Model-based generation of project documentation [closed] - templates

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Closed 4 years ago.
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During the development of my projects I find myself producing some large documents with slight variations on only a few paragraphs. For instance, the same configuration plan will be used throughout different projects but each document has to be tailored with specific data and to comply with some specific requirements.
Being a lazy person and a fan of model-driven development, I have been looking for ways to optimize this process and I got these options:
Document templates - Using master document templates (the presentation) with forms (the model) or restricting the edition of a document to only a few key fields, and then cross-referencing the inputted data all over the document would do the trick... but I still feel that I could de-couple both layers a bit more.
UML modeling - Using CASE tools with UML support, I thought I could model my documents as packages and classes with annotations, change the model for each project and generate a report using a document template. The problem is that those tools are not designed for treating large chunks of text and I am having some difficulties to progress.
Process modeling - Using Eclipse EPF seems a bit overkilling for what I want to accomplish. Remember: I´m a lazy person.
I would like to ask the community on their experiences with model-based documentation or their ways to optimize the generation of documents throughout the software development cycle.

I'm not sure I fully understand, so apologies if this misses the mark.
I've faced (I think) a similar problem, where there's a many:many relationship between content and the documents it needs to be presented in. For example, a 'project overview' that needs to be included in a requirements document, project plan, etc.
Thus far the best solution I've found is:
Write each section in Markdown format. There are some nice editors that make writing Markdown easy and efficient (e.g. Mou on OSX).
Use Pandoc to convert Markdown into Restructured Text (RST).
Use Sphinx to generate documents from the RST files.
I have multiple Sphinx doc templates, each of which combines some of the common sections with others specific to that doc. If one of the common sections gets updated it's easy to re-generate all docs to incorporate. Version Control is pretty straightforward as the source files are all simple text. Sphinx can also generate multiple formats easily: for example html to put online, or pdf for printing/distribution.
You could remove the need for step 2 by writing in RST natively. For me the extra step is worth it as I haven't found an RST editor that's as comfortable or efficient as Mou. YMMV of course.
It's not a perfect solution: for example, creating links across sections isn't that easy. But in general it works well for my needs.


Is there a way to review a Rmarkdown document in a collaborative way? [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I am working remotely with some colleagues on a Rmarkdown document, and I would like to make a simple review of the file (especially the comment part and not the code), and then send it back to others with my reviews embeded in the document, like a word document review or a kind of Overleaf review. I have made some research on the topic, but I didn't find something that feet my needs as explained. Please, Is there a way to add some review in a Rmakdown document and sent it back (either online or not)?
Take a look at Etherpad
Etherpad is a highly customizable Open Source online editor providing collaborative editing in really real-time.
Or, better: StackEdit
With StackEdit, you can share collaborative workspaces, thanks to the Google Drive synchronization mechanism. If two collaborators are working on the same file at the same time, StackEdit takes care of merging the changes.
Or, even better: HackMD
HackMD is a realtime, multiplatform collaborative markdown note editor.
This means that you can write notes with other people on your desktop, tablet or even on the phone.
I suggest you considering trackdown
trackdown is an R package that offers a simple answer to collaborative writing and editing of R Markdown (or Sweave) documents. With trackdown, the local .Rmd (or .Rnw) file is uploaded as plain-text in Google Drive where, thanks to the easily readable Markdown (or LaTeX) syntax and the well-known online interface offered by Google Docs, collaborators can easily contribute to the writing and editing of the narrative part of the document. After integrating all authors’ contributions, the final document can be downloaded and rendered locally.
You can find more details at this answer or in the package documentation

How to manage multiple versions of documentation with Sphinx? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I maintain a small library project written in C++.
I'd like to use Sphinx to maintain the library website + user documentation per release version. I have found [similar question asked How to manage many versions? on the sphinx-dev mailing list which I have bumped but without extensive follow-up.
How to manage many versions?
I think of basic structure like this:
mylib/ <- website root
mylib/doc <- list of documentation per release version
I'm trying to figure out best practical configuration for this structure.
I have root configuration mylib/ where I control the website structure and content.
I could put .rst files into mylib/doc/1.0.0 and mylib/doc/2.0.0 build them using the root But then it seems tricky to control toctree for website and for docs.
So, I think it may be more practical to separate website config/build from per release documentation config/builds:
but I'd like the main documents in mylib/doc/X.Y.Z/ to use the same layout is the root documents in mylib/, so I can have consistent look, e.g. links in page header, etc.
This way I can easily achieve consistent toctree per documentation release.
It should be easy to walk the directories and perform builds for website and for each doc version separately.
Regarding searching the documentation, I don't mind the search engine to scan all versions of documentation per single query as well as I don't mind to have search engine specific to particular version (search box is displayed in the same place, but depending what is being read, it scans index of current version only).
Is there any better way to achieve that?
I've found similar question asked in sphinx for multiple, separate documents and I'm wondering if the Intersphinx plugin is a good idea here.
2017-04-10: SO answer pointing to an interesting Sphinx extension: sphinxcobtrib-versioning
2011-10-21: Following olt's question in comments, mylib/ is not how I mean to structure project in VCS. So, I don't want to maintain multiple versions of documentation in VCS. The mylib/ is just structure for easier visualisation. It can be also working directory where I put Sphinx sources together (e.g. pull from version branches, etc.) and where I launch Sphinx to build the output.
In my opinion, the documentation should stay with the code in the same repository. Otherwise you would need to manage the documentation source manually, for example when you backport a feature from version B to A. With a single repository, you just check out that version and re-build the documentation.
You should look at SQLAlchemy project, they have multiple versions of their documentation available on the same site. The documentation is in the same repository and they copy the output of each version into their static homepage folders.

Looking for a resource which provides django templates [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I'm pretty handy with django and python but I'm terrible at the "visual" aspect of the web-design. Even after quite a bit of google-ing I haven't been able to find any sort of resource that has download-able templates complete with css, images, etc. that could be used to set up a basic website easily.
I'm looking for examples beyond the 5-line examples that you find in most tutorials ... I'm looking for something with the general nav-bar across the top, various content-blocks to over-ride through subclassing, footers, etc.
I've worked with others on django projects but always on the "coding side". I want to do my own project. I've set up all of the views, models, "business logic", I just cant get off the ground with the design section.
Any help would be appreciated.
Edit: Just to be a little more clear. I'm looking for designs (open licensed) ... akin to Wordpress themes. If you have a resource of just themes I can probably mung them into a django template but if you know of something that already provides them as templates I'd prefer that.
I've had some luck in the past with sites like OpenDesigns and FreeCSSTemplates -- they offer (mostly) CC-licensed HTML templates; you'll have to add the Django template stuff yourself. As James pointed out though, most of them will get you up and running, but you almost always want to take things a step further.
My advice: build up a small library of re-usable templates (using stuff from the above sites), get real comfortable editing HTML and CSS (because you will edit HTML and CSS), then find some kickass designers (preferably local) and get real friendly with them. Perhaps you can trade favors; you do some coding work for them, for free, and in return they do some design work for you. I've found that even if you have to pay, a good designer is well worth the money (seriously, who wants to spend their time testing sites in IE6?).
Good luck with your search though -- I, for one, would love to see your findings.
It seems like this is an area that is completely lacking. I've been looking for a django project, perhaps a meta-django project is a good way to go ;).
Maybe if designers could upload a set of templates against a simple and well defined set of models. They could upload a "main.html", "object_list.html", "object_detail.html", a css file and a few images. This would be something akin to the CSS Zen Garden project.
I've setup a github repository here: Feel free to log into the project and modify the wiki with requests.
The idea being to give newbies a starting point and a few examples for making their django website.
I suspect this has got nothing to do with django templates, your question sounds more of a design and markup. There are couple of css framework like Blueprint, 960, YAML.
I don't think you're going to be able to find what you're looking for unfortunately - I have the same problem.
Wordpress templates can assume a fairly well-known data model - every Wordpress installation uses the same predictable table names, every (say) blog page has a well-defined set of data that will be passed to the template - and even the plugins have only a limited number of plugin points to add extra data.
By contrast, your Django app could contain anything. I could provide you a pretty template, but unless the data I use in the template exactly matches your data model, it's not going to be useful. I could make the template very very generic - eg, just have it display the variable called 'form' if it's present, iterate over 'messages' if any are present at the top of the page, display a 'footer' at the bottom etc - but it will take you about 20 seconds before you want to customise the display of that form, and then you're back editing your own templates.
I think that the closest thing you're going to find are UI libraries like jQuery or YUI which can handle a lot of the work of making your UI look snazzy.
I'd like to be proven wrong though, it would save me going through the same trial as you're going through now.
Update: On re-reading this, it occurred to me that you're looking for a CMS, which Django is not. Two seconds of work with Google revealed django CMS. I haven't tried it, but maybe that's closer to what you're looking for? The django wiki has a comparison table of various django-based CMS solutions

Designing a Wiki, design considerations and feedback [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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When designing a wiki application, what things should I take into consideration?
So far I have:
parsing some sort of markup text
keeping track of links in wikis, and pages that link to other pages.
related wikis i.e. wikis are related to others.
What else goes into building a Wiki?
If it's helpful, here is the database schema for Wikipedia (actually MediaWiki, the engine behind Wikipedia):
I have done a lot of research and work with wikis over the last several years, for my own use and to support technical teams for my various clients/employers.
I have concluded that the most important criteria for a wiki is to make it transparent, like the original wiki at It should be so easy to contribute that the user never questions whether they should bother to do so. The editor must be easily accessible, it should use a conventional text-only (NO WYSIWYG!!!) wiki format, it should be easy to add new pages, it should be easy to link to external pages (other wiki or regular web), and it should have backlinks. Imitate the original wiki, and you will be fine.
If a user ever questions whether they should bother to contribute because it is too painful, in one way or another, then the wiki will stall and fail. I have seen it happen over and over again. WYSIWYG is one common failure mode, mixing in "rich" content like lots of files, multimedia, etc., is another, not being able to backup/restore is a big one. If you want "fancy" content, use a standard web server hosted "nearby", to which wiki users can link. Remember, wiki is about communication, it is NOT about pretty.
Have a look at TiddlyWiki. I think it has the best combination of features I've seen in any wiki. (For "pages" below, read "items" since TiddlyWiki is a single-page wiki. But I think these features should apply to wikis with pages too):
List of all "missing" pages (WikiWords with no page)
List of orphaned pages (pages with no links to them)
Most formatting is done by editing wiki pages
You can't screw up formatting, because there's a default if you delete your custom formatting
You can tag pages
You can include a page in another page
And plenty more that I haven't mentioned. I think the formatting is possibly the best of many good features, because it's so easy to edit and so hard to screw up.
Often overlooked:
Good search
Hierarchies. One of the things I miss most in Redmine's wiki.
If you find a good way to implement a wiki that is easy to reorganize, that would also be great (i.e. rename a page, or join two pages into one and don't break a zillion wiki links).
User interface -- one of the most frustrating things for users is that they have to learn one user interface for MediaWiki, one for TikiWiki, and one for any of the other myriad of wiki's out there.
The most important part of wikis is not the technical feasibility -- it's getting users to contribute and edit in a convenient and effective way. You can have the most technically robust wiki in the world, but if it's not easy to use, it will be useless as the community tool that a wiki is supposed to be.
Either copy an existing and familiar wiki syntax (such as MediaWiki), or be prepared to invest heavily in creating a WYSIWYG editor.
I wouldn't start a new wiki engine with the same features that everybody has, there are so many of them out there.
I would only work on one that offers something different/unique, much more than a standard wiki.
Some ideas include (maybe some wikis already have this):
The ability to have the wiki merged with a VCS, to discuss revisions/changes and be able to do code reviews (anything that gets committed automatically creates a page for the revision), having it linked to the committer and anybody in the discussion and sending them email alerts would be nice.
An API for the wiki that allows 3rd party application to do mashup-style integration.
wiki-style multimedia (Text, Images, Audio, and Video) that contains links to other media.
multilingual side-by side editing and translation.
a client-side editor/viewer (not web based) for faster response and real WYSIWYG editing.
Make sure you nail Ward Cunningham's original Wiki Design Principles.
Make sure you perform input validation on all the edits people make to prevent XSS. Nothing would ruin a good wiki like people getting hacked.
Every time I've tried to get non-developers to use a wiki, the difficulty of writing text has been the biggest barrier. A WYSIWYG editor along the lines of what StackOverflow has seems like a great idea to me. It still shows the markup in the box, so motivated users will eventually learn to use it (thus becoming more efficient), but it also shows a live preview, so that users get instant feedback as to whether their text looks correct.
Along these same lines, another annoyance is that every wiki seems to use slightly different markup. I guess each designer thinks they can do it better than the ones before. I would suggest using either MediaWiki's syntax, or something like MarkDown that's sort of standard, so that power users will have an easier time of things.
Finally, consider what about your wiki will set it apart from the many many many many other wikis already out there, and how your design will impact this.

C/C++ source code visualization? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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Basically I want tools which generate source code visualization like:
function call graph
dependency graph
Doxygen is really excellent for this, although you will need to install GraphViz to get the the graphs to draw.
Once you've got everything installed, it's really rather simple to draw the graphs. Make sure you set EXTRACT_ALL and CALL_GRAPH to true and you should be good to go.
The full documentation on this function for doxygen is here.
I strongly recommend BOUML. It's a free UML modelling application, which:
is extremely fast (fastest UML tool ever created, check out benchmarks),
has rock solid C++ import support,
has great SVG export support, which is important, because viewing large graphs in vector format, which scales fast in e.g. Firefox, is very convenient (you can quickly switch between "birds eye" view and class detail view),
is full featured, impressively intensively developed (look at development history, it's hard to believe that so fast progress is possible).
So: import your code into BOUML and view it there, or export to SVG and view it in Firefox.
For the free version:
source is on Github as DoUML
Installers can be downloaded from
You can look at different tools for software design and modelling (Rational Rose, Sparx Enterprise Architect, Umbrello, etc). Majority of them have some functionality to reverse modeling by source code, and getting UML class diagrams, and sometimes even sequence diagrams (and this is very close to functions call graph).
But after you get some pictures on really big project code base you could realise that such graphs are rather hard to read and understand. Unfortunally visualization capabilities of complexity are very limited.
As for me, using a "divide and rule" idiom is more convinient approach. You can extract different functionality blocks or layers from your some code base (just sorting cpp-files by different folders sometimes enough). Another way is to use some scripts (bash, python) to create simple csv tables with interested parameters of files, classes or functions like "number of dependencies" etc).
If you use Visual Studio, the 2010 Ultimate release lets you generate sequence diagrams and dependency graphs. However, the release currently supports only .NET application projects.
The team has gotten lots of interest in supporting C++ in a future release, so you might want stay tuned. In the meantime, you can post in the VS 2010 Architectural Discovery & Modeling Tools forum at to request an update. I know the product team loves hearing customer feedback about the tools.
In the meantime, you can learn more about creating sequence diagrams and dependency diagrams from .NET code in the following topics:
How to: Find Code Using Architecture Explorer:
How to: Generate Graph Documents from Code:
How to: Explore Code with Sequence Diagrams:
To try the RC release and provide feedback, download it at
Try doxygen
Example output from Xerces
In addition to written tools above, you may try understand. But, it is not free.
Might be a duplication, but check out ollydbg, IDA Pro and this website has a whole bunch of resources with some very sexy images.