C++ - Memory Leak - Pointers to Struct - c++

I have a struct defined as follows:
typedef struct Edge {
struct Edge *next; // linked list
} Edge;
I use it in many functions. For example, print receives a pointer to a struct (root). In the function, I need initialize a new pointer to root (and use it in a while loop to traverse a linked list). I don't understand how memory leaks work in C++.
If I do the following :
Edge *e = root;
And then use e in a while loop :
while (e != NULL) {
// do stuff
e = e->next;
Do I have to free the pointer e? Since it points to a a struct I want to keep, I don't delete it? Or maybe should I use it that way?
void print(Edge* root)
Edge *e = new Edge;
e = root;
/* Free e */
delete e;

It sounds like you're getting confused between what a pointer is and its relation to allocating/freeing memory. You can have any number of pointers pointing at a chunk of memory, but the memory should only be freed once.
Here, you're passing an Edge* into print to know where to start printing. The local Edge* you declare doesn't need to have heap memory allocated to it, since e is just going to be used to point to the different elements of the linked list, not tracking the lifetime of the linked list.

In your case you don't need new or delete, you are using a pointer to index a linked-list.
Edge *e = root;
This create a pointer to the node pointed by root, both e and root points to the same object.
while (e != NULL) {
// do stuff
e = e->next;
This is perfectly fine to iterate over a linked list.
By the way this is OK for educational purpose, in production code I would rather advise to use the STL and std::list.

When you no longer need an object that you've created with new, you must end it's life-cycle with delete.


How to delete linked list using free

i've got these structures:
typedef struct tStimulus_tc
short Key;
struct tStimulus_tc *Next;
struct Frame_tc
int ID; // Frame ID (0..MAX)
int Count; // Felt Count
short sSize; // Stimulus List Size
Stimulus_tc *sList; // Stimulus List
if i want to free a "struct Frame_tc" is this enough?
void freeFrame (Frame_tc *fTemp)
or i need to run throught it's stimulus and free 1 by 1?
what's the proper way to free a variable?
free() takes a previously allocated block and releases it for reuse. It doesn't know nor care about the contents of the buffer.
While you could write a compiler that recursively frees pointers, this isn't a good idea:
static Stimulus_tc stim;
Frame_tc *fTemp = malloc(sizeof *fTemp);
fTemp->sList = &stim;
fTemp->sSize = 1;
free(fTemp); // if this recursively freed pointers, we would free a static object
Only you know how your structure is constructed, therefore you shoud be the one destructing it. In your case that means walking the linked list and freeing each member.
In C++, it's advisable to use higher level mechanisms, like using a std::vector<Stimulus_tc> or std::list<Stimulus_tc>.
In cases where pointer use is inevitable (your case isn't one), consider using smart pointers. And if you absolutely must manage memory the old way, use type-safe new[]/delete[].
In C, if your Stimulus_tc list within the struct Frame_tc wrapper is not a traditional head/tail list (e.g. with the final ->Next = NULL), but with the number of nodes contained in list->sSize, you could do something similar to the following:
/* free all nodes in struct Frame_tc->Stimulus_tc list */
void free_list (struct Frame_tc *list)
Stimulus_tc *iter = list->sList; /* pointer to iterate list */
Stimulus_tc *victim = NULL; /* pointer to node to delete */
int n = list->sSize; /* number of nodes to delete */
if (iter == NULL) {
fprintf (stderr,"print_list() warning: empty list.\n");
while (n--) { /* free n nodes */
victim = iter;
iter = iter->Next;
free (victim);
If you set the final Next pointer to NULL, you can eliminate int n = list->sSize; and simply iterate over the list with while (iter) { ...
If there were additional pointer elements within each node that were allocated, you would simply free those values before free (victim);
Look it over and let me know if you have any questions.

Move pointer to object from one list to another without destroying object

Consider this code:
transferPtr(Node *moveMe, list<Node*> &listA, list<Node*> &listB) {
// How do I remove moveMe from A?
Assume the pointer moveMe (pointer to a Node, or any object) is in listA, but we're only given the pointer, not an iterator. We're moving moveMe out of listA and into listB.
How do I remove moveMe from listA?
should do it.
Since you only remove the pointer, the object will not be destroyed.
By using the list splice function you can avoid the memory allocation for the list node.
Using remove() would have to search the list anyway.
list<Node*>::iterator i = std::find(listA.begin(), listA.end(), moveMe);
if (i != listA.end()) {
listB.splice(listB.end(), listA, i);
If the pointer can exist more than 1 time in list A then you'll need to use something like the following, however your STL implementation may not do this as efficiently as you'd hope.
list<Node*>::iterator i = std::remove(listA.begin(), listA.end(), moveMe);
if (i != listA.end()) {
listB.splice(listB.end(), listA, i, listA.end());

new dynamic allocation vs normal allocation

what's the difference between these two methods?
Method(CustomClass t)
CustomClass *temp = &t;
called like this
Method(CustomClass* t)
CustomClass *temp = t;
called like this
Method(new CustomClass(1,2,3));
i haven't coded in c++ for a few years now and am having some trouble remembering. I'm coming from c# where every class need to be dynamically allocated with 'new'. The thing is that i don't undertand the difference between alocating an object dynamically with 'new' and calling it normally. How does temp differ in the 2 examples?
More specific example: I was creating a linked list and for my list i had this method:
void List::AddNew(TestClass node)
if (!first)
first = &node;
bool setFirst = false;
if (!last)
setFirst = true;
TestClass *temp;
temp = last;
last = &node;
if (temp)
temp->next = last;
if (setFirst)
first->next = last;
where first and last are TestClass *; the list wasn't initialized correctly (first and last pointed to the same value) and i had no idea why, so i changed the method to this:
void List::AddNew(TestClass* node)
if (!first)
first = node;
bool setFirst = false;
if (!last)
setFirst = true;
TestClass *temp;
temp = last;
last = node;
if (temp)
temp->next = last;
if (setFirst)
first->next = last;
and now it works. I'm missing a basic principle for pointers and i can't seem to guess that it is.
Here is TestClass also:
class TestClass
int x, y;
TestClass *next;
TestClass *prev;
what's the difference between these two methods?
One of them is using stack (automatic) allocation, while the other is using heap (dynamic) allocation.
Method(CustomClass(1,2,3)); // stack based
Method(new CustomClass(1,2,3)); // heap based
If you're going to use new you need to make sure you delete that reference also. Otherwise, you'll have a memory leak.
yes, i know this but what's the real defference between the
allocations and when should i use one or the other?
Object lifetime. If you put something on the stack, you will only be able to use it within a particular function, and any functions below it will need it passed as a parameter. If you put it on the heap, you can return a reference to it and use it wherever you want. You can't return a reference / address to a stack variable since it's life ends when the function returns.
I think you're most confused about when to use dynamic-allocation vs when to use stack-allocation. The only thing to know is that you should use stack-based allocation when there is no need for dynamic-based allocation. When is dynamic- (or heap) allocation needed you ask? Well, normally you would use it when you need an object to exist beyond the scope in which it was created or when the contents of that dynamically-allocated object rely on a strictly runtime mechanism (like the addition of elements to a vector (the size may not be known at compile-time)). Also, this...
T* t = &t;
Is not heap-allocation. This is simply a pointer with automatic-storage duration (on the stack) pointing to another object on the stack (if t is itself stack-based). Allocation on the heap happens only when new is used.
CustomClass *temp;
temp is only a pointer. It points to NULL(ok, actually it can point everywhere, but you should set it to NULL if no object exists) or to a already existing class.
CustomClass tmp;
Creates a object.
Method(CustomClass* t):
Demands for a already existing Object (t = pointer to existing object).
CustomClass *temp = t;
Assigns the pointer to a new local pointer.
Method(CustomClass t):
Should create a copy of the class you pass (not sure...)
CustomClass *temp = &t;
& = Adress-Operator. Retrieves address of t and saves it to the local pointer temp.

Pointers and reference issue

I'm creating something similar to structure list. At the beginning of main I declare a null pointer. Then I call insert() function a couple of times, passing reference to that pointer, to add new elements.
However, something seems to be wrong. I can't display the list's element, std::cout just breaks the program, even though it compiler without a warning.
#include <iostream>
struct node {
node *p, *left, *right;
int key;
void insert(node *&root, const int key)
node newElement = {};
newElement.key = key;
node *y = NULL;
std::cout << root->key; // this line
if(key == root->key) exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
y = root;
root = (key < root->key) ? root->left : root->right;
newElement.p = y;
if(!y) root = &newElement;
else if(key < y->key) y->left = &newElement;
else y->right = &newElement;
int main()
node *root = NULL;
insert(root, 5);
std::cout << root->key; // works perfectly if I delete cout in insert()
insert(root, 2);
std::cout << root->key; // program breaks before this line
return 0;
As you can see, I create new structure element in insert function and save it inside the root pointer. In the first call, while loop isn't even initiated so it works, and I'm able to display root's element in the main function.
But in the second call, while loop already works, and I get the problem I described.
There's something wrong with root->key syntax because it doesn't work even if I place this in the first call.
What's wrong, and what's the reason?
Also, I've always seen inserting new list's elements through pointers like this:
node newElement = new node();
newElement->key = 5;
root->next = newElement;
Is this code equal to:
node newElement = {};
newElement.key = 5;
root->next = &newElement;
? It would be a bit cleaner, and there wouldn't be need to delete memory.
The problem is because you are passing a pointer to a local variable out of a function. Dereferencing such pointers is undefined behavior. You should allocate newElement with new.
This code
node newElement = {};
creates a local variable newElement. Once the function is over, the scope of newElement ends, and its memory gets destroyed. However, you are passing the pointer to that destroyed memory to outside the function. All references to that memory become invalid as soon as the function exits.
This code, on the other hand
node *newElement = new node(); // Don't forget the asterisk
allocates an object on free store. Such objects remain available until you delete them explicitly. That's why you can use them after the function creating them has exited. Of course since newElement is a pointer, you need to use -> to access its members.
The key thing you need to learn here is the difference between stack allocated objects and heap allocated objects. In your insert function your node newElement = {} is stack allocated, which means that its life time is determined by the enclosing scope. In this case that means that when the function exits your object is destroyed. That's not what you want. You want the root of your tree to stored in your node *root pointer. To do that you need to allocate memory from the heap. In C++ that is normally done with the new operator. That allows you to pass the pointer from one function to another without having its life time determined by the scope that it's in. This also means you need to be careful about managing the life time of heap allocated objects.
Well you have got one problem with your Also comment. The second may be cleaner but it is wrong. You have to new memory and delete it. Otherwise you end up with pointers to objects which no longer exist. That's exactly the problem that new solves.
Another problem
void insert(node *&root, const int key)
node newElement = {};
newElement.key = key;
node *y = NULL;
std::cout << root->key; // this line
On the first insert root is still NULL, so this code will crash the program.
It's already been explained that you would have to allocate objects dynamically (with new), however doing so is fraught with perils (memory leaks).
There are two (simple) solutions:
Have an ownership scheme.
Use an arena to put your nodes, and keep references to them.
1 Ownership scheme
In C and C++, there are two forms of obtaining memory where to store an object: automatic storage and dynamic storage. Automatic is what you use when you declare a variable within your function, for example, however such objects only live for the duration of the function (and thus you have issues when using them afterward because the memory is probably overwritten by something else). Therefore you often must use dynamic memory allocation.
The issue with dynamic memory allocation is that you have to explicitly give it back to the system, lest it leaks. In C this is pretty difficult and requires rigor. In C++ though it's made easier by the use of smart pointers. So let's use those!
struct Node {
Node(Node* p, int k): parent(p), key(k) {}
Node* parent;
std::unique_ptr<Node> left, right;
int key;
// Note: I added a *constructor* to the type to initialize `parent` and `key`
// without proper initialization they would have some garbage value.
Note the different declaration of parent and left ? A parent owns its children (unique_ptr) whereas a child just refers to its parent.
void insert(std::unique_ptr<Node>& root, const int key)
if (root.get() == nullptr) {
root.reset(new Node{nullptr, key});
Node* parent = root.get();
Node* y = nullptr;
if(key == parent->key) exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
y = parent;
parent = (key < parent->key) ? parent->left.get() : parent->right.get();
if (key < y->key) { y->left.reset(new Node{y, key}); }
else { y->right.reset(new Node{y, key}); }
In case you don't know what unique_ptr is, the get() it just contains an object allocated with new and the get() method returns a pointer to that object. You can also reset its content (in which case it properly disposes of the object it already contained, if any).
I would note I am not too sure about your algorithm, but hey, it's yours :)
2 Arena
If this dealing with memory got your head all mushy, that's pretty normal at first, and that's why sometimes arenas might be easier to use. The idea of using an arena is pretty general; instead of bothering with memory ownership on a piece by piece basis you use "something" to hold onto the memory and then only manipulate references (or pointers) to the pieces. You just have to keep in mind that those references/pointers are only ever alive as long as the arena is.
struct Node {
Node(): parent(nullptr), left(nullptr), right(nullptr), key(0) {}
Node* parent;
Node* left;
Node* right;
int key;
void insert(std::list<Node>& arena, Node *&root, const int key)
arena.push_back(Node{}); // add a new node
Node& newElement = arena.back(); // get a reference to it.
newElement.key = key;
Node *y = NULL;
if(key == root->key) exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
y = root;
root = (key < root->key) ? root->left : root->right;
newElement.p = y;
if(!y) root = &newElement;
else if(key < y->key) y->left = &newElement;
else y->right = &newElement;
Just remember two things:
as soon as your arena dies, all your references/pointers are pointing into the ether, and bad things happen should you try to use them
if you ever only push things into the arena, it'll grow until it consumes all available memory and your program crashes; at some point you need cleanup!

Memory Management Confusion C++

I'm having trouble understanding some basic memory management principles in C++. This code is part of a loop that is part of a function that reads in a maze file into a 2D vector.
According to Valgrind, the following code is causing memory leaks...
Note that t is a MazeNode object and verts is a vector within the t class that holds pointers to node objects (not to be confused with MazeNode objects):
node* top = new node(TOP, rowCount, i, t.type);
node* bot = new node(BOTTOM, rowCount, i, t.type);
node* left = new node(LEFT, rowCount, i, t.type);
node* right = new node(RIGHT, rowCount, i, t.type);
top = NULL;
bot = NULL;
left = NULL;
right = NULL;
delete top;
delete bot;
delete left;
delete right;
Initially I did not set each of the pointers to NULL before deleting them, but would get allocation errors. So I just set them to NULL and my code works. I guess I'm just really confused why this would cause memory leaks and why I would need to set the pointers to NULL. There is probably a way easier non-pointer way to do this, but maybe this problem will help me understand memory management better.
Thanks everyone.
EDIT: Here's the MazeNode class (which is what 't' is) (also excuse my lazyness in writing this class, making everythign public like a struct)
class MazeNode
void setType(char c);
char getChar();
NodeType type;
vector<Direction> visitedFrom;
vector<node*> verts;
And the node class:
class node
node(Direction d, int r, int c, NodeType t);
~node(); //empty definition
node(const node* n);
node& operator=(const node& n);
void addAdj(node* a, int w);
void printAdj() const;
string direction() const;
void print() const;
bool operator<(const node& n) const;
int distance; //from start
bool visited;
node* prev;
vector<Edge> adj;
Direction dir;
int row, col;
NodeType type;
EDIT2: Thanks everyone. I understand the problem now. I changed my vectors of pointer objects so that I wasn't using pointers anymore.
Prior to adding the null assignment, your code had a problem different (worse) than a memory leak: storing and probably also using a stray pointer, that is, a pointer pointing into de-allocated memory.
Making it a memory leak by adding the null assignment makes it better, but not much.
The real solution is not to keep any pointers anywhere after you have called delete on them.
That is, do not push_back or do not delete here.
You are placing the pointers into a container, then deleting the pointers. When your code later tries to use those pointers they are invalid and cause a crash.
By setting the pointers to NULL before you delete them, you end up not deleting them at all - deleting a NULL pointer doesn't do anything. But now there's nothing to delete the objects later, and you get a memory leak.
You need to find some spot in the code where you're not using the pointers anymore, and delete them there.
Edit: Of course I should have mentioned that a smart pointer such as std::shared_ptr eliminates this hassle altogether, because it deletes the object automatically.
You are setting the values to NULL before deleting them, so you are trying to delete NULL and nothing is being deleted. Try moving the delete calls above the NULL calls.
This confusion is exactly why I create a macro for these kind of things:
#define delobj(obj) (delete obj, obj = NULL)
And you would use it like this:
The error is using the vector of pointers. According to you, verts is this:
vector<node*> verts;
But what it should be is this:
vector<node> verts;
In the first case, when you push_back() the pointer, that's OK, but when you pop_back or otherwise re-size the vector, the pointer is the "contents" of the vector, and is de-allocated, but not what the pointer points to, which is the node. Hence the node leaks. But in the second case, the node is "part" of the vector, and is allocated/deallocated as part of re-sizing the vector.
Your pattern here probably indicates a Java/C# background, as "new-ing" into a container is very very common in those languages, but to do that in C++, you need a container of smart pointers (like vector<shared_ptr<node>> or something), which is probably beyond the scope of the question. But in those languages, every reference to a reference type is a "smart pointer" (more or less) and so this is done automatically. C++ isn't like that.
You either need to change your code to use a vector<node> (and change how you're pushing back on to it) or you need to explicitly de-allocate your nodes when the vector shrinks.
Change to:
delete top;
delete bot;
delete left;
delete right;
top = NULL;
bot = NULL;
left = NULL;
right = NULL;
And it should work.