I want to add Payupaisa gateway for my shopping cart site. I use spree. I used gem
gem 'spree_payupaisa', :github => "meetdestiny/spree_payupaisa_express", :branch => "2-1-stable"
but it give error while I am updating bundle
Git error: command `git rev-parse 2-1-stable` in directory
/home/tps/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p247#demo/cache/bundler/git/spree_payupaisa_express-6aebc199a8cbc824377ffe9416c892e73cc3271e has failed.
Thank in Advance.
The instructions on that repository are incorrect. That git repository doesn't have a 2-1-stable branch. Try the following in your Gemfile:
gem 'spree_payupaisa', :github => "meetdestiny/spree_payupaisa_express"
Which should currently work with Spree 2.1.
You should file an issue/pull request on the repository to correct the instructions.
The Problem
I wanted to install a remote theme for my portfolio website, but I am not exactly sure why it isn't working. Either I installed the remote-theme incorrectly in the only two files I edited, Gemfile and _config.yml, or it is going wrong whenever I enter bundle install/bundle update.
If you have any suggestions, please let me know!
I added "." at the beginning of each line of my Gemfile and _config.yml because it thought I was trying to use headings. As well as spacing each line out.
What I've Tried
In the Gemfile and config file, When I comment out the default "minima" theme, and only include the "hacker" theme, I expected it to update the theme of my GitHub pages website when I pushed to the GitHub repo.
Also, when I enter the command "bundle install" or "bundle update" in the terminal, I get an error:
Could not find gem 'http_parser.rb (= 0.8.0)' with platform 'x86_64-darwin-21' in rubygems repository
https://rubygems.org/ or installed locally.
The source contains the following gems matching 'http_parser.rb (= 0.8.0)':
So I installed http_parser.rb 0.8.0 I expected it to install all of these gems smoothly.
to show what I have done in each file, here is my _config.yml:
.`title: My Portfolio
.description: >- # this means to ignore newlines until "baseurl:"
.Welcome to my page! Here you will find an accumulation of completed projects
.from Frontend Mentor,
.as well as a few of my own unique projects.
.baseurl: "" # the subpath of your site, e.g. /blog
.url: "" # the base hostname & protocol for your site, e.g. http://example.com
.twitter_username: jekyllrb
.github_username: jekyll
.# Build settings
.# theme: minima
.remote_theme: pages-themes/hacker#v0.2.0
.and here is the part of the Gemfile that involves installing remote-themes:
`.# Happy Jekylling!
.# gem "jekyll", "~> 4.3.1"
.gem "github-pages", "~> 227", group: :jekyll_plugins
.gem "jekyll-include-cache", group: :jekyll_plugins
.gem "jekyll-remote-theme"
.# This is the default theme for new Jekyll sites. You may change this to .anything you like.
.# gem "minima", "~> 2.5"
.# gem "hacker", "~> 0.2"
.# If you want to use GitHub Pages, remove the "gem "jekyll"" above and
.# uncomment the line below. To upgrade, run bundle update github-pages.
.# gem "github-pages", group: :jekyll_plugins
.# If you have any plugins, put them here!
.group :jekyll_plugins do
. gem "jekyll-feed", "~> 0.12"
I have the following problem. I am trying to install the "redmine_backlogs" version 1.0.6 plugin in an environment with Redmine 3.2.0 with a Ruby 2.0.0 version
The problem gives me when I download the plugin, I host it in the plugin directory of my redmine installation, and when following the documentation, I issue the command bundle exec rake db: migrate gives me the following error:
[!] There was an error parsing `Gemfile`:
[!] There was an error parsing `Gemfile`: You cannot specify the same gem twice with different version requirements.
You specified: capybara (> = 0) and capybara (~> 1.1.0). Bundler cannot continue.
# from / var / www / redmine / plugins / redmine_backlogs / Gemfile: 51
# -------------------------------------------
# unless chiliproject
> gem "capybara", "~> 1.1.0"
# gem "poltergeist", "~> 0.6.0"
# -------------------------------------------
. Bundler cannot continue.
# from / var / www / redmine / Gemfile: 110
# -------------------------------------------
# Dir.glob File.expand_path ("../ plugins / * / {Gemfile, PluginGemfile}", __FILE__) do | file |
> eval_gemfile file
# end
# -------------------------------------------
I can't find a way to solve it so that it is properly installed.
Any extra help?
Thank you very much in advance.
Your plugin has a Gemfile in it's root directory, which has an entry for the capybara gem.
Bundler now complains because either Redmine, or another Plugin, have an entry for the same library in their Gemfile, but with a conflicting version requirement.
As Capybara is only used for running tests, it should be safe to just remove that line from the backlog plugin's Gemfile.
I try to send message automatically by using whenever gem. I am in initial step. I install the gem 'whenever'. I done the following step.
1. Add "gem 'whenever', :require => false" to the gemfile.
2. bundle install.
3. wheneverize .
4. in schedule.rb add the following code,
set :output, "#{path}/log/cron.log"
#every 1.day, :at => '4:30 am' do
every 5.minutes do
runner "Payment.sendMessage", :environment => "development"
5.And model likes,
class Payment < ActiveRecord::Base
def sendMessage
6. When I use bundle exec whenever, I get like the following issue as
0,5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55 * * * * /bin/bash -l -c
'cd /home/prabha/rails_job && bundle exec bin/
rails runner -e development '\''Payment.sendMessage'\'' >>
/home/prabha/rails_job/log/cron.log 2>&1'
## [message] Above is your schedule file converted to cron syntax;
your crontab file was not updated.
## [message] Run `whenever --help' for more options.
I am stuck with this step. what I want to do the further proceed? Anyone guide me.
You need to update you crontab file.
Do the following -
whenever --update-crontab
For more information, please check whenever gem's Github ReadMe page.
1) sendMessage should be a class method.
2) You can use "whenever" command in your project directory to see the cron configuration and then copy into your crontab.
I have created a plugin with jruby-1.7.9 and added below gems inside my gemspec
spec.add_dependency 'phantomjs'
spec.add_dependency 'capybara'
spec.add_dependency 'poltergeist'
Created JAR for this plugin using Warbler(version:1.4.4).
This JAR consist of below code :
require 'capybara'
module Zerp
class Chatter
def say_hello
Capybara.visit 'http://google.com'
puts "#{Capybara.page.text}"
The JAR is executing successfully while running it inside the plugin.
Now I copied JAR at another location and tried to run it from there. Then I'm getting below error when JAR is executing first line of the code(visit google home page) :
Can't open '/home/ndashore/nikhil/zerp.jar!/gems/poltergeist-1.5.1/lib/capybara/poltergeist/client/compiled/main.js'
Have checked file location, the file exist there and I'm able to open it.
Also have tried to use other Gem (tried with phantomjs). It works properly and do the stuff.
Please help me to use poltergeist as bundled gem.
Running the command during a capistrano deploy:
bundle exec rake RAILS_ENV=staging RAILS_GROUPS=assets assets:precompile
rake aborted!
couldn't find file 'handlebars'
(in */app/assets/javascripts/application.js:22)
*/ruby/1.9.1/gems/sprockets-2.2.2/lib/sprockets/context.rb:102:in `resolve'
*/ruby/1.9.1/gems/sprockets-2.2.2/lib/sprockets/context.rb:142:in `require_asset'
Tasks: TOP => assets:precompile:all
Gem ember-rails is in a global scope in my Gemfile and I am using handlebars-source (1.0.12), ember-rails (0.12.0), ember-source (1.0.0.rc6.2) in Rails 3.2.12 and ruby 1.9.3.
It's probably worth noting that this works in production, but not in staging deploys.
Also I have the following in my staging.rb, which appears to be the common issue.
config.ember.variant = :production
Turns out I had added the line
config.ember.variant = :development
to a version that wasn't getting pushed to master. Added config.ember.variant = :development to the current version fixed this.