How to use wso2cep in my case? - wso2

I am working with wso2cep3.0. I went through the docs of wso2cep but there is no exaplanation about wso2cep how would i use it
1.what is the use of Input Event Adapter:-in my concern for getting the data from client.
2.Event Builder means incoming data format specifier.
3.Event Formatter means Outgoing data format specifier.
4.Output Event Adapter out put handler.
but how can i use this thing means any program or any event writer most important how would i publish this to external world example as http endpoint or https or jms.
I am unable to understand how would i start and where can i start.
Please suggest me i know the ESB,DSS,IS,BPS

For a typical CEP usecase, you configure the input event adaptor to connect to an event source, such as a JMS endpoint, Thrift endpoint(WSO2Event adaptor in CEP 3.0.0) etc. Event builder specifies how the incoming message will be mapped.
Next the execution plans will have the actual query (the processing part) of the execution flow. This is where the CEP engine actually processes the events.
Event formatter formats it to an output format as needed. The output event adaptor connects to the actual endpoint to which the processed result would be published. It would go and publish to a JMS endpoint, email, database etc.
To get started, you need to create an input event adaptor, then an event builder that uses the input event adaptor, then the execution plan, then the output event adaptor, and an event formatter that would format the result from the execution plan and send to the relevant output adaptor. You can find the flow in [1].
You can find example configurations in /samples/artifacts directory. You can find an overview of samples in [2] and can find how to run them [3]. Each sample has an associated producer and a consumer that simulates real world event producers/consumers. Samples would be the best place to learn more about CEP configurations.


Ability to ensure message was successfully sent to Event Hub from APIM

Is it possible to ensure that a message was successfully delivered to an Event Hub when sending it with the log-to-eventhub policy in API Management?
Edit: In our solution we cannot allow any request to proceed if a message was not delivered to the Event Hub. As far as I can tell the log-to-eventhub policy doesn't check for this.
Welcome to Stackoveflow!
Note: Once the data has been passed to an Event Hub, it is persisted and will wait for Event Hub consumers to process it. The Event Hub does not care how it is processed; it just cares about making sure the message will be successfully delivered.
For more details, refer “Why send to an Azure Event Hub?”.
Hope this helps.
Event Hubs is built on top of Service Bus. According to the Service Bus documentation,
Using any of the supported Service Bus API clients, send operations into Service Bus are always explicitly settled, meaning that the API operation waits for an acceptance result from Service Bus to arrive, and then completes the send operation.
If the message is rejected by Service Bus, the rejection contains an error indicator and text with a "tracking-id" inside of it. The rejection also includes information about whether the operation can be retried with any expectation of success. In the client, this information is turned into an exception and raised to the caller of the send operation. If the message has been accepted, the operation silently completes.
When using the AMQP protocol, which is the exclusive protocol for the .NET Standard client and the Java client and which is an option for the .NET Framework client, message transfers and settlements are pipelined and completely asynchronous, and it is recommended that you use the asynchronous programming model API variants.
A sender can put several messages on the wire in rapid succession without having to wait for each message to be acknowledged, as would otherwise be the case with the SBMP protocol or with HTTP 1.1. Those asynchronous send operations complete as the respective messages are accepted and stored, on partitioned entities or when send operation to different entities overlap. The completions might also occur out of the original send order.
I think this means the SDK is getting a receipt for each message.
This theory is further aided by the RetryPolicy Class used in the ClientEntity.RetryPolicy Property of the EventHubSender Class.
In the API Management section on logging-to-eventhub, there is also a section on retry intervals. Below that are sections on modifying the return response or taking action on certain status codes.
Once the status codes of a failed logging attempt are known, you can modify the policies to take action on failed logging attempts.

How do I notify the client application when a chaincode is invoked?

When a chaincode is invoked, is there a way to call a REST API (external) so that the client application can be notified on the new transaction.
Apart from REST, is there any other option?
It's better to use events
Validating peers and chaincodes can emit events on the network that
applications may listen for and take actions on. There is a set of
pre-defined events, and chaincodes can generate custom events. Events
are consumed by 1 or more event adapters. Adapters may further deliver
events using other vehicles such as Web hooks or Kafka.
Application can subscribe for events stream from Fabric and listen for messages generate by your chaincode.
An example for how to work with Events can be found here:
To add to Sergey's answer, there are 3 types of events.
BLOCK EVENTs, which are created when the ledger changes.
REJECTION EVENTs, which are created when any error occur( either in user chain code or in system chain code )
CHAINCODE EVENTs, which are user handles which lets user chain code create events. [ Weird thing I noticed is, only one CHAINCODE EVENT per invoke is allowed as per current design ]
You can have an event listener/client running at your end, listening on the gRPC port, ( you can get the port from the core.yaml file ) Or you can even refer to the example Sergey has mentioned.
In your case, I am guessing that you are looking for a successful transaction. In that case, you should listen on BLOCK events and REJECTION Events. The Transaction UUID which you received when your invoke was triggered, can be used to scan the events and trigger an action when it matches.
Also note that if a transaction results in REJECTION EVENT, then it would not have a BLOCK EVENT.
Hope this helps.

how to push data from java class to Wso2 DAS

Is there any document or step by step process which guides us on how we can use WS02 DAS to pull data from java class objects and display reports using this data using WS02 Dashboards.
Any help would be really appreciated.
First You can create an Event Stream by specifying attributes and mention what are the attributes you need to persist. When events arrives to the streams, those will be stored in Events tables [1].
Then you can create an Event Receiver for that Event Stream [2]. When creating an event stream you can use a protocol such as Thrift, Soap, Http, Mqtt, JMS, Kafka and Web sockets. You can write a simple Java Application to publish data to DAS Receiver you created on message format protocol which you have selected. For an instance if you create SOAP receiver you can use data on soap message format and also if you create a HTTP receiver you can use JSON format.
You can create a dashboard and gadgets to visualize Event table which was created by your persistent stream [3]. Please note that this event table consist all the events WSO2 DAS received, you can process these data by using spark SQL [4] and create several streams which could be used in Analytics Dashboard.
Your subject of the question and the body is contradictory. The subject says to push data while the body says pull data.
If push data is what you want to achieve, you can refer This uses a thrift client to push data to DAS.
Please refer for how to analyze the raw data. You can write spark scripts for analyzing.
Finally you can on how to analyze data. You may use the REST API exposed with DAS 3.0.0 to pull data from DAS.

Automate Suspended orchestrations to be resumed automatically

We have a BizTalk application which sends XML files to external applications by using a web-service.
BizTalk calls the web-services method by passing XML file and destination application URL as parameters.
If the external applications are not able to receive the XML, or if there is no response received from the web-service back to BizTalk the message gets suspended in BizTalk.
Presently for this situation we manually go to BizTalk admin and resume each suspended message.
Our clients want this process to be automated all, they want an dashboard which shows list of message details and a button, on its click all the suspended messages have to be resumed.
If you are doing this within an orchestration and catching the connection error, just add a delay shape configured to 5 hours. Or set a retry interval to 300 minutes and multiple retries on the send port if that makes sense. You can do this using the rule engine as well.
Why not implement an asynchronous pattern?
You make it so, so that the orchestration sends the file out via a send shape while initializing a certain correlation set.
You then put a listen shape with at one end:
- the receive (following the initialized correlation set)
- a delay shape set to 5 hours.
When you receive the message, your orchestration can handle it gracefully.
When you don't, the delay shape will kick in and you handle accordingly.
Benefit to this solution in comparison to the solution of 40Alpha will be that your orchestration will only 'wake up' from a dehydrated state if the timeout kicks in OR when the response is received. In the example of 40Alpha, the orchestration would wake up a lot of times, consuming extra resources.
You may want to look a product like BizTalk 360. It has those sort of monitoring and command built into it. I'm not sure it works with BizTalk 2006R2 though, but you should be thinking about moving off that platform anyway as it is going out of Microsoft support.

WSO2 CEP output event adaptor error

I am new to WSO2 CEP
I have created the entire flow to read the JMS message and split it using Text formatter. The problem is that when I try to push messages into the queue, it is not able to reach the the output event adaptor. I have a mysql event adaptor and configured it into my event formatter but I keep getting the below message in my log
[2014-02-13 21:20:06,347] ERROR - {ReceiverGroup} No receiver is reachable at reconnection, can't publish the events
[2014-02-13 21:20:06,352] ERROR - {AsyncDataPublisher} Reconnection failed for for tcp://localhost:7661
Can someone help me understand what is this tcp://localhost:7661 is all about
tcp://localhost:7661 is the default port to which Thrift(WSO2 events are published). It seems a default event formatter has been created and trying to publish events to that port.
Can you check your list of event formatters and ensure that no event formatters of type WSO2Event are created. This event formatter might be automatically created if you set an exported stream to be 'pass-through' when creating the execution plan.
You can enable event tracing[1] and monitor to determine exactly upto which point the event is coming in your configured flow.