Insert space in string using powershell? - regex

I have a number of files, each with a number of lines of plain text in them and I'd like to insert a space between certain "words".
I have no problem looping the files, or replacing some text with different text, but not sure how to keep the existing text when I do so!
$ln = "20142301 Starting_LOC1SVR14"
$newln = $ln -replace "_", " "
$newln = $newln -replace "LOC[0-9]","????"
Given this sample, I want to insert the space between LOC1 and SVR14 to give LOC1 SVR14
Note that the LOC goes up to 16, but I can write the regex for 1 or more numerals, it's keeping that LOC1 part thats giving me the headache!

Look up regexp capture groups. They are used to save the matching string into a variable that can be used later like so,
$newln -replace "LOC[0-9]+","$0 " # $0 is the match, so replace the match with "match "
20142301 Starting LOC1 SVR14


Powershell regex missing ones with CR etc

I'm working on a regular expression to extract a map of key and associated string.
For some reason, it's working for lines that don't show a line split, but misses where there are line splits.
This is what I'm using:
$errorMap = [ordered]#{}
# process the lines one-by-one
switch -Regex ($fileContent -split ';') {
'InsertCodeInfo\(([\w]*), "(.*)"' { # key etc., followed by string like "Media size cassette missing"
$key,$value = ($matches[1,2])|ForEach-Object Trim
$errorMap[$key] = $value
This is an example of $fileContent:
"communications error");
InsertCodeInfo(pjlNormalAccessing, "Accessing"); #this is first match :(
InsertCodeInfo(pjlNormalArrive, "Normal arrive");
InsertCodeInfo(pljNormalProcessing, "Processing");
InsertCodeInfo(pjlNormalDataInBuffer, "Data in buffer");
It's returning the pairs from pjlNormalAccessing down, where it doesn't have a line split. I thought that using the semicolon to split the regex content would fix it, but it didn't help. I was formerly splitting regex content with
I thought maybe there was something going on with VSCode so I have exited and re-opened it, and re-running the script had the same result. Any idea how to get it to match every InsertCodeInfo through the semicolon line with the key-value pair?
This is using VSCode and Powershell 5.1.
Someone asked how $fileContent is created:
I call my method with the filenamepath ($FileHandler), and from/to strings/methodNames ($matchFound2 becomes $fileContent later as a method parameter):
$matchFound2 = Get-MethodContents -codePath $FileHandler -methodNameToReturn "OkStatusHandler::PopulateCodeInfo" -followingMethodName "OkStatusHandler::InsertCodeInfo"
Function Get-MethodContents{
Param ( [string]$codePath, [string]$methodNameToReturn, [string]$followingMethodName)
$contents = ""
Write-Host "In GetMethodContents method File:$codePath method:$methodNameToReturn followingMethod:$followingMethodName" -ForegroundColor Green
$contents = Get-Content $codePath -Raw #raw gives content as single string instead of a list of strings
$null = $contents -match "($methodNameToReturn[\s\S]*)$followingMethodName" #| Out-Null
return $Matches.Item(1)
}#End of Process
}#End of Function
You can use
See the online regex demo.
InsertCodeInfo\( - a literal InsertCodeInfo( text
(\w+) - Group 1: one or more word chars (letters, digits, diacritics or underscores (connector punctuation)
, - a comma
\s* - zero or more whitespaces
" - a " char
([^"]*) - Group 2: zero or more chars other than a " char.
See the regex graph:
This regular expression seems to be catching all lines, including ones with newline in the middle. Thanks for the suggestion #WiktorStribizew. I tweaked your suggestion, and it helped.
It might be the most succinct, but it's catching all lines. Feel free as always to post alternative suggestions. This is why I didn't accept my own answer.

better way to replace text

I am trying to separate a line of text with space in between.
here is my code
$Text= "hellohello"
if($Text -match "(\w+)(o)(\w+)") {$Text = ($Matches[1] + $Matches[2] -replace "o", "o ")+$Matches[3]}
What is a better way to do it? let's say if changed the text to "manymany", I want powershell to auto identifies the first word and add space in between.
The question you ask can be big and small. Identify a word programmatically is not an easy topic.
For your case, the easy one, I assume you just want to find the repeated strings and insert a space between.
The regular expression is easy enough to do it.
"yesyesnonolarryhellohello" -replace "(\w{2,}?)\1",'$1 $1'
yes yesno nolarryhello hello
.{2,}? any string at least 2 characters, () to mark as a reference
\1 to refer the first matched reference
so, (.{2,}?)\1 can match yesyes, okok and hellohello, in such case, $1 is the value of yes, ok and hello

Replace group with spaces

I need to hide part of the string. Hide all before some ending part.
It easy to implement by regexp like this:
replace("123-134-04", ".(?=.*-)", " ")
replace any symbol if future part of string contains "-".
So result is: " -04"
It is important to keep spaces.
But, I can't use lookahead or lookbehind.
I can catch the group before ending part, but how to replace this for right number of spaces?
Or maybe some other ways to resolve this with regex?
Tnanks in advance!
If the number of to be replaced characters does not differ too much, and you have a means to match the part to be preserved, you could run through a series of search and replace:
replace("12-14-04", "^.{5}(-[^-]+)$", " \1")
replace("123-134-04", "^.{7}(-[^-]+)$", " \1")
replace("adfasd-adf-da7474-04", "^.{17}(-[^-]+)$", " \1")
Or you do:
split the string at the position, where the to be preserved part begins,
run the replace("ALL OF THIS SHOULD BECOME BLANKS", ".", " ") on the first part, and
join them up again.

matching two strings which differ in elements and spaces in perl

I want to match two string which differ only in element and newlines
$string1 = "perl is <match>scripting language</match>";
$string2 = "perl<TAG> is<TAG> scr<TAG>ipt<TAG>inglanguage";
Note: spaces and <TAG> and newline can come anywhere in string2. space may or may not present in string2 for e.g. in above instance in $string2 spaces between words scripting language is missing. we have to ignore space,tags,newline while matching string1 against string2. <match> tag in string1 indicates the data to be matched against string2
output required :
whole content of string2 in addition with <match> tag.
perl<TAG> is<TAG> <match>scr<TAG>ipt<TAG>inglanguage</match>
Code i tried :
while($string =~ /<match>(.*?)<\/match>/gs)
my $data_to_match = $1;
$data_to_match = add_pat($data_to_match);
$string2 =~ s{($data_to_match)}
sub add_pat
my ($data) = (#_);
my #array = split//,$data;
foreach my $each(#array)
$each = quotemeta $each;
$each = '(?:(<TAG>|\s)+)?'.$each.'(?:(<TAG>|\s)+)?';
$data = join '',#array;
return $data;
Problem : since space is missing in string2 it is not matching.i tried making space optional while appending pattern to each character. but making space optional. $string pattern goes on running.
In reality, i have large string to match. these space is causing problem..Please suggest
Use regular expressions to remove all the characters that you wish to ignore from both of the strings. Then compare the remaining values of the two strings.
So you will end up both strings, for example:
'perlisscriptinglanguage' and 'perlisscriptinglanguage'
If you want you can also upper/lower case them to match too.
If they match then just return the original string 2.
I think its weird that you are expected to "match". but $string2, if you take out the tags, doesnt match the original string.
Anyway, since your code is tolerant of Additional spaces and tags in $string2, then you can wipe all spaces (and tags if applicable) from $string1.
I added $data_to_match =~ s/ +//; before your call to add_pat. That didnt quite work because this line "$each = '(?:(|\s)+)?'.$each.'(?:(|\s)+)?';" adds the (?:(|\s)+)?' even before your first letter of the match from $string1. You actually have a lot of redundant TAG patterns, you add one to the front and back of each letter. I dont know what quotemeta does so im not sure how to fix the code there. I just added
$data_to_match =~ s/\Q(?:(<TAG>|\s)+)?\E//; line after the call to add_pat to strip off the first TAG pattern from the front of the pattern. otherwise it'll match wrong and output this 'perl < TAG> is< match>< TAG> scr< TAG>ipt< TAG>inglanguage< /match>'
Really you should only be putting one "(?:(|\s)+)?" inbetween each letter of the $string1 match, and more importantly; you should not be putting "(?:(|\s)+)?" before the first letter or after the last letter.

Find and Replace first character after a certain pattern

Current text
Variable length text = some string(some more text
Change to
Variable length text = some string(addition some more text
Need to add a certain text after first parenthesis in a line only after "=" character is encountered. Another condition is to ignore patterns like "= (", which essentially means you should ignore patterns with only space between "=" and "("
My Try:
sed -e "s#*=(\w\()#\1(addition#g"
Thanks in anticipation!
Tweak this for your needs:
$ echo 'Variable length text = some string(some more text' |\
sed 's/^[^=]*=[^(]*[[:alnum:]][^(]*(/&addition /'
That matches for:
Beginning of the string
Anything but = any number of times
Anything but ( any number of times
An alpha-numeric character
Anything but ( any number of times
... and substitutes it with the matched string adding ' addition' to it.
The output is
Variable length text = some string(addition some more text
in perl
s/(.*?=[\s][^(]+?)\((.*)/$1(aditional text $2/