call delphi dll from visual c++ - c++

I have DLL file which compiles in Delphi, functions export as __stdcall, and functions description txt file. I havn't got any source code.
And I'll use this DLL in visual studio c++ project. Google says that need use LoadLibrary + GetProcAddress , but GetProcAddress returns NULL if exported function declared as __stdcall, i.e. I can't call function with its name. And others recomended using .def file,
but I don't know what .def file, and what need for generating .def file, if I can use this way on my situation, please describe thoroughly.
QA: How I can call these exported functions?
Here I post my main.cpp file, dll name and function name changed specially.
#include <Windows.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include <cassert>
#include <cstdio>
int main()
//foo(80, 127);
hLib = LoadLibrary( _T("MyDLL.dll") );
assert(hLib != NULL ); // pass !!
int ( __stdcall *pFoo)(int, int);
(FARPROC &)pFoo = GetProcAddress(hLib, _T("foo") );
if (pFoo== NULL )
DWORD errc = GetLastError();
printf("%u\n",errc); // it gets error 127
printf("success load\n");
// pFoo(04,1);
return 0 ;

First of all I suggest that you stop using tchar.h, _T, etc. That was useful when you needed to compile for Windows 98. But it's 2014 and surely you can forget that Windows 98 ever existed. So compile your applications for UNICODE and use L"..." for wide literals.
Of course, GetProcAddress only receives 8 bit text. So your current code is incorrect. You must not use _T("...") for the function name parameter of GetProcAddress. The documentation makes this clear.
Since your code compiles it must be that you are compiling for ANSI or MBCS. And if GetProcAddress returns NULL then clearly the DLL does not export a function with the name that you supply. Some possible reasons:
You did not export the function.
You exported the function but not by that name. Note that whilst Delphi is case insensitive, DLL functions importing/exporting is case sensitive. Perhaps you exported Foo rather than foo.
A trivial DLL that will work with the code in your question:
library MyDLL;
function foo(a, b: Integer): Integer; stdcall;
Result := a + b;
Note that .def files simple are not pertinent here. Delphi does not use .def files. And the calling convention cannot be relevant either. The name used by Delphi to export a function is not influenced by the calling convention.


SetDllDirectory LoadLibrary inside a DLL

Can I use C++ SetDllDirectory and LoadLibrary commands inside a C++ DLL to load another DLL? I have tried using them like this:
Executable calls the 1st DLL,
then 1st DLL loads the 2nd DLL,
then 2nd DLL does the calculations...
but when I run the executable, I get this error message:
This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way. Please contact the applications support team for more information.
2nd DLL works fine when linked directly to Executable!
This is the code inside my executable:
#include <windows.h>
#include <iostream>
int main(){
if(hDLL_Link==NULL) std::cout<<"did not load"<<'\n';
typedef void (*Ptr_OPS_Link)();
Ptr_OPS_Link Ptr_OPS_Link_0;
this is the code inside the 1st DLL:
#include "Link.h"
extern "C" __declspec(dllexport)
void OPS_Link(){
Link_Ptr_Object=new Link();
//can not throw inside __declspec(dllexport) functions marked extern "C" that's why std::cout is implemented:
std::cout<<"Error: could not link to FDD DLL"<<'\n';
delete Link_Ptr_Object;
throw "DLL loading could not be done";
}else if(hDLL!=NULL){
typedef void (*Ptr_OPS_FDD)(std::string, int, int);
Ptr_OPS_FDD Ptr_OPS_FDD_0;//pointer to procedure inside DLL
throw "DLL exported function address could not be determined";
//run the procedure inside DLL:
There are a few things in your code that can cause failure:
You do not exit if the DLL cannot be loaded:
You are passing objects that internally use dynamic allocation, and thus will use the heap manager.
For 1. above, your main() function only does a simple cout if the library cannot be found. However instead of exiting, the main function proceeds as if the library was found.
For 2. above, passing std::string as a parameter to a DLL function is error prone and not recommended unless you know exactly what you're doing. The reason it is error prone is
The DLL that contains the function call may have been built with a different set of options than the DLL that calls the function. These differing options could cause a difference in the way that std::string is implemeted, how it's layed out in memory, etc.
The DLL that contains the function call may have been built by a different version of the compiler than the DLL that calls the function. Again, same issue with differing implementations of std::string
The DLL's and modules using std::string may not have been built using the DLL version of the C runtime library. If the DLL's/modules are not built and linked using the DLL version of the runtime library, the DLL will be using a different heap than the module. Any operation on std::string will be invalid, due to differing memory heaps being used.
So in a nutshell, unless you can guarantee that
You are building the modules and DLL's with the exact same version of the compiler and compiler options.
You are linking all modules to the DLL version of the runtime library.
Then passing std::string as a parameter, and in general, passing any object that maintains dynamically allocated memory, may or will lead to runtime errors.
Besides the inadequate error handling and using the standard library across module boudaries ,there are two other things to consider.
Can I use SetDllDirectory in a dll to ... ?
Yes you can ,but you SHOULDN'T ! (BUGS waiting to happen).
Why ? because the only entity that is responsable for changing environment is the main-application.
Library code (static or dll) doesn't know in which application it's going to be used.
It might work correctly in some programs and it may fail in others.
Can I use C++ LoadLibrary/FreeLibrary in a dll to ... ?
Yes you can ,but don't use them in the dllmain function since it can deadlock your program.
I solved the problem, and showed how here:
I changed the code inside executable and 1st DLL like below, to consider error handling, and also I added the "return 0;" now the executable links to 1st DLL and it works perfect... Actually the problem was that main needed to return something...I raplaced all the "std::string" with "char*" at the DLL boundaries...By the way, the reason that I want to develop two DLLs and I'm using "SetDllDirectory" inside the 1st one is that I want to call a DLL with a C# GUI, and the problem is that there is no "SetDllDirectory" command available in C#, therefore, I came up with the idea of developing two DLLs, inside first DLL, I will use "SetDllDirectory" to take care of the required dependencies (DLL is dependent on Octave and Octave Bin directory) and then I developed a 2nd DLL which carries out the actual computations...I know that there are some methods like "[DllImport("Kernel32.dll")]" and from there we can use "SetDllDirectory" in C# but that method looks painful.
The corrected code inside executable:
#include <windows.h>
#include <iostream>
int main(){
throw "Link DLL did not load";
typedef void (*Ptr_OPS_Link)();
Ptr_OPS_Link Ptr_OPS_Link_0=NULL;
throw "Link DLL exported function not found";
std::cerr<<"Error: "<<char_Ptr_Exception<<'\n';
return 0;
The corrected code inside 1st DLL:
#include "Link.h"
extern "C" __declspec(dllexport)
void OPS_Link(){
Link_Ptr_Object=new Link();
////can not throw inside __declspec(dllexport) functions marked extern "C" that's why std::cout is implemented:
//std::cout<<"Error: could not link to FDD DLL"<<'\n';
delete Link_Ptr_Object;
//path relative to executable (C# executable or C++ executable)
throw "FDD DLL did not load";
}else if(hDLL!=NULL){
typedef void (*Ptr_OPS_FDD)(char*, int, int);
Ptr_OPS_FDD Ptr_OPS_FDD_0;//pointer to procedure inside DLL
throw "FDD DLL exported function not found";
//run the procedure inside DLL:

Creating and using a DLL in CPP

I am working on a project where I am creating a small DLL and then also creating a windows application to use it.
I can not figure out what is going on.
I have a function in the DLL called "startPicadorVisual" which takes one parameter which is a std::string.
In the application which is dependent on the DLL I have the following code in a mostly auto-generated .h file:
typedef void (__stdcall *f_startPicadorVisual)(string s);
namespace PicadorPrototype {
f_startPicadorVisual startPicadorVisual;
Form1(void) {
//Load DLL Funcs
HINSTANCE hGetProcIDDLL = LoadLibrary(L"..\\Debug\\Picador.dll");
if (!hGetProcIDDLL) {
std::cout << "could not load the dynamic library" << std::endl;
throw "Bad Stuff";
startPicadorVisual = (f_startPicadorVisual)GetProcAddress(hGetProcIDDLL, "startPicadorVisual");
if (!startPicadorVisual) {
std::cout << "could not locate the function" << std::endl;
throw "More Bad Stuff";
When which fails on the second step when I call GetProcAddress.
The functions are defined as follows in my DLL:
void __declspec(dllexport) startPicadorVisual(string fixtureNamet);
PicadorResults __declspec(dllexport) getPicadorReading(string fixtureName);
Can anyone tell me why this isn't working?
GetProcAddress fails if the name you give GetProcAddress doesn't match exactly the name of the function you're calling. By exact I mean everything -- characters that make up the function name, the function name must match casing, etc.
So either your DLL exported a different name and you didn't realize it, or you're not exporting the name at all.
The way you can find out the names of the exported DLL functions easily, you can use the Dependency Walker program found here:
Also, it isn't a good idea to use C++ objects that allocate dynamic memory such as std::string as parameters. If you do that, your DLL will only work for applications that
Are compiled with the same version of Visual C++ as the DLL
Use the same compiler options when building the application and DLL
All components (DLL and app) must use the DLL version of the C runtime library.
Otherwise, your code would have undefined behavior, more than likely crash, even if you got as far as retrieving the function pointer correctly.

exporting C++ dll to Delphi program

I have a dll with exporting function
extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) IDriver * __stdcall GetDriver()
There is a programm which is written on Delphi. It can't see the function GetDriver().
It's double awful because I can not get and modify sources of this program.
What may be the reason of successful loading my dll (according log file) and failed call exporting function? Thank you.
Window 7 x64, Visual Studio 2010, C++ project for x86 target
The most likely explanation is that the function will have been exported with a decorated name. I'd expect it to have been exported with the name GetDriver#0. So you could import it like this:
function GetDriver: IDriver; stdcall; external 'DllName.dll' name 'GetDriver#0';
Use a tool like Dependency Walker to check the exact name used to export the function.
If you cannot modify the Delphi code, then you'll need to make your C++ DLL match. Do that by using a .def file which allows you control over the exported name.
The other problem you will face is that Delphi's ABI for return values differs from that used by most other tools on the Windows platform. Specifically a return value is semantically a var parameter. On the other hand, your C++ compiler will regard the return value as an out parameter. My question on Delphi WideString return values covers exactly this issue.
Because of this, I'd expect the function declaration above to lead to access violations. Instead you should declare the return value to be a Pointer and cast it to an interface reference in your Delphi code. You'll need to double check and make sure that the reference counting is handled appropriately.
Again, if you cannot modify the Delphi code, you need to make the C++ code match. A Delphi interface return value is implemented as an additional var parameter following the other parameters. So, to make your C++ function match, declare it like this:
void __stdcall GetDriver(IDriver* &retVal);

Can't use DLL (written in C++) in Delphi: The procedure entry point could not be located

I've compiled a DLL in Visual Studio (the source code is in C++, which I barely understand). Here's a piece of Scraper.h:
struct SWin
char title[512];
HWND hwnd;
SCRAPER_API bool ScraperGetWinList(SWin winList[100]);
Now I'm trying to use the above function in my Delphi application:
tWin = record
title: String;
hwnd: HWND;
function ScraperGetWinList(var WinList: Array of tWin): Boolean; external 'Scraper.dll';
myWinList: Array [1..100] of tWin;
procedure TMainForm.GetWinListButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
The project doesn't compile, and I get the following message: The procedure entry point ScraperGetWinList could not be located in the dynamic link library: Scraper.dll.
What am I doing wrong?
From my Linux experience, I'd say that you've encountered so-called "name-mangling" issue. The entry point of your procedure is not called "ScraperGetWinList", but something like "_ZN18ScraperGetWinListEpN4SWin".
The thing is that, Unlike in C, in C++ language the name of entry point is not the same as the function name. No wonder: assume, you have a set of overloaded functions; they should have different entry points in your DLL. That's where name mangling comes into play.
The most common solution to this problem is to define interface of your library in such a way that it will use C calling convention. No name mangling will happen with the interface functions then.
Note that you don't have to write the whole library in C, you only should declare functions for them to emit C-like entry points.
Usually it's written like this:
extern "C" {
SCRAPER_API bool ScraperGetWinList(SWin winList[100]);
// More functions
Recompile your library and use it in Delphi without problems.
Note, that you should also adjust calling conventions (stdcall or cdecl) for them to match in your C++ header and Delphi code. However, that's best explained in another question.
Name mangling is most likely the problem. Name mangling is usually done is C++ code,
and when writing a DLL in C++ that should be used by code in an other langauge,
you should use the Extern "C" construction as Pavel Shved already suggested.
When using DLLs, especially when writtin in other languages, you should also keep
an eye on calling conventions. I suggest that you specify in both delphi and c++ to use the stdcall calling convenstion. This is the calling convention also used by the windows api, so it guarantees the best interoperatability between different compilers.
This would mean
extern "C" {
SCRAPER_API __stdcall bool ScraperGetWinList(SWin winList[100]);
function ScraperGetWinList(var WinList: Array of tWin): Boolean; external 'Scraper.dll';
But that's not all, the stdcall calling convention has an impact on the name mangling, and it would turn out to be something like _ScraperGetWinList#4 (Where 4 is the size of the parameter, where an array would have a pointer to the first element, so 4 bytes)
To confirm the correct symbols to use, I suggest Dependency Walker
( ) this program shows that exactly the function names are exported by the dll. Having confirmed the name to be '_ScraperGetWinList#4' then you add this in delpgi like this:
function ScraperGetWinList(var WinList: Array of tWin): Boolean; external 'Scraper.dll' name '_ScraperGetWinList#4';
Have you actually exported the entry point function in the c++ code? This really stumped me the first time I compiled a C++ dll in Visual Studio for use in a dotnet app.
For example, I needed to expose a print driver in unmanaged code so some other developers could access it in This is what I did.
In foo.cpp:
extern "c" {
___declspec(dllexport) bool FooBar()
// Call some code on my cpp objects to implement foobar
Then in a file called foo.def:
LIBRARY "mylib"
This is how I got it to work. I might not be doing things the best possiable way. I am a little light on C++ experience and also mainly don't work on windows.

Calling DLL functions from VB6

I've got a Windows DLL that I wrote, written in C/C++ (all exported functions are 'C'). The DLL works fine for me in VC++. I've given the DLL to another company who do all their development in VB. They seem to be having a problem linking to the functions. I haven't used VB in ten years and I don't even have it installed. What could be the problem?
I've declared all my public functions as follows:
#define MYDCC_API __declspec(dllexport)
MYDCCL_API unsigned long MYDCC_GetVer( void);
Any ideas?
Finally got back to this today and have it working. The answers put me on the right track but I found this most helpful:
Also, I had a few problems passing strings to the DLL functions, I found this helpful:
By using __declspec for export, the function name will get exported mangled, i.e. contain type information to help the C++ compiler resolve overloads.
VB6 cannot handle mangled names. As a workaround, you have to de-mangle the names. The easiest solution is to link the DLL file using an export definition file in VC++. The export definition file is very simple and just contains the name of the DLL and a list of exported functions:
LIBRARY mylibname
Additionally, you have to specify the stdcall calling convention because that's the only calling convention VB6 can handle. There's a project using assembly injection to handle C calls but I guess you don't want to use this difficult and error-prone method.
Try adding __stdcall at the end
#define MYDCC_API __declspec(dllexport) __stdcall
We have some C++ dlls that interact with our old VB6 apps and they all have that at the end.
A VB6 DLL is always a COM dll. I shall describe an example in as few words as possible. Suppose you have a ActiveX DLL project in VB6 with a class called CTest which contains a method as shown below
Public Function vbConcat(ByVal a As String, ByVal b As String) As String
vbConcat = a & b
End Function
and you have set the project name as VBTestLib in VB6 project properties and
you have compiled the project as F:\proj\VB6\ActiveXDLL\VBTestDLL.dll
You need to register the dll using the Windows command
regsvr32 F:\proj\VB6\ActiveXDLL\VBTestDLL.dll
now your C++ code :
#import "F:\proj\VB6\ActiveXDLL\VBTestDLL.dll"
using namespace VBTestLib;
void CDialogTestDlg::OnButton1()
HRESULT hresult;
CLSID clsid;
_CTest *t; // a pointer to the CTest object
_bstr_t bstrA = L"hello";
_bstr_t bstrB = L" world";
_bstr_t bstrR;
hresult=CLSIDFromProgID(OLESTR("VBTestLib.CTest"), &clsid);
hresult= CoCreateInstance(clsid,NULL,CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER,
__uuidof(_CTest),(LPVOID*) &t);
if(hresult == S_OK)
bstrR = t->vbConcat(bstrA , bstrB);
That's all there is to it, to get started off.