fb.ui feed dialog not working well on IOS - fb.ui

I used FB.ui to create a share dialog.
Here my coffeescript code:
method: "feed"
link: "facebook.com"
, (response) ->
if response and response.post_id
It works well on desktop browser and android but it doesn't work well on IOS (Safari & Chrome).
Problem is:
when i didn't sign in my facebook account and then I click share, it will redirect to new tab and request to login, after that I can share.
but when my facebook account sign in ready and then I click share, it doesn't show share dialog. it show only blank page.
Anyone ever meet this? How can I solve this???

Try add this to the code:
display: 'touch'

I was using
method: 'share',
href: url,
mobile_iframe: true
document.location.href = url;
But didn't work on iPhone so I decided to redirect the browser to the share url of Facebook like this:
document.location.href = 'https://www.facebook.com/dialog/feed?app_id=APPID&display=popup&&link=https%3A%2F%2Fyourdomain.com%2Furl&redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2Fyourdomain.com.com%2Furl
Keep in mind that for : the code is %3A and / %2F. You will have to replace as such for it to pick them up.
Hope it helps


Facebook Messenger Platform -> Subscribed Apps with graph-api not working for me

I am trying to develop one-click-integration support for my bot, which will include FB messenger.
For the FB messenger I did the following:
Followed the "quick-start" guide and created a Facebook App.
Followed the "facebook-login" tutorial and deployed a facebook login process which works with permissions for:
- public_profile
- email
- manage_pages
- pages_show_list
- pages_messaging_subscriptions
- pages_messaging
I then used the graph-api of '/me/accounts' to get list of pages name , page ids, and access_token under a "test user" I created in facebook.
Now, I picked a page under this "test user" (with all the permissions), and tried to run this JS code -
function (response) {
console.log(`response = {$JSON.stringify(response)}`);
if (response && !response.error) {
/* handle the result */
The problem: I get response = {"data":[]} , which might be OK, but when I look at the page->settings->Messenger Platform->Subscribed Apps , I don't see any app subscribed there.
By the way, When I run this without the proper access_token , I do get an error #210 ("needs access_token") which is as expected...
Any idea how to subscribe the app properly to the page?
Must say I also tried it with the graph api explorer tool and got the same result...
Thanks in advance :-).
#CBroe got it correct and there were 2 issues:
1. I should have used the POST() instead of GET() method.
2. When you use the graph-api-explorer tool, you will see it works, then role down and get the JS code... problem is the code is a bit confusing since what you get is this:
function(response) {
// Insert your code here
but, it should actually be like this:
{"access_token": `${page_access_token}`},
function(response) {
// Insert your code here
remeber to take the access_token from the /me/accounts api as I described in my question.
Thanks again to #CBroe for showing me how to solve this :-)

FB.api doesn't bring profile name

I am using Facebook JS sdk to show news feeds. the app works well for many users for for some users who have authorized my app doesn't bring reasonable result.
I use following code to get basic profile info which works for some users but for some it doesn't:
FB.api('/' + id + '?access_token=' + access_token, function (response) {
var strTitle = response['first_name'] + " " + response['last_name'];
In response object I receive only id, birth date, email, profile link but name is not available. Interestingly when I open profile link in my browser facebook says:
"Sorry, this page isn't available
The link you followed may be broken, or the page may have been removed."
after that my code can bring its posts but again the from name of the posts is missing in response object. The permissions list is attached as picture.
I can't understand what is going on and how can i fix this issue. Any help please?
The problem is that you are using the App center permissions feature (previously known for Authenticated referrals).
Use these settings to enter the set of permissions your app requires when displayed in App Center
You should be passing a login url with the scope array of permissions in JS SDK.
FB.login(function(response) {
// handle the response
}, {scope: 'email,user_likes'});
or via a login button
<div class="fb-login-button" scope="email,user_likes" data-show-faces="true" data-max-rows="3">Login with Facebook</div

Graph OAuthException 1500 : The url you supplied is invalid

As of today, almost all of my app's calls to share links on user's feeds are failing with the following error:
"message": "(#1500) The url you supplied is invalid",
"type": "OAuthException",
"code": 1500
Uisng PHP cURL, I'm posting to https://graph.facebook.com/{user_id}/feed and submitting a link parameter pointing to a valid, working URL (plus message params) etc.
Strangely, I can issue a command line cURL request and the request seems to work correctly (at least I haven't had an error yet).
I don't want to file a bug report yet incase I've missed something in a breaking migration. Any ideas as to what may be causing this?
I have this problem too. it happened randomly. I'm sure the url I supplied is valid and can not reproduce it. So reported bug here..
Erro While FB Publish: {contents = "(#1500) The url you supplied is invalid"}
1. Go to: https://www.facebook.com/
2. Click on Setting > manage app
3. Select "Edit App" button
4. Select "Permission" under the "Setting" panel at left side
5. Make Auth Token Parameter: To "URI Fragment(#access_token=…)"
6. Click "Save Changes" button.
Its fixed now!!!
The solution for me was:
1) I uploaded photo to my facebook user account
$fb->setAccessToken('access token of my user (just to post an image)');
var_dump($fb->api('/me/photos', 'POST', ['image' =>'#F:\\fb\\fb_2.jpg','msg' =>'sss']));
2) After that set access for this picture to "For everyone" on my facebook page.
3) Then took var_dumped id to url https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid={var_dumped id}
4) For every user, authorized my app, the following code started work normally $fb->api('/' . $fbuserid . '/feed', 'POST', [ 'link' => 'https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid={var_dumped id}', 'message' => 'my post', 'type'=>'photo']);

Upload photo to facebook fanpage appcelerator titanium

I have an app that lets me take a pic or choose from my gallery and upload it to my personal fb page.
How can I let it upload to my fanpage instead of my own page?
I use this for putting it in my page:
var data = {picture: image};
Titanium.Facebook.requestWithGraphPath('me/photos', data, "POST", function(e){
if(e.success) {
var d = Titanium.UI.createAlertDialog({
title: Titanium.App.Properties.getString("namn"),
message: 'Uploaded!',
buttonNames: ['Ok'],
d.show(); }
It wont just work to change the 'me/photos' to 'pageid/photos'.
What will I have to do to get it to work?
As described under the photos secion in the Graph API Documentation for
You should name the parameter source and not picture
Also, make sure you have the publish_stream and manage_pages permissions

Do all 404 pages share something in common?/Are 404 page distinguishable from regular pages?

Say I am running stumbleupon.com and users can submit sites to be added into the db of sites. Is there a way that I can write a program to see whether or not the site that was added by the user is actually a real website? Or if it bring me to a 404 that I can say "welp, that was some bugus" or maybe that the user made an error when submitting the url? Or do i need to put people on my payroll to see if the user submitted website bring me to a 404?
The response code from the request is a 404 not found, instead of a 200 success message that you get on a good response from the server. You can easily automate the check.
Since I don't know much about python, I offer a client side solution.
You could check if the URL is legit as soon as the user submits the page. Maybe throw up a 'verifying url' message or something.
Using this method you could make a cross domain call to see if that site is really there. Then you could pop up a message that asks them to fix their mistake or allow the URL to be submitted. This solution uses Yahoo as a proxy, but as you can see by my super simple function below it does work.
function doAjaxCheck(url){
// if the URL starts with http
//add a 'loading message here, or something'
// assemble the YQL call
alert('it is OK');
} else {
alert('not OK');
} else {
url: url,
success: function(data){
alert('it is OK');
error: function(req,error){
if(error === 'error'){error = req.statusText;}
alert('not OK : ' + error );
However, all this being said, I would go with a server-side check for reliability-sake.