Team Foundation Server 2012 (WorkItem object does not contain „AssignedTo“ property) - tfs-workitem

Code snippet:
string WIQL = "SELECT * FROM WorkItems WHERE [System.AssignedTo] = #Me AND [System.State] <> '400 CLOSED' ORDER BY [System.WorkItemType], [System.Id]";
List<WorkItem> w = getWorkItemsAsList(_workItemStore.Query(WIQL));
I have found examples of wiql queries that have [Assignet To] in attributes list,
SELECT [System.Id], [System.Title], [Area Path], [Iteration Path], [Priority], [Test Owner], [Assigned To],[System.State], [System.Reason]
FROM WorkItems
WHERE [System.WorkItemType] = 'Feature' and
[Iteration Path] != '' and
[Area Path] Under 'MyProject'
but each time such wiql query is executed it returns array of WorkItems without desired property. Therefore my original problem remains.
What to do?

The AssignedTo Property is nested inside another property: Fields. You can key into that fields collection by referenceName (System.AssignedTo, in this case), something like wi.Fields["System.AssignedTo"].Value where wi is a WorkItem. You can also use Linq to operate on the entire WorkItemCollection instead of on a single work item, if that's what you're after.


Dataframe transformations produce empty values

I have been trying to list all the Spark dataframes from Parquet files in directories except metadata directory.
The structure of directories looks like this:
- time=19424145
- time=19424146
- time=19424147
- _spark_metadata
The main goal is to avoid reading data from _spark_metadata directory. I have created a solution but it constantly returns empty values for some reason. What could be the reason of it?
Here is the solution:
val dirNamesRegex: Regex = s"\\_spark\\_metadata*".r
def transformDf: Option[DataFrame] = {
val filesDf = listPath(new Path(feedPath))(fsConfig)
.filter(name => !dirNamesRegex.pattern.matcher(name).matches)
.flatMap(path => sparkSession.parquet(Some(feedSchema))(path))
if (!filesDf.isEmpty)
Some(filesDf.reduce(_ union _))
else None
listPath - custom method for listing data files in hdfs. feedSchema is of StructType
Without if on Some and None I get this exception:
java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: empty.reduceLeft
at scala.collection.LinearSeqOptimized$class.reduceLeft(LinearSeqOptimized.scala:137)
at scala.collection.immutable.List.reduceLeft(List.scala:84)
at scala.collection.TraversableOnce$class.reduce(TraversableOnce.scala:208)
at scala.collection.AbstractTraversable.reduce(Traversable.scala:104)
In your code you have 3 problems:
Seems you can use == operator instead of regex matching. You know concrete name of directory to filter, just use filtering by name.
As I got your code, filesDf is something like Traversable[DataFrame]. If you want reduce it safety even this collection is empty you can use reduceLeftOption instead of reduce.
In your transformDf method you are trying to filter directory names and reading data using spark, it can be too heavy to debug with spark also. I would advise you divide your logic into 2 different methods: first - read directories and filter them, second - read data and union them into one general DataFrame.
I propose such code samples:
case without dividing logic:
def transformDf: Option[DataFrame] = {
listPath(new Path(feedPath))(fsConfig)
.filter(name => name == "_spark_metadata")
.flatMap(path => sparkSession.parquet(Some(feedSchema))(path))
.reduceLeftOption(_ union _)
case with divided logic:
def getFilteredPaths: List[String] =
listPath(new Path(feedPath))(fsConfig)
.filter(name => name == "_spark_metadata")
def transformDf: Option[DataFrame] = {
.flatMap(path => sparkSession.parquet(Some(feedSchema))(path))
.reduceLeftOption(_ union _)
In second way you can write some light-weight unit-tests for debug your paths extraction and when you will have correct paths you can easily read data from directories and union them.

Is there a way to create a unordered list with subitems from 1 content-type

I would like to create a organogram like: using 2sic Content.
I would like to create a content-type 'organogram' with the following fields:
Title as String
Parent as Entity (of type Organogram)
Description as String
Link as Hyperlink
Using this content-type i would add some elements where child elements could be created.
for example:
- Root
- Child 1 (Root is selected in the Parent field)
- Child 2 (Root is selected in the Parent field)
- Child 3 (Child 2 is selected in the Parent field)
Could this be done using 2sic content App?
I created the content-type and added some elements. Created a razor template and then it gives an error.
operator '==' can not be applied to operands of type System.Collections.Generic.List and ToSic.SexyContent.DynamicEntity
Razor template:
#using Connect.Koi;
var first = AsDynamic(Data["Default"]).First();
var all = AsDynamic(Data["Default"]);
var children = all.Where(x => x.parent == first).ToList();
Basically the AsDynamic(...) creates wrapped entity-objects, whereas ...parent gives you a list of related items (because it could have more than 1 parent). If this is the code you want to use, I suggest 1 things.
On the .parent (which should probably be .Parent) use the [0] or .FirstOrDefault() so it's .Parent.FirstOrDefault() == first - remember to enable LINQ by #using System.Linq
Don't compare the AsDynamic objects, because they will be different objects. Better compare the id using .EntityId or something.
So you're resulting compare will probably be .Parent[0].EntityId == first.EntityId.
What I don't like about your solution is the idea, that the first item in the Default-list will somehow be the important one. This doesn't feel right, but I don't know your whole solution...

Django - Full text search - Wildcard

Is it possible to use wildcards in Django Full text search ?
post = request.POST.get('search')
query = SearchQuery(post)
vector = SearchVector('headline', weight='A') + SearchVector('content', weight='B')
rank = SearchRank(vector, query, weights=[0.1,0.2])
data = wiki_entry.objects.annotate(rank=SearchRank(vector,query)).filter(rank__gte=0.1).order_by('-rank')
At the moment it only matches on full words.
Characters like * % | & have no effect.
Or do i have to go back to icontains ?
Any help is appreciated
I extend the django SearchQuery class and override plainto_tsquery with to_tsquery. Did some simple tests, it works. I will get back here if I find cases where this causes problems.
from import SearchQuery
class MySearchQuery(SearchQuery):
def as_sql(self, compiler, connection):
params = [self.value]
if self.config:
config_sql, config_params = compiler.compile(self.config)
template = 'to_tsquery({}::regconfig, %s)'.format(config_sql)
params = config_params + [self.value]
template = 'to_tsquery(%s)'
if self.invert:
template = '!!({})'.format(template)
return template, params
Now I can do something like query = MySearchQuery('whatever:*')
[Postgres' part] The Postgres manual mentions this only briefly (, but yes, it is possible, if you just need prefix matching:
test=# select to_tsvector('abcd') ## to_tsquery('ab:*');
(1 row)
test=# select to_tsvector('abcd') ## to_tsquery('ac:*');
(1 row)
And such query will utilize GIN index (I assume you have one).
[Django's part] I'm not Django user, so I made quick research and found that, unfortunately, Django uses plainto_tsquery() function, not to_tsquery():
plainto_tsquery() made for simplicity, when you use just plain text as an input – so it doesn't support advanced queries:
test=# select to_tsvector('abcd') ## plainto_tsquery('ab:*');
(1 row)
test=# select to_tsvector('abcd') ## plainto_tsquery('ac:*');
(1 row)
So in this case, I'd recommend you using plain SQL with to_tsquery(). But you need to be sure you filtered out all special chars (like & or |) from your text input, otherwise to_tsquery() will produce wrong results or even error. Or if you can, extend with the ability to work with to_tsquery() (this would be great contribution, btw).
Alternatives are:
if your data is ACSII-only, you can use LIKE with prefix search and B-tree index created with text_pattern_ops / varchar_pattern_ops operator classes (if you need case-insensitivity, use functional index over lower(column_name) and lower(column_name) like '...%'; see;
use pg_trgm index, which supports regular expressions and GiST/GIN indexes (

How to turn an AppleScript list into a string

Trying to learn how to use AppleScript records and lists to their upmost potential I've been trying to create a report of a BBEdit project but I'm finding very limited documentation. I asked a question yesterday trying to figure out why my find pattern wasn't working but after finding out that the issue was from me lacking returning results:true I was able to get the result record and I verified it was a record after reading Class and running:
class of findFunction
Since it says it's a record I reviewed here and ran length of findFunction and count of findFunction and they both returned 2. I was curious to know what the two items were in the record so I used return findFunction and was told there was:
found: true
found matches: list of X items
Wanting to know where and what files the matches were located in the list, I did some more searching and read Lists and records and ran:
set theMatches to get found matches of findFunction
it returned the list items and checking the new variable with get count of theMatches I am able get the quantity of items in the targeted list inside the record. When I review what's in the list (learned from: How to get a value from a list with a string in AppleScript? and Searching for items in list) I am able to conclude that when using the find in BBEdit every item in the list contains:
end_offset :
match_string :
message :
result_file :
result_kind :
result_line :
start_offset :
Experimenting with an item I set a variable with:
set itemOne to get item 1 of theMatches
and checked to see if it worked with:
display dialog (result_file of itemOne) as text
and a dialog with the full file path was displayed. Trying to utilize DRY I created:
set filesResult to get (result_file of (get item 1 of theMatches)) as text
Wanting to add any of the mentioned above to a file with something like:
set filesResult to get (result_file of (get item 1 of theMatches)) as text
set theMessage to get (message of (get item 1 of theMatches)) as text
set combined to filesResult & ":" & theMessage
I recalled being able to use the clipboard and found Set clipboard to Applescript variable? so I added:
set filesResult to the clipboard
make new text document
but my issue I'm running into is how can I take every item in the list found_matches and add it to the clipboard an item on each line? I thought about using a repeat but I get an error when I try:
repeat with x from 1 to (length of matchesItems)
set filesResult to get (result_file of (get item x of theMatches)) as text
set theMessage to get (message of (get item x of theMatches)) as text
set combined to filesResult & ":" & theMessage
end repeat
With a message of:
The variable matchesItems is not defined.
So how can I get every item from the list into the clipboard with every item on it's own line so I can paste all items from the clipboard into a new file?
To clarify wording
theList = {A,B,C} -- this is a list with 3 variables
theRecord = {A:something, B:somethingElse, C:somethingElseTwo} -- this is a record.
A list can be addressed by its index.
theList's item 1 -- A
A record can be addressed by its keys
A of theRecord -- something
To get all items of a list into a string repeat it by its index (saying every item is of type text)
set finalString to ""
repeat with thisItem in TheList
set finalString to finalString & thisItem & return -- the return creates a new line
end repeat
Then you have finalString to do with whatever you like.
To get every item of a record you have to know it's keys (if it's not a ASOC NSDictionary)
set finalString to ""
set finalString to finalString & A of theRecord & return;
-- repeat last line with every key

Getting odd behavior from $query->setMaxResults()

When I call setMaxResults on a query, it seems to want to treat the max number as "2", no matter what it's actual value is.
function findMostRecentByOwnerUser(\Entities\User $user, $limit)
echo "2: $limit<br>";
$query = $this->getEntityManager()->createQuery('
FROM Entities\Thread t
JOIN t.messages m
g.ownerUser = :owner_user
ORDER BY m.timestamp DESC
$query->setParameter("owner_user", $user);
echo $query->getSQL()."<br>";
$results = $query->getResult();
echo "3: ".count($results);
return $results;
When I comment out the setMaxResults line, I get 6 results. When I leave it in, I get the 2 most recent results. When I run the generated SQL code in phpMyAdmin, I get the 4 most recent results. The generated SQL, for reference, is:
SELECT <lots of columns, all from t0_>
FROM Thread t0_
INNER JOIN Message m1_ ON = m1_.thread_id
INNER JOIN Groups g2_ ON t0_.group_id =
WHERE g2_.ownerUser_id = ?
ORDER BY m1_.timestamp DESC
While reading the DQL "Limit" documentation, I came across the following:
If your query contains a fetch-joined collection specifying the result limit methods are not working as you would expect. Set Max Results restricts the number of database result rows, however in the case of fetch-joined collections one root entity might appear in many rows, effectively hydrating less than the specified number of results.
I'm pretty sure that I'm not doing a fetch-joined collection. I'm under the impression that a fetch-joined collection is where I do something like SELECT t, m FROM Threads JOIN t.messages. Am I incorrect in my understanding of this?
An update : With Doctrine 2.2+ you can use the Paginator
Using ->groupBy('') seem to solve the issue!
I solved the same issue by only fetching contents of the master table and having all joined tables fetched as fetch="EAGER" which is defined in the Entity (described here
class VehicleRepository extends EntityRepository
* #var integer
protected $pageSize = 10;
public function page($number = 1)
return $this->_em->createQuery('SELECT v FROM Entities\VehicleManagement\Vehicles v')
->setFirstResult($number - 1)
In my example repo you can see I only fetched the vehicle table to get the correct result amount. But all properties (like make, model, category) are fetched immediately.
(I also iterated over the Entity-contents because I needed the Entity represented as an array, but that shouldn't matter afaik.)
Here's an excerpt from my entity:
class Vehicles
* #ManyToOne(targetEntity="Makes", fetch="EAGER")
* #var Makes
public $make;
Its important that you map every Entity correctly otherwise it won't work.