Cant see instance when apply a custom policy in IAM in AWS - amazon-web-services

I have created a policy for restricting access of a user to a single instance as:
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "Stmt1392113879000",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
But I am getting this error:
You are not authorized to describe Running Instances
You are not authorized to describe Elastic IPs
You are not authorized to describe Volumes
You are not authorized to describe Snapshots
You are not authorized to describe Key Pairs
You are not authorized to describe Load Balancers
You are not authorized to describe Placement Groups
You are not authorized to describe Security Groups
I cant see the instance in the console. If i cant implement this thing then what is the use of policies!!
Im stuck please help

from iam-policies-for-amazon-ec2
Currently, not all API actions support individual ARNs; we'll add
support for additional API actions and ARNs for additional Amazon EC2
resources later. For information about which ARNs you can use with
which Amazon EC2 API actions, as well as supported condition keys for
each ARN, see Supported Resources and Conditions for Amazon EC2 API
So, wiritng ec2:* is not going to help you. Instead, you should provide exact API actions that you wish to grant to this user.
Also, quoting from the same link referred above:
To specify all resources, or if a specific API action does not support ARNs, use the * wildcard in the Resource element as follows:
Assigning restrictive EC2 IAM polices is a bit complicated. You may want to read above referred link in detail as well as this link.

Check your region. Your policy uses US-East-1, but where are your instances? US-West-2?


How should I permission my AWS Lambdas to be able to query OpenSearch?

I have an AWS OpenSearch cluster configured with an IAM master user role. I have an AWS Lambda which I want to be able to query both OpenSearch and other AWS services like DynamoDB. I don't want to modify the OpenSearch master user role to be able to access other AWS services - it should have zero permissions.
My current solution is letting my Lambda call assumeRole to assume the master user role before querying OpenSearch. Is this the approved way to do it? Seems like it would be more efficient not to have to do the assume role step. And it has the downside that the Lambda then has full access to OpenSearch - I would prefer to give it more granular permissions, e.g. only es:ESHttpGet.
This AWS documentation seems to imply that you can set a resource-based access policy on domain setup which grants permissions to specific users. But I tried creating a maximally permissive policy and I still can't access the domain except as the master role. Am I misunderstanding the docs?
The permissive access policy I tried to use:
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": {
"AWS": "*"
"Action": "es:*",
"Resource": "arn:aws:es:eu-west-1:REDACTED:domain/*/*"
I'm implementing something like that at the moment and it's not quite finished, but I am using API Gateway and a Lambda authoriser function to allow basic authentication. You could try that. The policy I have is almost the same as yours except after domain I have the name of the domain, not a star. I also have vpcs for security locked down to a cidr range.

AWS IAM: How does the condition context key "aws:RequestTag" work?

I have an EC2 instance with a role attached to it. My goal is to provide full access to AWS service (Lambda for example) but only on certain resources (Tag based). I found that aws:RequestTag was the way to do it.
Below is the IAM policy attached to the role.
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "Stmt1614664562621",
"Action": "lambda:*",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Resource": "*",
"Condition": {
"StringLike": {
"aws:ResourceTag/app": "prod"
I added the tags app:prod on the required lambda functions but however when I try to list the lambda I get an AccessDeniedException error. Below is the error message
An error occurred (AccessDeniedException) when calling the
ListFunctions operation: User:
arn:aws:sts::123456789:assumed-role/iam-role-name/i-01abcd456abcd is
not authorized to perform: lambda:ListFunctions on resource: *
How to make the aws:RequestTag work? Where am I going wrong?
Similar question below: (That solution didn't work for me)
aws:RequestTag on s3 bucket is not working (while assuming a role)
You probably want to use aws:ResourceTag instead in your condition and tag the resources (i.e. Lambda functions) that this policy should permit access to.
aws:RequestTag is used to control which tags can be carried in an AWS API call such as for adding/editing/removing a resource tag on a resource or adding session tags on a session (via an sts:TagSession call). They are not meant to protect access to resources having a specific tag.
Also, adding the tag on your role does not mean that any caller identity (i.e. assumed session role) will then have this tag as a request/session tag. And consequently, it will not control any authorization/access to resources with that tag. The IAM role that you tagged simply is another AWS resource with a resource tag applied to it now.
Additionally, you couldn't even control session tags when EC2 assumes your role in the EC2 instance, so you cannot control session/request tags for your EC2 instance.
EDIT: In your particular example with lambda:ListFunctions, though, which is not a resource-specific action, you cannot control/filter the list by Lambda functions having a specific resource tag allowed by the policy of the API caller.
When working with multiple environments/stages, having multiple AWS accounts (one per environment/stage) is actually best practice. You can then even use AWS Organizations for consolidated billing, etc. if you don't already use multiple AWS accounts.

AWS Elasticsearch Service IAM Role based Access Policy

I have been struggling to figure out how to communicate with the Amazon ES service from my EC2 instances.
The documentation clearly states that the Amazon ES service supports IAM User & Role based access policies.
However, when I have this access policy for my ES domain:
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": {
"AWS": "arn:aws:iam::123456789:role/my-ec2-role"
"Action": "es:*",
"Resource": "arn:aws:es:us-west-2:123456789:domain/myDomain/*"
I can't log into an ec2 instance and run a curl to hit my elasticsearch cluster.
Trying to do a simple curl of the _search API:
curl ""
Produces an authentication error response:
{"Message":"User: anonymous is not authorized to perform: es:ESHttpGet on resource: arn:aws:es:us-west-2:123456789:domain/myDomain/_search"}
Just to be extra safe I put the AmazonESFullAccess Policy on my IAM Role, still doesn't work.
I must be missing something, because being able to programmatically interact with Elasticsearch from ec2 instances that use an IAM Role is essential to getting anything accomplished with the Amazon ES Service.
I also see this contradictory statement in the docs.
IAM-based Policy Example You create IAM-based access policies by
using the AWS IAM console rather than the Amazon ES console. For
information about creating IAM-based access policies, see the IAM
That link to IAM documentation, is to the home page of IAM and contains exactly zero information about how to do it. Anyone got a solution for me?
When using IAM service with AWS, you must sign your requests. curl doesn't support signed requests (which consists of hashing the request and adding a parameter to the header of the request). You can use one of their SDK's that has the signing algorithm built in, and then submit that request.
You can find the SDKs for popular languages here:
First, you said you can't login to an EC2 instance to curl the ES instance? You can't login? Or you can't curl it from EC2?
I have my Elasticsearch (Service) instance open to the world (with nothing on it) and am able to curl it just fine, without signing. I changed the access policy to test, but unfortunately it takes forever to come back up after changing it...
My policy looks like this:
{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [
"Sid": "",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": "*",
"Action": "es:*",
"Resource": "arn:aws:es:us-east-1:843348267853:domain/myDomain/*"
"Sid": "",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": "*",
"Action": "es:*",
"Resource": "arn:aws:es:us-east-1:843348267853:domain/myDomain"
I realize this isn't exactly what you want, but start off with this (open to the world), curl from outside AWS and test it. Then restrict it, that way you're able to isolate the issues.
Also, I think you have an issue with the "Principal" in your access policy. You have your EC2 Role. I understand why you're doing that, but I think the Principal requires a USER, not a role.
See below:
Specifies the AWS account or IAM user that is allowed or denied access
to a resource. Specifying a wildcard (*) enables anonymous access to
the domain, which is not recommended. If you do enable anonymous
access, we strongly recommend that you add an IP-based condition to
restrict which IP addresses can submit requests to the Amazon ES
To be clear, you added the AmazonESFullAccess policy to the my-ec2-role? If you're going to use IAM access policies, I don't think you can have a resource based policy attached to it (which is what you're doing).
For some AWS services, you can grant cross-account access to your
resources. To do this, you attach a policy directly to the resource
that you want to share, instead of using a role as a proxy. The
resource that you want to share must support resource-based policies.
Unlike a user-based policy, a resource-based policy specifies who (in
the form of a list of AWS account ID numbers) can access that
Possibly try removing the access policy altogether?
Why you don't create a proxy with elastic ip and allow your proxy to access your ES?
Basically exists three forms that you can limit access in your ES:
Allow everyone
White IP list
Signing the access key and secret key provided by AWS.
I'm using two forms, in my php apps I prefer to use proxy behind the connection to ES and in my nodejs app I prefer to sign my requests using the http-aws-es node module.
It's useful to create a proxy environment because my users needs to access the kibana interface to see some reports and it's possible because they have configured the proxy in their browsers =)
I must recommend to you close the access to your ES indexes, because it's pretty easy to delete them, curl -XDELETE https://your_es_address/index anyone can do it but you can say: "how the others users will get my ES address?" and I will answer you: "Security based in dimness isn't a real security"
My security access policy is basically something like it:
I encountered this issue recently and the root problem is that none of the Amazon SDKs yet support calling Elasticsearch operations like search, put, etc.
The only workaround at the moment is to execute requests directly against the endpoint using signed requests:
The example here is for calling EC2, but it can be modified to instead call against Elasticsearch. Just modify the "service" value to "es". From there, you have to fill in values for
the endpoint (which is the full URL of your cluster including operation without request parameters)
the host (the part between https:// and your canonical URI like /_status
the canonical uri which is the URI after the first / inclusive (like /_status) but without the query string
the request parameters (everything after ? inclusive)
Note that I've only managed to get this working so far using AWS credentials as the assumption is that you pass in an access key and secret key to the various signing calls (access_key and secret_key in the example). It should be doable using IAM roles but you'll have to call into the security token service first to get temporary credentials that can be used to sign the request. Until you do that, be sure to edit your access policy on the Elasticsearch cluster to allow user creds (user/
you need to sign your request and unfortunately, it is no longer supported by the official elasticsearch library. Check this Github issue (
They want to enforce their own cloud solution

How can I allow a single user to have access of an ec2 instance in AWs console using IAM

I am exploring IAM. I want to give access to a single ec2 instance to a user. I have created a policy for this as:
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "Stmt1392113879000",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
But I am getting this error:
I have referred to this link
Any lead is appriciated.
The Resource-Level Permissions for EC2 and RDS Resources you are referring to are not yet available for all API actions, but AWS in gradually adding more, see this note from Amazon Resource Names for Amazon EC2:
Important Currently, not all API actions support individual ARNs; we'll add support for additional API actions and ARNs for additional
Amazon EC2 resources later. For information about which ARNs you can
use with which Amazon EC2 API actions, as well as supported condition
keys for each ARN, see Supported Resources and Conditions for Amazon
EC2 API Actions.
You will find that all ec2:Describe* actions are indeed absent still from Supported Resources and Conditions for Amazon EC2 API Actions at the time of this writing, and these are the ones required for listing resources e.g. in the AWS Management Console and triggering the errors you are seeing in turn ("You are not authorized to describe ...").
See also Granting IAM Users Required Permissions for Amazon EC2 Resources for a concise summary of the above and details on the ARNs and Amazon EC2 condition keys that you can use in an IAM policy statement to grant users permission to create or modify particular Amazon EC2 resources - this page also mentions that AWS will add support for additional actions, ARNs, and condition keys in 2014.

AWS Amazon IAM user Policy to access ONLY one EC2 instance on EU-WEST-1 region

I have read the AWS documentation and it wasn't helpful... at least not for me. I have read about IAM and the user policy on the EC2.
I want to make users have full access/(or just some actions allowed) only on ONE ec2 instance.
The region I'm using is eu-west-1(Ireland). I made this policy:
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [{
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": "ec2:*",
"Resource": "arn:aws:ec2:eu-west-1:ACCOUNT_ID:instance/INSTANCE_ID"
and when I login as the user, I see that I'm not authorized:
You are not authorized to describe Running Instances
You are not authorized to describe Elastic IPs
You are not authorized to describe Volumes
You are not authorized to describe Snapshots
You are not authorized to describe Key Pairs
You are not authorized to describe Load Balancers
You are not authorized to describe Placement Groups
You are not authorized to describe Security Groups
If I apply the following policy for the resource attribute:
"Resource": "arn:aws:ec2:*"
it's Ok but it's not what I need because users have access on all EC2 instances.
I want to know if this is a bug of AWS or there are problems with eu-west-1 region or this policy isn't supported already? Or maybe I'm wrong, if so, please help me how to do
The recently introduced Resource-Level Permissions for EC2 and RDS Resources are not yet available for all API actions, but AWS is gradually adding more, see this note from Amazon Resource Names for Amazon EC2:
Important Currently, not all API actions support individual ARNs; we'll add support for additional API actions and ARNs for additional
Amazon EC2 resources later. For information about which ARNs you can
use with which Amazon EC2 API actions, as well as supported condition
keys for each ARN, see Supported Resources and Conditions for Amazon
EC2 API Actions.
You will find that all ec2:Describe* actions are indeed absent still from Supported Resources and Conditions for Amazon EC2 API Actions at the time of this writing.
See also Granting IAM Users Required Permissions for Amazon EC2 Resources for a concise summary of the above and details on the ARNs and Amazon EC2 condition keys that you can use in an IAM policy statement to grant users permission to create or modify particular Amazon EC2 resources - this page also mentions that AWS will add support for additional actions, ARNs, and condition keys in 2014.
Possible Workaround/Alternative
Instead of or in addition to constraining access on the individual resource level, you might want to check into (also) using Conditions combined with Policy Variables, insofar ec2:Regionis one of the supported Condition Keys for Amazon EC2 - you might combine your policy with one that specifically handles Describe* actions, e.g. something like this (untested):
"Statement": [
"Action": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Resource": "*",
"Condition": {
"StringEquals": {
"ec2:Region": "eu-west-1"
Please note that this would still allow the user to see all instances in eu-west-1, even though your original policy fragment would prevent all API actions that already support resource level permissions (e.g instance creation/termination etc.).
I've outlined yet another possible approach in section Partial Workaround within my related answer to How to hide instances in EC2 based on tag - using IAM?.
Good Luck!