Questions Regarding Hosting a dynamic website on Amazon EC2 - amazon-web-services

So i have developed a dynamic website using Eclipse.
I have set up an instance of Amazon EC2 , i have installed Apache Tomcat 7 and MYSQL on it. Using the Apache Tomcat menue by going to publicDns:8080 i have deployed the war file as well.
The project name is sms.
It works perfectly fine when i visit the site using publicDNS:8080/sms
Now i have created an elastic Ip address and associated it with the instance
I have also pointed my domain to the Ip Address
Now i want that when ever i visit this address it should take me to the index of my deployed website.
Right now i am working with the Ip Address since my domain is still configuring
so what i want is when i visit my Ip Address it should take me to the index of the website
instead what i have to do now is
going to IpAddress alone shows me Unable to Connect Error
How do i configure my EC2 Instance so going to the IpAddress would take me directly to the index

Well this is how i solved the problem
First i renamed by war to ROOT.war , then i deployed it using the normal method from the Manager section of apache home (domainName:8080/manager). Then using putty i connected to my amazon EC2 cloud and navigated to the apache folder, and changed the default port from 8080 to 80.
So now going to the domain name takes me to mywebsite


Request to an Ec2 instance return 403 after configure an elastic IP

I'm facing an issue with my ec2 instance. Until now, I had an ec2 instance working with an IP like this:
Now I configured an elastic IP to make that instead of use the default domain uses one of my own.
Something goes wrong because now a receive a 403 if I make a request pointing to my new domain.
I'm check that I'm still able to connect to my Ubuntu server 20.04 LTS through SSH. Only have to change the host name to my new domain.(I'm using PuTTy)
Searching on internet if found that the problem can be that my machine still have the old domain in some config files. I don't have experience with Ubuntu servers. I try to find the http.conf file or the apache2 directory in etc., but no one is present.....
I don't know what to do next.
I have to change some configuration file? In that case, which one?
I leave you some images from my machine:
etc folder
For further information, the security group of my ec2 instance have these rules:
Any help will be appreciated. Thanks
I'm trying to access the server, making a request, with Postman like this.
And that is the error:
For more information. I implemented my ec2 using this video:ec2 video
And I changed the domain with that video:link ec2 with namecheap domain
I'm afraid it is a propagation issue, that takes more time than the 48 hours, because now it starts to works without changing absolutely nothing. Sorry
It appears that your requirement is to point to an Elastic IP address.
You can do this by using a DNS Service, such as Amazon Route 53. You would create a A-Record record that points that domain name to the IP address.
If you are unfamiliar with these concepts, I recommend watching some YouTube videos such as DNS with AWS Route 53 - YouTube.

How do i set a public URL when using EC2

I have an instance setup for a test site using Amazon Web Services listed under EC2.
I then setup an Elastic IP which as i understand is a static IP.
Once logged into this instance of Windows Server i setup a site in IIS which runs locally.
I have set all the bindings in IIS but struggling to figure out how i assign a public name to this instance so i can view the site in an external browser? I tried entering the IP but that doesnt open anything, not even the standard IIS page?
Check your firewall if you have opened the port 80 or whatever the IIS is bonded with
and also check your security group of the EC2 instance and open the port 80 to the world

Xampp with Aws issue

I am using an Aws EC2 with Ubuntu, I installed Xampp and it is working fine, the problem that I have it's that if I put this url:
It will open the Xampp dashboard... if you check this url too:
You will see that there is a website, I wonder how can I do if I put it diplays what it's in
Is it possible? Thanks!
If is your domain, you need to associate it with the elastic IP address of your EC2 instance. It is the only way in which DNS systems will know how route/propagate traffic to your instance.

Cannot see the Gatsby website running on AWS EC2 Ubuntu server, externally

I am trying to see the website running with Gatsby on AWS EC2 Ubuntu Server.
Locally website is successfully running with gatsby develop
I currently have no domain name purchased such that just want to check if the site can be accessible externally.
without using surge command, just want to check the website externally.
Security groups on AWS EC2 is appropriately configures (Inbound's HTTP/HTTPS are allowed)
In rails I recollect with passing additional parameters it can be accessed externally,
how it works on gatsby? any ideas?
Ah sorry guys the issue solved.
I used surge with surge public but when i put in the arbiterary domain name it did not work.
when I left the temporarily domain name provided by surge and also, after I verified my email address, it works fine.

Amazon Web Services AMI Image Issue (Host not Responding to Requests)

I had a Micro Instance from which I created an AMI Image. I then upgraded to a Large Instance with this Image in tow and assigned an elastic IP Address. I changed my A Name to point to the new IP and, according to a reverse DNS lookup service, my DNS appears to have propagated correctly (
I created a virtual host for the domain name and restarted apache. And, yet, the domain is not responding to my requests. Could I be missing something here?
I am deploying Django with Mod Wsgi on Apache. I have moved MYSQL to a mounted EBS volume but that seems to be working here (and it worked on the instance from which I created the AMI). Restarting Apache works (/etc/apache/init.d/restart). Do I have to configure it in any other ways.
Any clues on how to proceed?
I can reach your ssh server on the machine, but attempts to reach the webserver here are failing too, in a manner that makes me think the packets are being DROPed rather than REJECTed. Have you authorized port 80?