libVLC integration in Qt - c++

I'm using Qt Creator 5.2 and want to integrate libVLC in my own project. So I downloaded the source of libVLC (for Qt) and also the VLC player itself. I think that I have to build the libVLC source to transform into a libary. But I don't know how to do this. I see that there's a CMakeLists.txt, but as far as I know I can not use CMake to build pro file for QT Creator, but only a sln file for Microsoft VS (which I don't use). Can anybody tell me how to build libVLC?
Thank you

Qt Creator has support for CMake projects
You may build the library using CMake itself
If you're on Linux, then your distribution likely has libvlc and its development headers built and packaged, just search for it in a software center or command-line meta-package manager like apt or yum. If you're on Windows, bad luck :) , you have to build it yourself from sources :)


Do I need to install Mingw compiler components in Qt installation if i had already installed Mingw in my computer?

I installing Qt open source framework in my window 10 pc. I already downloaded Mingw compiler and installed it to write C/C++. Now I wanna learn QT framework. I using Qt online installer. I choice to download custom compoment. Do I need to selet mingw component to download if i had already installed?
Note that there's not just one MinGW distribution and version out there. You can check out the exact supported version per Qt release at .
Anyhow, if you install the pre-built Qt binaries via the online installer, the matching MinGW version will automatically be installed for you, and will be registered in Qt Creator so that things just work. There is actually no official way to prevent this.

How to install Qt Serialport on macOS?

I'm trying to compile this code where the .pro file includes a
QT += serialport
gives me a
Project MESSAGE: Warning: unknown QT: serialport
error. Without Qt, I would use CMake and install the package via vcpkg, Conan, HomeBrew, or something like that. But not sure if Qt has its own package manager. I would appreciate it if you could help me know what is the most canonical way to install and include this library.
P.S.1. In the comments, I'm being told that I need to use Qt's Maintenance Tool, which is sorta the internal package manager for Qt, to install QtSerialPort module. Given that I don't know how to install that via HomeBrew, I installed Qt Creator from the Qt website. I found the Maintenance Tool in <install_dir> the installation folder /Users/<user>/Qt/ which I could open from the terminal by open while being in that folder. However, I can not see any QtSerialPort module in the options, nor a way to search.
P.S.2. Posted a new question here.
P.S.3. I think this issue arises because I had multiple versions of Qt installed. once I searched for locate qmake and found out the other versions I have installed (e.g., /System/Volumes/Data/usr/local/Cellar/qt/5.14.1/bin/qmake) I could just run that and the MakeFile was generated.

How do I build Qt 3.X.X on Windows?

I downloaded a project that depends on Qt 3.X.X (legacy version). I downloaded this version from the Qt downloads archive and set the environment variables according to what the documentation tells me. I can't build the program though. The errors I get are all along the lines of
Moc'ing SomeFile.h ...
The system cannot find the path specified.
Looking into the Qt /lib folder, there's just one README file that says
If this directory is empty, you forgot to build the Qt library
I'm assuming this is the reason I can't build my project, so I would like to know how to build this Qt version. The documentation is extremely limited since it's an old version, so I can't get it to work based on that.
Some system info:
Windows 10
Visual Studio 2015 installed
If you need more info, please let me know!

Install VTK 6.2.0 with Qt 5.4 using CMake-GUI 3.2.2

This is the first time I try to use Vtk libraries but I can not find a tutorial that can help me with the qt integration. I tried several tutorials but when I try to write some code, qt can not find vtk libraries.
I followed this post but something doesn't work correctly: Combining Qt 5.4.1 with vtk 6.2.0 (using CMake GUI 3.2.1) on windows
Can someone explain me the correct procedure? I'm using Windows 7 64 bit, VTK 6.2.0, QT 5.4 and CMake-GUI 3.2.2.
Thanks to all who respond!
Did you build the vtk solution in debug or release? In the example you linked (it was me), I did it in debug, so it will only work in debug (until I build it in release)
also, maybe it's your cMakeList the problem. Did you manage to launch the project EasyView from the vtk solution?
Finally, the tutorial I followed was this one :
The only thing I had to modify, was to change the qt version to 5, add another entry cmake_prefix and set up several environment variables.
Try to create Qt project with cmake instead of qmake like is described here
For a first step try to write just hello world in Qt and try to create cmake for it..
Then you just add the VTK find functions and use those to add vtk support to your qt cmake project. Maybe its something like this (never used vtk):
Then you should be able to use Qt and vtk in same project..

Deploy Qt+Boost application on a Mac and Windows

How to deploy Qt+Boost Application on Mac OS X or Windows platform.
I use Qt Creator + Qt 4.6 + MacOS 10.6
How to compile my application into release to run it on another computer w/o installed Qt libraries?
I ship Windows apps built with Qt and I use the Dependency Walker tool to first determine which Qt and MinGW DLLs are required. For Qt 4.6 apps you'll need to always ship the mingwm10.dll and libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll files found in your Qt bin folder (default location of this will be C:\Qt\2009.05\qt\bin).
Depending on which Qt modules you use will determine which Qt DLLs are shipped - you'll always need to ship QtCore4.dll. If you use networking then you'll need QtNetwork4.dll and so on - Dependency Walker will show you.
Note that you should only ship Qt files found in C:\Qt\2009.05\qt\bin and NOT those in C:\Qt\2009.05\bin - the latter folder contains MSVC built Qt DLLs used by Qt Creator and other tools and, assuming you're building using MinGW, these will not work with your app.)
I install these files in the application folder, which isn't ideal if you have multiple products that use Qt. If you are using the same version of Qt for all your projects then you could install the Qt files into a special folder that is then added to the user's PATH. YMMV and this is a big topic in itself.
For Qt, refer to the docs on deployment (Windows, Mac). Keep in mind that Qt is quite big - if you decide to link statically consider building a version of Qt that only contains the modules you need.
Most boost libraries are header only and thus need no deployment. For those that are not (thread, ...) refer to the respective documentation on building and deploy them like any other library.