C++ Microphone input [closed] - c++

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I know there are tons of questions about this already After Doing tons of research, so don't bother redirecting to another question.
I need to capture the stream and get the microphone stream data such as frequency pitch all of that good stuff.
I have heard of DirectX audio, and OPENAL but have not tested them because they do not look entirely like what i need.
I need direct Access to the microphone,
I am starting to think i need to write a driver for this.
Assist me in this please.

Direct access to the microphone does not give you "frequency, pitch, all of that good stuff". First, frequency and pitch are the same. Secondly, they are found by processing microphone data.
The raw microphone data consists of a sequence of periodically measured voltage samples. A "pure" sound would be a sine function, but of course there are always background noise and harmonics and measurement noise.
The waveInOpen function is where you start if you want low-level access to data from the microphone on Windows.
Google knows about a number of "waveInOpen samples", but here's one that looks like above-average quality:


Fast voice recognition for limited number of commands [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Does anyone have experience programming voice recognition in C++ (Windows and/or Mac) for a limited number of commands aiming for SPEED? Is it realistic at this point to achieve recognition of the command from the first syllable - ie, command is recognized by the time user gets to second syllable at reasonably fast speaking tempo? All commands would be programmed to start with a different syllable, if necessary, a radically different one (like, "oo", "xy", "fay" - only some 30 commands would be required).
Similar questions have been asked, but this is a fast moving field. Would the best idea be to look for open source libraries or to interface with compiled implementations?
I'm working professionally in this field, and I seriously doubt whether it is possible at all. C++ isn't the problem, the question is whether a computer allows it. The error rate on small sound clips is large, it's the Hidden Markov Model that fixes recognition. But in your case you simply can't feed it enough data.
Not that humans can do it either. Speech processing isn't as instant as your brain makes you believe.
You can do this with CMUSphinx with Pocketsphinx decoder.
The partial hypothesis of decoding is avaiable during the recognition process and you can usually get a first syllable as soon as it is uttered. If you give it 0.1s to stabilize (not visible for the user), you will get an accurate results on a command set.
There are even tools build on the top of CMUSphinx specifically designed for realtime control, for example in games, you can check InProTK and their demonstrations.

Merging audio and video files into one [C++] [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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My C++ application is using openframeworks to record video from webcam in .mov format, and a 3rd party application to record application sound to a separate .wav file.
In the end of the execution I need to merge both video and audio files into one. Is there any library or API that does this?
Would appreciate some help, thanks!
Similar to question here, the following are quoted from there:
Once you get a separate audio and video file, you can combine them using a technique called muxing. There are many many ways to do this. I use VirtualDub for most of my muxing needs, although it is windows only (not sure if that's a problem). I know ffmpeg is also capable of muxing (via the command line interface), I can't recall what the command is. There's also mplayer and a multitude of other programs out there to do this.
Edit: Two ways to use ffmpeg:
Use C/C++ API: check out the following great ffmpeg tutorials
Use system calls:
check out here for script source code (commands) on how to merge audio and video files.

How is it possible to create an information fetcher for a game like League of Legends? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Basically what I'm wondering is, how could you get like a list of all mobs, champions their hp, mana etc with programming? I know this is possible because it has been done before but I just can't see how you would be able to do this. Is looking in the assembler code necessary or can you do it in some other way? I'm mostly wondering about the theory behind it. (Using C++ if that helps anything at all)
Such things are usually done using crawling (e.g. retrieving the data from the web pages provided by Riot Games; might be partially outdated) or using reverse engineering to get this data from the game client's files (might not contain everything). In either way you'd get datasets which you'll have to read or interpret (look for values or replicate the way the game client reads and interprets the data).
I'm not sure whether there are some tools or APIs released somewhere, at least I haven't heard of anything officially supported or endorsed; most of this is essentially in a gray zone usage wise.

What C++ libraries should I be looking for if I want to modify a sound file and save it back? [closed]

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We don’t allow questions seeking recommendations for books, tools, software libraries, and more. You can edit the question so it can be answered with facts and citations.
Closed 7 years ago.
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I am looking for some advices for sound-related libraries for C++.
My requirements are as follow:
load a sound file - this means I need to know what type of sound is being input and then deal with it. For instance, an MP3 file should be decoded first before being further processed.
modifying sound - we should be able to play around with the whole sound file. What I mean is, for instance, the ability to pinpoint a period of time (ex. the 10.25th second of this sound), moving a portion (ex. range of 10th to 20th second) of sound around, etc.
save the sound file back to the disk - after we've done processing the respected sound, we should be able to save the sound back to the disk.
I am quite new to this field, so frankly speaking, I do not know where/how to approach. If you know how to approach sound programming-wise, please guide me. Thank you very much.
FYI, I am using both Windows and Mac.
Check out FMOD
Audacity is the leading open source audio editor and recorder. It's cross platform and C++, and browsing its source code should give you a good idea how to do this stuff. It's licensed under the GPL, so you may not be able to use its source directly.

Real-time pitch detection using FFT [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm trying to do real-time pitch detection using C++. I'm testing some code from performous (http://performous.org/), because everything else hasn't worked for me. I know for sure that this works, but i just cant get it to work. I've been trying this for a few weeks now, and I haven't been able to get any pitch detection code working.
Instead of using input from the mic, you should create data of a known single frequency and run that through the program and see if it gets you the correct result. Then you can add harmonics to it and see if that works. Real world data is just too variable for initial testing.
Performous audio code has some optimizations, frequency limits and heuristics that make it only suitable for singing (and other similar tones). The optimal range is around 80-600 Hz.
C/C++/Obj-C Real-time algorithm to ascertain Note (not Pitch) from Vocal Input
Check the accepted answer on this link.
I have scoured SO for an answer to this problem, and this is the most useful resource I have found.
It appears that Performous uses this algorithm, but it's hard to make out from the Performous code
EDIT: I have finally managed a working solution. e-mail me if interested sunfish|gmail|c0m