I have a variable named #cfData# which contains an array of structures. As it's clear from the image, for 1st structure array there are 6 keys and for 2nd, only two keys,viz date and open.
If I run a common loop, to go through each and every key, I will get an error at second array element. So the following only works when all the keys are present in the structure:
<cfset blockedtotal = 0 />
<cfset bouncetotal = 0 />
<cfset blocked = 0/>
<cfset datetotal = 0 />
<cfloop array = #cfData# index = "i">
<cfset blockedtotal += i.blocked />
<cfset bouncetotal += i.bounce />
After reading online, I got an idea of using StructKeyExists where I think I can proceed in the following way:
<cfif structKeyExists(cfData,"bounce")>
<cfoutput> Bounce : [none]<br/></cfoutput>
But I am wondering, where exactly should I insert the above code inside the cfloop? Please advise if my approach is wrong.
Thanks guys. I got it running by using the following code based on the answers and it's running fine:
<cfloop array="#cfData#" index="i">
<cfif structKeyExists(i, "date")>
<cfset counter++>
<cfoutput>#counter#</cfoutput> Date is: <cfoutput> #i.date#</cfoutput> <br/>
you don't need a "common loop". You can loop through each struct with
<cfloop array="#cfData#" index="i">
<cfloop collection="#i#" item="key">
struct with key '#key#' has data: #i[key]#
Of, if you need to decide if the struct has certain key, do something:
<cfloop array="#cfData#" index="i">
<cfif structKeyExists(i, "someKey")>
<cfset counter++>
I have problem for getting and working on a structure containing dynamic variable names. I have a structure cfStruct which contains another structure EMAILS. In the last structure the maximum of items is 4
Here my structure for EMAILS
I try to create one variable for each item of this structure if it exists by doing that. Nevertheless it doesn't work:
<cfif IsDefined("cfStruct.EMAILS")>
<cfloop from="1" to="5" index="i">
<cfif StructKeyExists( cfStruct.EMAILS, '#i#' ) >
<cfset setVariable( "EMAIL_#i#", "#cfStruct.EMAILS.i#" >
<cfset setVariable( "EMAIL_#i#", '') >
Could you please help me to solve the problem?
I believe the cleanest was to write this is:
<cfloop from="1" to="5" index="i">
<cfif StructKeyExists( cfStruct.EMAILS, i ) >
<cfset variables["EMAIL_#i#"] = cfStruct.EMAILS[i] >
<cfset variables["EMAIL_#i#"] = '' >
For the following reasons:
No unnecessary string expressions. Every time you do '#i#' you're telling CF to parse the string, evaluate the expressions within it, and return a new string in place of this one..
Explicit is better than implicit, using variables["EMAIL_#i#"] tells you exactly where you've put the variable you're creating so when you come to re-read months later it's crystal clear what's going on.
If you change your loop to <cfloop from="1" to="#structCount(cfStruct.EMAILS)#" index="i"> then your code won't create more variables than needed (if this effect is desired) and could scale up to any number struct values.
I solved the problem it was a syntax problem:
<cfloop from="1" to="5" index="i">
<cfif StructKeyExists( cfStruct.EMAILS, '#i#' ) >
<cfset setVariable( "EMAIL_#i#", "#cfStruct.EMAILS[i]#") >
<cfset setVariable( "EMAIL_#i#", '') >
Strictly speaking, you should use cfStruct.EMAILS["#i#"] instead of "#cfStruct.EMAILS[i]#". That is,
<cfloop from="1" to="5" index="i">
<cfif StructKeyExists( cfStruct.EMAILS, "#i#" ) >
<cfset setVariable( "EMAIL_#i#", cfStruct.EMAILS["#i#"]) >
<cfset setVariable( "EMAIL_#i#", '') >
I am getting an error after upgrade from coldfusionOX to coldfusion 10.
Error Occurred While Processing Request Complex object types cannot be
converted to simple values.
The expression has requested a variable or an intermediate expression
result as a simple value. However, the result cannot be converted to a
simple value. Simple values are strings, numbers, boolean values, and
date/time values. Queries, arrays, and COM objects are examples of
complex values. The most likely cause of the error is that you tried
to use a complex value as a simple one. For example, you tried to use
a query variable in a cfif tag.
It occurs at line " cfloop index="local.thisRight" list="#rights#" ". It seems like ColdFusion does not like the "rights" here.
Anyone can give me some help? Thanks so much.
<cfif local.profile.rights.profile.self is not "">
<cfquery name="local.getAffiliations" datasource="#Request.readerDSN#">
SELECT tblPersonsToAffiliations.affiliationID, tblPersonsToAffiliations.rights, tblAffiliations.affiliationType, tblPersonsToAffiliations.relationshipType
FROM tblPersonsToAffiliations INNER JOIN tblAffiliations
ON tblPersonsToAffiliations.affiliationID = tblAffiliations.affiliationID
WHERE tblPersonsToAffiliations.personID IN (#local.profile.rights.profile.self#)
AND (tblPersonsToAffiliations.archived IS NULL
OR tblPersonsToAffiliations.archived = '')
<cfif local.getAffiliations.recordCount is not 0>
<cfloop query="local.getAffiliations">
<cfif local.getAffiliations.relationshipType is "interested">
<cfset local.thisRelationshipType = "provisionalMember">
<cfif IsDefined("local.profile.rights.#affiliationType#.#local.thisRelationshipType#")>
<cfset local.profile.rights[affiliationType][local.thisRelationshipType] = ListAppend(local.profile.rights[affiliationType][local.thisRelationshipType], affiliationID)>
<cfset local.profile.rights[affiliationType][thisRelationshipType] = affiliationID>
<cfset local.thisRelationshipType = "fullMember">
<cfif IsDefined("local.profile.rights.#affiliationType#.#local.thisRelationshipType#")>
<cfset local.profile.rights[affiliationType][local.thisRelationshipType] = ListAppend(local.profile.rights[affiliationType][local.thisRelationshipType], affiliationID)>
<cfset local.profile.rights[affiliationType][local.thisRelationshipType] = affiliationID>
<cfif isNull(rights)>
<cfloop index="local.thisRight" list="#rights#" >
<cfif IsDefined("local.profile.rights.#affiliationType#.#local.thisRight#")>
<cfset local.profile.rights[affiliationType][local.thisRight] = ListAppend(local.profile.rights[affiliationType][local.thisRight], affiliationID)>
<cfset local.profile.rights[affiliationType][local.thisRight] = affiliationID>
A bit earlier in your code you do this:
<cfif local.getAffiliations.relationshipType is "interested">
I think you need the same query name prefix in front of "rights" that is used when evaluating "relationshipType".
Try this:
I am betting it is failing on this line:
<cfloop index="local.thisRight" list="rights" >
You are attempting to use the string "rights" as a list. My first reaction would be that you need to make that:
<cfloop index="local.thisRight" list="#rights#" >
Making the array:
<cfset tempArr = DeserializeJSON(URL.data) />
<cfset temp1 = "" />
<cfset temp2 = "" />
<cfset selectList1 = "" />
<cfset selectList2 = "" />
<cfloop array=#tempArr# index="i">
<cfset temp1 = GetToken(i,1,":")>
<cfset temp2 = GetToken(i,2,":")>
<cfset selectList1 = listAppend(selectList1, temp1)>
<cfset selectList2 = listAppend(selectList2, temp2)>
Looping through it??:
<cfquery name="sample" datasource="database">
FROM table
<cfloop from="1" to="#listLen(selectList1)#" index="i"/>
#ListGetAt(selectList1, i)# = <cfqueryparam value="#ListGetAt(selectList2)#" />
<cfif i neq listLen(#selectList1#)>
My intention is to search dynamically in a table based on the array that was received from the javascript page. The data comes in this form -> columnName:searchBy. ie, a sample piece would be name:Jim. I would like to build in dynamic code that would allow me to search by different columns but I can't get my loop to work. I get this error if it helps:
(Invalid CFML construct found on line 20 at column 59.)
which is this line:
<cfloop from="1" to="#listLen(selectList1)#" index="i" />
Kyle's answer is 100% correct, but here's a better solution. Using lists is a very inefficient process (see below) and using listGetAt will only anger future programmers. You can use an array to house the data and use a default WHERE statement to simplify your looping.
<cfset tempArr = DeserializeJSON(URL.data) />
<cfset temp1 = "" />
<cfset temp2 = "" />
<cfset selectList1 = [] />
<cfset selectList2 = [] />
<cfloop array=#tempArr# index="i">
<cfset temp1 = GetToken(i,1,":")>
<cfset temp2 = GetToken(i,2,":")>
<cfset arrayAppend(selectList1, temp1)>
<cfset arrayAppend(selectList2, temp2)>
<cfif NOT arrayIsEmpty(tempArr)>
<cfquery name="sample" datasource="database">
SELECT column1, column2, column3
FROM table
WHERE 1 = 1
<cfloop from="1" to="#listLen(selectList1)#" index="i"/>
AND #selectList1[i]# = <cfqueryparam value="#selectList2[i]#" />
When you append to a list a new string is created in memory that combines the two previous string and the previous string is deleted. This is definitely premature optimization, but it's still a good practice to avoid using lists especially when you need to access elements in them.
I think your problem might be that the cfloop tag is self closing. Try this instead:
<cfloop from="1" to="#listLen(selectList1)#" index="i">
list attribute can be used in <cfloop>.
<cfloop list="#selectList1#" index="i">
#i# <!--- list element can be processed here with variable name #i# --->
I trying to use a very simple CFGRID (with CFGRIDUPDATE) but not allow NULLS.
<cfset strWarning= "">
<cfif IsDefined("FORM.gridEntered")>
<cfif FORM.myName EQ '' OR FORM.myURL EQ ''>
<cfset strWarning= "Error: Form fields cannot be blank">
<cfgridupdate grid="gridSomething"
dataSource="qryTSQL" tableName="tblName" keyOnly="Yes">
<cfoutput>#strWarning#</cfoutput><br />
<cfgrid name="gridSomething" query="qryTSQL"
selectMode="Edit" format="HTML">
<cfgridcolumn name = "myID" display="No">
<cfgridcolumn name = "myName">
<cfgridcolumn name = "myURL">
<cfinput type="submit" name="gridEntered">
The error I am getting is - Error Diagnostics: Complex object types cannot be converted to simple values. The expression has requested a variable or an intermediate expression result as a simple value. However, the result cannot be converted to a simple value. Simple values are strings, numbers, boolean values, and date/time values. Queries, arrays, and COM objects are examples of complex values.
The most likely cause of the error is that you tried to use a complex value as a simple one. For example, you tried to use a query variable in a cfif tag.
I think I am under thinking this desired solution.
EDIT: Updated Error Message
Error Diagnostics: Element MYURL is undefined in FROM.
Form scope - struct
GRIDSOMETHING.MYID Form scope - array
1 1001
GRIDSOMETHING.MYURL Form scope - array
1 /test_d.cfm
1 1001
1 /changed.cfm
1 U
__CFGRID__CFFORM_1__GRIDSOMETHING __CFGRID__EDIT__=2 MYID Y MYURL Y 1 U 1001 1001 /test_d.cfm /changed.cfm
Grids work differently than standard FORM fields. Since grids contain multiples rows of data, CF creates arrays of the new/changed values. One for each grid column ie
To determine if any of the values for a specific column are empty, you need to loop through the array for that column and check each value:
<cfset updateCount = arrayLen(FORM.gridSomething.myName) />
<cfloop from="1" to="#updateCount#" index="x">
<cfset nameValue = trim( FORM.gridSomething.myName[x] ) />
<cfset urlValue = trim( FORM.gridSomething.myURL[x]) ) />
<!--- one or both of the values is empty --->
<cfif not len( nameValue ) OR not len( urlValue )>
... empty value found. do something here ....
Add this function to you code and call it passing it the FORM scope as follows;
On page or CFC works the same!
Clears up errors with some versions of CF that choke on blank cols in a simple grid update
<cffunction name="cleanGridUpdate" >
<cfargument name="FORM" >
<cfloop collection="#FORM#" item="thisOne">
<cfset thisDeep = arrayLen(FORM[thisOne])>
<cfloop index="x" from="1" to="#thisDeep#">
<cfif len(FORM[thisOne][x])lt 1>
<cfset FORM[thisOne][x] = javaCast( "null", 0 )>
<cfset cat=1>
<cfreturn form>
<cfif isDefined('URL.action') AND URL.action eq 'gridUpdate'>
<cfset cleanGridUpdate(FORM)>
<cfgridupdate grid="#URL.table#" table="#URL.table#" datasource="your_DS"
keyonly="yes" >
<cfform action="##?action=gridUpdate&table=cheesePuffs" method="post">
<cfgrid name='cheesePuffs' format='HTML'/>
<cfinput name="submit" type="submit" value>
I need to join the output of two separate lists together to output in a CFMAIL, and I'm wondering what the best way to approach this is.
I have two form fields: first_name and last_name
The fields have up to 5 names in each. I need to loop through those names and join the first and last names, then output them to unordered list. I am having trouble visualizing what the right approach to accomplish this is.
Can someone suggest a method in CFML (I don't know CFSCRIPT very well).
EDIT: I should have added that both fields will always have the exact same number of entries. Thanks to all that answered -- proof that there are a lot of ways to skin a cat :)
I would do something like
<cfloop from="1" to="#ListLen(firstnames)#" index="i">
#ListGetAt(firstnames,i)# #ListGetAt(lastnames,i)#<br>
If this were a list of 5000 you would be better off putting it in a structure or an array, but for a list of ~5 this should be sufficient.
I think this would be the easiest way to accomplish this.
<!--- Create a names container --->
<cfset names = "<ul>">
<!--- Fill some dummy containers --->
<cfset first = "thomas,henry,philip,john,rony">
<cfset last = "smith,baker,crowe,ryan,jones">
<!--- Loop through the lists and append them to the container string --->
<cfloop index="name" to="#listLen(first)#" from="1">
<cfset names &= "<li>" & ListGetAt(first,name) & " " & ListGetAt(last,name) & "</li>">
<cfset names &= "</ul>">
I would add in a check to make sure that your list values exists at each index, otherwise you will get errors. I would also add in a check to loop through whichever list is greater so that you get all values just in case someone doesn't enter exactly 5 in both:
<Cfset firstnames="Matt,Ian,Brandon,Sam,Tom">
<cfset lastnames="Jones,Smith,Weiss">
<cfif ListLen(firstnames) gte ListLen(lastnames)>
<cfset primary=firstnames>
<cfset primary=lastnames>
<cfset myOutput="<ul>">
<cfloop from="1" to="#ListLen(primary)#" index="i">
<Cfset myOutput &= "<li>">
<cfif ListLen(firstnames) gte i>
<cfset myOutput &= ListGetAt(firstnames,i)>
<cfif ListLen(lastnames) gte i>
<cfset myOutput &= " " & ListGetAt(lastnames,i)>
<Cfset myOutput &= "</li>">
<Cfset myOutput &= "</ul>">
You could use the "list" attribute with CFLOOP although it means combining list functions within the output. Here is an example though of how it could be done and it makes the assumption the two lists will always have the same lengths. If these names are keyed in by users then I might be afraid of if they put in a comma since that would throw things off with any sort of looping.
<cfset lstFirstNames = "John,Bob,Tom,Jeff" />
<cfset lstLastNames = "Smith,Doe,Rodriguez,Horan" />
<cfloop list="#Variables.lstFirstNames#" index="FirstName" />
#FirstName# #ListGetAt(Variables.LastNames, ListFind(Variables.lstFirstNames, FirstName))#<br />
<cfset lstFirstNames = "John,Bob,Tom,Jeff" />
<cfset lstLastNames = "Smith,Doe,Rodriguez,Horan" />
<cfloop list="#Variables.lstFirstNames#" index="FirstName">
<cfoutput>#FirstName# #ListGetAt(Variables.lstLastNames, ListFind(Variables.lstFirstNames, FirstName))#</cfoutput><br />