Cannot convert double [] [] to double ** - c++

I ve got a function that takes 3 parameteres, first one is **double.
normalizeDataZeroMeanUnitSD(double ** trainingActions, int numberOfTrainingActions, int descriptorDimension)
When I call it from main, I am trying to use normalizeDataZeroMeanUnitSD(data, 681, 24); however, I am receiving
cannot convert parameter 1 from 'double [681][24]' to 'double **'
This is how I construct the data array:
fstream infile;"gabor\\Data.txt");
double data[681][24];
while (!infile.eof())
for(int j=0;j<681;j++)
for(int k=0; k<24;k++)
infile >> data[j][k];
Is there a way to do the same using **data?

The error is pretty clear: Datatype double [681][24] is not the same as double **. While it's true that double[681] can decay to a pointer to its first element (thus, double*), that does not imply that double[681][24] can decay to double**.
Think about it this way: double** implies a pointer to many pointers. But double[][] does not have ANY pointers in it. At best, an array of ANY dimensions still only has, at very most, one pointer: to the beginning of its contiguous storage.

You could use a template:
template<std::size_t M, std::size_t N>
void normalizeDataZeroMeanUnitSD(double (&trainingActions)[M][N], int descriptorDimension)
for( std::size_t m = 0; m < M; ++m )
for( std::size_t n = 0; n < N; ++n )
trainingActions[m][n] = ...;
But beware of code bloat if you call this with many differently sized arrays.

Use any of the following declarations. Both are equivalent.
NormalizeDataZeroMeanUnitSD(double trainingActions[][24], int numberOfTrainingActions, int descriptorDimension)
NormalizeDataZeroMeanUnitSD(double trainingActions[681][24], int numberOfTrainingActions, int descriptorDimension)
When you declare a 2D array it takes up contiguous memory locations. So you need to specify at least the number of columns (in case of row major architecture).
For row major and column major definitions, have a look at this.
For your edited question, yes you can declare using **data. Dynamically allocate the data array. But remember to free it when you're done with it.
double **data=new double*[681];
for (int i=0;i<681;i++)
data[i]=new double[24];
//do what you want to do
for (int i=0;i<681;i++)
delete [] data[i];
delete [] data;
Now your function prototype can be like void func(double **pp) because data is a pointer not a 2D array.

A 2d array is a continuous area of storage. The function expects a pointer to pointers. These are incompatible.

The function expects an array of pointers to arrays; you have an array of arrays. Some options are:
change the function to take a more friendly type, perhaps double* pointing to the first element of a contiguous 2-dimensional array; or
build a separate array of pointers pointing to each row of your 2-dimensional array; or
restructure your data into an array of pointers to arrays.

Here is a constructive answer for how to make it work.
Basically, you need to generate an array that has pointers to each 1D slice of your 2D array.
double data[N][M] = {...};
double *dataPtrs[N];
for(size_t n=0; n<N; ++n) {
dataPtrs[n] = data[n];
normalizeDataZeroMeanUnitSD(dataPtrs, N, M); // order of N and M might be wrong

Yay, I get to rant about this again.
In C++, despite having similar syntax, 2D arrays are NOT jagged arrays. 2D arrays (double foo[681][24]) are allocated contiguously in memory. When you deference a 2D array (foo[j][i]) it actually does *(foo+24*i+j). This is all done under the hood. The sizeof(foo)==sizeof(double)*681*24.
Jagged arrays are (double** bar;). This is a bunch of different arrays: first, you allocate an array of pointer, 268 members long. Each pointer will point to an array of doubles, 24 elements long. Bar is just a pointer, so sizeof(bar)==sizeof(void*).
More annoyingly, 2D arrays (or a static array of any dimension) behave the opposite of all other types in C++ in the following reguard: they are passed implicitly by reference, causing the weird phenomenon below.
void foo(double bar[24][24]) { std::cout << sizeof(bar) << std::endl;}
int main() {
double test[24][24];
std::cout << sizeof(test) << std::endl;//returns sizeof(double)*24*24
foo(test);//returns sizeof(void*), implicitly passed by reference, opossite of the rest of c++!

double[][] is not the same thing as double**.
double** is a pointer to pointers.
double[][] is a 2-dimensional array allocated as continuous storage.
In order to pass a "2-dimensional array" to the function, you need to create an array of pointers to arrays. For example:
double* array_2d[681];
for(unsigned int i=0; i<681; ++i) {
array_2d[i] = new double[24];
normalizeDataZeroMeanUnitSD(array_2d, 681, 24);
Remember to later delete[] each element of array_2d!
Better yet, change normalizeDataZeroMeanUnitSD to take a reference to std::vector<std::vector<double>>, and you no longer have to worry about memory management, nor passing the correct dimensions to the function.


Passing pointer of multi-dimensional pointer array to a function

ok so suppose I have a function myFunction. Then in main i have a multi dimensional array of pointers. I want to pass a pointer to this array of pointers into myFunction. How would I do that? I know that If you want to pass an int to my function, one can write the function as
myfunct( int x) { ...}
What would that type of x be if I have to pass a pointer to an array of pointers? Thanks in advance :D
Typically you want to modify the elements of an array rather then the actual pointer. The actual pointer is given by malloc and if you change it, by writing directly to the value, it won't affect the memory allocation (except you might loose the initial pointer...).
This might be what you're looking for in a 2D array.
void myfunct(int** ptr,int items, int array_items)
//some code
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
const auto items = 5;
const auto array_items = 7;
int** multi_dimensional_array = reinterpret_cast<int**>(std::malloc(items * sizeof(int*)));
for (auto i = 0 ;i < items;++i)
multi_dimensional_array[i] = static_cast<int*>(std::malloc(sizeof(int) * array_items));
Wrap your multidimensional array inside a class. That way you can carry the data and dimensions in one block and passing it around is as simple as moving around any other class.
Remember to observe the Rules of Three, Five, and Zero, whichever best applies to how you store your array inside your class. std::vector is a personal favourite because it allows you to use the Rule of Zero.
For example:
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
struct unspecified
template<class TYPE>
class TwoDee{
int rows;
int cols;
std::vector<TYPE> data;
TwoDee(int row, int col):rows(row), cols(col), data(rows*cols)
// does nothing. All of the heavy lifting was in the initializer
// std::vector eliminates the need for destructor, assignment operators, and copy
//and move constructors. All hail the Rule of Zero!
//add a convenience method for easy access to the vector
TYPE & operator()(size_t row, size_t col)
return data[row*cols+col];
TYPE operator()(size_t row, size_t col) const
return data[row*cols+col];
void function(TwoDee<unspecified *> & matrix)
// does stuff to matrix
int main()
TwoDee<unspecified *> test(10,10);
To directly answer your question, typically the type passed will be int * for a vector of int, and int ** for a 2D array of int
void myfunct( int **x)
x[2][1] = 25;
If for some reason you wanted that to be an array of int pointers instead of int you need an extra *.
void myfunct( int ***x)
*(x[2][1]) = 25;
Let me first try to interpret the exact type that you want to deal with. I suppose in your main function there is a "multidimensional array" which stores pointers for each element. As an example, let's say you have a 3-dimensional array of pointer to integer type.
Assume that you know the size of the array:
C style array will look like this:
int *a[4][3][2];
that means a is a 4x3x2 array, and each element in the array is a pointer to integer. So overall you now have 24 pointers to integer in total, as can be seen by testing the result of sizeof(a) / sizeof(int*) (the result should be 24). Okay, so far so good. But now I guess what you want is a pointer to the array a mentioned above, say b, so b is defined
int *(*b)[4][3][2] = &a;
Notice that although now b looks intimidating, in the end it is just a pointer which just stores an address, and sizeof(b) / sizeof(int*) gives 1 as the result. (The * inside parenthesis indicates b is pointer type, so b is a pointer to a "multidimensional array" of pointers to integer.)
Now to pass b to myFunction, just give the same type of b as argument type in the declaration:
void myFunction(int *(*x)[4][3][2]) {
// do something
And that's it! You can directly use myFunction(b) to invoke this function. Also, you can test that inside myFunction, x is still of the size of one pointer, and *x is of the size of 24 pointers.
*Note that since we are passing a pointer to array type into the function, the array-to-pointer decay does not apply here.
Assume you don't know the size of the array at compile time:
Say you have int N1 = 4, N2 = 3, N3 = 2; and you want to initialize a N1xN2xN3 array of pointer to integer, you cannot directly do that on the stack.
You could initialize use new or malloc as suggested in #Mikhail's answer, but that approach takes nested loops for multidimensional arrays and you need to do nested loops again when freeing the memory. So as #user4581301 suggests, std::vector provides a good wrapper for dynamic size array, which do not need us to free the memory by ourselves. Yeah!
The desired array a can be written this way (still looks kind of ugly, but without explicit loops and bother of freeing memory)
std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<int*>>> a (N1,
std::vector<std::vector<int*>> (N2,
std::vector<int*> (N3)
Now, b (the pointer to a) can be written as
auto *b = &a;
You can now pass b with
void myFunction(std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<int*>>>* x) {
// do something
Notice that the * before x means x is a pointer.

Passing multidimensional arrays to function_111

do_something(int array[][])
int main()
int array_length;
cin>> array_length;
int array[array_length][array_length];
"putting elements of array"
I have seen people putting some const int so they can pass array to the function. Question is how do I pass a multidimensional array to the function if I don't know its size until it is entered.
int array[array_length][array_length];
This line will not compile. Unlike some other languages (Java, possibly), allocating an array of dynamic size is different than one of constant size. The [] notation will create a constant-size array, which will not work your attempt to pass it array_length. To allocate this array dynamically, use
int **array = new int*[array_length];
The you'll need to iterate through array and allocate each sub-array to the correct size with
array[i] = new int[array_length];
After this, you'll need to reference array_length when iterating through array, as it is your only indication as to the size of the array.

C++ Pointer and 2d array outputting

I'm new to C++ and still really confused about how 2d arrays work with pointers. If I have this (in example format):
int* anarray = anarrayfiller();
for (int a=0;a<10;a++) {
for (int b=0;b<10;b++) {
cout<<(char)anarray[a][b]; //Here's the error mentioned below
//Later, outside main
int* anarrayfiller() {
int anarray[10][10];
//Populated here
return &anarray;
This produces an error under b in the cout<< line:
"Expression must have pointer-to-object type"
I would just check how to search through 2d arrays, and I found this:
A pointer to 2d array
Which suggests that actually this pointer points to the array of ints inside anarray[0], and if that's the case, I must be missing something in terms of returning pointers - wouldn't I then have to return a pointer to a 2d array of pointers that each points to a specific int from anarray? I'm pretty confused here. How do pointers work with 2d arrays?
You have a few errors here:
You return a pointer to a local variable. After the function returns the stack area previously occupied by that variable no longer exist, or is used by the next function.
You return a pointer to an integer, while you have a two-dimensional array. The closest would be a pointer-to-pointer.
You access thing single-pointer as though it was a double-pointer (pointer-to-pointer or pointer-to-array or array-or-arrays), but it's not. That's the reason you get errors at the pointed to line.
But you can't use pointer to pointer, as the memory layout of an array-of-arrays (a two-dimensional array) is different from a pointer-to-pointer. See e.g. this old answer of mine for an explanation of why.
This can be solved most easily by creating the array dynamically on the heap, as a pointer-to-pointer:
int **anarrayfiller()
int **anarray = malloc(sizeof(int *) * 10);
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
anarray[i] = malloc(sizeof(int) * 10);
/* Populate here */
return anarray;
As you tagged your question as C++, you should actually avoid plain arrays or pointers in favor of either std::vector (if you need to add dynamically) or std::array (if you have a fixed compile-time size):
std::array<std::array<int, 10>, 10> anarrayfiller()
std::array<std::array<int, 10>, 10> anarray;
// Populate arrays
return anarray;

How to pass a two dimensional array to a function in c++

I am trying to pass an array (2d) to a function as an parameter.
I have a code as follows:
int main()
float T[100][100];
void set_T(float T[][]);
void set_T(float T1[][])
for (int i =0 ; i<90;i++)
for(int j =0 ;j <90;j++)
T1[i][j] = 3;
I am not sure how to pass array to a function ...I am getting lot of errors. Can any one help please.
There are two issues here:
C does not support 2D arrays, only arrays of arrays or arrays of pointers to arrays, neither of which is quite the same thing as a 2D array
C does not allow passing arrays to functions as arguments, only pointers into arrays (generaly, you use a pointer to an array's 0th element, since that's what the array's name ends up being so indexing off of such a pointer looks just like an array access)
So because of the first problem, you have to decide how you're going to represent a 2D array -- either an array of arrays, or an array of pointers to arrays. If you go the first route, your code ends up looking like:
void set_T(float (*T1)[100]) {
... do stuff with T1[i][j] ...
int main() {
float T[100][100];
Here, you've declared T to be an array of 100 arrays of 100 floats, and set_T takes a pointer to arrays of 100 floats as its argument. You pass 'T' directly to set_T, as the language treats array names as pointers to their 0th element.
If instead you want to use an array of pointers to arrays, you end up with something like:
void set_T(float **T1) {
... do stuff with T1[i][j] ...
int main() {
float *T[100];
float space[100*100];
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
T[i] = space + i*100;
The disadvantage here is that you need to allocate space for all of the second-level arrays and manually initialize all the first-level pointers to point at them. The advangtage is that the sizes of the second level arrays is not part of the type of the argument passed to set_T, so you can more easily deal with variable-sized arrays.
Of course, if you're really using C++ and not C, you should not be using C arrays at all -- you should be using std::vector or std::array instead -- both of which share the C array 1D only issue, so you need a vector of vectors or an array of arrays (or conceivably a vector of arrays or an array of vectors)
void set_T(float (&T)[100][100]);
Just call it like this:
int main ()
float T[100][100];
And as #suddnely_me said, the type of T1 in the function declaration need to be float**.

Passing array with unknown size to function

Let's say I have a function called MyFunction(int myArray[][]) that does some array manipulations.
If I write the parameter list like that, the compiler will complain that it needs to know the size of the array at compile time. Is there a way to rewrite the parameter list so that I can pass an array with any size to the function?
My array's size is defined by two static const ints in a class, but the compiler won't accept something like MyFunction(int myArray[Board::ROWS][Board::COLS]).
What if I could convert the array to a vector and then pass the vector to MyFunction? Is there a one-line conversion that I can use or do I have to do the conversion manually?
In C++ language, multidimensional array declarations must always include all sizes except possibly the first one. So, what you are trying to do is not possible. You cannot declare a parameter of built-in multidimensional array type without explicitly specifying the sizes.
If you need to pass a run-time sized multidimensional array to a function, you can forget about using built-in multidimensional array type. One possible workaround here is to use a "simulated" multidimensional array (1D array of pointers to other 1D arrays; or a plain 1D array that simulates multidimensional array through index recalculation).
In C++ use std::vector to model arrays unless you have a specific reason for using an array.
Example of a 3x2 vector filled with 0's called "myArray" being initialized:
vector< vector<int> > myArray(3, vector<int>(2,0));
Passing this construct around is trivial, and you don't need to screw around with passing length (because it keeps track):
void myFunction(vector< vector<int> > &myArray) {
for(size_t x = 0;x < myArray.length();++x){
for(size_t y = 0;y < myArray[x].length();++y){
cout << myArray[x][y] << " ";
cout << endl;
Alternatively you can iterate over it with iterators:
void myFunction(vector< vector<int> > &myArray) {
for(vector< vector<int> >::iterator x = myArray.begin();x != myArray.end();++x){
for(vector<int>::iterator y = x->begin();y != x->end();++y){
cout << *y << " ";
cout << endl;
In C++0x you can use the auto keyword to clean up the vector iterator solution:
void myFunction(vector< vector<int> > &myArray) {
for(auto x = myArray.begin();x != myArray.end();++x){
for(auto y = x->begin();y != x->end();++y){
cout << *y << " ";
cout << endl;
And in c++0x for_each becomes viable with lambdas
void myFunction(vector< vector<int> > &myArray) {
for_each(myArray.begin(), myArray.end(), [](const vector<int> &x){
for_each(x->begin(), x->end(), [](int value){
cout << value << " ";
cout << endl;
Or a range based for loop in c++0x:
void myFunction(vector< vector<int> > &myArray) {
for(auto x : myArray){
for(auto y : *x){
cout << *y << " ";
cout << endl;
*I am not near a compiler right now and have not tested these, please feel free to correct my examples.
If you know the size of the array at compile time you can do the following (assuming the size is [x][10]):
MyFunction(int myArray[][10])
If you need to pass in a variable length array (dynamically allocated or possibly just a function which needs to take different sizes of arrays) then you need to deal with pointers.
And as the comments to this answer state:
boost::multiarray may be appropriate since it more efficiently models a multidimensional array. A vector of vectors can have performance implications in critical path code, but in typical cases you will probably not notice an issue.
Pass it as a pointer, and take the dimension(s) as an argument.
void foo(int *array, int width, int height) {
// initialize xPos and yPos
assert(xPos >= 0 && xPos < width);
assert(yPos >= 0 && yPos < height);
int value = array[yPos * width + xPos];
This is assuming you have a simple two-dimensional array, like int x[50][50].
There are already a set of answers with the most of the common suggestions: using std::vector, implementing a matrix class, providing the size of the array in the function argument... I am only going to add yet another solution based on native arrays --note that if possible you should use a higher level abstraction.
At any rate:
template <std::size_t rows, std::size_t cols>
void function( int (&array)[rows][cols] )
// ...
This solution uses a reference to the array (note the & and the set of parenthesis around array) instead of using the pass-by-value syntax. This forces the compiler not to decay the array into a pointer. Then the two sizes (which could have been provided as compile time constants can be defined as template arguments and the compiler will deduct the sizes for you.
NOTE: You mention in the question that the sizes are actually static constants you should be able to use them in the function signature if you provide the value in the class declaration:
struct test {
static const int rows = 25;
static const int cols = 80;
void function( int *array[80], int rows ) {
// ...
Notice that in the signature I prefer to change the double dimension array for a pointer to an array. The reason is that this is what the compiler interprets either way, and this way it is clear that there is no guarantee that the caller of the function will pass an array of exactly 25 lines (the compiler will not enforce it), and it is thus apparent the need for the second integer argument where the caller passes the number of rows.
You can't pass an arbitrary size like that; the compiler doesn't know how to generate the pointer arithmetic. You could do something like:
MyFunction(int myArray[][N])
or you could do:
MyFunction(int *p, int M, int N)
but you'll have to take the address of the first element when you call it (i.e. MyFunction(&arr[0][0], M, N).
You can get round all of these problems in C++ by using a container class; std::vector would be a good place to start.
The compiler is complaining because it needs to know the size of the all but the first dimension to be able to address an element in the array. For instance, in the following code:
int array[M][N];
// ...
array[i][j] = 0;
To address the element, the compiler generates something like the following:
*(array+(i*N+j)) = 0;
Therefore, you need to re-write your signature like this:
MyFunction(int array[][N])
in which case you will be stuck with a fixed dimension, or go with a more general solution such as a (custom) dynamic 2D array class or a vector<vector<int> >.
Use a vector<vector<int> > (this would be cheating if underlying storage was not guaranteed to be contiguous).
Use a pointer to element-of-array (int*) and a size (M*N) parameter. Here be dragons.
First, lets see why compiler is complaining.
If an array is defined as int arr[ ROWS ][ COLS ]; then any array notation arr[ i ][ j ] can be translated to pointer notation as
*( arr + i * COLS + j )
Observe that the expression requires only COLS, it does not require ROWS. So, the array definition can be written equivalently as
int arr [][ COLS ];
But, missing the second dimension is not acceptable. For little more details, read here.
Now, on your question:
Is there a way to rewrite the
parameter list so that I can pass an
array with any size to the function?
Yes, perhaps you can use a pointer, e.g. MyFunction( int * arr );. But, think about it, how would MyFunction() know where to stop accessing the array? To solve that you would need another parameter for the length of the array, e.g. MyFunction( int * arr, size_t arrSize );
Yes: MyFunction(int **myArray);
Careful, though. You'd better know what you're doing. This will only accept an array of int pointers.
Since you're trying to pass an array of arrays, you'll need a constant expression as one of the dimentions:
MyFunction(int myArray[][COLS]);
You'll need to have COLS at compile time.
I suggest using a vector instead.
Pass a pointer and do the indexing yourself or use a Matrix class instead.
yes - just pass it as pointer(s):
MyFunction(int** someArray)
The downside is that you'll probably need to pas the array's lengths as well
Use MyFunction(int *myArray[])
If you use MyFunction(int **myArray) an pass int someArray[X][Y], the program will crash.
EDIT: Don't use the first line, it's explained in comments.
I don't know about C++, but the C99 standard introduced variable length arrays.
So this would work in a compiler that supports C99:
void func(int rows, int cols, double[rows][cols] matrix) {
for (int r = 0; r < rows; r++) {
for (int c = 0; c < cols; c++) {
printf("%f", matrix[r][c]);
Note that the size arguments come before the array. Really, only the number of columns has to be known at compile time, so this would be valid as well:
void func(int rows, int cols, double[][cols] matrix)
For three or more dimensions, all but the first dimension must have known sizes. The answer ArunSaha linked to explains why.
Honestly, I don't know whether C++ supports variable-length arrays, so this may or may not work. In either case, you may also consider encapsulating your array in some sort of matrix class.
EDIT: From your edit, it looks like C++ may not support this feature. A matrix class is probably the way to go. (Or std::vector if you don't mind that the memory may not be allocated contiguously.)
Don't pass an array, which is an implementation detail. Pass the Board
MyFunction(Board theBoard)
in reality my array's size is defined by two static const ints in a class, but the compiler won't accept something like MyFunction(int myArray[Board::ROWS][Board::COLS]).
That's strange, it works perfectly fine for me:
struct Board
static const int ROWS = 6;
static const int COLS = 7;
void MyFunction(int myArray[Board::ROWS][Board::COLS])
Maybe ROWS and COLS are private? Can you show us some code?
In C++, using the inbuilt array types is instant fail. You could use a boost::/std:: array of arrays or vector of arrays. Primitive arrays are not up to any sort of real use
In C++0x, you can use std::initializer_list<...> to accomplish this:
MyFunction(std::initializer_list<std::initializer_list<int>> myArray);
and use it (I presume) like this (with the range based for syntax):
for (const std::initializer_list<int> &subArray: myArray)
for (int value: subArray)
// fun with value!