = 800;
// Main procedure
int main()
CImg<unsigned char> img(screen_size,screen_size,1,3,20);
CImgDisplay disp(img, "CImg Tutorial");
//Some drawing using img.draw_circle( 10, 10, 60, RED);"result.jpg"); // save the image
return 0;
But I cannot run my program as it says :
Invalid Parameter - 100%
'gm.exe' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way.
Please contact the application's support team for more information.
[CImg] *** CImgIOException *** [instance(800,800,1,3,02150020,non-shared)] CImg<unsigned char>::save_other() : Failed to save file 'result.jpg'. Format is not natively supported, and no external commands succeeded.
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'cimg_library::CImgIOException'
what(): [instance(800,800,1,3,02150020,non-shared)] CImg<unsigned char>::save_other() : Failed to save file 'result.jpg'. Format is not natively supported, and no external commands succeeded.
Though i can see the image , I cannot save it.
After googling a bit i found people saying to install ImageMagick , i have installed it but no help .
Some of the Forum says to compile against libjpeg, libpng, libmagick++. But i don't know how to compile against those libraries.
I am using Eclipse CDT plugin to write C++ project .
Please help me .
I had the same error, and installing of GraphicsMagick (not ImageMagick) helped me.
I've downloaded and installed GraphicsMagick-1.3.26-Q8-win64-dll.exe from You may choose another one, if you need:
Note that the QuantumDepth=8 version (Q8) which provides industry
standard 24/32 bit pixels consumes half the memory and about 30% less
CPU than the QuantumDepth=16 version (Q16) which provides 48/64 bit
pixels for high-resolution color. A Q8 version is fine for processing
typical photos intended for viewing on a computer screen. If you are
dealing with film, scientific, or medical images, use ICC color
profiles, or deal with images that have limited contrast, then the Q16
version is recommended.
Important: during installation, don't remove checkbox "Update executable search path", which updates environment variable %PATH%, making gm.exe available from any place.
In my case, it was also required to install Ghostscript - which is highly recommended to install by GraphicsMagick. There is a link to x64 Ghostscript: (I've put it here, because links from the GraphicMagick websites leads you to 32-bit only).
After that, it worked fine for me.
For some image formats (as .jpg, .png, .tif and basically all formats that require data compression), CImg will try to use an external tool to save them (such as convert from ImageMagick or gm from GraphicsMagick).
If you don't have any installed, then you won't be able to save .jpg files without having to link your code with the libjpeg library, to get a native support for JPEG read/write (then, you'll need to #define cimg_use_jpeg before #include "CImg.h", to tell the library you want to use the libjpeg features).
If you want to keep things simpler, I'd recommend to save your image using another (non-compressed) image format, as .bmp or .ppm.
These formats are handled natively by CImg and do not require to link with external libraries.
I know this question is old, but I kept getting the same error on one project and not on another and this is the only thing on Google.
To get rid of it, you must do 2 things:
Install dynamic ImageMagick libraries for your appropriate OS and architecture(32/64). Link
I was using VisualStudio, and the character set must be set to "Unicode". The error would appear again when I reverted back to Multi-Byte character set. I guess this has something to do with the way CImg handles strings and miscompares them.

Is it possible to call Matlab from QtCreator?

I am doing image analysis using C++ in the QtCreator environment. In order to build a learning model, I want to use the TreeBagger class from MATLAB, which is really powerful. Can I call MATLAB from QtCreator, give it some parameters, and get back the classification error? Can I do this without using mex files?
From QProcess's Synchronous Process API example:
QProcess gzip;
gzip.start("gzip", QStringList() << "-c");
if (!gzip.waitForStarted())
return false;
gzip.write("Qt rocks!");
if (!gzip.waitForFinished())
return false;
QByteArray result = gzip.readAll();
The concept to from this example is the process of being able to execute matlab w/ whatever settings that would be preferable and begin writing a script to it immediately. After the write; you can close the channel, wait for response, then read the results from matlab. Uunfortunately, I'm not experienced w/ it to provide a more direct example, but this is the concept for the most case. Please research the documentation for anything else.
Matlab has an "engine" interface described here to let standalone programs call matlab functions. It has the advantage that you can call engPutVariableand engGetVariable to transfer your data in binary format (I think it works by using shared memory between your process and matlab, but I'm not sure on this), so you don't have to convert your data to ascii and parse the result from ascii.
For c++ you might want to write a wrapper class for RAII or have a look at, where this has already been done.

How do I guard against failure of cvLoad?

I am writing a program that uses OpenCV and involves intrinsic and distortion parameters. These parameters are loaded from .xml files saved on disc. I use the following commands in my opening declarations to load the files:
CvMat *intrinsic = (CvMat*)cvLoad("Intrinsics.xml");
CvMat *distortion = (CvMat*)cvLoad("Distortion.xml");
This works fine as long as the files are in the program's working directory. When they are not, the program crashes without any indication of the nature of the error. I have made the mistake of not having the xml files located correctly multiple times before, and I would like to make this easier to troubleshoot in the future.
I would like to create a guard against the files failing to load. Perhaps if they are not present my program could display an error message and exit gracefully. I saw the method suggested here, and it should work for me, but I was wondering if there was a cleaner way to do it without including another header.
For example, the OpenCV function cvQueryFrame returns 0 if it does not return a frame. I use the code
frame = cvQueryFrame(capture);
printf("ERROR: Could not get frame from webcam.");
to exit the program if cvQueryFrame fails to return a frame. I would like to do something similar with my matrix loading commands. Is this possible, and if so, how should I do it?
I checked the OpenCV documentation and could not find a description of cvLoad's behaviour when it cannot find the file specified so I am not sure how to proceed.
I am writing this project in C++ and running it on Windows 7.
It works. Go ahead and try it yourself:
CvMat *distortion = (CvMat*)cvLoad("Distortion.xml");
if (!distortion)
printf("!!! cvLoad failed");

Octave plot from Qt C++ application

I have a QT C++ application that runs the Octave program using QProcess. I am able to communicate with it by reading the standard output/error and writing to it's standard input using write method (for example: octave->write("5 + 5\n");).
As I told you I get response from octave (from the above example I get "ans = 10").
However, when the command I write to Octave standard input has a "plot" (for example, a simple plot([1 2 3 4 5]);), the actual graphic is never shown. I know Octave runs gnuplot, I have it installed, and gnuplot_x11 too. I even change the gnuplot binary path in my Octave process by executing gnuplot_binary("/usr/bin/gnuplot"); from MY APPLICATION. I know it runs good because if I retrieve the new value I get it right. But I don't know why Octave doesn't show the graphic.
Here I start octave:
QStringList arguments;
arguments << "--persist";
octave->start("/usr/bin/octave", arguments);
Here I write commands to octave process:
if (octave->state() == QProcess::Running) {
QString command = widget.txtInput->toPlainText();
if (command.isEmpty()) {
command += "\n";
With this I print the octave response to a text edit:
widget.txtOutput->append(octave->readAll() + "\n");
And finally, I use this when the octave process starts:
QString gnuplot_path(tr("\"/usr/bin/gnuplot\""));
QString gnuplot_cmd(tr("gnuplot_binary(%1)\n").arg(gnuplot_path));
I will appreciate any help you could give me.
Thanks in advance.
Octave, like Matlab, can be run in batch mode to perform computations without graphical UI. I assume that Octave detects that it is not run from an interactive session, and therefore automatically goes into batch mode. You would expect Octave to suppress graphical output (e.g. gnuplot output) when being in batch mode.
Try to force Octave into interactive mode by using the --interactive command line option:
I know you probably already solved your problem but this might be helpful for other...
You can try to add a command to save your plot in a temporary folder in your octave request.
Then display the graph in your ap