OpenGL: Rendering sprites of variable sizes - opengl

I have a particle system to model sand flow simulations. I came across the CUDA SDK particles example which I modified to handle particles of different sizes. The positions and colors per particle are stored in VBOs and I added a VBO for the radius attribute. The physics aspect is fine. In rendering, lies my problem:-
The example implements a vertex shader which uses GL_POINT_SPRITE_ARB (its an NVidia extension ), which takes a fixed particle radius. I googled extensively but found no way to make the sprites take variable radii from the particle radius VBO.
The vertex shader looks like this :
#define STRINGIFY(A) #A
// vertex shader
const char *vertexShader = STRINGIFY(
uniform float pointRadius; // point size in world space
uniform float pointScale; // scale to calculate size in pixels
uniform float densityScale;
uniform float densityOffset;
void main()
// calculate window-space point size
vec3 posEye = vec3(gl_ModelViewMatrix * vec4(, 1.0));
float dist = length(posEye);
gl_PointSize = pointRadius * (pointScale / dist);
gl_TexCoord[0] = gl_MultiTexCoord0;
gl_Position = gl_ModelViewProjectionMatrix * vec4(, 1.0);
gl_FrontColor = gl_Color;
How do I get varying sized point sprites to render ?
NB:- This is a workstation app, so using OpenGL ES isn't an option.
I'd also like to ask about the viability of 2 solutions I came up with:-
Using glusphere(), followed by translate and scaling. But I'm afraid this might take a performance hit, from having to render all those extra vertices.
Ditch OpenGL and port the entire thing to Direct3D 9 which I believe has a built-in attribute which accepts variable sprite radii, but there's a time constraint and I don't know anything about DirectX.
Can I implement 2 instances of the above vertex shader in the same scene and pass them different pointRadius ?

I googled extensively but found no way to make the sprites take variable radii from the particle radius VBO.
Add a varying float pointSize and bind your radius VBO there
gl_PointSize = pointSize in your vertex shader


OpenGL Normal Mapping

I'm trying to implement Normal Mapping, using a simple cube that i created. I followed this tutorial but i can't really get how normal mapping should be done when drawing 3d objects, since the tutorial is using a 2d object.
In particular, my cube seems almost correctly lighted but there's something i think it's not working how it should be. I'm using a geometry shader that will output green vector normals and red vector tangents, to help me out. Here i post three screenshot of my work.
Directly lighted
Side lighted
Here i actually tried calculating my normals and tangents in a different way. (quite wrong)
In the first image i calculate my cube normals and tangents one face at a time. This seems to work for the face, but if i rotate my cube i think the lighting on the adiacent face is wrong. As you can see in the second image, it's not totally absent.
In the third image, i tried summing all normals and tangents per vertex, as i think it should be done, but the result seems quite wrong, since there is too little lighting.
In the end, my question is how i should calculate normals and tangents.
Should i consider per face calculations or sum vectors per vertex across all relative faces, or else?
I'm passing normal and tangent to the vertex shader and setting up my TBN matrix. But as you can see in the first image, drawing face by face my cube, it seems that those faces adjacent to the one i'm looking directly (that is well lighted) are not correctly lighted and i don't know why. I thought that i wasn't correctly calculating my 'per face' normal and tangent. I thought that calculating some normal and tangent that takes count of the object in general, could be the right way.
If it's right to calculate normal and tangent as visible in the second image (green normal, red tangent) to set up the TBN matrix, why does the right face seems not well lighted?
EDIT 2 --
Vertex shader:
void main(){
texture_coordinates = textcoord;
fragment_position = vec3(model * vec4(position,1.0));
mat3 normalMatrix = transpose(inverse(mat3(model)));
vec3 T = normalize(normalMatrix * tangent);
vec3 N = normalize(normalMatrix * normal);
T = normalize(T - dot(T, N) * N);
vec3 B = cross(N, T);
mat3 TBN = transpose(mat3(T,B,N));
view_position = TBN * viewPos; // camera position
light_position = TBN * lightPos; // light position
fragment_position = TBN * fragment_position;
gl_Position = projection * view * model * vec4(position,1.0);
In the VS i set up my TBN matrix and i transform all light, fragment and view vectors to tangent space; doing so i won't have to do any other calculation in the fragment shader.
Fragment shader:
void main() {
vec3 Normal = texture(TextSamplerNormals,texture_coordinates).rgb; // extract normal
Normal = normalize(Normal * 2.0 - 1.0); // correct range
material_color = texture2D(TextSampler,; // diffuse map
vec3 I_amb = AmbientLight.color * AmbientLight.intensity;
vec3 lightDir = normalize(light_position - fragment_position);
vec3 I_dif = vec3(0,0,0);
float DiffusiveFactor = max(dot(lightDir,Normal),0.0);
vec3 I_spe = vec3(0,0,0);
float SpecularFactor = 0.0;
if (DiffusiveFactor>0.0) {
I_dif = DiffusiveLight.color * DiffusiveLight.intensity * DiffusiveFactor;
vec3 vertex_to_eye = normalize(view_position - fragment_position);
vec3 light_reflect = reflect(-lightDir,Normal);
light_reflect = normalize(light_reflect);
SpecularFactor = pow(max(dot(vertex_to_eye,light_reflect),0.0),SpecularLight.power);
if (SpecularFactor>0.0) {
I_spe = DiffusiveLight.color * SpecularLight.intensity * SpecularFactor;
color = vec4(material_color.rgb * (I_amb + I_dif + I_spe),material_color.a);
Handling discontinuity vs continuity
You are thinking about this the wrong way.
Depending on the use case your normal map may be continous or discontinous. For example in your cube, imagine if each face had a different surface type, then the normals would be different depending on which face you are currently in.
Which normal you use is determined by the texture itself and not by any blending in the fragment.
The actual algorithm is
Load rgb values of normal
Convert to -1 to 1 range
Rotate by the model matrix
Use new value in shading calculations
If you want continous normals, then you need to make sure that the charts in the texture space that you use obey that the limits of the texture coordinates agree.
Mathematically that means that if U and V are regions of R^2 that map to the normal field N of your Shape then if the function of the mapping is f it should be that:
If lim S(x_1, x_2) = lim S(y_1, y_2) where {x1,x2} \subset U and {y_1, y_2} \subset V then lim f(x_1, x_2) = lim f(y_1, y_2).
In plain English, if the cooridnates in your chart map to positions that are close in the shape, then the normals they map to should also be close in the normal space.
TL;DR do not belnd in the fragment. This is something that should be done by the normal map itself when its baked, not'by you when rendering.
Handling the tangent space
You have 2 options. Option n1, you pass the tangent T and the normal N to the shader. In which case the binormal B is T X N and the basis {T, N, B} gives you the true space where normals need to be expressed.
Assume that in tangent space, x is side, y is forward z is up. Your transformed normal becomes (xB, yT, zN).
If you do not pass the tangent, you must first create a random vector that is orthogonal to the normal, then use this as the tangent.
(Note N is the model normal, where (x,y,z) is the normal map normal)

How to reduce the number of drawing calls to a large number of texture?

I'm trying to develop a map for a 2D tile based game, the approach I'm using is to save the map images in a large texture (tileset) and draw only the desired tiles on the screen by updating the positions through vertex shader, however on a 10x10 map involves 100 glDrawArrays calls, looking through the task manager, this consumes 5% of CPU usage and 4 ~ 5% of GPU, imagine if it was a complete game with dozens of calls, there is a way to optimize this, such as preparing the whole scene and just make 1 draw call, drawing all at once, or some other approach?
void GameMap::draw() {
m_shader - > use();
m_texture - > bind();
for (size_t r = 0; r < 10; r++) {
for (size_t c = 0; c < 10; c++) {
m_tileCoord - > setX(c * m_tileHeight);
m_tileCoord - > setY(r * m_tileHeight);
m_tileCoord - > convert2DToIso();
void GameMap::drawTile(GLint index) {
glm::mat4 position_coord = glm::mat4(1.0 f);
glm::mat4 texture_coord = glm::mat4(1.0 f);
m_srcX = index * m_tileWidth;
GLfloat clipX = m_srcX / m_texture - > m_width;
GLfloat clipY = m_srcY / m_texture - > m_height;
texture_coord = glm::translate(texture_coord, glm::vec3(glm::vec2(clipX, clipY), 0.0 f));
position_coord = glm::translate(position_coord, glm::vec3(glm::vec2(m_tileCoord - > getX(), m_tileCoord - > getY()), 0.0 f));
position_coord = glm::scale(position_coord, glm::vec3(glm::vec2(m_tileWidth, m_tileHeight), 1.0 f));
m_shader - > setMatrix4("texture_coord", texture_coord);
m_shader - > setMatrix4("position_coord", position_coord);
glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLES, 0, 6);
--Vertex Shader
#version 330 core
layout (location = 0) in vec4 vertex; // <vec2 position, vec2 texCoords>
out vec4 TexCoords;
uniform mat4 texture_coord;
uniform mat4 position_coord;
uniform mat4 projection;
void main()
TexCoords = texture_coord * vec4(vertex.z, vertex.w, 1.0, 1.0);
gl_Position = projection * position_coord * vec4(vertex.xy, 0.0, 1.0);
-- Fragment Shader
#version 330 core
out vec4 FragColor;
in vec4 TexCoords;
uniform sampler2D image;
uniform vec4 spriteColor;
void main()
FragColor = vec4(spriteColor) * texture(image, vec2(TexCoords.x, TexCoords.y));
The Basic Technique
The first thing you want to do is set up your 10x10 grid vertex buffer. Each square in the grid is actually two triangles. And all the triangles will need their own vertices because the UV coordinates for adjacent tiles are not the same, even though the XY coordinates are the same. This way each triangle can copy the area out of the texture atlas that it needs to and it doesn't need to be contiguous in UV space.
Here's how the vertices of two adjacent quads in the grid will be set up:
1: xy=(0,0) uv=(Left0 ,Top0)
2: xy=(1,0) uv=(Right0,Top0)
3: xy=(1,1) uv=(Right0,Bottom0)
4: xy=(1,1) uv=(Right0,Bottom0)
5: xy=(0,1) uv=(Left0 ,Bottom0)
6: xy=(0,0) uv=(Left0 ,Top0)
7: xy=(1,0) uv=(Left1 ,Top1)
8: xy=(2,0) uv=(Right1,Top1)
9: xy=(2,1) uv=(Right1,Bottom1)
10: xy=(2,1) uv=(Right1,Bottom1)
11: xy=(1,1) uv=(Left1 ,Bottom1)
12: xy=(1,0) uv=(Left1 ,Top1)
These 12 vertices define 4 triangles. The Top, Left, Bottom, Right UV coordinates for the first square can be completely different from the coordinates of the second square, thus allowing each square to be textured by a different area of the texture atlas. E.g. see below to see how the UV coordinates for each triangle map to a tile in the texture atlas.
In your case with your 10x10 grid, you would have 100 quads, or 200 triangles. With 200 triangles at 3 vertices each, that would be 600 vertices to define. But it's a single draw call of 200 triangles (600 vertices). Each vertex has its own x, y, u, v, coordinates. To change which tile a quad is, you have to update the uv coordinates of 6 vertices in your vertex buffer.
You will likely find that this is the most convenient and efficient approach.
Advanced Approaches
There are more memory efficient or convenient ways of setting this up with multiple streams to reduce duplication of vertices and leverage shaders to do the work of setting it up if you're willing to trade off computation time for memory or convenience. Find the balance that is right for you. But you should grasp the basic technique first before trying to optimize.
But in the multiple-stream approach, you could specify all the xy vertices separately from all the uv vertices to avoid duplication. You could also specify a second set of texture coordinates which was just the top-left corner of the tile in the atlas and let the uv coordinates just go from 0,0 (top left) to 1,1 (bottom right) for each quad, then let your shader scale and transform the uv coordinates to arrive at final texture coordinates. You could also specify a single uv coordinate of the top-left corner of the source area for each primitive and let a geometry shader complete the squares. And even smarter, you could specify only the x,y coordinates (omitting the uv coordinates entirely) and in your vertex shader, you can sample a texture that contains the "tile numbers" of each quad. You would sample this texture at coordinates based on the x,y values in the grid, and then based on the value you read, you could transform that into the uv coordinates in the atlas. To change the tile in this system, you just change the one pixel in the tile map texture. And finally, you could skip generating the primitives entirely and derive them entirely from a single list sent to the geometry shader and generate the x,y coordinates of the grid which gets sent downstream to the vertex shader to complete the triangle geometry and uv coordinates of the grid, this is the most memory efficient, but relies on the GPU to compute the setup at runtime.
With a static 6-vertices-per-triangle setup, you free up GPU processing at the cost of a little extra memory. Depending on what you need for performance, you may find that using up more memory to get higher fps is desirable. Vertex buffers are tiny compared to textures anyway.
So as I said, you should start with the basic technique first as it's likely also the optimal solution for performance as well, especially if your map doesn't change very often.
You can upload all parameters to gpu memory and draw everything using only one draw call.
This way it's not required to update vertex shader uniforms and you should have zero cpu load.
It's been 3 years since I used OpenGL so I can only point you into the right direction.
Start reading some material like for instance:
Also, keep in mind this is GL 4.x stuff, check your target platform (software+hardware) GL version support.

Can anyone explain these snippets related to WebGL

I am referring to this link for learning how to render a texture in webgl.
I am facing some doubts as it is not very easy for a beginner to understand.
What does these snippets mean for GLSL:
vec2 zeroToOne = a_position / u_resolution;
vec2 zeroToTwo = zeroToOne * 2.0;
vec2 clipSpace = zeroToTwo - 1.0;
Also, I don't want to fill the entire canvas if my image is bigger. I want to render all textures as a 512 * 384 (4:3), how to do that by modifying the vertices.
Since I wrote the sample you linked too I'm curious how I can improve the explanation already on that site
The sample you linked to is from this page.
That page says right at the top
This is a continuation from WebGL Fundamentals. If you haven't read that I'd suggest going there first
That page says
WebGL only cares about 2 things. Clipspace coordinates and colors. Your job as a programmer using WebGL is to provide WebGL with those 2 things. You provide 2 "shaders" to do this. A Vertex shader which provides the clipspace coordinates and a fragment shader that provides the color.
Clipspace coordinates always go from -1 to +1 no matter what size your canvas is
It then shows an example using clip space coordinates.
After that it says we'd probably rather work in pixels and shows a shader with comments that details how to convert from pixels to clip space
For 2D stuff you would probably rather work in pixels than clipspace so let's change the shader so we can supply rectangles in pixels and have it convert to clipspace for us. Here's the new vertex shader
attribute vec2 a_position;
uniform vec2 u_resolution;
void main() {
// convert the rectangle from pixels to 0.0 to 1.0
vec2 zeroToOne = a_position / u_resolution;
// convert from 0->1 to 0->2
vec2 zeroToTwo = zeroToOne * 2.0;
// convert from 0->2 to -1->+1 (clipspace)
vec2 clipSpace = zeroToTwo - 1.0;
gl_Position = vec4(clipSpace, 0, 1);
In fact, the sample you linked to has those exact same comments in the code.
I'd love to hear any ideas how I can make that clearer
This code likely converts a_position from 0..N-1 texture resolution space to
-1..1 range.

Skew an image using openGL shaders

To lighten the work-load on my artist, I'm working on making a bare-bones skeletal animation system for images. I've conceptualized how all the parts work. But to make it animate how I want to, I need to be able to skew an image in real time. (If I can't do that, I still know how to make it work, but it'd be a lot prettier if I could skew images to add perspective)
I'm using SFML, which doesn't support image skewing. I've been told I'd need to use OpenGL shaders on the image, but all the advice I got on that was "learn GLSL". So I figured maybe someone over here could help me out a bit.
Does anyone know where I should start with this? Or how to do it?
Basically, I want to be able to deforem an image to give it perspective (as shown in the following mockup)
The images on the left are being skewed at the top and bottom. The images on the right are being skewed at the left and right.
An example of how to skew a texture in GLSL would be the following (poorly poorly optimized) shader. Idealy, you would want to actually precompute your transform matrix inside your regular program and pass it in as a uniform so that you aren't recomputing the transform every move through the shader. If you still wanted to compute the transform in the shader, pass the skew factors in as uniforms instead. Otherwise, you'll have to open the shader and edit it every time you want to change the skew factor.
This is for a screen aligned quad as well.
attribute vec3 aVertexPosition;
varying vec2 texCoord;
void main(void){
// Set regular texture coords
texCoord = ((vec2(aVertexPosition.xy) + 1.0) / 2.0);
// How much we want to skew each axis by
float xSkew = 0.0;
float ySkew = 0.0;
// Create a transform that will skew our texture coords
mat3 trans = mat3(
1.0 , tan(xSkew), 0.0,
tan(ySkew), 1.0, 0.0,
0.0 , 0.0, 1.0
// Apply the transform to our tex coords
texCoord = (trans * (vec3(texCoord.xy, 0.0))).xy;
// Set vertex position
gl_Position = (vec4(aVertexPosition, 1.0));
precision highp float;
uniform sampler2D sceneTexture;
varying vec2 texCoord;
void main(void){
gl_FragColor = texture2D(sceneTexture, texCoord);
This ended up being significantly simpler than I thought it was. SFML has a vertexArray class that allows drawing custom quads without requiring the use of openGL.
The code I ended up going with is as follows (for anyone else who runs into this problem):
sf::Texture texture;
sf::Vector2u size = texture.getSize();
sf::VertexArray box(sf::Quads, 4);
box[0].position = sf::Vector2f(0, 0); // top left corner position
box[1].position = sf::Vector2f(0, 100); // bottom left corner position
box[2].position = sf::Vector2f(100, 100); // bottom right corner position
box[3].position = sf::Vector2f(100, 100); // top right corner position
box[0].texCoords = sf::Vector2f(0,0);
box[1].texCoords = sf::Vector2f(0,size.y-1);
box[2].texCoords = sf::Vector2f(size.x-1,size.y-1);
box[3].texCoords = sf::Vector2f(size.x-1,0);
To draw it, you call the following code wherever you usually tell your window to draw stuff.
If you want to skew the image, you just change the positions of the corners. Works great. With this information, you should be able to create a custom drawable class. You'll have to write a bit of code (set_position, rotate, skew, etc), but you just need to change the position of the corners and draw.

GLSL light/highlight moving with camera

VC++ 2010, OpenGL, GLSL, SDL
I am moving over to shaders, and have run into a problem that originally occured while working with the ogl pipeline. That is, the position of the light seems to point in whatever direction my camera faces. In the ogl pipeline it was just the specular highlight, which was fixable with:
Here are the two shaders:
varying vec3 lightDir,normal;
void main()
normal = normalize(gl_NormalMatrix * gl_Normal);
lightDir = normalize(vec3(gl_LightSource[0].position));
gl_TexCoord[0] = gl_MultiTexCoord0;
gl_Position = ftransform();
varying vec3 lightDir,normal;
uniform sampler2D tex;
void main()
vec3 ct,cf;
vec4 texel;
float intensity,at,af;
intensity = max(dot(lightDir,normalize(normal)),0.0);
cf = intensity * (gl_FrontMaterial.diffuse).rgb +
af = gl_FrontMaterial.diffuse.a;
texel = texture2D(tex,gl_TexCoord[0].st);
ct = texel.rgb;
at = texel.a;
gl_FragColor = vec4(ct * cf, at * af);
Any help would be much appreciated!
The question is: What coordinate system (reference frame) do you want the lights to be in? Probably "the world".
OpenGL's fixed-function pipeline, however, has no notion of world coordinates, because it uses a modelview matrix, which transforms directly from eye (camera) coordinates to model coordinates. In order to have “fixed” lights, you could do one of these:
The classic OpenGL approach is to, every frame, set up the modelview matrix to be the view transform only (that is, be the coordinate system you want to specify your light positions in) and then use glLight to set the position (which is specified to apply the modelview matrix to the input).
Since you are using shaders, you could also have separate model and view matrices and have your shader apply both (rather than using ftransform) to vertices, but only the view matrix to lights. However, this means more per-vertex matrix operations and is probably not an especially good idea unless you are looking for clarity rather than performance.