plotting real time Data on (qwt )Oscillocope - c++

I'm trying to create a program, using Qt (c++), which can record audio from my microphone using QAudioinput and QIODevice.
Now, I want to visualize my signal
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
[Edit1] - copied from your comment (by Spektre)
I Have only one Buffer for both channel
I use Qt , the value of channel are interlaced on buffer
this is how I separate values
for ( int i = 0, j = 0; i < countSamples ; ++j)
YVectorLeft[j] =Samples[i++];
after I plot YvectorRight and YvectorLeft. I don't see how to trigger only one channel

hehe done this few years back for students during class. I hope you know how oscilloscopes works so here are just the basics:
fsmpl is input signal sampling frequency [Hz]
Try to use as big as possible (44100,48000, ???) so the max frequency detected is then fsmpl/2 this gives you the top of your timebase axis. The low limit is given by your buffer length
Create function that will render your sampling buffer from specified start address (inside buffer) with:
Y-scale ... amplitude setting
Y-offset ... Vertical beam position
X-offset ... Time shift or horizontal position
This can be done by modification of start address or by just X-offsetting the curve
Create function which will emulate Level functionality. So search buffer from start address and stop if amplitude cross Level. You can have more modes but these are basics you should implement:
amplitude: ( < lvl ) -> ( > lvl )
amplitude: ( > lvl ) -> ( < lvl )
There are many other possibilities for level like glitch,relative edge,...
You can put all this together for example like this: you have start address variable so sample data to some buffer continuously and on timer call level with start address (and update it). Then call draw with new start address and add timebase period to start address (of course in term of your samples)
I use Line IN so I have stereo input (A,B = left,right) therefore I can add some other stuff like:
Level source (A,B,none)
render mode (timebase,Chebyshev (Lissajous curve if closed))
Chebyshev = x axis is A, y axis is B this creates famous Chebyshev images which are good for dependent sinusoidal signals. Usually forming circles,ellipses,distorted loops ...
miscel stuff
You can add filters for channels emulating capacitance or grounding of input and much more
You need many settings I prefer analog knobs instead of buttons/scrollbars/sliders just like on real Oscilloscope
(semi)Analog values: Amplitude,TimeBase,Level,X-offset,Y-offset
discrete values: level mode(/,),level source(A,B,-),each channel (direct on,ground,off,capacity on)
Here are some screenshots of my oscilloscope:
Here is screenshot of my generator:
And finally after adding some FFT also Spectrum Analyser
I started with DirectSound but it sucks a lot because of buggy/non-functional buffer callbacks
I use WinAPI WaveIn/Out for all sound in my Apps now. After few quirks with it, is the best for my needs and has the best latency (Directsound is too slow more than 10 times) but for oscilloscope it has no merit (I need low latency mostly for emulators)
Btw. I have these three apps as linkable C++ subwindow classes (Borland)
and last used with my ATMega168 emulator for my sensor-less BLDC driver debugging
here you can try my Oscilloscope,generator and Spectrum analyser If you are confused with download read the comments below this post btw password is: "oscill"
Hope it helps if you need help with anything just comment me
[Edit1] trigger
You trigger all channels at once but the trigger condition is checked usually just from one Now the implementation is simple for example let the trigger condition be the A(left) channel rise above level so:
first make continuous playback with no trigger you wrote it is like this:
for ( int i = 0, j = 0; i < countSamples ; ++j)
YVectorLeft[j] =Samples[i++];
// here draw or FFT,draw buffers YVectorRight,YVectorLeft
Add trigger
To add trigger condition you just find sample that meets it and start drawing from it so you change it to something like this
// static or global variables
static int i0=0; // actual start for drawing
static bool _copy_data=true; // flag that new samples need to be copied
static int level=35; // trigger level value datatype should be the same as your samples...
int i,j;
for (;;)
// copy new samples to buffer if needed
if (_copy_data)
for (_copy_data=false,i=0,j=0;i<countSamples;++j)
YVectorLeft[j] =Samples[i++];
// now search for new start
for (i=i0+1;i<countSamples>>1;i++)
if (YVectorLeft[i-1]<level) // lower then level before i
if (YVectorLeft[i]>=level) // higher then level after i
if (i0>=(countSamples>>1)-view_samples) { i0=0; _copy_data=true; continue; }
// here draw or FFT,draw buffers YVectorRight,YVectorLeft from i0 position
the view_samples is the viewed/processed size of data (for one or more screens) it should be few times less then the (countSamples>>1)
this code can loose one screen on the border area to avoid that you need to implement cyclic buffers (rings) but for starters is even this OK
just encode all trigger conditions through some if's or switch statement


How does this FFT smoother work in c++/openframeworks?

I'm doing some tutorials for OpenFrameworks (i'm kind of a noob when it comes to coding but have a bit of experience so far w/ tutorials and learning what's going on and stuff over the past few years) and a major part of the code involves grabbing the sound spectrum of an audio sample and throwing the values into an array to control a float value. But I can't seem to wrap my head around what's going on here.
This is the relevant code (it's a VJ shaper that rotates and changes the size of shapes according to input from the sound spectrum):
float * fftSmooth;
int bands;
cpp setup:
fftSmooth = new float[8192];
for (int i = 0; i < 8192; i++) {
fftSmooth[i] = 0;
bands = 64;
cpp update:
float * value = ofSoundGetSpectrum(bands);
for (int i = 0; i < bands; i++) {
fftSmooth[i] *= release; //"release" is a float
if (fftSmooth[i] < value[i]) {
fftSmooth[i] = value[i];
if anyone could walk me through the steps of what's going on, that would be great. I understand (sort of) that in the setup, an array called "fftSmooth" is being created, with 8192 floats in it, then being filled with zeros in the for loop after which the int "bands" is being assigned a value of 64. Then in the update, another array called "value" is being created with 64 floats in it by looking at "bands", which is also the number of bands in ofSoundGetSpectrum, which is grabbing the frequency levels from a sound file as it plays. I've looked at the openframeworks reference page for the sound spectrum thing and didn't really get any more clues as to what it's doing in this context, and i have no idea what the for loops and if statements in the update section are doing either.
Not knowing what's going on really isn't going to impact whether i can actually use the code or not, but i feel like if i want to actually build on this code (grabbing different frequency ranges etc) i need to know what the for loops and if statements in the update are doing.
Gets a frequency spectrum sample, taking all current sound players into account.
Each band will be represented as a float between 0 and 1.
This appears to be taking an instantaneous FFT, and returning the "strength" of each of the frequency bands.
I assume the second half of the code is run in a loop. The first time through, it is just going to copy the current band strength into fftSmooth. In subsequent passes, the multiply by release is designed to reduce the value in fftSmooth by some percentage. Then any new band strength greater than the filtered one will overwrite the old value.
If you animate plots of fftSmooth, you should get an image like this (minus the color) :

Give Changing Different colors to a shape

Were working on a family feud game and i wanted to apply changing colors
to a group of circles randomly
i tried using for loop in this given code, but i know its wrong.
how do i randomize?
//looping set1
//looping set2
I am assuming you are in MS-DOS (not sure if emulated or real one or just windows console) but the animation and randomization is done a bit differently.
Due to various restrictions (so it works on each platform and do not use any advanced stuff) the program structure of your main loop should look more like this:
// main loop
const int dt=40; // [ms] approximate loop iteration time
int col_t=0,col_T=3000; // [ms] time and period for changing the colors
int col;
for (;;)
// 1. handle keyboard,mouse,joystick... here
// do not forget to break; if exit button is hit like: if (Key==27) break;
// 2. update (world objects positions, score, game logic,etc)
if (col_t>=col_T)
// 3. draw you scene here
// 4. CPU usage and fps limiter
sleep(dt); // 40ms -> 25fps
This structure does not need any interrupts so it is easy to understand for rookies. But games need usually more speed and event handlers are faster. For that you would need to use interrupts ISR for stuff like keyboard,PIT,...
Using sleep() is not precise so if you want precise measurement of time you should either use PIT or RDTSC but that could create incompatibilities in emulated environments...
Haven't code in MS-DOS for ages so I am not sure in which lib the random and randomize routines are they might also be called Random,Randomize my bet is they are in stdio.h or conio.h. Simply type random into program place cursor at it and hit ALT+F1 to bring up context help. There you will read which lib to include. Also I am not sure if to use random(15) or random(16) so read which is correct there too.
If you are coding a game then you will probably need some menu's. Either incorporate them into main loop or have separate main loop for each game page and use goto or encode each as separate function.
Have a look at few related QA's of mine:
adding timer to game Turbo C++ MS-DOS PIT ISR handler example
What is the best way to move an object on the screen? with one of mine MS-DOS games (but in assembler) including menu's, 2D sprite graphics, keyboard interrupt handler etc...
Display an array of color in C Direct access to VESA/VGA graphics (no BGI) in C/C++
avr code not working i want to generate random numbers help please simple custom pseudo random number generator (C/C++) and 2D white noise effect No TV signal...
And setcolor doc

Using multithreading in c++11 to fully utilize CPU with OpenCV

I am writing a console C++ program that analyzes films for color (and other properties) using the OpenCV Library. I have reached a significant bottleneck with the cap.retrieve() function (similar to This operation takes the longest out of any single function I call in my program, and takes significantly longer when reading HD videos. Despite this, I am still getting less than 50% CPU utilization when I run my program.
I have since decided that the best course of action would be to try to reach full utilization by creating a new thread each time I want to read (or "retrieve) an image from the video, with a specific maximum number of threads based upon the CPU specs. I have done some reading on the basics of multithreading with C++11, but am unsure where to start.
Here is the section of my code I would like to multithread:
// Run until all frames have been read
while(cap.get(CV_CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES) != cap.get(CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT)) {
// look at but do not read the frame
// only process if user wants to process it
// eg: if resolution = 20 then will only process every 20 frames
if (int(cap.get(CV_CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES)) % resolution == 0) {
// multithread everything inside this loop??
Mat frame;
// retrieve frame and get data to solve for avg time to retrieve
double t1 = (double)getTickCount();
bool bSuccess = cap.retrieve(frame);
t1 = ((double)getTickCount() - t1)/getTickFrequency();
//if not success, break loop
if (!bSuccess) {
// Get avg color and data to calculate total avg color
// get data to solve for avg time to calc mean
// adds a single row of the avg color to the colorCloud mat
Thanks in advance for your help. Anything from links to resources to tutorials or pseudocode would be greatly appreciated!

Visualize stream from a PMD Camboard Nano in Qt

EDIT: honest recommendation
If you want to stream from a PMD in realtime, use C#. Any UI is simple to create and there os quite a mighty library, MetriCam by Metrilus AG, which supports streaming for a variety of 3D-Cameras. I am able to get stable 45 fps with that.
I've been trying to get depth information from a PMD camboard nano and visualize it in a GUI. The Information is delivered as a 165x120 float array.
As I also want to use the Data for analysis purpose (image quality, white noise etc.), I need to grab the frames at a specific framerate. The problem is, that the SDK which PMD delivers with its camera (for MATLAB & C) only provides the possibility to grab single frames by calling
so the framerate is dependent on how often you poll the image data.
I initially tried to do the analysis in MATLAB, but I couldn't get more than 30 fps out of the camera and adding some further code to the loop made it impossible to work with (I need at least reliable 25 fps).
I then switched to C, where I got rates of up to 70 fps, but could not visualize the data.
Then I tried it with Qt, which is based on C/C++ - it should therefore be fast polling the image data - and where I could easily include the libraries of the PMDSDK. As I am new to Qt, though, I do not know much about the UI-Elements.
So my question:
Is there any performant way to visualize a 2D-float-array on a Qt-GUI? If not, how about anything useful in Visual Studio with C++?
(I know that drawing every pixel one by one on a QGraphicsView is dumb, but I tried it, and I get a whopping framerate of .4 fps...)
Thanks for any helpful suggestions!
The QImage Class actually has a constructor that accepts a uchar pointer/array. You only need to map my float values to RGB values in uchar-format.
pmdGetDistances(hnd, dist, dd.img.numColumns*dd.img.numRows*sizeof(float));
uchar *imagemap = new uchar[dd.img.numColumns*dd.img.numRows*3];
int i,j;
for (i = 0; i < 165; i++){
for (j = 0; j < 120; j++){
uchar value = (uchar)std::floor(40*dist[j*165+i]);
if(value > 255 || value < 0){
value = 0;
//colorscaling integrated
imagemap[3*(j*165+i)] = floor((255-value)*(255-value)/255.0);
imagemap[3*(j*165+i)+1] = abs(floor((value-127)/1.5));
imagemap[3*(j*165+i)+2] = floor(value*value/255.0);
The QImage can then be converted to Pixmap and displayed in the QGraphicsView. This worked for me, but the framerate seems not really stable.
QImage image(imagemap, 165, 120, 165*3, QImage::Format_RGB888);
QPixmap pmap(QPixmap::fromImage(image));
It could be worth a try to send the Thread sleeping until the desired time is elapsed.QThread::msleep(msec);

Draw sound wave with possibility to zoom in/out

I'm writing a sound editor for my graduation. I'm using BASS to extract samples from MP3, WAV, OGG etc files and add DSP effects like echo, flanger etc. Simply speaching I made my framework that apply an effect from position1 to position2, cut/paste management.
Now my problem is that I want to create a control similar with this one from Cool Edit Pro that draw a wave form representation of the song and have the ability to zoom in/out select portions of the wave form etc. After a selection i can do something like:
TInterval EditZone = WaveForm->GetSelection();
where TInterval have this form:
struct TInterval
long Start;
long End;
I'm a beginner when it comes to sophisticated drawing so any hint on how to create a wave form representation of a song, using sample data returned by BASS, with ability to zoom in/out would be appreciated.
I'm writing my project in C++ but I can understand C#, Delphi code so if you want you can post snippets in last two languages as well :)
Thanx DrOptix
By Zoom, I presume you mean horizontal zoom rather than vertical. The way audio editors do this is to scan the wavform breaking it up into time windows where each pixel in X represents some number of samples. It can be a fractional number, but you can get away with dis-allowing fractional zoom ratios without annoying the user too much. Once you zoom out a bit the max value is always a positive integer and the min value is always a negative integer.
for each pixel on the screen, you need to have to know the minimum sample value for that pixel and the maximum sample value. So you need a function that scans the waveform data in chunks and keeps track of the accumulated max and min for that chunk.
This is slow process, so professional audio editors keep a pre-calculated table of min and max values at some fixed zoom ratio. It might be at 512/1 or 1024/1. When you are drawing with a zoom ration of > 1024 samples/pixel, then you use the pre-calculated table. if you are below that ratio you get the data directly from the file. If you don't do this you will find that you drawing code gets to be too slow when you zoom out.
Its worthwhile to write code that handles all of the channels of the file in an single pass when doing this scanning, slowness here will make your whole program feel sluggish, it's the disk IO that matters here, the CPU has no trouble keeping up, so straightforward C++ code is fine for building the min/max tables, but you don't want to go through the file more than once and you want to do it sequentially.
Once you have the min/max tables, keep them around. You want to go back to the disk as little as possible and many of the reasons for wanting to repaint your window will not require you to rescan your min/max tables. The memory cost of holding on to them is not that high compared to the disk io cost of building them in the first place.
Then you draw the waveform by drawing a series of 1 pixel wide vertical lines between the max value and the min value for the time represented by that pixel. This should be quite fast if you are drawing from pre built min/max tables.
I've recently done this myself. As Marius suggests you need to work out how many samples are at each column of pixels. You then work out the minimum and maximum and then plot a vertical line from the maximum to the minimum.
As a first pass this seemingly works fine. The problem you'll get is that as you zoom out it will start to take too long to retrieve the samples from disk. As a solution to this I built a "peak" file alongside the audio file. The peak file stores the minimum/maximum pairs for groups of n samples. PLaying with n till you get the right amount is up to uyou. Personally I found 128 samples to be a good tradeoff between size and speed. Its also worth remembering that, unless you are drawing a control larger than 65536 pixels in size that you needn't store this peak information as anything more than 16-bit values which saves a bit of space.
Wouldn't you just plot the sample points on a 2 canvas? You should know how many samples there are per second for a file (read it from the header), and then plot the value on the y axis. Since you want to be able to zoom in and out, you need to control the number of samples per pixel (the zoom level). Next you take the average of those sample points per pixel (for example take the average of every 5 points if you have 5 samples per pixel. Then you can use a 2d drawing api to draw lines between the points.
Using the open source NAudio Package -
public class WavReader2
private readonly WaveFileReader _objStream;
public WavReader2(String sPath)
_objStream = new WaveFileReader(sPath);
public List<SampleRangeValue> GetPixelGraph(int iSamplesPerPixel)
List<SampleRangeValue> colOutputValues = new List<SampleRangeValue>();
if (_objStream != null)
_objStream.Position = 0;
int iBytesPerSample = (_objStream.WaveFormat.BitsPerSample / 8) * _objStream.WaveFormat.Channels;
int iNumPixels = (int)Math.Ceiling(_objStream.SampleCount/(double)iSamplesPerPixel);
byte[] aryWaveData = new byte[iSamplesPerPixel * iBytesPerSample];
_objStream.Position = 0; // startPosition + (e.ClipRectangle.Left * iBytesPerSample * iSamplesPerPixel);
for (float iPixelNum = 0; iPixelNum < iNumPixels; iPixelNum += 1)
short iCurrentLowValue = 0;
short iCurrentHighValue = 0;
int iBytesRead = _objStream.Read(aryWaveData, 0, iSamplesPerPixel * iBytesPerSample);
if (iBytesRead == 0)
List<short> colValues = new List<short>();
for (int n = 0; n < iBytesRead; n += 2)
short iSampleValue = BitConverter.ToInt16(aryWaveData, n);
float fLowPercent = (float)((float)colValues.Min() /ushort.MaxValue);
float fHighPercent = (float)((float)colValues.Max() / ushort.MaxValue);
colOutputValues.Add(new SampleRangeValue(fHighPercent, fLowPercent));
return colOutputValues;
public struct SampleRangeValue
public float HighPercent;
public float LowPercent;
public SampleRangeValue(float fHigh, float fLow)
HighPercent = fHigh;
LowPercent = fLow;