How to print elements from tcl_obj in gdb? - gdb

I am debugging a c++-tcl interface application and I need to see the elements of Tcl_Obj objv.
I tried doing print *(objv[1]) and so on but it doesnt seem helping.
Is there any way to see Tcl_Obj elements in gdb?

It's not particularly easy to understand a Tcl_Obj * from GDB as the data structure uses polymorphic pointers with shrouded types. (Yeah, this is tricky C magic.) However, there are definitely some things you can try. (I'll pretend that the pointer is called objPtr below, and that it is of type Tcl_Obj *.)
Firstly, check out what the objPtr->typePtr points to, if anything. A NULL objPtr->typePtr means that the object just has something in the objPtr->bytes field, which is a UTF-8 string containing objPtr->length bytes with a \0 at objPtr->bytes[objPtr->length]. A Tcl_Obj * should never have both its objPtr->bytes and objPtr->typePtr being NULL at the same time.
If the objPtr->typePtr is not NULL, it points to a static constant structure that defines the basic polymorphic type operations on the Tcl_Obj * (think of it as being like a vtable). Of initial interest to you is going to be the name field though; that's a human-readable const char * string, and it will probably help you a lot. The other things in that structure include a definition of how to duplicate the object and how to serialize the object. (The objPtr->bytes field really holds the serialization.)
The objPtr->typePtr defines the interpretation of the objPtr->internalRep, which is a C union that is big enough to hold two generic pointers (and a few other things besides, like a long and double; you'll also see a Tcl_WideInt, which is probably a long long but that depends on the compiler). How this happens is up to the implementation of the type so it's difficult to be all-encompassing here, but it's basically the case that small integers have the objPtr->internalRep.longValue field as meaningful, floating point numbers have the objPtr->internalRep.doubleValue as meaningful, and more complex types hang a structure off the side.
With a list, the structure actually hangs off the objPtr->internalRep.twoPtrValue.ptr1 and is really a struct List (which is declared in tclInt.h and is not part of Tcl's public API). The struct List in turn has a variable-length array in it, the elements field; don't modify inside there or you'll break things. Dictionaries are similar, but use a struct Dict instead (which contains a variation on the theme of hash tables) and which is declared just inside tclDictObj.c; even the rest of Tcl's implementation can't see how they work internally. That's deliberate.
If you want to debug into a Tcl_Obj *, you'll have to proceed carefully, look at the typePtr, apply relevant casts where necessary, and make sure you're using a debug build of Tcl with all the symbol and type information preserved.
There's nothing about this that makes debugging a whole array of values particularly easy. The simplest approach is to print the string view of the object, like this:
print Tcl_GetString(objv[1])
Be aware that this does potentially trigger the serialization of the object (including memory allocation) so it's definitely not perfect. It is, however, really easy to do. (Tcl_GetString generates the serialization if necessary — storing it in the objPtr->bytes field of course — and returns a pointer to it. This means that the value returned is definitely UTF-8. Well, Tcl's internal variation on UTF-8 that's slightly denormalized in a couple of places that probably don't matter to you right now.)
Note that you can read some of this information from scripts in Tcl 8.6 (the current recommended release) with the ::tcl::unsupported::representation command. As you can guess from the name, it's not supported (because it violates a good number of Tcl's basic semantic model rules) but it can help with debugging before you break out the big guns of attaching gdb.


Why doesn't this character conversion work?

Visual Studio 2008
Project compiled as multibyte character set
LPWSTR lpName[1] = {(WCHAR*)_T("Setup")};
After this conversion, lpName[0] contains garbage (at least when previewed in VS)
LPWSTR is typedef'd as follows:
typedef __nullterminated WCHAR *NWPSTR, *LPWSTR, *PWSTR;
It's an expanded version of my comment above.
The code shown casts a pointer of type A to a pointer of type B. This is a low-vevel, machine-dependent operation. It almost never works as a conversion of an object of type A to an object of type B, especially if one type is a regular character type and the other is wide characters.
Imagine that you take a French book, and read it aloud as if it was written in English.
FRENCH* book;
readaloud ((ENGLISH*) book);
You will mostly hear gibberish. The letters used in the two languages are the same (or similar, at any rate), but the rules of the two languages are are totally different. The representation is the same for both languages, but the meaning is not.
This is very similar to what we have here. Whatever type you have, bits and bytes are the same, but the rules are totally different. You take bits laid out according to regular character rules, and try to interpret them according to wide character rules. It doesn't work. The representation is the same in both cases, but the meaning is not.
To convert one character flavor to another, you in general need a lookup table or some other means to convert each character from one type to the other — change representation, but keep the meaning. Likewise, to convert a French book into an English book, you need to use a big lookup table a.k.a. dictionary... well, the analogy breaks here, because there's no formal set of conversion rules, you need to be creative! But you get the idea.
The rules of C++ actually prohibit such casts. You can only cast an object type poiner to void*, and only use the result to cast it back to the original object type. Everything else is a no-no (unless you are willing to venture in the realm of undefined behavior).
So what should you do?
Pick one character variant and stick to it.
If you must convert between flavors, do so with a library function.
Try to avoid pointer casts, they almost always signal trouble.
I think what you're looking for is
LPTSTR lpName[1] = {_T("Setup")};
The various typedefs with a T in them (e.g. TSTR, LPTSTR) are dependant on whether you use unicode or multi-byte or whatever else. By using these, you should be able to write code that work in whatever encoding you are using (i.e., tomorrow you could switch to ascii, and a large portion of your code should still work).
If you are in situation where you really must convert between encodings, then there are various conversion functions available, such as wcstombs (or microsoft's documentation) and mbstowcs. These are defined in <cstdlib>

What type of input check can be performed against binary data in C++?

let's say I have a function like this in C++, which I wish to publish to third parties. I want to make it so that the user will know what happened, should he/she feeds invalid data in and the library crashes.
Let's say that, if it helps, I can change the interface as well.
int doStuff(unsigned char *in_someData, int in_data_length);
Apart from application specific input validation (e.g. see if the binary begins with a known identifier etc.), what can be done? E.g. can I let the user know, if he/she passes in in_someData that has only 1 byte of data but passes in 512 as in_data_length?
Note: I already asked a similar question here, but let me ask from another angle..
It cannot be checked whether the parameter in_data_length passed to the function has the correct value. If this were possible, the parameter would be redundant and thus needless.
But a vector from the standard template library solves this:
int doStuff(const std::vector<unsigned char>& in_someData);
So, there is no possibility of a "NULL buffer" or an invalid data length parameter.
If you would know how many bytes passed by in_someData why would you need in_data_length at all?
Actually, you can only check in_someData for NULL and in_data_length for positive value. Then return some error code if needed. If a user passed some garbage to your function, this problem is obviously not yours.
In C++, the magic word you're looking for is "exception". That gives you a method to tell the caller something went wrong. You'll end up with code something like
doStuff(unsigned char * inSomeData, int inDataLength) throws Exception {
// do a test
if(inDataLength == 0)
throw new Exception("Length can't be 0");
// only gets here if it passed the test
// do other good stuff
return theResult;
Now, there's another problem with your specific example, because there's no universal way in C or C++ to tell how long an array of primitives really is. It's all just bits, with inSomeData being the address of the first bits. Strings are a special case, because there's a general convention that a zero byte ends a string, but you can't depend on that for binary data -- a zero byte is just a zero byte.
This has currently picked up some downvotes, apparently by people misled by the comment that exception specifications had been deprecated. As I noted in a comment below, this isn't actually true -- while the specification will be deprecated in C++11, it's still part of the language now, so unless questioner is a time traveler writing in 2014, the throws clause is still the correct way to write it in C++.
Also note that the original questioner says "I want to make it so that the user will know what happened, should he/she feeds [sic] invalid data in and the library crashes." Thus the question is not just what can I do to validate the input data (answer: not much unless you know more about the inputs than was stated), but then how do I tell the caller they screwed up? And the answer to that is "use the exception mechanism" which has certainly not been deprecated.

Named parameter string formatting in C++

I'm wondering if there is a library like Boost Format, but which supports named parameters rather than positional ones. This is a common idiom in e.g. Python, where you have a context to format strings with that may or may not use all available arguments, e.g.
mouse_state = {}
mouse_state['button'] = 0
mouse_state['x'] = 50
mouse_state['y'] = 30
"You clicked %(button)s at %(x)d,%(y)d." % mouse_state
"Targeting %(x)d, %(y)d." % mouse_state
Are there any libraries that offer the functionality of those last two lines? I would expect it to offer a API something like:
PrintFMap(string format, map<string, string> args);
In Googling I have found many libraries offering variations of positional parameters, but none that support named ones. Ideally the library has few dependencies so I can drop it easily into my code. C++ won't be quite as idiomatic for collecting named arguments, but probably someone out there has thought more about it than me.
Performance is important, in particular I'd like to keep memory allocations down (always tricky in C++), since this may be run on devices without virtual memory. But having even a slow one to start from will probably be faster than writing it from scratch myself.
The fmt library supports named arguments:
print("You clicked {button} at {x},{y}.",
arg("button", "b1"), arg("x", 50), arg("y", 30));
And as a syntactic sugar you can even (ab)use user-defined literals to pass arguments:
print("You clicked {button} at {x},{y}.",
"button"_a="b1", "x"_a=50, "y"_a=30);
For brevity the namespace fmt is omitted in the above examples.
Disclaimer: I'm the author of this library.
I've always been critic with C++ I/O (especially formatting) because in my opinion is a step backward in respect to C. Formats needs to be dynamic, and makes perfect sense for example to load them from an external resource as a file or a parameter.
I've never tried before however to actually implement an alternative and your question made me making an attempt investing some weekend hours on this idea.
Sure the problem was more complex than I thought (for example just the integer formatting routine is 200+ lines), but I think that this approach (dynamic format strings) is more usable.
You can download my experiment from this link (it's just a .h file) and a test program from this link (test is probably not the correct term, I used it just to see if I was able to compile).
The following is an example
#include "format.h"
#include <iostream>
using format::FormatString;
using format::FormatDict;
int main()
std::cout << FormatString("The answer is %{x}") % FormatDict()("x", 42);
return 0;
It is different from boost.format approach because uses named parameters and because
the format string and format dictionary are meant to be built separately (and for
example passed around). Also I think that formatting options should be part of the
string (like printf) and not in the code.
FormatDict uses a trick for keeping the syntax reasonable:
FormatDict fd;
fd("x", 12)
("y", 3.141592654)
("z", "A string");
FormatString is instead just parsed from a const std::string& (I decided to preparse format strings but a slower but probably acceptable approach would be just passing the string and reparsing it each time).
The formatting can be extended for user defined types by specializing a conversion function template; for example
struct P2d
int x, y;
P2d(int x, int y)
: x(x), y(y)
namespace format {
std::string toString<P2d>(const P2d& p, const std::string& parms)
return FormatString("P2d(%{x}; %{y})") % FormatDict()
("x", p.x)
("y", p.y);
after that a P2d instance can be simply placed in a formatting dictionary.
Also it's possible to pass parameters to a formatting function by placing them between % and {.
For now I only implemented an integer formatting specialization that supports
Fixed size with left/right/center alignment
Custom filling char
Generic base (2-36), lower or uppercase
Digit separator (with both custom char and count)
Overflow char
Sign display
I've also added some shortcuts for common cases, for example
is an hex number with 8 digits padded with '0's.
is a 24-bit binary number (as required by "/2") with digit separator ":" every 8 bits (as required by ",8:").
Note that the code is just an idea, and for example for now I just prevented copies when probably it's reasonable to allow storing both format strings and dictionaries (for dictionaries it's however important to give the ability to avoid copying an object just because it needs to be added to a FormatDict, and while IMO this is possible it's also something that raises non-trivial problems about lifetimes).
I've made a few changes to the initial approach:
Format strings can now be copied
Formatting for custom types is done using template classes instead of functions (this allows partial specialization)
I've added a formatter for sequences (two iterators). Syntax is still crude.
I've created a github project for it, with boost licensing.
The answer appears to be, no, there is not a C++ library that does this, and C++ programmers apparently do not even see the need for one, based on the comments I have received. I will have to write my own yet again.
Well I'll add my own answer as well, not that I know (or have coded) such a library, but to answer to the "keep the memory allocation down" bit.
As always I can envision some kind of speed / memory trade-off.
On the one hand, you can parse "Just In Time":
class Formater:
def __init__(self, format): self._string = format
def compute(self):
for k,v in context:
while self.__contains(k):
left, variable, right = self.__extract(k)
self._string = left + self.__replace(variable, v) + right
This way you don't keep a "parsed" structure at hand, and hopefully most of the time you'll just insert the new data in place (unlike Python, C++ strings are not immutable).
However it's far from being efficient...
On the other hand, you can build a fully constructed tree representing the parsed format. You will have several classes like: Constant, String, Integer, Real, etc... and probably some subclasses / decorators as well for the formatting itself.
I think however than the most efficient approach would be to have some kind of a mix of the two.
explode the format string into a list of Constant, Variable
index the variables in another structure (a hash table with open-addressing would do nicely, or something akin to Loki::AssocVector).
There you are: you're done with only 2 dynamically allocated arrays (basically). If you want to allow a same key to be repeated multiple times, simply use a std::vector<size_t> as a value of the index: good implementations should not allocate any memory dynamically for small sized vectors (VC++ 2010 doesn't for less than 16 bytes worth of data).
When evaluating the context itself, look up the instances. You then parse the formatter "just in time", check it agaisnt the current type of the value with which to replace it, and process the format.
Pros and cons:
- Just In Time: you scan the string again and again
- One Parse: requires a lot of dedicated classes, possibly many allocations, but the format is validated on input. Like Boost it may be reused.
- Mix: more efficient, especially if you don't replace some values (allow some kind of "null" value), but delaying the parsing of the format delays the reporting of errors.
Personally I would go for the One Parse scheme, trying to keep the allocations down using boost::variant and the Strategy Pattern as much I could.
Given that Python it's self is written in C and that formatting is such a commonly used feature, you might be able (ignoring copy write issues) to rip the relevant code from the python interpreter and port it to use STL maps rather than Pythons native dicts.
I've writen a library for this puporse, check it out on GitHub.
Contributions are wellcome.

Initializing a char array in C. Which way is better?

The following are the two ways of initializing a char array:
char charArray1[] = "foo";
char charArray2[] = {'f','o','o','\0'};
If both are equivalent, one would expect everyone to use the first option above (since it requires fewer key strokes). But I've seen code where the author takes the pain to always use the second method.
My guess is that in the first case the string "foo" is stored in the data segment and copied into the array at runtime, whereas in the second case the characters are stored in the code segment and copied into the array at runtime. And for some reason, the author is allergic to having anything in the data segment.
Edit: Assume the arrays are declared local to a function.
Questions: Is my reasoning correct? Which is your preferred style and why?
What about another possibility:
char charArray3[] = {102, 111, 111, 0};
You shouldn't forget the C char type is a numeric type, it just happens the value is often used as a char code. But if I use an array for something not related to text at all, I would would definitely prefer initialize it with the above syntax than encode it to letters and put them between quotes.
If you don't want the terminal 0 you also have to use the second form or in C use:
char charArray3[3] = "foo";
It is a a C feature that nearly nobody knows, but if the compiler does not have room enough to hold the final 0 when initializing a charArray, it does not put it, but the code is legal. However this should be avoided because this feature has been removed from C++, and a C++ compiler would yield an error.
I checked the assembly code generated by gcc, and all the different forms are equivalent. The only difference is that it uses either .string or .byte pseudo instruction to declare data. But tha's just a readability issue and does not make a bit of difference in the resulting program.
I think the second method is used mostly in legacy code where compilers didn't support the first method. Both methods should store the data in the data segments. I prefer the first method due to readability. Also, I needed to patch a program once (can't remember which, it was a standard UNIX tool) to not use /etc (it was for an embedded system). I had a very hard time finding the correct place because they used the second method and my grep couldn't find "etc" anywhere :-)

Casting in Informix

In Informix, how can I cast a char(8) type into a money type, so that I can compare it to another money type?
Using "tblAid.amt::money as aid_amt" did not work.
Using "(tblAid.amt * 1) AS aid_amt" did not work.
try this -->
select (disb_amt::NUMERIC) disb_amt from tmp_kygrants;
You may be able to compare the amounts as numeric.
First question - why on earth are you not storing a numeric value in a numeric column? This would make the rest of your question moot. It would also mean that your system will perform better. When you need to store data values, use the obvious type; do not use a string type unless the data is a string.
As already noted, you can use the non-standard Informix cast notation:
SELECT some_column::MONEY FROM WhereEver;
You can also be more careful about the cast type - using MONEY(8,2) for example. You can also use the standard notation:
SELECT CAST(some_column AS MONEY(8,2)) FROM WhereEver;
This assumes you are using IDS 9.x or later -- older products do not support casts at all. However, in general, Informix is pretty good about doing conversions automatically (for example, converting numbers to strings). However, strings are compared lexicographically and not numerically, so a CAST is probably wiser in this context -- but avoiding the need for a cast by using the correct type in the first place is wiser still.
'tis been a while since I played around with informix and I don't have a running instance handy at the moment. However, there are two things that can cause a problem here:
1) since it is a char(8) it can contain values that can not be casted to numeric without a bit of 'cleanup'. E.g. "abc". Or "1,234,567.00".
2) Trailing spaces. (char as opposed to varchar).
What informix error do you get on your explicit cast (::money)?