How does function overloading work at run-time, and why overload? - c++

Let's say I have a class named ClothingStore. That class has 3 member functions, that point a visitor to the right department of the store. Member functions are ChildrenDept, MenDept and WomenDept, depending on whether the visitor is a child, a man or a woman.
Function overloading can be used to make 3 functions that have same name, say, PointToDept, but take different input argument ( child, man, woman ).
What is actually happening on run-time when program is executing ?
My guess is that compiler adds switch statements to the program, to select the right member function. But that makes me wonder - is there any benefit in terms of program performance when using overloaded functions, instead of making your own function with switch statements? Again, my only conclusion on that part is code readability. Thank you.

My guess is that compiler adds switch statements to the program, to select the right member function.
That's a bad guess. C++ is a statically typed language. The type of a variable does not change at runtime. This means the decision as to which non-polymorphic overload to call is one that can always be made at compile time. Section 13.3 in the standard, Overload resolution, ensures that this is the case. There's no reason to have a runtime decision when that decision can be made at compile time. The runtime cost of having a non-polymorphic overloaded function in most implementations is zero. The only exception might be a C++ interpreter.

How does function overloading work at run-time
It doesn't. It works at compile-time. A call to an overloaded function is no different at runtime from a call to a non-overloaded function.
and why overload? ... is there any benefit in terms of program performance when using overloaded functions, instead of making your own function with switch statements?
Yes. There is no runtime overhead at all, compared with 'making your own function with switch statements'.

From Gene's comment:
The compiler sees three different functions just as though they had been differently named.
In the case of most compilers, they are differently named. This used to be called name mangling where the function name is prefixed by return type and suffixed by the parameter types.


forcing a function to be pure

In C++ it is possible to declare that a function is const, which means, as far as I understand, that the compiler ensures the function does not modify the object. Is there something analogous in C++ where I can require that a function is pure? If not in C++, is there a language where one can make this requirement?
If this is not possible, why is it possible to require functions to be const but not require them to be pure? What makes these requirements different?
For clarity, by pure I want there to be no side effects and no use of variables other than those passed into the function. As a result there should be no file reading or system calls etc.
Here is a clearer definition of side effects:
No modification to files on the computer that the program is run on and no modification to variables with scope outside the function. No information is used to compute the function other than variables passed into it. Running the function should return the same thing every time it is run.
NOTE: I did some more research and encountered pure script
(Thanks for jarod42's comment)
Based on a quick read of the wikipedia article I am under the impression you can require functions be pure in pure script, however I am not completely sure.
Short answer: No. There is no equivalent keyword called pure that constrains a function like const does.
However, if you have a specific global variable you'd like to remain untouched, you do have the option of static type myVar. This will require that only functions in that file will be able to use it, and nothing outside of that file. That means any function outside that file will be constrained to leave it alone.
As to "side effects", I will break each of them down so you know what options you have:
No modification to files on the computer that the program is run on.
You can't constrain a function to do this that I'm aware. C++ just doesn't offer a way to constrain a function like this. You can, however, design a function to not modify any files, if you like.
No modification to variables with scope outside the function.
Globals are the only variables you can modify outside a function's scope that I'm aware of, besides anything passed by pointer or reference as a parameter. Globals have the option of being constant or static, which will keep you from modifying them, but, beyond that, there's really nothing you can do that I'm aware.
No information is used to compute the function other than variables passed into it.
Again, you can't constrain it to do so that I'm aware. However, you can design the function to work like this if you want.
Running the function should return the same thing every time it is run.
I'm not sure I understand why you want to constrain a function like this, but no. Not that I'm aware. Again, you can design it like this if you like, though.
As to why C++ doesn't offer an option like this? I'm guessing reusability. It appears that you have a specific list of things you don't want your function to do. However, the likelihood that a lot of other C++ users as a whole will need this particular set of constraints often is very small. Maybe they need one or two at a time, but not all at once. It doesn't seem like it would be worth the trouble to add it.
The same, however, cannot be said about const. const is used all the time, especially in parameter lists. This is to keep data from getting modified if it's passed by reference, or something. Thus, the compiler needs to know what functions modify the object. It uses const in the function declaration to keep track of this. Otherwise, it would have no way of knowing. However, with using const, it's quite simple. It can just constrain the object to only use functions that guarantee that it remains constant, or uses the const keyword in the declaration if the function.
Thus, const get's a lot of reuse.
Currently, C++ does not have a mechanism to ensure that a function has "no side effects and no use of variables other than those passed into the function." You can only force yourself to write pure functions, as mentioned by Jack Bashford. The compiler can't check this for you.
There is a proposal (N3744 Proposing [[pure]]). Here you can see that GCC and Clang already support __attribute__((pure)). Maybe it will be standardized in some form in the future revisions of C++.
In C++ it is possible to declare that a function is const, which means, as far as I understand, that the compiler ensures the function does not modify the object.
Not quite. The compiler will allow the object to be modified by (potentially ill-advised) use of const_cast. So the compiler only ensures that the function does not accidentally modify the object.
What makes these requirements [constant and pure] different?
They are different because one affects correct functionality while the other does not.
Suppose C is a container and you are iterating over its contents. At some point within the loop, perhaps you need to call a function that takes C as a parameter. If that function were to clear() the container, your loop will likely crash. Sure, you could build a loop that can handle that, but the point is that there are times when a caller needs assurance that the rug will not be pulled out from under it. Hence the ability to mark things const. If you pass C as a constant reference to a function, that function is promising to not modify C. This promise provides the needed assurance (even though, as I mentioned above, the promise can be broken).
I am not aware of a case where use of a non-pure function could similarly cause a program to crash. If there is no use for something, why complicate the language with it? If you can come up with a good use-case, maybe it is something to consider for a future revision of the language.
(Knowing that a function is pure could help a compiler optimize code. As far as I know, it's been left up to each compiler to define how to flag that, as it does not affect functionality.)

Why are C++11 string new functions (stod, stof) not member functions of the string class?

Why are those C++11 new functions of header <string> (stod, stof, stoull) not member functions of the string class ?
Isn't more C++ compliant to write mystring.stod(...) rather than stod(mystring,...)?
It is a surprise to many, but C++ is not an Object-Oriented language (unlike Java or C#).
C++ is a multi-paradigm language, and therefore tries to use the best tool for the job whenever possible. In this instance, a free-function is the right tool.
Guideline: Prefer non-member non-friend functions to member functions (from Efficient C++, Item 23)
Reason: a member function or friend function has access to the class internals whereas a non-member non-friend function does not; therefore using a non-member non-friend function increases encapsulation.
Exception: when a member function or friend function provides a significant advantage (such as performance), then it is worth considering despite the extra coupling. For example even though std::find works really well, associative containers such as std::set provide a member-function std::set::find which works in O(log N) instead of O(N).
The fundamental reason is that they don't belong there. They
don't really have anything to do with strings. Stop and think
about it. User defined types should follow the same rules as
built-in types, so every time you defined a new user type,
you'd have to add a function to std::string. This would
actually be possible in C++: if std::string had a member
function template to, without a generic implementation, you
could add a specialization for each type, and call<double>() or<MyType>(). But is this really
what you want. It doesn't seem like a clean solution to me,
having everyone writing a new class having to add
a specialization to std::string. Putting these sort of things
in the string class bastardizes it, and is really the opposite
of what OO tries to achieve.
If you were to insist on pure OO, they would have to be
members of double, int, etc. (A constructor, really. This
is what Python does, for example.) C++ doesn't insist on pure
OO, and doesn't allow basic types like double and int to
have members or special constructors. So free functions are
both an acceptable solution, and the only clean solution
possible in the context of the language.
FWIW: conversions to/from textual representation is always
a delicate problem: if I do it in the target type, then I've
introduced a dependency on the various sources and sinks of text
in the target type---and these can vary in time. If I do it in
the source or sink type, I make them dependent on the the type
being converted, which is even worse. The C++ solution is to
define a protocol (in std::streambuf), where the user writes
a new free function (operator<< and operator>>) to handle
the conversions, and counts on operator overload resolution to
find the correct function. The advantage of the free function
solution is that the conversions are part of neither the data
type (which thus doesn't have to know of sources and sinks) nor
the source or sink type (which thus doesn't have to know about
user defined data types). It seems like the best solution to
me. And functions like stod are just convenience functions,
which make one particularly frequent use easier to write.
Actually they are some utility functions and they don't need to be inside the main class. Similar utility functions such as atoi, atof are defined (but for char*) inside stdlib.h and they too are standalone functions.

Where is function overriding done?

Where in the process of creating the program, compiler, linker etc., is the overriding of functions and operator overloading done?
I'm particularly interested where it is done in C++, Ruby and Python.
Function overloading is (at least in C++) handled internally inside the compiler. The idea is that the code that the compiler ultimately generates will be hardcoded to call the appropriate function, as if the functions all had different names and you called the function uniquely suited to the arguments. More generally, in most compiled languages that support overloading, the overload resolution is done at compile-time and the emitted code will always call the indicated function. For example, Haskell supports compile-time overloading this way.
Operator overloading is a special case of general overloading, so it's usually handled the same way.
Function overriding (a term that arises in OOP when a derived class inherits from a base class and redefines one of its methods) is almost always resolved at runtime, since a compiler can't always tell which function is going to be invoked without actually knowing about the types at runtime. Some compilers might be able to statically prove that a certain object has a specific type and can then optimize the dynamic dispatch away, but it's impossible to do this in all cases.
I am not aware of any dynamic languages that support overloading, since in theory you could introduce new overload candidates as the program was running. I would love to be enlightened if such a language exists.
For C++, operator overloading is done at the compiler level though a name-mangling process that creates a unique name identifier for every function so that the linker will not complain about duplicate function definitions. In C++, operator overloading is possible because overloadable operations like +, -, *, etc. are actual functions themselves that have the prefix operator followed by the symbol of the operation. So for instance, an overloaded operator+ function with a function signature like
my_type operator+(const my_type& lhs, const my_type& rhs);
will not conflict with another operator+ function with a different signature, even though both functions have the same operator+ name, because each version of the function will have a different name at the assembly-language level after the C++ compiler's name-mangling process is complete. Name-mangling has another benefit in that allows C and C++ compiled code to be used with the same linker, since two functions with the same name will not exist and cause a linker error.
Note that in C, that even if you create two functions with different signatures, if they have the same name, since the C-compiler will not do any name-mangling, the linker will complain about duplicate definitions of the function.
Python is not linked/compiled, it is interpreted.
So, the normal overriding is done when class sources are parsed. Of course, due to dynamic nature you can always override during the runtime as well.
I suppose that alternate implementations using the byto-code compilation do it on the compile-time.
I also think the above is true for Ruby as well.

Function Templates - Explicit specialisation vs Global Functions (C++)

I know that Function Templates are used so as to make the functions portable and so that they could be used with any data types.
Also Explicit Specialization of templates is done if we have a more efficient implementation for a specific data type.
But then instead of Explicit Specialization we could also just code a Nontemplate Function which could be called from main .
This would save us some processing time as the compiler would locate Nontemplate Functions faster than Explicitly Specialized Templated Functions which would in turn be better in terms of efficiency.
So why do we use Explicit Specialization when we have the alternative of just calling Nontemplate Functions?
Please correct me If I'm wrong!
Edit 1:
I was told by my professor that whenever we make function templates and call the function from main ,the compiler first looks for a templated function and if its not able to locate that,then it searches for a function template from which it in turn makes a templated function and then calls for it.
This would save us some processing time as the compiler would locate Global Functions faster than Explicitly Specialized Templated Functions which would in turn be better in terms of efficiency.
Why would the compiler find a nontemplate function faster than a function template specialization? Have you benchmarked compiler performance to verify this statement? If you use a function named f, the compiler always has to compile a set of candidate functions and perform overload resolution to determine the correct function to be used.
At runtime (which is when performance really matters, right?) the performance of calling a function template instantiation should be no better than the performance of calling a nontemplate function.
So why do we use Explicit Specialization when we have the alternative of just calling Global Functions?
In the general case, for function templates, you don't use explicit specialization, because it's usually confusing and difficult. The ISO C++ standard has a poetic warning to be extremely cautious when specializing function templates. You can read Herb Sutter's "Why Not Specialize Function Templates?" for a good explanation of the issues and why you don't want to specialize function templates.
It sounds like you're confusing compile-time efficiency with run-time efficiency. The choice of which function to call is made at compile time, not run time, so it will make no difference to the run time of the program.
Explicit Specialization is used when you have a special case that can benefit from special treatment. Sometimes this backfires, as in the case of std::vector<bool>, while other times it's quite handy. It means that the user of the function doesn't need to be aware that there's a special case; it's just transparent.
For reasons of uniformity. The person using the API just calls methods with particular arguments, some get the generic function some get explicitly specialised functions - the client need neither know nor care which they use.

compile time polymorphism and runtime polymorphism

I noticed that somewhere polymorphism just refer to virtual function. However, somewhere they include the function overloading and template. Later, I found there are two terms, compile time polymorphism and run-time polymorphism. Is that true?
My question is when we talked about polymorphism generally, what's the widely accepted meaning?
Yes, you're right, in C++ there are two recognized "types" of polymorphism. And they mean pretty much what you think they mean
Dynamic polymorphism
is what C#/Java/OOP people typically refer to simply as "polymorphism". It is essentially subclassing, either deriving from a base class and overriding one or more virtual functions, or implementing an interface. (which in C++ is done by overriding the virtual functions belonging to the abstract base class)
Static polymorphism
takes place at compile-time, and could be considered a variation of ducktyping. The idea here is simply that different types can be used in a function to represent the same concept, despite being completely unrelated. For a very simple example, consider this
template <typename T>
T add(const T& lhs, const T& rhs) { return lhs + rhs; }
If this had been dynamic polymorphism, then we would define the add function to take some kind of "IAddable" object as its arguments. Any object that implement that interface (or derive from that base class) can be used despite their different implementations, which gives us the polymorphic behavior. We don't care which type is passed to us, as long as it implements some kind of "can be added together" interface.
However, the compiler doesn't actually know which type is passed to the function. The exact type is only known at runtime, hence this is dynamic polymorphism.
Here, though, we don't require you to derive from anything, the type T just has to define the + operator. It is then inserted statically. So at compile-time, we can switch between any valid type as long as they behave the same (meaning that they define the members we need)
This is another form of polymorphism. In principle, the effect is the same: The function works with any implementation of the concept we're interested in. We don't care if the object we work on is a string, an int, a float or a complex number, as long as it implements the "can be added together" concept.
Since the type used is known statically (at compile-time), this is known as static polymorphism. And the way static polymorphism is achieved is through templates and function overloading.
However, when a C++ programmer just say polymorphism, they generally refer to dynamic/runtime polymorphism.
(Note that this isn't necessarily true for all languages. A functional programmer will typically mean something like static polymorphism when he uses the term -- the ability to define generic functions using some kind of parametrized types, similar to templates)
"Polymorphism" literally means "many forms". The term is unfortunately a bit overloaded in computer science (excuse the pun).
According to FOLDOC, polymorphism is "a concept first identified by Christopher Strachey (1967) and developed by Hindley and Milner, allowing types such as list of anything."
In general, it's "a programming language feature that allows values of different data types to be handled using a uniform interface", to quote Wikipedia, which goes on to describe two main types of polymorphism:
Parametric polymorphism is when the same code can be applied to multiple data types. Most people in the object-oriented programming community refer to this as "generic programming" rather than polymorphism. Generics (and to some extent templates) fit into this category.
Ad-hoc polymorphism is when different code is used for different data-types. Overloading falls into this category, as does overriding. This is what people in the object-oriented community are generally referring to when they say "polymorphism". (and in fact, many mean overriding, not overloading, when they use the term "polymorphism")
For ad-hoc polymorphism there's also the question of whether the resolution of implementation code happens at run-time (dynamic) or compile-time (static). Method overloading is generally static, and method overriding is dynamic. This is where the terms static/compile-time polymorphism and dynamic/run-time polymorphism come from.
Usually people are referring to run-time polymorpism in my experience ...
When a C++ programmer says "polymorphism" he most likely means subtype polymorphism, which means "late binding" or "dynamic binding" with virtual functions. Function overloading and generic programming are both instances of polymorphism and they do involve static binding at compile time, so they can be referred to collectively as compile-time polymorphism. Subtype polymorphism is almost always referred to as just polymorphism, but the term could also refer to all of the above.
In its most succinct form, polymorphism means the ability of one type to appear as if it is another type.
There are two main types of polymorphism.
Subtype polymorphism: if D derives from B then D is a B.
Interface polymorphism: if C implements an interface I.
The first is what you are thinking of as runtime polymorphism. The second does not really apply to C++ and is a really a concept that applies to Java and C#.
Some people do think of overloading in the special case of operators (+, -, /, *) as a type of polymorphism because it allows you to think of types that have overloaded these operators as replaceable for each other (i.e., + for string and + for int). This concept of polymorphism most often applies to dynamic languages. I consider this an abuse of the terminology.
As for template programming, you will see some use the term "polymorphism" but this is really a very different thing than what we usually mean by polymorphism. A better name for this concept is "generic programming" or "genericity."
Various types of Function overloading (compile time polymorphism ...
9 Jun 2011 ... Polymorphism means same entity behaving differently at different times. Compile time polymorphism is also called as static binding.
A simple explanation on compile time polymorphism and run time polymorphism from :
Compile time Polymorphism:
C++ support polymorphism. One function multiple purpose, or in short many functions having same name but with different function body.
For every function call compiler binds the call to one function definition at compile time. This decision of binding among several functions is taken by considering formal arguments of the function, their data type and their sequence.
Run time polymorphism:
C++ allows binding to be delayed till run time. When you have a function with same name, equal number of arguments and same data type in same sequence in base class as well derived class and a function call of form: base_class_type_ptr->member_function(args); will always call base class member function. The keyword virtual on a member function in base class indicates to the compiler to delay the binding till run time.
Every class with atleast one virtual function has a vtable that helps in binding at run time. Looking at the content of base class type pointer it will correctly call the member function of one of possible derived / base class member function.
Yes, you are basically right. Compile-time polymorphism is the use of templates (instances of which's types vary, but are fixed at compile time) whereas run-time polymorphism refers to the use of inheritance and virtual functions (instances of which's types vary and are fixed at run time).