Custom Font in Maximenu CK - which css file to change? - joomla2.5

On my Joomla 2.5 site, I set up a menu with Maximenu CK. I have the plugin Maximenu params, too, for easy styling. I am using the blank theme for a horizontal menu.
Problem: I wasn't able to apply a custom Google font though. More specifically: which css to change?
I tried to track down the location with Firebug, but found that the font-definition was inline in my main html. I guess this is done with php and include, but don't know where to look further.

I have never worked with Google custom fonts but this is how I was able to change Maximenu CK's font family to a usual font like Palatino, Arial or Tahoma:
From Joomla root directory I navigated to modules/mod_maximenuck/themes/blank/css which I assume is the directory containing blank theme's styling files.
Within the css directory, I found the following files: ie7.css, index.html,maximenuhck.php, maximenuhck_rtl.php, maximenuvck.php, moo_maximenuhck.css, moo_maximenuhck_rtl.css and moo_maximenuvck.css.
I was able to change menu font by updating maximenuhck.php
Here is the portion of code to which I added my preferred font family (starts at line 12):
/* menu */
div#<?php echo $id; ?> {
I hope this is helpful.

One way to do it would be to treat this the same as for any other text on the page which you wish to style.
In the head of your template bring in the font file, e.g.
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
Using firebug check the class of menu and target anchor tags inside that menu with CSS which you add to your site CSS file, e.g.
.maximenuCKH a{
font-family: 'Open Sans Condensed', sans-serif;
You might have to tweak the selector to suit your needs, but this will hopefully get you started.


Change color of Header for Distill blog Rmarkdown

Anyone know how to change color of the header in Distill in Rmarkdown? I can change the color in the rendered HTML, but then everytime it re-renders, it overrides. Is there a way to change the header color with Rmarkdown when using the Distill framework?
Cool, glad it worked! I also faced a similar issue. The entire default CSS that can be tweaked can be found in the Theming section here:
And then you can add this with:
css: styles.css
Found my answer, added a .css file in the main index.Rmd, used the rendered html file and web browser to inspect the element to find the distill-site-nav element and changed the css that way. here is my .css file
.distill-site-nav {
color: #000000;
background-color: #FFA500;

PrestaShop - Shopping cart icon not showing

I have this problem in PrestaShop, I do not know what I did but now the image of my shopping cart does not work. It is written: F291 and I have no idea why. How can I change it?
I did not touch any code, just working in PrestaShop admin version.
F291 is a shortcode used with FontAwesome to display a shopping basket icon.
FontAwesome is a custom font that has symbols/icons that replace normal text characters, it is used in many templates, including PrestaShop templates.
You can double-check it here:
Assuming you did not make any modifications to your template, the most probable cause is that the URL used to link the FontAwesome CSS file no longer works.
Steps to resolve this issue:
Search for fontawesome across all the files in your /themes/themename/ PrestaShop folder
Once you have found the file/line calling the FontAwesome CSS file, replace it with:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha384-oS3vJWv+0UjzBfQzYUhtDYW+Pj2yciDJxpsK1OYPAYjqT085Qq/1cq5FLXAZQ7Ay" crossorigin="anonymous">
I hope this helps.

Sphinx Readthedocs theme Font-awesome integration

I know this may be a very silly question, but I've not managed to find anything online about a potential solution.
I am using Sphinx 1.4 and the sphinx_rtd_theme to generate some documentation for my Django project. I've been trying to find a way to use font-awesome icons in the .rst files but have found no way to do it. I've had a look at the sphinx_rtd_theme source files and the fa-* icons are included in the theme.css file. However, I'm unaware of a way actually to have them included.
Is it a directive, interpreted text or anything similar? I've tried icon, fonticon and fa as either of the above and none worked.
Any help would be appreciated.
I know I can potentially use raw HTML, but I'd like to avoid that if at all possible.
You can use Sphinx's rst-class directive, as follows:
.. rst-class:: fa fa-fontawesome
the font awsome flag will be attached to this paragraph
rst-class will set the class attribute for the next element as specified.
The following code renders only the icon:
.. rst-class:: fa fa-font-awesome
Of course, you can also use custom classes to further style the element.
You can also use
:fa:`spinner,text-white bg-primary fa-2x,style=fa`
I am just learning Sphinx and had the same question, but using raw HTML is fine for my case. Maybe this solution will be helpful to someone out there...
In the file, add a link to your Fontawesome Kit Code URL
html_js_files = [
Then, use fontawesome icons in Sphinx with the raw HTML directive
.. |fa-fort-awesome| raw:: html
<i class="fab fa-fort-awesome"></i>
Here is some text |fa-fort-awesome| with the icon in the middle.
Here is how it renders as HTML...
In order to make the icons available on HTML and Latex download FontAwesome Web Package from, include font-awesome/svgs/solid into your project _static folder and make use of image directives like bellow:
The |fa-bars| function is to toggle the left Sidebar Menu between being collapsed behind the button or displayed on the screen.
.. |fa-bars| image:: _static/font-awesome/svgs/solid/bars.svg
:width: 20px
:alt: hamburguer button
<link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>
The <i class="fa fa-bars"></i> function is to toggle the left Sidebar Menu between being collapsed behind the button or displayed on the screen.

Sitecore: Programmatically remove the Page Editor Tool bar on top

I am loading a page (item rendering e.g. /sitecore/content/.../Page) inside an IFrame. It shows the Page Editor ribbon as well. I want to hide that tool bar, it is not required in my scenario.
But if I set the source URL for IFrame like http://mysite/somefolder/page.aspx it does not display the Page Editor controls.
That means Page Editor controls gets loaded on demand.
Need to know how to stop loading Page Editor controls on the page.
Please let me know if you know how to stop those controls being loaded to the page.
This is because the page is in Edit mode. Will this page never need to loaded in the page editor? If not then you can add the following to the Page_Load event:
Sitecore.Context.Site.SetDisplayMode(Sitecore.Sites.DisplayMode.Normal, Sitecore.Sites.DisplayModeDuration.ResetAfterRequest);
Otherwise you can append ?sc_mode=normal to the URL when setting the src of the iFrame to achieve the same thing. This way if you want to edit the page outside the iFrame you can use the standard Sitecore Page Editor features.
What were/are you setting the URL of the IFrame to currently (when you get the controls)?
I found a solution, I am hiding this ribbon with CSS, it's a very simple solution,
/*Hide the edit mode ribbon panel appears in the iframes. Originally added this to Price strategy control.*/
#scWebEditRibbon, #scCrossPiece
display: none;

Blogger, tumblr option for custom template

How these application allow users to upload their own templates? How is this possible?
Do they have some kind of a their own template engine or..?
Tumblr gives you two options to include your own theme:
If it is just for personal use: by changing the html of the theme. If you go to your tumblr-website and click on the customize button, you can edit the html. In the header file the content of your .css must be pasted between the <style type="text/css"> </style> tags. And you can add some javascript there. For the html I suggest to read the manual that Mirko Adari suggested: Tumblr Theme manual
If you want it to be a theme on itself: submit your theme to the Theme Garden: Tumblr Theme Garden
Blogger is a bit more rigid. Also there you can change your html file. Keep in mind that it's markup for posts is different then Tumblr. Also custom CSS files can be added (more information on that). If you are less familiar with css and html Blogger offers some buttons so that you can change the basics to your own needs. Blogger also offers a way to backup and restore your theme. A more detailed explanation can be found here. This template file must be an .xml file. More information on the markup of this xml-template can be found here.