Some functions of Sony Camera Remote API seemed to be unavailable - clojure

I am currently working on a Clojure wrapper of Sony Remote Camera Control API Beta.
Some functions, which getAvailableApiList function says "available" looks unavailable.
(Returns IllegalArgumentException No matching field found error.)
Am I missing API documentation?
If so, someone could guide me to the corresponding section of the document?
If not, I would like to know in which version these functions will be implimented.
Especially, I am interested in "(get|set)BeepMode", "(get|set)StillSize", setExposureMode, and so on.
I attached complete list of functions which looks unavailable for reference.[1]
Development environment
Mac OSX 10.7.5
Clojure 1.4.0 with Leiningen2
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_65-b14-462-11M4609) Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 20.65-b04-462, mixed mode)
Emacs 23.3
[1] Functions which seems to be unavailable

Some undocumented API becomes avaliable after auth. You can see how it is done on QX100 here from line 144 to 151:

You may not be using a camera that supports those features. Here is Sony's capability chart


How to get Instance name in CommandBox CF 2018?

I recently started using commandBox to run ColdFusion in my local environment. After I played around for a while one issue I run into was related to adminapi. Here is the code that I use in one of my projects:
adminObj = createObject("component","cfide.adminapi.runtime");
instance = adminObj.getInstanceName();
This code is pretty straight forward and work just fine if I install traditional ColdFusion Developer version on my machine. I tried running this on commandBox: "app":{ "cfengine":"adobe#2018.0.7" }
After I run the code above this is the error message I got:
Object Instantiation Exception.
Class not found: com.adobe.coldfusion.entman.ProcessServer
The first debugging step was to check if component exists. I simply checked that like this:
adminObj = createObject("component","cfide.adminapi.runtime");
The result I got on the screen was this:
component CFIDE.adminapi.runtime
extends CFIDE.adminapi.base
Then I tried this to make sure method exists in the scope:
adminObj = createObject("component","cfide.adminapi.runtime");
The output looks like this, and that confirmed that method getInstanceName exists.
function getInstanceName
Arguments: none
ReturnType: any
Access: public
Output: false
Hint: returns the current instance name
The error is occurring only if I call the function getInstanceName(). Does anyone know what could be the reason of this error? Is there any solution for this particular problem? Like I already mentioned this method works in traditional ColdFusion 2018 developer environment. Thank you.
This is a bug in Adobe ColdFusion. The CFC you're creating is trying to create an instance of a specific Java class. I recognize the class name com.adobe.coldfusion.entman.ProcessServer as being related to their enterprise manager which controls features only available in certain versions of CF as well as features only available on their "standard" Tomcat installation (as opposed to a J2E deployment like CommandBox).
Please report this to Adobe in the Adobe bug tracker as they appear to be incorrectly detecting the servlet installation. I worked with them a couple years ago to improve their servlet detection on CommandBox, but I guess they still have some issues.
As a workaround, you could try and find out what jar that class is from on a non-CommandBox installation of Adobe ColdFusion and add it to the path, but I can't promise that it will work and that it won't have negative consequences.

How to use with in Crystal Lang

I would like to use in my Crystal project.
I can not find crystal integration with or any other error trackers.
Is there a shard for the Rollbar or similar services (error tracking)?
I don't know anything about Rollbar. But there's a client for Sentry which should have similar features:

WlanHostedNetworkStartUsing or how windows 10 builtin mobile hotspot works

I'm trying to write a program which creates hotspot. I'm using WlanHostedNetworkStartUsing but it returns ERROR_INVALID_STATE. And yet when I call WlanHostedNetworkInitSettings it returns succsess. According to documemtation (last paragraph in Remarks section) it should to create a virtual wireless connection under Control Panel\Network and Internet\Network and Sharing Center but it doesn't.
I've searching a bit and found this:
When I run netsh wlan show drivers it puts:
Driver : Intel(R) Dual Band Wireless-AC 3165
Vendor : Intel Corporation
Provider : Intel
Date : 07-Sep-16
Version :
INF file : ????
Type : Native Wi-Fi Driver
Radio types supported : 802.11b 802.11g 802.11n 802.11a 802.11ac
/ ...
Hosted network supported : No <--- Here
/ ...
So it says my wifi adapter doesn't wifi sharing at all (I have last drivers from HP site).
BUT when I try to create hotspot with Windows 10 builtin' tool it works.
The question: How could windows tool do it and how can I use this mechanism in my app?
Original 06/06/2018 comments here (see updates below):
Microsoft deprecated the WLAN HostedNetwork capability and it is NOT
available for Win10 drivers. To use the old model in Win10 you must
find and install drivers from 2015 (8.1 or possibly earlier depending
on vendor).
The Win10 driver model changed the mechanism of HostedNetwork to be
based on WiFi Direct, and took control away from app-developers and
moved this feature to the kernel. There are some samples available if
you dig around, that show how to use the modern-com (RT) UWP app
libraries to configure a WiFi Direct HostedNetwork. It is a PITA,
which was not explained by Microsoft, is not understood by most people
commenting on this in the web, and which mostly looks like a two-step
microsoft failure where product features were cut to make ship
schedule and re-orgs among teams changed the ownership and plan for
WiFi and hotspots. WiFi direct enables - theoretically - a simpler
pairing and authentication model between devices. But the currently
implementation involves bluetooth and therefore it is questionable
other than support a limited mobile device WiFi 2.0 scenario. If you
are working with headless devices or IoT device scenarios this is
I've had to do a lot of work in this area. If you have a choice in
WiFi hardware, I strongly recommend a hardware chipset that uses the
Intel drivers (they are solid).
You may find this App store app helpful if your scenario allows for UX
02/27/2020 Update to that story...
When Hosted network supported : No then legacy hosted network support is not available on your adapter because you have WiFi Direct in Windows 10 etc. In which case you'll want to know and use this very sparsely commented on supported portion of WiFi Direct:
Command Line to HotSpot settings: start ms-settings:network-mobilehotspot
Article that talks about PowerShell programmatic access to the WinRT HotSpot APIs
enable Win10 inbuild hotspot by cmd/batch/powershell
KEYWORDS: "Virtual Wi-Fi", SoftAP, AdHoc IBSS, MobileHotSpot, netsh wlan HostedNetwork
Which would not be complete without a working C++/WinRT code sample as follows:
#include <winrt/Windows.Networking.Connectivity.h>
#include <winrt/Windows.Networking.NetworkOperators.h>
#include <winrt/Windows.Devices.WiFiDirect.h>
#include <winrt/Windows.Security.Credentials.h>
namespace winrt { // /ZW embed in :<winrt> when `Windows` is ambiguously defined
static void af_winrt_wifi_hotspot_test() {
// start ms-settings:network-mobilehotspot
init_apartment(); // apartment_type::multi_threaded
if (false /* play as you wish to test this all in simple c++ console app, I used clang */) {
auto publisher = Windows::Devices::WiFiDirect::WiFiDirectAdvertisementPublisher();
auto advertisement = publisher.Advertisement();
auto legacySettings = advertisement.LegacySettings();
auto credential = Windows::Security::Credentials::PasswordCredential(); credential.Password(L"the-password!");
else {
auto connectionProfile{ Windows::Networking::Connectivity::NetworkInformation::GetInternetConnectionProfile() };
auto tetheringManager = Windows::Networking::NetworkOperators::NetworkOperatorTetheringManager::CreateFromConnectionProfile(connectionProfile);
auto credential = Windows::Security::Credentials::PasswordCredential(); credential.Password(L"the-password!");
auto conf = Windows::Networking::NetworkOperators::NetworkOperatorTetheringAccessPointConfiguration();
conf.Ssid(L"I-Own-You"); conf.Passphrase(credential.Password());
auto oldConf = tetheringManager.GetCurrentAccessPointConfiguration();
auto oldSsid = oldConf.Ssid(); auto oldPwd = oldConf.Passphrase();
tetheringManager.ConfigureAccessPointAsync(conf); // Sets new ssid/pwd here
switch (tetheringManager.TetheringOperationalState()) {
case Windows::Networking::NetworkOperators::TetheringOperationalState::Off: {
auto ioAsync = tetheringManager.StartTetheringAsync();
auto fResult = ioAsync.get();
case Windows::Networking::NetworkOperators::TetheringOperationalState::On: {
// auto ioAsync = tetheringManager.StopTetheringAsync();
// auto fResult = ioAsync.get();
case Windows::Networking::NetworkOperators::TetheringOperationalState::InTransition:
Look here for older Microsoft Samples relating to WiFiDirectAdvertisementPublisher:
C++ on Microsoft Page
C# Microsoft IoT Sample OnboardingAccessPoint.cs on GitHub Page
mobile broadband networks, use IMbnConnectionProfileManager::CreateConnectionProfile
Wi-Fi networks, use WlanSetProfile function
Mobile Hotspot XML WFD_GROUP_OWNER_PROFILE profile is in this dir-path: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Wlansvc\Profiles\Interfaces\
So many articles on the web, so much confusion created by WiFi-Direct.
I've spent two whole days figuring it all out. Which, for my time, is a lot.
No excuse for Microsoft (where I use to work as an Architect) not having created a Blog about this very popular topic. Let alone simply having made netsh and Ad Hoc Wifi compat support, instead of leaving it so cryptic and confusing for devops, end-users, and developers.
-- enjoy David
The above is pretty concise, and exposes working c++/WinRT code for all scenarios.
[I now have this bundled in EdgeS: EdgeShell/EdgeScript/afm-scm toolset]
Your computer does not support hosted network.
Because of that, this won't work.
Open command prompt as admin and try these commands:
netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=“OSToto Hotspot” key=“12345678”
The ssid is the name of your network and the key is the password. You can name them like the above command.
Then run:
netsh wlan start hostednetwork
Rest before saying anything else, I would like to got through your source code.

How can I use Bluez5 DBUS API in C++ to pair and connect new devices?

I am writing a bluetooth driver for Intel Edison. Board software is latest available, and I am developing using the Eclipse based IDE.
Bluez version number in this edison release is 5.37.
I am designing a system which has to meet the following requirements:
Scan for bluetooth devices nearby. [X]
Detect sensor devices based on name and MAC address. [X]
Pair and connect sensor devices automatically. []
Last item is the problem since I can detect sensor devices but I am not able to pair them using the bluez5 interface. So far I have tried to use the D-BUS interface but it is not working since I keep getting the following error message:
Method "FindAdapter" with signature "s" on interface "org.bluez.Manager" doesn't exist
Code is presented here. Please note:
DBusConnection *conn -> DBUS_BUS_SYSTEM
const char *adapter -> "hci0".
DBusMessage *msg, *reply;
DBusError err;
const char *reply_path;
char *path;
msg = dbus_message_new_method_call("org.bluez", "/","org.bluez.Manager", "FindAdapter");
dbus_message_append_args(msg, DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &adapter,DBUS_TYPE_INVALID);
reply = dbus_connection_send_with_reply_and_block(conn, msg, -1, &err);
Any ideas?
To give you an anwser, Pair and Connect are associated with the device-api.txt. To call these methods you can send dbus messages (like you did in the code presented above) or build a Proxy object with the following parameters (found in the documentation) :
name : "org.bluez"
interface "org.bluez.Device1"
path : "/org/bluez/dev_AA_BB_CC_DD_EE" where AA_BB_CC_DD_EE is your device mac address.
If you choose to build a proxy object, you can call methods like Pair or Connect through the proxy.
Could you explain what you are trying to achieve in the code above ? I understand that you want to find which adapter to use (I see the "FindAdapter" method) however it seems you already knows that your adapter name is "hci0".
I have been working with the DBus API exposed by Bluez recently and I was unfamiliar with the interface "org.bluez.Manager".
After a quick search in the official documentation ( I was able to find the following commit which specifies that the interface was dropped in 2012 :
I also noticed you were using the DBus low-level API, as advised by freedesktop themselves (read at the bottom of the page here : ), this is very complex API useful to create bindings in other languages. If you can, switch to GLib GDBus for a much simpler API.

Using Metro in place of Weblogic Webservices Stack

I am attempting to use Metro web services in place of the default Weblogic webservices stack contained in weblogic.jar.
The problem comes when trying to get WebLogic to use the metro stack before its own.
The steps I have taken so far is to reference the webservices-rt.jar in the project. So far I am getting this error while deploying the ear file....
Caused By: java.lang.LinkageError: loader constraint violation: when resolving field "DATETIME" the class loader (instance of weblogic/utils/classloaders/ChangeAwareClassLoader) of the referring class, javax/xml/datatype/DatatypeConstants, and the class loader (instance of ) for the field's resolved type, javax/xml/namespace/QName, have different Class objects for that type
Most Recent Error is: "class javax.xml.namespace.QName has neither #WebSerivce nor #WebServiceProvider" Strange that it is looking for #Webservice on a QName object:
Contents of Application-Weblogic.xml
Take a look at using the FilteringClassLoader which is configured in weblogic-application.xml deployment descriptor. You can instruct WebLogic to load classes from the application in favor of the libraries that are included with WebLogic. The descriptor element is and you specify the Java packages you want to load from the application.
If you are using WebLogic 10.3.4 you can use the ClassLoader Analysis to analyze the packages that are in conflict.
Check out my presentation here: and my demo of the CAT here: YouTube