3d to 2d image transformation - PointCloud to OpenCV Image - C++ - c++

I'm collecting a hand 3d image from my Kinect, and I want to generate a 2d image using only the X and Y values to do image processing using OpenCV. The size of the 3d matrix is variable and depends on the output from the Kinect and the X and Y values are not in proper scale to generate an 2d image. My 3d points and my 3d image are: http://postimg.org/image/g0hm3y06n/
I really don't know how can I generate my 2d image to perform my Image Processing.
Someone can help me or have a good example that I can use to create my image and do the proper scaling for that problem? I want as output the HAND CONTOURS.

I think you should apply Delaunay triangulation to 2D coordinates of point cloud (depth ignored), then remove too long vertices from triangles. You can estimate the length threshold by counting points per some area and evaluating square root from the value you'll get. After you got triangulation you can draw filled triangles and find contours.

I think what you are looking for is the OKPCL package.. Also, make sure you check out this PCL post about the topic.. There is also an OpenCVPCL Bridge class but apparently the website is down.
And lastly, there has been official word that the OpenCV and PCL are joining forces for a development platform that integrates GPU computing with 2d/3D perception and processing.

You could use PCLs RangeImage respectively RangeImagePlanar class with its createFromPointCloud method (I think you do have a point cloud, right? Or what do you mean by 3D image?).
Then you can create a OpenCV Mat using getImagePoint functions.


Matching 3d models in a 2d scene using pcl or opencv

I have a 3d model obtained with a 3d scanner and I want to match it in a 2d scene (simple 2d video which contains the model).
I know pcl deals only with point clouds and opencv with 2d images, is it possible though to user any of them to extract the keypoints from the 3d model and then use them to find the model in a 2d image?
It depends on the kind of objects. If you look for simple shape objects as boxes, you can detect corners in 3D and in 2D and match its together.
For more complex objects, maybe you will have to mesh your point cloud to find robust interest points. For example, this paper https://hal.inria.fr/hal-00682775/file/squelette-rr.pdf explains a method to extract robust points in a shape, OR a surface, but I don't know if the same keypoints will be extracted in 2D and 3D.
Find all key points and project them on ground plane to get equivalent 2D image. You can use pcl 2d projection techniques also. Possible duplicate of Generate image from an unorganized Point Cloud in PCL

Cube detection using C++ and openCV

I am currently working on a robotic project: a robot must grab an cube using a Kinect camera that process cube detection and calculate coordinates.
I am new in computer vision. I first worked on static image of square in order to get a basic understanding. Using C++ and openCV, I managed to get the corners (and their x y pixel coordinates) of the square using smoothing (remove noise), edge detection (canny function), lines detection (Hough transform) and lines intersection (mathematical calculation) on an simplified picture (uniform background).
By adjusting some threshold I can achieve corners detection assuming that I have only one square and no line feature in the background.
Now is my question: do you have any direction/recommendation/advice/literature about cube recognition algorithm ?
What I have found so far involves shape detection combined with texture detection and/or learning sequence. Moreover, in their applications, they often use GPU/parallellisation computing, which I don't have...
The Kinect also provided a depth camera which gives distance of the pixel from the camera. Maybe I can use this to bypass "complicated" image processing ?
Thanks in advance.
OpenCV 3.0 with contrib includes surface_matching module.
Cameras and similar devices with the capability of sensation of 3D
structure are becoming more common. Thus, using depth and intensity
information for matching 3D objects (or parts) are of crucial
importance for computer vision. Applications range from industrial
control to guiding everyday actions for visually impaired people. The
task in recognition and pose estimation in range images aims to
identify and localize a queried 3D free-form object by matching it to
the acquired database.

Reconstructing 3D from some images without calibration?

I want to make a 3D reconstruction from multiple images without using a chessboard Calibration. I'm using OpenCV and studying the method to obtain the way to get the model 3D from 30 images without calibrating the camera with a chessboard pattern.
Is this possible? Where can I get the extrinsics params?
Can I make the 3D reconstruction without calibrating?
The calibration grid (chessboard in the typical OpenCV example) is simply an object of known dimensions that lets you estimate the camera's intrinsic parameters, i.e. the mapping from camera coordinates to the image coordinates of a point. This includes focal length, centre of projection, radial distortion parameters et cetera.
If you do away with the calibration object, you will need to find these parameters from the image observations themselves. This approach is called "self-calibration" or "auto-calibration" and can be fairly involved. Basically, you are trying to get a good starting point for the follow-up non-linear optimisation (i.e. bundle adjustment). For a start, you might want to refer to Marc Pollefeys' PhD thesis, who came up with a simple linear algorithm for this problem:

Convert Polar Image to a Cartesian Image

I am attempting to convert an image in polar coordinates (axes are angle x radius) to an image in cartesian coordinates (axes are x and y).
This is simple enough in matlab using pcolor() but the issue is that I must do this in a mex file (c++ interface to Matlab). This seem's easy enough except that Matlab ONLY uses array containers so I can't think of a clever or eloquent way of doing this.
I do have access to the image dimensions and I can imagine a very messy way of repackaging the input image array as a matrix in C++ and carying out the conversion but this would be messy and problematic.
Also, I need to be able to interpolate gaps between points in the xy plain.
Any ideas?
This is reasonably standard in image processing, particularly in registration. However, it takes some thought and isn't "obvious". It wasn't obvious to me the first time either.
I'm assuming you have two images, in different "domains", in your case a source image in polar coordinates and a target image in Cartesian coordinates. I'm assuming you know the region in the target image you want to populate.
The commonly known best thing to do in image processing is to loop over coordinates in the known area of the target image that you want to populate. For each of these positions (x,y), you'll have some conversion to polar. It's probably r = sqrt(x*x+y*y) and theta = atan2(y,x) or something like that. Then you sample from that position in the polar coordinate position with interpolation.
Among choices of interpolation are:
Nearest neighbor - you just round to the nearest r and theta and choose the value of that.
Bilinear -
Of course you should take care of boundary conditions and what happens if your r and theta go out of your image.
This procedure also is similar (looping over the target image and sampling from the source image, and doing lookups based on the reverse transform) for all kinds of coordinates transformations. The nice thing is that you don't leave holes where your source imagine is relevant.
Hope this helps with the image part.
As for the mex part, here's some links:
Mex tutorial
Mex tutorial
Can you be more specific about what you need about the mex part?

warping images and problem with the matrix of Homography opencv

I have a problem when I'm getting the results of using the function cvFindHomograhpy().
The results it gives negative coordinates, I will explain now what I'm doing.
I'm working on video stabilization by using optical flow method. I have estimated the location of the features in the first and second frame. Now, my aim is to warp the images in order to stabilize the images. Before this step I should calculate the homography matrix between the frames which I used the function mentioned above but the problem that I'm getting this results which it doesn't seem to be realistic because it has negative values and these values can be changed to more weird results.
0.482982 53.5034 -0.100254
-0.000865877 63.6554 -0.000213824
-0.0901095 0.301558 1
After obtaining these results I get a problem to apply for image Warping by using CvWarpPerspective(). The error shows that there is a problem with using the matrices. Incorrect transforming from "cvarrTomat"?
So where is the problem? Can you give me another suggestion if it's available?
Notice: if you can help me about implementing the warping in c++ it would be great.
Thank you
A poor homography estimation can generate warping error inside CvWarpPerspective().
The homography values you have posted show that you have a full projective transformation that move points at infinity to points in 2d euclidean plane and it could be wrong.
In video stabilization to compute a good homography model usually other features are used such as harris corner, hessian affine or SIFT/SURF combined with a robust model estimator such as RANSAC or LMEDS.
Check out this link for a matlab example on video stabilization...