What causes Jetty BadMessage: 400 No Host? - jetty

I'm runny Jetty 9.0.6.v20130930 via Maven with the command mvn jetty:run.
Looking through my server logs, every couple of days I'm getting this message:
2014-01-28 00:57:47.659:WARN:oejh.HttpParser:qtp975361377-71: BadMessage: 400 No Host for HttpChannelOverHttp#66a7150e{r=0,a=IDLE,uri=-}
I haven't been able to replicate it, and it doesn't appear to happening in the vicinity of any other requests, which I would expect if there were someone using the site. What I'd like to know is what might be causing it, and what the user (if there is one) is seeing when it happens?

maybe somebody post streaming request to your website. for example: a websocket handshake request.
reference link:


django-rest-framework-social-oauth2: error 400 - redirect_uri_mismatch

I've been trying to add google login to my django app following this tutorial:
By following exactly the instructions, everything works fine in local.
However, when I try to replicate the same on the server, I get the following error on the redirect page of the login:
Error 400: redirect_uri_mismatch
redirect_uri: http://localhost:8000/auth/complete/google-oauth2/
What is strange to me is, in my google developer console, I have set up the correct redirect url in my app, as follows:
And I have also put 'mydjangoapp.com' under 'Authorised JavaScript origins'.
So my question is, why google keeps telling me that the redirect url is
which is not the one I have set up in the console? Perhaps there is something obvious that I'm missing here. Thank you!
Why google keeps telling me that the redirect url is
Because your application is sending its in your code the app is running on http://localhost:8000 and if you are using a client library its probably adding the rest automatically.
The redirect uri must exactly match what you are sending from your application.
You need to add
Javascript origin is only needed if your code is using javascript.
This video will show you how to fix the error. Google OAuth2: How the fix redirect_uri_mismatch error. Part 2 server sided web applications.
If you want your code to send https://mydjangoapp.com then your going to have to be running it from https://mydjangoapp.com probably and you may need to figure out how to configure it so that it is running from the correct host.

Djstripe - Stripe webhook 404 error: how to resolve?

For my Django project, I am using djstripe. Using test data, I have confirmed that payments are successful. However, when testing a webhook, I get errors of 404 and then it sometimes changes to 503 (for the same webhook). I am using Heroku free tier so I am not sure if that is the problem, or if I am configuring the webhooks entirely wrong (likely since this is my first project). Any help is appreciated.
Stripe endpoint I have as [heroku domain]/users/accounts/webhook/ and my project urls is path('users/accounts/', include('allauth.urls')),
404 means that the URL you've provided to Stripe for your webhook is not found on/by your server; this is something you'll need to investigate on your end.
If you share more code - like specifically the code containing your route for the webhook - that might be useful for helping you diagnose the issue here.
i have found some solutions.
1- copy response of HTML tags and convert it to an HTML Page. you will be able to see the error raising from your platform which is failing the webhook.
2- Debug the each line of webhook view/code.

Running flask server on google colab through ngrok flask limiter not working

I am running a debug flask server on a google colab notebook through ngrok, i followed this article mainly: https://medium.com/#kshitijvijay271199/flask-on-google-colab-f6525986797b
I called this endpoint in a loop and pretty soon, a few number of requests came back with status 429. Next, I installed flask limiter, and tried to exempt that endpoint so I can send in high frequency requests. This didn't seem to work as I still got 429. I double checked the code for that flask limiter and couldn't spot any mistakes.
So I begin to think it may be the ngrok tunnel that's raising the 429 on my behalf (or overriding me)? Has anyone run into this and know for sure ngrok put a limit on you regardless of how you configure flask limiter?
I can provide code snippet upon request. But i hope anyone with more experience using the ngrok service can give me a feedback. (I will soon migrate to a permanent VM instead of colab and probably will find out soon and report back in case no one answers).
This seems to have something to do with ngrok. Once I switched to a permanent VM and run it directly (without going through ngrok), there's no problem and the no limit seems to be respected.

Response body gets dropped when coming through HLB(HardwareLoadbalancer) randomly

We used wso2esb 4..8.1.
We are facing issue when moved into the production some of the requests from client is getting 404 page not found error .Where as everything is working in dev environment
We are facing same issue like above description the difference is we are using F5 Hard ware load balance.
we are able to see request and response printed in wso2carbon.log but client is not getting response and resulting 404 error code.
Please be informed that this problem is happening only for certain requests only not for all.
We tried to reproduce this scenario using Jmeter and Soap UI but did not face this problem. Our doubt is response being dropped going through HLB.
Please suggest.

OpenGraph Debugger reporting bad HTTP response codes

For a number of sites that are functioning normally, when I run them through the OpenGraph debugger at developers facebook com/tools/debug, Facebook reports that the server returned a 502 or 503 response code.
These sites are clearly working fine on servers that are not under heavy load. URLs I've tried include but are not limited to:
These are in fact all sites hosted by MediaTemple. After talking to people at MediaTemple, though, they've insisted that it must be a bug in the API and is not an issue on their end. Anyone else getting unexpected 500/502/503 HTTP response codes from the Facebook Debug tool, with sites hosted by MediaTemple or anyone else? Is there a fix?
Note that I've reviewed the Apache logs on one of these and could find no evidence of Apache receiving the request from Facebook, or of a 502 response etc.
Got this response of them:
At this time, it would appear that (mt) Media Temple servers are returning 200 response codes to all requests from Facebook, including the debugger. This can be confirmed by searching your access logs for hits from the debugger. For additional information regarding viewing access logs, please review the following KnowledgeBase article:
Where are the access_log and error_log files for my server?
You can check your access logs for hits from Facebook by using the following command:
cat <name of access log> | grep 'facebook'
This will return all hits from Facebook. In general, the debugger will specify the user-agent 'facebookplatform/1.0 (+http://developers.facebook.com),' while general hits from Facebook will specify 'facebookexternalhit/1.0 (+http://www.facebook.com/externalhit_uatext.php).'
Using this information, you can perform even further testing by using 'curl' to emulate a request from Facebook, like so:
curl -Iv -A "facebookplatform/1.0 (+http://developers.facebook.com)" http://domain.com
This should return a 200 or 206 response code.
In summary, all indications are that our servers are returning 200 response codes, so it would seem that the issue is with the way that the debugger is interpreting this response code. Bug reports have been filed with Facebook, and we are still working to obtain more information regarding this issue. We will be sure to update you as more information becomes available.
So good news, is that they are busy with it solving it. Bad news, it's out of our control.
There's a forum post here of the matter:
With more than 800 views, and recent activity, it states that they are working hard on it.
I noticed that https MT sites don't even give a return code:
Error parsing input URL, no data was scraped.
MT admitted it was their fault and fixed it:
During our investigation of the Facebook debugger issue, we have found that multiple IPs used by this tool were being filtered by our firewall due to malformed requests. We have whitelisted the range of IP addresses used by the Facebook debugger tool at this time, as listed on their website, which should prevent this from occurring again.
We believe our auto-banning system has been blocking several Facebook IP addresses. This was not immediately clear upon our initial investigation and we apologize this was not caught earlier.
The reason API requests may intermittently fail is because only a handful of the many Facebook IP addresses were blocked. The API is load-balanced across several IP ranges. When our system picks up abusive patterns, like HTTP requests resulting in 404 responses or invalid PUT requests, a global firewall rule is added to mitigate the behavior. More often than not, this system works wonderfully and protects our customers from constant threats.
So, that being said, we've been in the process of whitelisting the Facebook API ranges today and confirming our system is no longer blocking these requests. We'd still like those affected to confirm if the issue persists. If for any reason you're still having problems, please open up or respond to your existing support request