LNK2019, LPCTSTR, and C++ syntax in general - c++

Allow me to preface this question with 2 comments:
1) I'm a C# developer, so I don't have much practice dealing with linker errors in C++ and some standard C++ syntax is a bit unfamiliar to me. I suspect this will be an easy question to the C++ gurus out there.
2) I'm not sure how to ask this question in a way that will be relevant to the masses but I'm open to suggestions/corrections from the community. The problem with lnk2019 errors is that it seems pretty individualized as to what the problem actually is. MSDN has an article that deals with the error generally and Stack Overflow already has a slew of questions with that tag and yet I still can't seem to solve my problem.
On to the details...
I was given an old (VS2005) C++ solution with 42 projects and was asked to try and get it to build. After doing quite a bit of twiddling, I've gotten it down to just 3 projects that won't build. I'd like to focus on just one of them because I think if we can figure that one out, I can do the same things to the other 2 projects to fix them.
Let's start with the error. As you can see, the project in question is named "HttpWire".
Deleting intermediate and output files for project 'Http Wire',
configuration 'Release|x64' Compiling... HttpWire.cpp
Compiling resources... Linking... Creating library
Release\AMD64\HttpWire.lib and object Release\AMD64\HttpWire.exp
HttpWire.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public:
__cdecl THttpWire::THttpWire(char const *)" (??0THttpWire##QEAA#PEBD#Z) referenced in function
CreateConnectionWire Release\AMD64\HttpWire.dll : fatal error LNK1120:
1 unresolved externals
Looks like the linker is upset because the function "CreateConnectionWire" is calling "THttpWire" but for some reason the linker is unable to find it. There is only 1 .cpp file in the project (HttpWire.cpp) and here it is:
#include "THttpWire.h"
BOOL WINAPI DllMain(HINSTANCE hDllInst, DWORD reason, LPVOID reserved)
return TRUE;
__declspec(dllexport) TConnectionWire *CreateConnectionWire(LPCTSTR connectionString)
return new THttpWire(connectionString);
__declspec(dllexport) void DeleteConnectionWire(TConnectionWire *connectionWire)
delete connectionWire;
The #include file, "THttpWire.h" lives in another project called "AirTime Core". It includes several other things and then has the following:
class THttpWire : public TConnectionWire
THttpWire(LPCTSTR connectionString);
virtual ~THttpWire();
... (lots of other stuff) ...
And then, finally, we have THttpWire.cpp:
#include "THttpWire.h"
THttpWire::THttpWire(LPCTSTR connectionString) :
hWinHttp(NULL), hSession(NULL), hRequest(NULL),
opTimedOut(FALSE), asyncError(0),
headers(NULL), headersOffset(0), headersLength(0),
requestSent = new TSyncEvent(TRUE);
This syntax is a bit weird to me... what are we doing here? I mean, I realize this is a constructor, and since THttpWIre appears to inherit from TConnectionWire (according to the .h), then the ":TConnectionWire(connectionString)" makes sense (I'm assuming this is like C# appending ": base()" to constructors of objects that inherit from other objects), but then what is all the other stuff between that and the opening brace (note that TConnectionWire does not appear to inherit from anything else)?
After doing some searching on MSDN and SO, I've learned the following (please correct me if I'm wrong)
CreateConnectionWire is prefaced by __declspec(dllexport) which simply makes it available to other projects consuming this .dll (as discussed here)
LPCTSTR is a const char* (see MSDN). Note that my projects are set with "Treat wchar_t as Built-in Type: No (/Zc:wchar_t-)" in the property pages. (see the bottom of this article and also this article)
Right now, my primary suspicion is with LPCTSTR. Perhaps it is not defined the same in both projects, which would yield different method signatures... but I don't know how to check for this or fix it if that is the case. Or, perhaps the "/Zc:wchar_t-" thing is affecting it adversely?My next suspicion is that there is something in the string of methods listed in the constructor (with the syntax that I don't understand) that is causing some sort of problem and making the "THttpWire" constructor not available, generally.What do you think? I'd be happy to share any other bits that you think would be useful.
Other information that may or may not be helpful (I'll let you decide)
When I first started with this project, there were several .lib and .h files missing and I've had to go around trying to find them (examples were opends60.lib, mssoap30.lib, WinLUA.h, etc.). It is quite possible I don't have the same version the solution was originally built against.
The projects were all built with "_WIN32_WINNT=0x0400" defined, which appears to mean it was meant to be built against the Windows 2000 SDK (see MSDN). I found something that I thought was the Win 2000 SDK (the oldest one on here, but when I link to that, I get many more errors. Instead, I'm linking to the SDK version 6.1. HOWEVER, this causes WinHttp not to compile because "SOCKADDR_STORAGE" isn't defined for anything "_WIN32_WINNT<0x0501" (windows XP). THUS, I've redefined "_WIN32_WINNT=0x0501" for all of the projects that appear to be related to HttpWire. It is possible I missed one or two.

There is only 1 .cpp file in the project (HttpWire.cpp)
Well, that's a problem because clearly you need more than 1. You also need THttpWire.cpp since it contains the constructor code. The one that the linker cannot find.
Keep the C++ build model in mind, it is very different from C#. Source code files are separately compiled. And then the linker glues all the bits of code together to make the program. Those bits may come from an .obj file created from a .cpp file. Or they could come from a .lib file, a "container" of bits of code.
Which is the likely explanation since you mentioned an "AirTime Core" project. Project + Properties, Linker, Input, Additional Dependencies setting. You need to add the output of the "AirTime Core" project, whatever it is named.


C++ name mangling in a so

Here's what i did:
I changed a .h file from
SomeObj* getCacheObj( int i = 0 );
SomeObj* getCacheObj( int i );
SomeObj* getCacheObj();
I recompiled the code (no problems), the changes went to somelib.so (one of many so files). I then replaced the old so on the equipment with this one and got the folowing error when loading the so:
undefined symbol: _ZN13KeypathHelper11getCacheObjEv
Now the strange part is that I've been told this class is only used in this so file (How can I make sure?). I am not that experienced and not sure how to investigate. Any suggestions are welcome.
This particular problem was caused because another so file was using the KeypathHelper class and I only replaced the one containing it. The way I found out which other so needed to be updated was by greping all so's for KeypathHelper.
The _ZN13KeypathHelper11getCacheObjEv symbol is a mangled name for KeypathHelper::getCacheObj() (you can easily translate using c++filt, for example). Given that you have only added a method and whatever is loading the shared object cannot find it makes me think that you either haven't updated the shared object or forgot to provide a definition for KeypathHelper::getCacheObj() (in other words — implement the method).
In order to investigate, you have to see what is failing to resolve the symbol. Usually, developers have a sense for it. Say, if a binary XXX cannot load library YYY due to unresolved symbol, then XXX is using it and it does not appear to be in YYY (or anywhere else for that matter). If there is no sense for that, one can resort to reading ld.so (8) manual page and debug the dynamic linker by using available means like defining LD_DEBUG.
Also, #PlasmaHH has asked a very good question. If the only change you made was to the header file, then you must know that a single function/method with a default value for a parameter is not the same as as two functions/methods where one has a parameter and one does not.
As for your second question about how to make sure that symbol in a shared object is not being used outside — you have to change the symbol visibility so that nobody from the outside is able to link/resolve/use the symbol. For example, see GCC Visibility.
Hope it helps. Good Luck!

Calling a Visual Basic DLL in C++

I have acquired a DLL that was created in Visual Basic from a third party vendor(Sensor DLL.dll). This DLL contains functions for talking to a sensor, and I need to call these functions from a Visual C++ program I am writing. The vendor will not provide a header file, and I do not know Visual Basic. If I had a header file this would be a 15 minute project... instead I am still struggling with it a week later. Please Help!
I am told one function (Get_Data) in the DLL is of the form:
Public Function Get_Data(ByVal Handle As String) As String
I have tried several methods for calling this Get_Data function with no success:
Method 1) the DllImport attribute
#using <mscorlib.dll>
using namespace System::Runtime::InteropServices;
namespace Sensor
[DllImport("Sensor DLL.dll", EntryPoint = "Get_Data", CharSet = System::Runtime::InteropServices::CharSet::Unicode)]
BSTR Get_Data(BSTR Handle);
//then I call the function
This method seems to be the closest I have gotten to a sloution. It compiles, but gives the following error when it runs:
An unhandled exception of type 'System.EntryPointNotFoundException' occurred
Additional information: Unable to find an entry point named 'Get_Data' in DLL 'Sensor DLL.dll'.
I have tried various datatype combinations/permutations besides BSTR including BSTR*, wchar_t, int, etc. It is possible that I missed one, but each datatype returns the same error.
Method 2) dllimport storage-class attribute
__declspec(dllimport) BSTR Get_Data(BSTR Handle);
//then I call the function
This method is confusing to me because I don't specify the DLL I want to import from. I have copied the DLL to the project folder and I have added it to the project manually, so hopefully that means it can be found. When I compile the linker returns the following errors:
error LNK2028: unresolved token (0A00034F) "wchar_t * __cdecl Get_Data(wchar_t *)" (?Get_Data##$$FYAPA_WPA_W#Z) referenced in function "int __cdecl main(void)" (?main##$$HYAHXZ)
error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "wchar_t * __cdecl Get_Data(wchar_t *)" (?Get_Data##$$FYAPA_WPA_W#Z) referenced in function "int __cdecl main(void)" (?main##$$HYAHXZ)
I suspected maybe this meant I should be using wchar_t or wchar_t* instead of BSTR, but changing to either datatype results in the same error.
Method 3) GetProcAddress
typedef BSTR (*Get_Data_Ptr)(BSTR Handle);
LoadMe = LoadLibraryA("Sensor DLL.dll");
if (!LoadMe)
std::cout << "\nDLL failed to load!\n";
Get_Data_Ptr LibMainGet_Data;
LibMainGet_Data = (Get_Data_Ptr)GetProcAddress(LoadMe,"Get_Data");
//then I call the function
This will compile, but gives the following error when run:
An unhandled exception of type 'System.AccessViolationException' occurred
Additional information: Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt.
When I mouse over the various parts of this code in debug mode it seems that, like the first method, it was also unable to find the 'Get_Data' entry point in the DLL.
Has anyone called functions from a VB DLL using C++ when you haven't made the DLL yourself and you don't have .idl files, etc? Does anyone have a working example like this you could share?
A VB6 DLL is normally a COM server. You do in fact have the equivalent of a .h file, it has a type library embedded in it. Start this off with Project + Properties, Common Properties, Framework and References. Add New Reference button, Browse tab, select the DLL.
Next, View + Object Browser. You should see the generated Interop library in the list. Open the node to see what is there. You write normal managed code, like gcnew, to create the COM object and call the interface methods. You do need some minimum documentation on the available methods to have a guess at how they should be called.
I believe the missing piece is the calling convention. C++ has its own function calling convention different than VB6 (I assume VB6 since you haven't stated VB.NET explicitly). VB6 uses STDCALL convention whereas C++, depending on the vendor, uses a different calling convention termed __cdecl, which is why you see the __cdecl in the compiler error line for method #2. It assumes your external function is using that calling convention by default. Calling convention is a set of rules describing how functions call one another; specifically about how registers are used, what order parameters are delivered in, how by-value / by-reference is determined, etc.
I would suggest sticking with method #3 since method #1 is for Managed C++ which is not standard C++, and method #2 is unfamiliar to me and looks a bit ambiguous. What you want to try is declaring the function pointer typedef to use STDCALL.
typedef BSTR (__stdcall *Get_Data_Ptr)(BSTR Handle);
In the OLE/COM viewer, in order to view the COM type library in a dll/exe/... you have to open it by using "File->View TypeLib" instead of "File->Bind to File"
It sounds like the DLL isn't actually exporting a function named Get_Data. Open up a command prompt and use dumpbin to get the list of exports of the DLL, e.g.:
dumpbin /exports "Sensor DLL.dll"
(dumpbin.exe is located in VC\bin within your Visual Studio install folder, which istypically something like C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0).
Then, replace Get_Data with the actual entry point and see if you have any better luck.
A Visual basic program normally needs a runtime to execute.
If you have a COM object (implemented in VB) use the COM API to communicate with it from C++. You will have to register the COM first. Here is a thread that explains hot to do that: http://forums.devx.com/archive/index.php/t-87059.html
If you use a .NET language, use the method of Hans Passant with a reference that will create an interop dll for you. This is far much easier.
Method 1: Do not do that, if you have a COM object that you want to use from a .NET environment, reference it.
Method 2: You get errors because you lack the the .lib file to properly link to the DLL (statically dynamically linking)
Method 3: Would be a pure dynamic solution but you have to know the exact names of the methods in the DLL. These may vary according to the parameters and calling convention used. This is very similar (actually identical, I would say) to the issue you face with your Method 1 solution. The name of the method is for yure not "Get_Data" but something else. With a tool like the dependency viewer you can have a look at the exported names.
Even Method 3 with the right names is likely to fail because if it is a COM object you will need some environment called Appartment to use the COM objects. You "enter" this appartment by calling CoInitialize. This creates some magical stuff in the TLS (Thread Local Storage) to perform the COM magic. I hope this explains why your tries will be pointless if the DLL you have is happening to be a COM component, what is quite likely according to the ATL like naming we can see.
I forgot to say that you can also easily see what is inside the dll if it is a COM with the OLE/COM Viewer (normally if you have a compiler you will have such a tool around).

C++ Exposed property for COM in idl is showing as lower case "all of a sudden"

I have this old C++ COM component. I took the latest code base, built it and found that one of the properties has become lower case. For example, in the pre-compiled dll i have a property "Type", but when building from source it's called "type". The idl shows that the property is called "Type". So what could possibly be happening here?
COM is case-insensitive, so there is only one entry in the library's symbol table for the symbol "type". The version which is put into the symbol table is the first one that the compiler encounters.
Microsoft's advice on the matter is simply:
Make sure that the same name is not already present in the IDL file when introducing a new identifier.
You should stick to either Type or type in the IDL, for consistent results.
You discovered a quirk in the OS stock implementation of ICreateTypeLib, used by practically all tool chains on Windows that can create a type library. It uses a rather crude way to deal with possible problems caused by languages that are not case-sensitive, VB/A being a prominent example.
At issue is the definition of an identifier with one casing, being referenced elsewhere in the type library with another casing. Not a problem at all in, say, VB, big problem when the client programmer uses a case-sensitive language like C# or C++.
The "fix" it uses is to force the casing to be consistent everywhere in the library. Unfortunately it is not very sophisticated about it. Best example is a method declaration earlier in the type library that takes an argument named type. Any identifier named Type in the rest of the type library will now get case-converted to type.
Repairing this problem is easy enough, just change the name of the identifier so it no longer matches. You'll have to find it, not so easy, best to use Oleview.exe, File > View Typelib command. Copy/paste the decompiled IDL into a text editor and use its Search command.
I had the same problem almost 10 years after this question was asked and I would like to share my solution (thanks for the help in understanding the problem).
First I would like to say that I had several names whose casing was changed by tlbimp and changing all the instances of these names to my expected casing in the IDL fixed all but one. I'm assuming that that name (Text) came from a different IDL I imported. I was also not happy with the solution of changing the names of parameters and the like since in the future someone else may change them.
The solution I found was to introduce a dummy interface with the casing I wanted. I did this before all other imports and then referenced it in the library section of the IDL. Note that both these details are required. If you don't put it in the library section it's ignored and if I defined it at the beginning of the library section after the imports it's too late.
import "oaidl.idl";
import "ocidl.idl";
helpstring("Ensure that names used in interop have correct casing")
interface IAmHack : IUnknown
HRESULT Space();
HRESULT Final();
HRESULT Frontier();
// ...
library MyLib
interface IAmHack;

Trouble tracking down a potential memory overwrite. Windows weirdness

This is driving me nuts. I am using some 3rd-party code in a Windows .lib that, in debug mode, is causing an error similar to the following:
Run-Time Check Failure #2 - Stack around the variable 'foo' was corrupted.
The error is thrown when either the object goes out of scope or is deleted. Simply allocating one of these objects and then deleting it will throw the error. I therefore think the problem is either in one of the many constructors/destructors but despite stepping through every line of code I cannot find the problem.
However, this only happens when creating one of these objects in a static library. If I create one in my EXE application, the error does not appear. The 3rd-party code itself lives in a static lib. For example, this fails:
class Foo : public Base
void Test()
Foo* foo = new Foo;
delete foo; // CRASH!
void Func()
But this will work:
class Foo : public Base
void Func()
Foo* foo = new Foo;
delete foo; // NO ERROR
So, cutting out the 'middle' .lib file makes the problem go away and it is this weridness that is driving me mad. The EXE and 2 libs all use the same CRT library. There are no errors linking. The 3rd-party code uses inheritance and there are 5 base classes. I've commented out as much code as I can whilst still getting it to build and I just can't see what's up.
So if anyone knows why code in a .lib would act differently to the same code in a .exe, I would love to hear it. Ditto any tips for tracking down memory overwrites! I am using Visual Studio 2008.
One possibility is that it's a calling convention mismatch - make sure that your libraries and executables are all set to use the same default calling convention (usually __cdecl). To set that, open up your project properties and go to Configuration Properties > C/C++ > Advanced and look at the Calling Convention option. If you call a function with the wrong calling convention, you'll completely mess up the stack.
OK, I tracked the problem down and it's a cracker, if anyone's interested. Basically, my .LIB, which exhibited the problem. had defined _WIN32_WINNT as 0x0501 (Windows 2000 and greater), but my EXE and the 3rd-party LIB had it defined as 0x0600 (Vista). Now, one of the headers included by the 3rd-party lib is sspi.h which defines a structure called SecurityFunctionTable which includes the following snippet:
// Fields below this are available in OSes after w2k
#endif // greater thean 2K
Th cut a long story short, this meant a mismatch in object sizes between the LIBs and this was causing the Run-Time Check Failure.
Is your .lib file linked against the library's .lib? I assume from your example that you are including the header with the declaration of the destructor; without it, deleting such a type is allowed but can result in UB (in a bizarre manner contrary to the general rule that something must be defined before used). If the .lib files aren't linked together, it's possible that a custom operator delete or destructor is having some weird linking issues, and while that shouldn't happen, you never can quite tell if it won't.
Without seeing more code, it's hard to give you a firm answer. However, for tracking down memory overwrites, I recommend using WinDbg (free from Microsoft, search for "Debugging Tools for Windows").
When you have it attached to your process, you can have it set breakpoints for memory access (read, write, or execute). It's really powerful overall, but it should especially help you with this.
The error is thrown when either the object goes out of scope or is deleted.
Whenever I've run into this it had to do with the compiled library using a different version of the C++ runtime than the rest of the application.

VS2008 internal compiler error

I'm consistently running into an internal compiler error while attempting to switch from MSVC6 to MSVC 2008. After much work commenting out different parts of the program, I've traced the error to two lines of code in two different CPP files. Both of these CPP files compile successfully, yet somehow have an effect on whether or not the error manifests in other files.
Both of those lines involve instantianting several complex, nested templates. They also appear to be the only places in the app that use an abstract class as one of the template parameters. That said, I'm far from certain that the issue involves either abstract classes or templates, it's just the most obvious thing I've noticed. I can't even be sure that these lines are significant at all. Here's what they look like, though:
m_phDSAttributes = new SObjDict<RWCString, SIDataSource>(&RWCString::hash);
So we've got SObjDict, a templatized dictionary class, SIDataSource, an abstract interface, and the parameter is a pointer to a static member function of RWCString.
I've been playing around with the code some, and I can occasionally get the error to move from one CPP file to another (for instance, I changed a bunch of template declarations from using class to typename), but I can't find any rhyme or reason to it.
I'm at a loss as to how to debug this issue further. The exact error output by the compiler (with the name of my source file changed) is below. There is no mention of it anywhere on the internet. I'm pretty desperate for any advice on how to proceed. I don't expect someone to say "oh, you just need to do XYZ", but a pointer on how to debug this sort of issue would be greatly appreciated.
1>d:\Dev\webapi.cpp : fatal error C1001: An internal error has occurred in the compiler.
1>(compiler file 'f:\dd\vctools\compiler\utc\src\p2\p2symtab.c', line 5905)
The trick seems to be disabling precompiled headers. I have no idea why that solves the problem, and it's very unfortunate since my build time for the affected project has gone from less than 30 secs to nearly 5 minutes, but at least I can progress forward.
It's a reasonable bet to assume that p2symtab.c is (part of) the symbol table code. This would immediately explain how the upgrade caused it; this code has been rewritten. (Remember the 255 character length warnings of VC6?)
In this case, there is no new entry in the symbol table, so it's likely a lookup in the symbol table failing spectactularly. It would be interesting to see if the context in which th name lookup happens affects the result. For instance, what happens if you change the code to
typedef SObjDict<RWCString, SIDataSource> SObjDict_RWCString_SIDataSource;
m_phDSAttributes = new SObjDict_RWCString_SIDataSource(&RWCString::hash);
This will force another symbol table entry to be created, for SObjDict_RWCString_SIDataSource. This entry is sort of a symbolic link to the template instantiation. The new name can (and must) be looked up on its own.
Start breaking it down into smaller parts. My first guess is the pointer to the static function is going to be the problem. Can you make a dummy non-template class with the same parameter in the constructor? Does it compile if you don't use an abstract class in the template?
Looks like I'm sending you in the wrong direction, the following compiles fine in 2008:
class thing {
static void hash( short sht ) {
void hash( long lng ) {
class thing2 {
thing2( void (short ) ){}
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
thing2* t = new thing2( &thing::hash );
delete t;
return 0;
The principle remains though, remove/replace complex elements until you have code that compiles and you'll know what is causing the problem.
fatal error C1001: An internal error has occurred in the compiler.
1>(compiler file 'f:\dd\vctools\compiler\utc\src\p2\p2symtab.c
i also observed the same error when i try to build my vs 2005 code to vs 2008. but it happen till i have not installed Service pack of VS 2008...
have you installed Service pack... i think this will resolved your issue....
This typically happens with template instantiation. Unfortunately it could be caused by many things, but 99% of the time your code is subtly invoking undefined behavior.