How do I treat string variables as actual code? - c++

That probably wasn't very clear. Say I have a char *a = "reg". Now, I want to write a function that, on reading the value of a, instantiates an object of a particular class and names it reg.
So for example, say I have a class Register, and a separate function create(char *). I want something like this:
void create(char *s) //s == "reg"
//what goes here?
Register reg; // <- this should be the result
It should be reusable:
void create(char *s) //s == "second"
//what goes here?
Register second; // <- this should be the result
I hope I've made myself clear. Essentially, I want to treat the value in a variable as a separate variable name. Is this even possible in C/C++? If not, anything similar? My current solution is to hash the string, and the hash table would store the relevant Register object at that location, but I figured that was pretty unnecessary.

Variable names are compile-time artifacts. They don't exist at runtime. It doesn't make sense in C++ to create a dynamically-named variable. How would you refer to it?
Let's say you had this hypothetical create function, and wrote code like:
reg.value = 5;
This wouldn't compile, because the compiler doesn't know what reg refers to in the second line.
C++ doesn't have any way to look up variables at runtime, so creating them at runtime is a nonstarter. A hash table is the right solution for this. Store objects in the hash table and look them up by name.

This isn't possible. C++ does not offer any facilities to process code at runtime. Given the nature of a typical C++ implementation (which compiles to machine code ahead of time, losing all information about source code), this isn't even remotely feasible.

Like I said in my comment:
What's the point? A variable name is something the compiler, but -most importantly- you, the programmer, should care about. Once the application is compiled, the variable name could be whatever... it could be mangled and senseless, it doesn't matter anymore.
You read/write code, including var-names. Once compiled, it's down to the hardware to deal with it.
Neither C nor C++ have eval functions
Simply because: you only compile what you need, eval implies input later-on that may make no sense, or require other dependencies.
C/C++ are compiled ahead of time, eval implies evaluation at runtime. The C process would then imply: pre-process, compile and link the string, in such a way that it still is part of the current process...
Even if it were possible, eval is always said to be evil, that goes double for languages like the C family that are meant to run reliably, and are often used for time-critical operations. The right tool for the job and all that...
A HashTable with objects that have hash, key, Register, collision members is the sensible thing to do. It's not that much overhead anyway...
Still feel like you need this?
Look into the vast number of scripting languages that are out there. Perl, Python... They're all better suited to do this type of stuff

If you need some variable creation and lookup you can either:
Use one of the scripting languages, as suggested by others
Make the lookup explicitly, yourself. The simplest approach is by using a map, which would map a string to your register object. And then you can have:
std::map<const char*, Register*> table;
Register* create(const char* name) {
Register* r = new Register();
table[name] = r;
return r;
Register* lookup(const char* name) {
return table[name];
void destroy(const char* name) {
delete table[name];
Obviously, each time you want to access a variable created this way, you have to go through the call to lookup.


Is there a way to say the object only once when I have to use it again and again?

Take for example:
int main(void){
numberComparator comparator1;
return 0;
Instead of saying comparator1 over and over again, can I do something shorter?
I understand that this doesn't really change much about how the program works, but it does make it easier to work around with testing a class I make.
I am doing overloading so that for an assortment of inputs into my comparator, my program can handle them without making the results go crazy. In this case, I want the input to be an int, but what if the input isn't?
The answer could be lying around the internet, but as my title may infer, I do not know how to state the question.
You are looking for something like with keyword which is part of, for example, Pascal language.
Unfortunately, C++ doesn't provide similar feature. Using the references, one can shorten the name of the class and somewhat alleviate the pain, i.e.
Comparator comparator1;
Comparator& cr = comparator1;
It depends. If numberComparator has a "fluent" interface, then each member function will return a reference to *this, and you can write:
Note that this is a bitch to debug by step-into (you have to step into every function until you get to the one you are interested in).
The alternative of course is "use a shorter name".
int main(void){
numberComparator c1;
return 0;
There is really no point in having a particularly long name if it is limited in scope to a few lines. For a local variable, if it isn't limited in scope to a few lines, your function is probably too long.

Referenced parameters in C++

this is more like an ethical question:
if i have the following code:
void changeInt(int& value)
value = 7;
and i do:
int number = 3;
number will have value 7
I know that when the new stack frame will be created for changeInt function, new variables will be created and &value will point to number.
My concern here is that the caller, if it's not paying attention , can be fooled by thinking that is passing by value which actually, on the function frame , a reference will be created.
I know he can look in the header files and it's a perfect legitimate expression but still I find it unethical a bit :)
i think this should be somehow marked and enforced by syntax. Like in C# where you have ref keyword.
What do you guys think ?
This is one of those things where references are less clear than pointers. However, using pointers may lead to something like this:
when they actually should have done:
which is just as bad. If the function is as clearly named as this, it's hardly a mystery that it actually changes the value passed in.
Another solution is of course to do:
int calculateNewInt(/* may need some input */)
return 7;
int number = 3;
number = calculateNewInt();
is quite obviously (potentially) changing number.
But if the name of the function "sounds like it changes the input value", then it's definitely fair to change the value. If in doubt, read the documentatin. If you write code that has local variables that you don't want to alter, make them const.
const int number = 3;
changeInt(number); /* Makes an error */
(Of course, that means the number is not changeable elsewhere either).
I know he can look in the header files and it's a perfect legitimate expression but still I find it unethical a bit :)
I think that's perfectly normal and part of the language. Actually, this is one of the bad things of C and C++: you have to check the headers all the time when dealing with an unknown API, since when calling a function you don't pass by reference explicitly.
That's not the case for all system languages though. IIRC Rust makes it obligatory to pass references explicitly.

Convert string to variable name or variable type

Is it possible to convert strings into variables(and vise versa) by doing something like:
makeVariable("int", "count");
string fruit;
cin >> fruit; // user inputs "apple"
makeVariable(fruit, "a green round object");
and then be able to just access it by doing something like:
cout << apple; //a green round object
Thanks in advance!
No, this is not possible. This sort of functionality is common in scripting languages like Ruby and Python, but C++ works very differently from those. In C++ we try to do as much of the program's work as we can at compile time. Sometimes we can do things at runtime, and even then good C++ programmers will find a way to do the work as early as compile time.
If you know you're going to create a variable then create it right away:
int count;
What you might not know ahead of time is the variable's value, so you can defer that for runtime:
std::cin >> count;
If you know you're going to need a collection of variables but not precisely how many of them then create a map or a vector:
std::vector<int> counts;
Remember that the name of a variable is nothing but a name — a way for you to refer to the variable later. In C++ it is not possible nor useful to postpone assigning the name of the variable at runtime. All that would do is make your code more complicated and your program slower.
You can use a map.
map<string, int> numbers;
numbers["count"] = 6;
cout << numbers["count"];
Beginning programmers ask this question regarding every language. There are a group of computer languages for which the answer to this question is "yes". These are dynamic, interactive languages, like BASIC, Lisp, Ruby, Python. But think about it: Variable names only exist in code, for the convenience of the programmer. It only makes sense to define a new variable while the program runs if there's a person to then subsequently type the name of the variable in new code. This is true for interactive language environment, and not true for compiled languages like C++ or Java. In C++, by the time the program runs, and the imaginary new variable would be created, there's no one around to type code that would use that new variable.
What you really want instead is the ability to associate a name with an object at runtime, so that code -- not people -- can use that name to find the object. As other people have already pointed out, the map feature of C++'s standard library gives you that ability.
You might want to look at C++ map.
No. C++ is statically typed, and this goes against that whole paradigm.
I have seen this type of functionality implemented before by storing variables in an stl map.
At least for the (vice versa) there is a possibility with the preprocessor statement stringify #. See this answer on how to convert a C++ variable name into an string.
well i guess u cannot make dynamics variables but u can use some function to write a new variable and its value in any external text file and access its value from that file where ever it is needed (u can also remove the dynamic variable by removing it from the text file.)
theory: variables are places in memory where we store data, identified by a name, we can store data in a text file if processor doesnot allow us to store it in registers, and we can access its value by searching its identity (name of variable) int the text file, our data will be next to it.
its just an idea, it should work but i guess it will be not very simple and ur program will have to pay in terms of speed.

How local constants are stored in c++ library files

I am writing a library where I need to use some constant integers. I have declared constant int as a local variable in my c function e.g. const int test = 45325;
Now I want to hide this constant variable. What it means is, if I share this library as a .so with someone, he should not be able to find out this constant value ?
Is it possible to hide constant integers defined inside a library ? Please help
Here is my sample code
int doSomething()
const int abc = 23456;
int def = abc + 123;
doSomething is defined as local function in my cpp file. I am referring this constant for some calculations inside the same function.
If I understand right, you're not so much worried about an exported symbol (since it's a plain normal local variable, I'd not worry about that anyway), but about anyone finding out that constant at all (probably because it is an encryption key or a magic constant for a license check, or something the like).
This is something that is, in principle, impossible. Someone who has the binary code (which is necessarily the case in a library) can figure it out if he wants to. You can make it somewhat harder by calculating this value in an obscure way (but be aware of compiler optimizations), but even so this only makes it trivially harder for someone who wants to find out. It will just mean that someone won't see "mov eax, 45325" in the disassembly right away, but it probably won't keep someone busy for more than a few minutes either way.
The constant will always be contained in the library in some form, even if it is as instructions to load it into a register, for the simple reason that the library needs it at runtime to work with it.
If this is meant as some sort of a secret key, there is no good way to protect it inside the library (in fact, the harder you make it, the more people will consider it a sport to find it).
The simplest is probably to just do a wrapper class for them
struct Constants
static int test();
then you can hide the constant in the .cpp file
You can declare it as
extern const int test;
and then have it actually defined in a compilation unit somewhere (.cpp file).
You could also use a function to obtain the value.

isDefined function?

In C++ is there any function that returns "true" when the variable is defined or false in vice versa. Something like this:
bool isDefined(string varName)
if (a variable called "varName" is defined)
return true;
return false;
C++ is not a dynamic language. Which means, that the answer is no. You know this at compile time, not runtime.
There is no such a thing in runtime as it doesn't make sense in a non-dynamic language as C++.
However you can use it inside a sizeof to test if it exists on compile time without side-effects.
That will stop compilation if var doesn't exist.
As already stated, the C++ runtime system does not support the querying of whether or not a variable is declared or not. In general a C++ binary doesn't contain information on variable symbols or their mappings to their location. Technically, this information would be available in a binary compiled with debugging information, and you could certainly query the debugging information to see if a variable name is present at a given location in code, but it would be a dirty hack at best (If you're curious to see what it might look at, I posted a terrible snippet # Call a function named in a string variable in C which calls a C function by a string using the DWARF debugging information. Doing something like this is not advised)
Microsoft has two extensions to C++ named: __if_exists and __if_not_exists. They can be useful in some cases, but they don't take string arguments.
If you really need such a functionality you can add all your variables to a set and then query that set for variable existance.
Already mentioned that C++ doesn't provide such facility.
On the other hand there are cases where the OS implement mechanisms close to isDefined(),
like the GetProcAddress Function, on Windows.
No. It's not like you have a runtime system around C++ which keeps remembers variables with names in some sort of table (meta data) and lets you access a variable through a dynamically generated string. If you want this, you have to build it yourself, for example using a std::map that maps strings to some objects.
Some compile-time mechanism would fit into the language. But I don't think that it would be any useful.
In order to achieve this first you need to implement a dynamic variable handling system, or at least find some on the internet. As previously mentioned the C++ is designed to be a native language so there are no built-in facilities to do this.
What I can suggest for the most easy solution to create a std::map with string keys storing global variables of interest with a boost::any, wxVariant or something similar, and store your variables in this map. You can make your life a bit easier with a little preprocessor directive to define a variables by their name, so you don't need to retype the name of the variable twice. Also, to make life easier I suggest to create a little inline function which access this variable map, and checks if the given string key is contained by the map.
There are implementation such a functionality in many places, the runtime property handling systems are available in different fashion, but if you need just this functionality I suggest to implement by yourself, because most of these solutions are quite general what you probably don't need.
You can make such function, but it wouldn't operate strings. You would have to send variable name. Such a function would try to add 0 to the variable. If it doesn't exists, an error would occur, so you might want to try to make exception handling with try...throw...catch . But because I'm on the phone, I don't know if this wouldn't throw an error anyways when trying to send non-existing variable to the function...