Specific regex to detect error string - regex

I am parsing a text log, where each line contains an id closed in parenthesis and one or more (possibly hundreds) chunks of data (alphanumeric, always 20 chars), such as this:
id=(702831), data1=(Ub9fS97Hkc570Vvqkdy1), data2=(Hd7t553df8mnOa84wTcF)
id=(702832), data1=(Ba6FGoP5Dzxwmb6JhJ5a)
At this point of the program, I am not interested about the data, just about quick fetching of all the ids. The problem is, that due to the noisy communication channel an error may appear denoted by string Error that can be anywhere on the line. The goal is to ignore these lines.
What worked for me so far was a simple negative lookahead:
But I forgot, that there is some tiny probability, that this Error string may actually appear as a valid sequence of characters somewhere in the data, which has backfired on me just now.
The only way to distinguish between valid and invalid appearance of the Error string in the data chunk is to check for the length. If it's 20 characters, then it was this rare valid occurrence and I want to keep it (unless the Error is elsewhere on the line), if it's longer, I want to discard the line.
Is it still possible to treat this situation with a regular expression or is it already too much for the regex monster?
Thanks a lot.
Edit: Adding examples of error lines - all these should be ignored.
iErrord=(702831), data1=(Ub9fS97Hkc570Vvqkdy1), data2=(Hd7t553df8mnOa84wTcF)
id=(7028Error32), data1=(Ba6FGoP5Dzxwmb6JhJ5a)
id=(702833), daErrorta1=(hF6eDpLxbnFS5PfKaCds)
id=(702834), data1=(bx5EsH7BCsk6dMzpQDErrorKA)
However this one should not be ignored, the Error is just incidently contained in the data part, but it currently is ignored
id=(702834), data1=(bx5EsH6dMzpQDErrorKA)

Alright, it's not exactly what you were thinking about, but here's a suggestion :
Can't you simply match the lines following the pattern, undisturbed by an Error somewhere ?
Here's the regexp that'll do it :
^id=\((\d+)\), (data\d+=\([a-zA-Z\d]{20}\)(, )?)+$
If Error is anywhere on the line (except in the middle of the chunk of data), the regexp will not match it, so you get the wanted result, it'll be ignored.
If this doesn't please you, you have to add more lookahead and lookbehind groups. I'll try to do that and edit if I write a good regexp.

Since your chunks of data are always 20 characters long, if one is 25 characters this means there is an error in it. Therefore you could check if there is a chunk of such a length, then check if there is Error outside of parenthesis. If so, you shouldn't match the line. If not, it valid.
Something like
might do the trick.


Matlab: What's the most efficient approach to parse a large table or cell array with regexp when sometimes there is no match?

I am working with a messy manually maintained "database" that has a column containing a string with name,value pairs. I am trying to parse the entire column with regexp to pull out the values. The column is huge (>100,000 entries). As a proxy for my actual data, let's use this code:
line1={'''thing1'': ''-583'', ''thing2'': ''245'', ''thing3'': ''246'', ''morestuff'':, '''''};
line2={'''thing1'': ''617'', ''thing2'': ''239'', ''morestuff'':, '''''};
line3={'''thing1'': ''unexpected_string(with)parens5'', ''thing2'': 245, ''thing3'':''246'', ''morestuff'':, '''''};
This captures the general issues encountered in the database. I want to extract what thing1, thing2, and thing3 are in each line using cellfun to output a scalar cell array. They should normally be 3 digit numbers, but sometimes they have an unexpected form. Sometimes thing3 is completely missing, without the name even showing up in the line. Sometimes there are minor formatting inconsistencies, like single quotes missing around the value, spaces missing, or dashes showing up in front of the three digit value. I have managed to handle all of these, except for the case where thing3 is completely missing.
My general approach has been to use expressions like this:
This looks behind for thingX' and then tries to match : followed by zero or one spaces, followed by 0 or 1 single quote, followed by zero or one dash, followed by any combination of letters, numbers, parentheses, or periods (this is defined as the token), using a lazy match, until zero or one single quote is encountered, followed by a comma. I call regexp as regexp(___,'tokens','once') to return the matching token.
The problem is that when there is no match, regexp returns an empty array. This prevents me from using, say,
out=cellfun(#(x) regexp(x,expr3,'tokens','once'),mycell);
unless I call it with 'UniformOutput',false. The problem with that is twofold. First, I need to then manually find the rows where there was no match. For example, I can do this:
emptyout=cellfun(#(x) isempty(x),out);
In this example, emptyID has a length of 1 so this code is overkill. But I believe this is the correct way to generalize for when it is longer. This code will change every empty cell array in out with the string Unknown. But this leads to the second problem. I've now got a 'messy' cell array of non-scalar values. I cannot, for example, check unique(out) as a result.
Pardon the long-windedness but I wanted to give a clear example of the problem. Now my actual question is in a few parts:
Is there a way to accomplish what I'm trying to do without using 'UniformOutput',false? For example, is there a way to have regexp pass a custom string if there is no match (e.g. pass 'Unknown' if there is no match)? I can think of one 'cheat', which would be to use the | operator in the expression, and if the first token is not matched, look for something that is ALWAYS found. I would then still need to double back through the output and change every instance of that result to 'Unknown'.
If I take the 'UniformOutput',false approach, how can I recover a scalar cell array at the end to easily manipulate it (e.g. pass it through unique)? I will admit I'm not 100% clear on scalar vs nonscalar cell arrays.
If there is some overall different approach that I'm not thinking of, I'm also open to it.
Tangential to the main question, I also tried using a single expression to run regexp using 3 tokens to pull out the values of thing1, thing2, and thing3 in one pass. This seems to require 'UniformOutput',false even when there are no empty results from regexp. I'm not sure how to get a scalar cell array using this approach (e.g. an Nx1 cell array where each cell is a 3x1 cell).
At the end of the day, I want to build a table using these results:
Edit: Using celldisp sheds some light on the problem:
out{1}{1} =
out{2} =
out{3}{1} =
I assume that I need to change the structure of out so that the contents of out{1}{1} and out{3}{1} are instead just out{1} and out{3}. But I'm not sure how to accomplish this if I need 'UniformOutput',false.
Note: I've not used MATLAB and this doesn't answer the "efficient" aspect, but...
How about forcing there to always be a match?
Just thinking about you really wanting a match to skip this problem, how about an empty match?
Looking on the MATLAB help page here I can see a 'emptymatch' option, perhaps this is something to try.
Match "the_thing_i_want_to_find" or an empty match, note the | character.
In capture group it might look like this:
As a workaround, I have found that using regexprep can be used to find entries where thing3 is missing. For example:
replace='$1 ''thing3'': ''Unknown'', ''morestuff''';
missingexpr='(?<=thing2'':\s?)(''?-?[\w\d().]*?''?,) ''morestuff''';
ans =
''thing1': '617', 'thing2': '239', 'thing3': 'Unknown', 'morestuff':, '''
Applying it to the entire array:
fixedcell=cellfun(#(x) regexprep(x,missingexpr,replace),mycell);
out=cellfun(#(x) regexp(x,expr3,'tokens','once'),fixedcell,'UniformOutput',false);
This feels a little roundabout, but it works.
cellfun can be replaced with a plain old for loop. Your code will either be equally fast, or maybe even faster. cellfun is implemented with a loop anyway, there is no advantage of using it other than fewer lines of code. In your explicit loop, you can then check the output of regexp, and build your output array any way you like.

Can regex be used to find this pattern?

I need to parse a large amount of data in a log file, ideally I can do this by splitting the file into a list where each entry in the list is an individual entry in the log.
Every time a log entry is made it is prefixed with a string following this pattern:
"4404: 21:42:07.433 - After this point there could be anything (including new line characters and such). However, as soon as the prefix repeats that indicates a new log entry."
4404 Can be any number, but is always then followed by a :.
21:42:07.433 is the 21 hours 42 mins 7 seconds 433 milliseconds.
I don't know much about regex, but is it possible to identify this pattern using it?
I figured something like this would work...
"*: [0-24]:[0:60]:[0:60].[0-1000] - *"
However, it just throws an exception and I fear I'm not on the right track at all.
List<string> split_content = Regex.Matches(file_content, #"*: [0-24]:[0:60]:[0:60].[0-1000] - *").Cast<Match>().Select(m => m.Value).ToList();
The following expression would split a string according to your pattern:
\d+: \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}\.\d{3}
Add a ^ in the beginning if your delimiting string always starts a line (and use the m flag for regex). Capturing the log chunks with a regex would be more elaborate, I'd suggest just splitting (with Regex.Split) if you have your log content in the memory all at once.

gvim syntax highlight for different types of lines

I've done several syntax highlighting files for simple custom formats in the past (even changing the format a bit to be capable of making the syntax file basing on my skills, in effects).
But this time I feel confused and I will appreciate some help.
The file format is (obviously) a text file where every line contain three distinct elements separated by spaces, they can be "symbols" (names containing a series of alphanumerical chars plus hyphens) or "string" (a series of any chars, spaces included, but not pipes).
Strings can be only at start or end of a line, the middle element can be only a symbol. And string are delimited by a pipe at the end if it is the first element and at the start if it is the last element.
But a line can be also all symbols, string first and rest symbols, and string last and rest symbols.
Strings are always followed by a pipe if they are the first element, or
with a pipe as prefix if they are the last element.
All symbols
this-is-a-symbol another-one and-another
First string
This is a string potentially containing any char| symbol symbol
Last string
symbol symbol |A string at the end of the line
First and last as strings
This is a string| now-we-have-a-symbol |And here another string
This four examples are the only possibilities available for a correct formatting.
All symbols need to be colored differently, a specific color for first element, a specific color for second, and one for third.
But strings will have one unique different color regardless of position.
If the pipe chars can be "dimmed" with a color similar (not precisely the same) to background this will be a big plus. But I think I can manage this myself.
A line in the file not like the ones showed will have to be highlighted as an error (like red background).
Some help?
ps: stackoverflow apply a sort of syntax highlighting to my examples which can be misleading
I have found a simpler approach than what I initially thought was necessary in terms of regular expressions. At end I just need to match the first element and the last, how can I've not think of that... So this is my solution, it seems to work well for my specifics. It only doesn't highlight bad formatted lines. Good enough for now. Thanks for the patience and the attention.
" Vim syntax file
" Language: ff .txt
if exists("b:current_syntax")
setlocal iskeyword+=:
syn match Asymbol /^[a-zA-Z0-9\-]* /
syn match Csymbol / [a-zA-Z0-9\-]*$/
syn match Astring /^.*| /
syn match Cstring / |.*$/
highlight link Asymbol Constant
highlight link Csymbol Statement
highlight link Astring Include
highlight link Cstring Comment
let b:current_syntax = "ff"

Notepad++ - Selecting or Highlighting multiple sections of repeated text IN 1 LINE

I have a text file in Notepad++ that contains about 66,000 words all in 1 line, and it is a set of 200 "lines" of output that are all unique and placed in 1 line in the basic JSON form {output:[{output1},{output2},...}]}.
There is a set of characters matching the RegEx expression "id":.........,"kind":"track" that occurs about 285 times in total, and I am trying to either single them out, or copy all of them at once.
Basically, without some super complicated RegEx terms, I am stuck because I can't figure out how to highlight all of them at once, and also the Remove Unbookmarked Lines feature does not apply because this is all in one line. I have only managed to be able to Mark every single occurrence.
So does this require a large number of steps to get the file into multiple lines and work from there, or is there something else I am missing?
Edit: I have come up with a set of Macro schemes that make the process of doing this manually work much faster. It's another alternative but still takes a few steps and quite some time.
Edit 2: I intended there to be an answer for actually just highlighting the different sections all at once, but I guess that it not possible. The answer here turns out to be more useful in my case, allowing me to have a list of IDs without everything else.
You seem to already have a regex which matches single instances of your pattern, so assuming it works and that we must use Notepad++ for this:
Replace .*?("id":.........,"kind":"track").*?(?="id".........,"kind":"track"|$) with \1.
If this textfile is valid JSON, this opens you up to other, non-notepad++ options, like using Python with the json module.
Edited to remove unnecessary steps

Specific Regex Failing on Neko and Native

So I'm working on some cleanup in haxeflixel, and I need to validate a csv map, so I'm using a regex to check if its ok (don't mention the ending commas, I know thats not valid csv but I want to allow it), and I think I have a decent regex for doing that, and it seems to work well on flash, but c++ crashes, and neko gives me this error: An error occured while running pcre_exec....
here is my regex, I'm sorry its long, but I have no idea where the problem is...
^(([ ]*-?[0-9]+[ ]*,?)+\r?\n?)+$
if anyone knows what might be going on I'd appreciate it,
ps. there are probably errors in my regex for checking csv, but I can figure those out, its kind of enjoyable, I'd rather just know what specifically could be causing this:)
edit: ah, I've just noticed this doesn't happen on all strings, once I narrow it down to what strings, I will post one... as for what I'm checking for, its basically just to make sure theres no weird xml header, or any non integer value in the map file, basically it should validate this:
or this:
but not:
xml blahh blahh>
(and yes I know thats not valid xml;))
edit: it gets stranger:
so I'm trying to determine what strings crash it, and while this still wouldnt explain a normal map crashing, its definatly weird, and has the same result:
what happens is:
this will fail a .match() test, but not crash:
while this will crash the program:
To be honest, you wrote one of the worst regexps I ever seen. It actually looks like it was written specifically to be as slow as possible. I write it not to offend you, but to express how much you need to learn to write regexps(hint: writing your own regexp engine is a good exercise).
Going to your problem, I guess it just runs out of memory(it is extremely memory intensive). I am not sure why it happens only on pcre targets(both neko and cpp targets use pcre), but I guess it is about memory limits per regexp run in pcre or some heuristics in other targets to correct such miswritten regexps.
I'd suggest something along the lines of
~/^(( *-?[0-9]+ *,)* *-?[0-9]+ *,?\r?\n)*(( *-?[0-9]+ *,)* *-?[0-9]+ *,?\r?\n?)$/
There, "~/" and last "/" are haxe regexp markers.
I wasnt extensively testing it, just a run on your samples, but it should do the job(probably with a bit of tweaking).
Also, just as a hint, I'd suggest you to split file into lines first before running any regexps, it will lower memmory usage(or you will need to hold only a part of your text in memory) and simplify your regexp.
I'd also note that since you will need to parse csv anyhow(for any properly formed input, which are prevailing in your data I guess), it might be much faster to do all the tests while actually parsing.
Edit: the answer to question "why it eats so much memory"
Well, it is not a short topic, and that's why I proposed to you to write your own regexp engine. There are some differences in implementations, but generally imagine regexp engine works like that:
parses your regular expression and builds a graph of all possible states(state is basically a symbol value and a number of links to other symbols which can follow it).
sets up a list of read pointer and state pointer pairs, current state list, consisting of regexp initial state and a pointer to matched string first letter
sets up read pointer to the first symbol of symbol string
sets up state poiter to initial state of regexp
takes up one pair from current state list and stores it as current state and current read pointer
reads symbol under current read pointer
matches it with symbols in states which current state have links to, and makes a list of states that matched.
if there is a final regexp state in this list, goes to 12
for each item in this list adds a pair of next read pointer(which is current+1) and item to the current state list
if the current state list is empty, returns false, as string didn't match the regexp
goes to 6
here it is, in a final state of matched regexp, returns true, string matches regexp.
Of course, there are some differences between regexp engines, and some of them eliminate some problems afaik. And of course they also have pseudosymbols, groupings, they need to store the positions regexp and groups matched, they have lookahead and lookbehind and also grouping references which makes it a bit(quite a humble measure) more complex and forces to use a bit more complex data structures, but the main idea is the same. So, here we are and your problem is clearly seen from algorithm. The less specific you are about what you want to match and the more there chances for engine to match the same substring as different paths in state graph, the more memory and processor time it will consume, exponentionally.
Try to model how regexp engine matches regexp (a+a+)+b on strings aaaaaab, ab, aa, aaaaaaaaaa, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa (Don't try the last one, it would take hours or days to compute on a modern PC.)
Also, it worth to note that some regexp engines do things in a bit different way so they can handle this situations properly, but there always are ways to make regexp extremely slow.
And another thing to note is that I may hav ebeen wrong about the exact memory problem. This case it may be processor too, and before that it may be engine limits on memory/processor kicking in, not exactly system starving of memory.