say I have a list in haskell [2,4,6,8,9,4] , and I want to start on the first element and then jump by one or two elements and get all possible I should get a list of lists.
so for the above list I want to return the following list [[2,6,9],[2,6,4],[2,8,4]].
I wrote this so far
paths :: [int] -> [int]
paths [] = []
paths [x]=[x]
paths (x:z:xs) = x:paths(xs)
but it only returns one list starting at the first element and then jumping by ones. So I dont know how to make it recurse so that it jumps twos and ones for all possible jumps .
Help is highly appreciated .
You want to jump over either one or two elements. Therefore, you need not only one, but two recursive calls (if you want to solve this problem with a recursive strategy).
But first of all, lets fix your type:
paths :: [a] -> [[a]]
Also, I'm going to change the base case: if the input is empty, the result isn't an empty list, but instead a list containing an empty list, since there is only one combination over the empty set, and that is an empty set again. Also, for the singleton, we're going to return a packed singleton list:
paths [] = [[]]
paths [x] = [[x]]
Now what if we have more elements? We remember first one, jump over one or two, and then apply paths again on the rest. However, we only jump two if there's actually something to jump over. Afterwards, we put the first element back at the front:
paths (x:xs)
| null jump1 = [[x]]
| otherwise = map (x:) $ paths jump1 ++ paths jump2
where jump1 = drop 1 xs
jump2 = drop 2 xs
\> paths [2,4,6,8,9,4]
I want to find a list of nodes that currently given nodes directly or indirectly connect to.
For example, I have a list of nodes:
and a list of tuples, and each of the tuples represents a direct edge:
So, the nodes I am looking for are
Because, 1 connects to 5, 2 connects to 4. Then, 4 is connected to 6.
To achieve this, I need two a queues, and a list. Each time a new node is discovered, we append the new node to the queue and the list. Then, we remove the first node of the queue, and go to next node. If a new node is connected to the current node of the queue. Then, we add new node to both the queue and the list.
We keep doing this until the queue is empty and we return the list.
So now, I have an append function which appends a list to another list:
fun append(xs, ys) =
case ys of
[] => xs
| (y::ys') => append(xs # [y], ys')
Then, I have a function called getIndirectNodes, which intends to return the lists of nodes that the given nodes indirectly connected to, but throws "unresolved flex record". List1 and List2 have the same items supposedly. But, List1 serves the queue, and list2 servers as the list to be returned.
fun getIndirectNode(listRoleTuples, list1, list2) =
if list1 = []
then list2
else if hd(list1) = #1(hd(listRoleTuples))
then (
append(list1,#2(hd(listRoleTuples)) :: []);
append(list2,#2(hd(listRoleTuples)) :: []);
If I remove the else if statement, it works perfectly fine. But, it's not what I intended to do. The problem is in the else if statement. What can I do to fix it?
SML needs to know exactly what shape a tuple has in order to deconstruct it.
You could specify the type of the parameter - listRoleTuples : (''a * ''a) list - but using pattern matching is a better idea.
(There are many other problems with that code, but that's the answer to your question.)
It seems that one of your classmates had this exact tuple problem in a very related task.
Make sure you browse the StackOverflow Q&A's before you ask the same question again.
As for getting the indirect nodes, this can be solved by fixed-point iteration.
First you get all the direct nodes, and then you get the direct nodes of the direct nodes.
And you do this recursively until no more new nodes occur this way.
fun getDirectNodes (startNode, edges) = #2 (List.filter (fn (node, _) => node = startNode) edges)
fun toSet xs =
... sort and remove duplicates ...
fun getReachableNodes (startNodes, edges) =
fun f startNode = getDirectNodes (startNode, edges)
val startNodes = toSet startNodes
val endNodes = toSet (List.concat ( f startNodes))
if startNodes = endNodes
then endNodes
else getReachableNodes (startNodes # endNodes, edges)
This doesn't exactly find indirect end-nodes; it finds all nodes directly or indirectly reachable by startNodes, and it includes startNodes themselves even if they're not directly or indirectly reachable by themselves.
I've tried to make this exercise easier by using sets as a datatype; it would be even neater with an actual, efficient implementation of a set type, e.g. using a balanced binary search tree. It is easier to see if there are no new nodes by adding elements to a set, since if a set already contains an element, it will be equivalent to itself before and after the addition of the element.
And I've tried to use higher-order functions when this makes sense. For example, given a list of things where I want to do the same thing on each element, produces a list of results. But since that thing I want to do, getDirectNodes (startNode, edges) produces a list, then f produces a list of lists. So List.concat collapses that into a single list.
List.concat ( f xs)
is a pretty common thing to do.
I'm trying to add an int list list with another int list list using the append function, but I can't get it to work the way I want.
Say that I want to append [[1,2,3,4,5]] with [6,7] so that I get [[1,2,3,4,5,6,7]].
Here's my attempt: [1,2,3,4,5]::[]#[6,7]::[], but it just gives me the list I want to append as a list of its own instead of the two lists combined into one, like this: [[1,2,3,4,5],[6,7]].
How can I re-write the operation to make it return [[1,2,3,4,5,6,7]]?
Your question is too unspecific. You are dealing with nested lists. Do you want to append the second list to every inner list of the nested list, or only the first one? Your example doesn't tell.
For the former:
fun appendAll xss ys = (fn xs => xs # ys) xss
For the latter:
fun appendHd [] ys = raise Empty
| appendHd (xs::xss) ys = (xs # ys)::xss
However, both of these should rarely be needed, and I somehow feel that you are trying to solve the wrong problem if you end up there.
Is there an operation on lists in library that makes groups of n elements? For example: n=3
groupInto 3 [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9] = [[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]]
If not, how do I do it?
A quick search on Hoogle showed that there is no such function. On the other hand, it was replied that there is one in the split package, called chunksOf.
However, you can do it on your own
group :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
group _ [] = []
group n l
| n > 0 = (take n l) : (group n (drop n l))
| otherwise = error "Negative or zero n"
Of course, some parentheses can be removed, I left there here for understanding what the code does:
The base case is simple: whenever the list is empty, simply return the empty list.
The recursive case tests first if n is positive. If n is 0 or lower we would enter an infinite loop and we don't want that. Then we split the list into two parts using take and drop: take gives back the first n elements while drop returns the other ones. Then, we add the first n elements to the list obtained by applying our function to the other elements in the original list.
This function, among other similar ones, can be found in the popular split package.
> import Data.List.Split
> chunksOf 3 [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]
You can write one yourself, as Mihai pointed out. But I would use the splitAt function since it doesn't require two passes on the input list like the take-drop combination does:
chunks :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
chunks _ [] = []
chunks n xs =
let (ys, zs) = splitAt n xs
in ys : chunks n zs
This is a common pattern - generating a list from a seed value (which in this case is your input list) by repeated iteration. This pattern is captured in the unfoldr function. We can use it with a slightly modified version of splitAt (thanks Will Ness for the more concise version):
chunks n = takeWhile (not . null) . unfoldr (Just . splitAt n)
That is, using unfoldr we generate chunks of n elements while at the same time we shorten the input list by n elements, and we generate these chunks until we get the empty list -- at this point the initial input is completely consumed.
Of course, as the others have pointed out, you should use the already existing function from the split module. But it's always good to accustom yourself with the list processing functions in the standard Haskell libraries.
This is ofte called "chunk" and is one of the most frequently mentioned list operations that is not in base. The package split provides such an operation though, copy and pasting the haddock documentation:
> chunksOf 3 ['a'..'z']
Additionally, against my wishes, hoogle only searches a small set of libraries (those provided with GHC or perhaps HP), but you can explicitly add packages to the search using +PKG_NAME - hoogle with Int -> [a] -> [[a]] +split gets what you want. Some people use Hayoo for this reason.
I have the following erlang code:
lists:all(fun(Element) -> somefunction(TestCase -- [Element]) end, TestCase).
Where TestCase is an array. I'm trying to iterate over the list/array with one element missing.
The problem is this code takes O(N^2) time worst case because of the copies of the TestCase array everytime -- is called. There is a clear O(N) Solution in a non functional language.
saved = TestCase[0]
temp = 0
NewTestCase = TestCase[1:]
for a in range(length(NewTestCase)):
temp = NewTestCase[a]
NewTestCase[a] = saved
saved = temp
... or something like that.
Is there an O(N) solution in erlang?
Of course there is, but it's a little bit more complicated. I am assuming that some_function/1 is indeed a boolean function and you want to test whether it returns true for every sub-list.
test_on_all_but_one([], _Acc) -> true;
test_on_all_but_one([E|Rest], Acc) ->
case somefunction(lists:reverse(Acc,Rest)) of
true -> test_on_all_but_one(Rest, [E|Acc]);
false -> false
This implementation is still O(length(List)^2) as the lists:reverse/2 call will still need O(length(Acc)). If you can modify somefunction/1 to do it's calculation on a list split into two parts, then you can modify the previous call to somefunction(lists:reverse(Acc,Rest)) with somefunction(Acc, Rest) or something similar and avoid the reconstruction.
The modification depends on the inner workings of somefunction/1. If you want more help with that, give some code!
You can split the list into 2 sublists, if it's acceptable of course.
witerate(Fun, [Tail], Acc) ->
Fun([], Acc);
witerate(Fun, [Head | Tail], Acc) ->
Fun(Tail, Acc),
witerate(Fun, Tail, [Head | Acc]).
I am new to Haskell and I am trying to understand it. Now I'm reading about lists and I have some questions, how to:
Remove duplicate sub-lists from a list?
Count the number of duplicate items in a list?
countItems item = length . filter (item==)
For the first questions I believe there is a standard function called nub
This question isn't very well specified, maybe you mean this:
ndups xs = length xs - length (nub xs)
about "nub" and my first question:
nub [1,2,3,1]
will return [1,2,3]
but i need: "smth" [3,7] [1,3,7,2,4,3,5,3,7] = [1,2,4,3,5].
i know about
(\\) [3,7] [1,3,7,2,4,3,5,3,7]
but it works only for first sublist [3,7]
Sub-list can have different meaning
[3,7] is a contiguous sub-list of [1,3,7,8], and also a non-contiguous sub-list of [3,1,7]
If you mean contiguous sub-list then you should look into isPrefixOf in Data.List.
With it you can iterate through the list, removing each of the sub-lists like so:
import Data.List
(//) :: (Eq a) => [a] -> [a] -> [a]
(//) rem [] = []
(//) rem list = if (isPrefixOf rem list)
then [your code here]
else [your code here]
How do you want to handle this case:
(//) [3,7] [3,3,3,7,7,7]
when we remove the sub-list in the middle we will create a new sub-list, should this be removed or not?
If they also should be removed then you can instead build your list with the help of a foldr. You can implement a function that gives the result below by specifying a helper function remPrefix and then building the list up from the end, removing sub-lists as they are formed.
*Main> (//) [1,2] [1,2,4,5,1,1,2,2,3,4]