How to include required OpenGL libraries? - opengl

I could only find gl/gl.h and gl/glu.h in my VC++. How to get GLFW and GLEW and GLUT?
And why do we include GLEW, GLFW and GLUT? Which library is must and why?

The difference between them is here:
Post in StackOverflow about the differences
And you have to download and install them as they tell in their official website and documentation. But first differenciate between them and choose the one that helps you out.


Error in emscripten when including glfw and opengl [duplicate]

I have just started using Emscripten and would like to start using GLFW and other libraries. I am completely lost on how to build, link, and use other libraries with Emscripten.
I have tried following the instructions on the Emscripten site but have they haven't helped me any.
Is there any place with detailed instructions on how to use libraries with Emscripten? Or specifically GLFW?
Emscripten provide itself very few libraries. Those libraries are the minimum to get some OperativeSystem functionality on emscripten C++ code (audio, input, video)
libc: standard library for C
libc++: standard library for C++
SDL: SimpleDirectmediaLayer (SDL 1.X a opensource cross-platform project)
For example, the standard way to include OpenGLES2 in Emscripten is:
#include <GLES2/gl2.h>
While to include GLFW:
#include <GL/glfw.h>
There's some crap in that, because if you want to use the more recent version of GLFW you just can't because Emscripten provides only 1 version of the library and you have to stick with that (unless Emscripten do a update for that and you update Emscripten).
You can compile libraries for emscripten only if that libraries can be compiled using one(or more) of the libraries listed above. (or if you know how to wrap javascript funciontalities and expose them through C interface)
Also, try to avoid templates only libraries when using Emscripten, they literally generate a lot of bloat code you could easily increase executable size by several MBs: This is a problem if you were already using Boost or UBLAS.
Since GLFW is not one of the libraries that are automatically linked, you should link it with:
You can find an example OpenGL project using Emscripten here:
you can inspect linker flags by opening the makefile

Using libraries with emscripten

I have just started using Emscripten and would like to start using GLFW and other libraries. I am completely lost on how to build, link, and use other libraries with Emscripten.
I have tried following the instructions on the Emscripten site but have they haven't helped me any.
Is there any place with detailed instructions on how to use libraries with Emscripten? Or specifically GLFW?
Emscripten provide itself very few libraries. Those libraries are the minimum to get some OperativeSystem functionality on emscripten C++ code (audio, input, video)
libc: standard library for C
libc++: standard library for C++
SDL: SimpleDirectmediaLayer (SDL 1.X a opensource cross-platform project)
For example, the standard way to include OpenGLES2 in Emscripten is:
#include <GLES2/gl2.h>
While to include GLFW:
#include <GL/glfw.h>
There's some crap in that, because if you want to use the more recent version of GLFW you just can't because Emscripten provides only 1 version of the library and you have to stick with that (unless Emscripten do a update for that and you update Emscripten).
You can compile libraries for emscripten only if that libraries can be compiled using one(or more) of the libraries listed above. (or if you know how to wrap javascript funciontalities and expose them through C interface)
Also, try to avoid templates only libraries when using Emscripten, they literally generate a lot of bloat code you could easily increase executable size by several MBs: This is a problem if you were already using Boost or UBLAS.
Since GLFW is not one of the libraries that are automatically linked, you should link it with:
You can find an example OpenGL project using Emscripten here:
you can inspect linker flags by opening the makefile

using freeglut instead of GLUT

I am learning OpenGL with the help of tutorials found online. Many of them use GLUT library, even though it is generally recommended to use freeglut instead. How will replacing GLUT header file with freeglut header affect the compilation ? Is such a simple replacement possible ? Are there many differences in terms of syntax, function names and usage ?
As mentioned by Andon, replacing the header will do next to nothing. The FreeGLUT about page has a good description of the what and why (
Why not to use GLUT, from the above link:
The original GLUT library seems to have been abandoned with the most
recent version (3.7) dating back to August 1998. Its license does not
allow anyone to distribute modified library code. This would be OK, if
not for the fact that GLUT is getting old and really needs
improvement. Also, GLUT's license is incompatible with some software
distributions (e.g., XFree86).
As for the syntax and function names, if your code currently compiles fine with GLUT, it should compile fine with FreeGLUT. You may need to tell the compiler to use/link against FreeGLUT instead of GLUT (and where to find it).
A quick Google search produced this result (using FreeGLUT), might be useful...

Installing Boost numeric bindings

Is the latest version of Boost numeric bindings in here: ?
Are these only header files? So I don't need to compile and "install" it as such, just include from my programmes?
Also, where can I find examples or tutorial of how these should be used?
Is the latest version of Boost numeric bindings in here: ?
I hope so, at least it was the latest version before boost switched from svn to git. David Bellot should know, he can be reached via
Are these only header files? So I don't need to compile and "install" it as such, just include from my programmes?
Yes and no. The bindings are only header files, but you still need to link your program against lapack (or blas, atlas, umfpack, mumps).
Also, where can I find examples or tutorial of how these should be used?
Some documentation can be found at
Some examples can be found at
In general, the people at seem to be helpful, if you try to use the bindings (or ublas) and run into problems. But I'm not sure if any of them checks here at stackoverflow for potential users that ran into problems.

boost library..........pre-built variants?

im just installing the boost library using an installer.
Its asking me which variants (about 8 options, 6 multithreaded and 2 single threaded) do i want to install. Im only installing this to get to grips and have a practice with boost, so im unsure?
Also, how do i use the libraries from VS02010 once ive 'installed' them using the installer?
thank you in advance
Boost documentation is your friend. A read of the information on getting started on Windows would save you much time.
Most of the libraries are header-only. You can use these just by including the correct headers as described in the individual library docs. If you want to use any of the ones that are not, you are going to need either to build your own libraries, or install the ones that come prebuilt. This is what your question pertains to. So you really must answer your own question - what is your target platform, and do you have to support multi-threaded programming? if in doubt, install them all and use the ones you need on a case-by-case basis.
To use the Boost libs once you have installed or built them, just include the relevant library in your project Linker options as for any other static library.