can't compile c++ netlib 0.11.0 in vs2013 - c++

I'm trying to get c++ netlib 0.11.0 working with Visual Studio 2013, and I'm having quite a difficult time. I placed the netlib main folder in my visual studio folder, and I set the include directory properly. You can see this clearly in the following image:
The documentation / examples for c++ netlib tell me that to get started, I need to include
#include <boost/network/protocol/http/client.hpp>
but when I do this, my compiler can't find anything as shown below:
Am I supposed to merge the contents of the cpp netlib with the boost library? I've tried to do that as well but I get a whole other list of problems. I have no idea how to get this working, anyone have any ideas?

Simply install the latest release of Boost and make sure the project's include and library paths are set to include where you installed (and compiled) Boost.


How can Codeblocks find my header files even without adding any search paths

I'm learning to use OpenCV (and C++) in Codeblocks. What confuses me, however, is that when I start to include header files from OpenCV in my main.cpp file, Codeblocks automatically suggests to me the files as shown in the image below.
I have not included any search paths to project build options, so how is this possible that Codeblocks can find the files? Is there some other variable working here that I'm unaware of?
Note that I'm a beginner with both Codeblocks and OpenCV and that I only have a little experience with C++.
Thank you
Of course when you install an IDE like code::blocks by default, it knows about standard path for library on your OS.
On my OS -> Ubuntu that is /usr/include
It only searches on a standard path, except you add one. If you install your library by command-line, it goes to the standard place, if you installed manually, then it depends on your option you added to installation. I can not see you screen-shot but it has access to /usr/include by default.
For more detail on Linux and OpenCV
And here is a screen-shot of codeblock on Ubuntu that I added some 3rd-party library
if you install any libraries by command-line, just use it.
But if you have installed them manually, you need to add 2 things to codeblock.
1. First is your path for header file
2. Second is your path for linker
And you see it in screen-shot that say: Search Directory
First is for header and second is for linker

After installing LLVM, how do I compile and run a small project?

After having installed LLVM, I try following the Kaleidoscope tutorial on how to build a small language.
However, trying to compile with clang++, I get several errors.
First, the IDE cannot find the include files. However, I fixed this by pointing the IDE to the include directory inside the LLVM build directory.
Next, the linker says it cannot find object files.
I am using Visual Studio 2015 and running Windows 10.
Can someone write a foolproof step-by-step guide on how to build a small app with some of the include files? This includes making clang++ aware on how to find the necessary files.

How to build Crypto++ library on Linux with MinGW?

im trying to port a c++ project from visual studio 2013 to netbeans on ubuntu. The target is a windows executable, so far im able to compile windows exe files from netbeans using mingw as compiler.
The project needs the Crypto++ library and i only have the .lib version for visual studio. To include the library in netbeans i first need to build the Crypto++ library in the .a format.
Its not clear to me how should i do that.
Ive found informations on how to build the library for linux with mingw but not for cross compilation with mingw. The provided GNUmakefile does not work.
Should i set up a vm with windows and mingw and compile the library that way? Or maybe use the qmake "hack" as suggested here ? The last good Crypto++ version suggested there is quite old. This is confusing, porting the whole project is easier than having the required library.
Im open to any suggestion.
tldr: how to build libcryptopp.a on linux for the cross compilation of a windows exe project
for example if i cross compile something there are windows libraries in the /usr/i686-w64-mingw32/lib/ folder like libuser32.a. i need to make the equivalend libcryptopp.a.. sorry if is a bit unclear.
if i simply build using the steps in answer (and in the wiki) i end up with a libcryptopp.a file but i suspect is linux-only, cause if i link that library in netbeans in the .exe file im cross compiling i end up with undefined references to cryptopp stuff everywere. the paths are correct, i suspect the library needs to be replaced with the equivalent libcryptopp.a compatible with crosscompiling.
edit2: im trying to follow the answer down here, now im stuck here. after this command to build cryptopp.
make CXX=/usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-gcc INCLUDES="-I /usr/i686-w64-mingw32/include" LIBS="-L /usr/i686-w64-mingw32/lib" CXXFLAGS="-std=c++0x"
and many variations of it i always end up with this error
trap.h:26:25: fatal error: Windows.h: No such file or directory
# include
which makes me think its using the right compiler to make a .a lib file for cross compiling the windows .exe with the lib.
however i dont understand whats going on now with the missing header..:(
Also if i try to link the lib file (used with visual studio) i get a lot of linking errors, undefined reference to cryptopp stuff.
ill offer a symbolic beer (a couple of $ of Bitcoins) if someone finds out how to do it.
Inspired by
sudo apt-get install mingw-w64
git clone
cd cryptopp
export TARGET=i686-w64-mingw32
CXX=$TARGET-g++ RANLIB=$TARGET-ranlib AR=$TARGET-ar LDLIBS=-lws2_32 make -f GNUmakefile
I've found informations on how to build the library for linux with mingw but not for cross compilation with mingw.
Its relatively easy...
Get Crypto++ ZIP into MinGW.
Unpack Crypto++ ZIP.
Change directories.
Build the library.
Verify All tests passed.
(1) and (2) can be tricky because Cygwin and MinGW are missing a lot of tools. So curl -o may not work.
For (2), I seem to recall ZIP is missing, so unzip -aoq -d cryptopp-5.6.3 may not work.
At step (4), just perform make static dynamic test and be sure it finished with All tests passed.
I do a lot of testing with Cygwin and MinGW. I have a script that copies Crypto++ into the environments from my Desktop. I have not been able to figure out a way to automate it. A recent question on automating it was closed, so no one can supply an answer (see How to automate software testing for Cygwin and MinGW).

Linking SDL_ttf library in C++

I'm having a problem linking SDL_ttf library with C++ compiler. I have tried three different programs and i couldn't solve the problem in any of them. I've tried Dev C++, Eclipse and CodeBlocks. In all of them it appeared a different error, but all related to not finding -lSDL_ttf or not recognizing the functions of that library.
I'm following this tutorial and have done everything i have found on the internet. I copy the .h file inside /include/SDL/ directory, the .dll files inside the project directory, and the files within /lib directory into the /lib directory that i am using. I think the error might be here, as SDL_image for example, have ".lib" files, and in ttf there is no such file. They are all ".a" or ".la". I'm new to C++ so i don't know if i am doing something wrong.
Thank anyone for his help.
The error in code blocks is the following:
ld.exe cannot find -lSDL_ttf
Make sure you downloaded the correct version of the library. If you have ".a" files, you probably downloaded the mingw version. And for that you have to use a mingw compiler. If you are using something like Visual Studio, you need the version with at the end.
Hope it was useful.
Good coding ;-)

Installing the Eigen library in Visual C++ 2010

How can I install the Eigen library in Visual C++ 2010? I downloaded the library from eigen.tuxfamily
But I do not know how can install it on my Visual C++. I want to run a program I downloaded and it has the following:
#include <Eigen/Core>
using namespace Eigen;
How can I do this? I have tried to look online but I seem to get confused. Could someone explain to me how I can do it?
Eigen is mostly header-only library. All that you need is to add Eigen path to (MSVC2010):
Project Properties -> C/C++ -> General -> Additional Include Directories
Let's say you have header Core in folder C:/folder1/folder2/Eigen/, i.e.:
So you should add path C:/folder1/folder2 to Additional Include Directories.
From the Eigen docs:
How to "install" Eigen?
In order to use Eigen, you just need to download and extract Eigen's source code (see the wiki for download instructions). In fact, the header files in the Eigen subdirectory are the only files required to compile programs using Eigen. The header files are the same for all platforms. It is not necessary to use CMake or install anything.
Compiling and running your first program
There is no library to link to. The only thing that you need to keep in mind when compiling the above program is that the compiler must be able to find the Eigen header files. The directory in which you placed Eigen's source code must be in the include path.
So you don't actually install anything.