Foundation 4: Where is the global foundaton settings partial that gets imported on the first line of app.scss, and why should it be first? - zurb-foundation

I'm confused by this. Wouldn't all the following imports just override whatever was in this global settings partial anyway?
The comment reads simply // Global Foundation Settings. Looking at older documentation the comment was different and made more sense: // You custom settings file to override Foundation defaults
Shouldn't a global settings file which overrides Foundation's settings be imported last?


Call a method or function from Objective-c in AppleScript

I'm trying to use LestMove to be more precise
the second implementation method where it says:
Option 2:
Copy the following files into your project:
If your project has ARC enabled, you'll want to disable ARC on the above files. You can do so by adding -fno-objc-arc compiler flag to your PFMoveApplication.m source file. See How can I disable ARC for a single file in a project?
If your application is localized, also copy the 'MoveApplication.string' files into your project.
Link your application against Security.framework.
In your app delegate's "-[applicationWillFinishLaunching:]" method, call the PFMoveToApplicationsFolderIfNecessary function at the very top.
but I'm not able to call the method / Class, could someone help me with this issue? Thanks in advance!
In general, there are a couple of ways to set up an Objective-C class in your AppleScriptObjC project:
Add the file(s) to the project - the Objective-C class name will be
the one used in the #interface/#implementation declarations
Add an outlet property in the AppleScript class/script you are using, e.g. property someProperty : missing value
Instantiate the class programmatically:
set someProperty to current application's ClassName's alloc's init()
Connect stuff up with the Interface Builder:
Add an NSObject (blue cube) from the library to your project
Set the class of the object/cube to the class name of the Objective-C file(s) in the Identity Inspector
Connect the AppDelegate IB Outlet to the object/cube in the Connections Inspector
After setting up the outlet property, the Objective-C methods can be used like any other script/class:
someProperty's handler()
That LetsMove project wasn't really set up for AppleScriptObjC, but I was able to tweak it a bit to get it running. I'm not that great at writing Objective-C, but the following worked for me using a new default AppleScript project with Xcode 10 in Mojave (the original file is over 500 lines long, so I'm just highlighting the changes):
Add PFMoveApplication.h and PFMoveApplication.m files to the project (the class name is LetsMove)
Add Security.framework to Link Binary With Libraries in Build Phases
As described in the original project README, add the compiler flag -fno-objc-arc to the Objective-C file in Compile Sources of the Build Phases
-- Now to alter the Objective-C files a bit:
Move the #interface declaration to the .h file and include the redefined method signatures below in it:
The PFMoveToApplicationsFolderIfNecessary and PFMoveIsInProgress methods are redefined as instance methods:
- (void)PFMoveToApplicationsFolderIfNecessary;
- (BOOL)PFMoveIsInProgress;
Redefine the above method signatures in the .m file, and include those methods in the #implementation section - to do this, move the #end to just before the helper methods (after the PFMoveIsInProgress method)
Remove the isMainThread statement at the beginning of the PFMoveToApplicationsFolderIfNecessary method - this is not not needed (AppleScript normally runs on the main thread), and fixes another issue
There is still a little stuff in there from the original app such as NSUserDefaults, so for your own project, give it a look to see if anything else needs changing (dialog text, etc)
And finally, in the AppDelegate.applescipt file, the following was added to applicationWillFinishLaunching:
current application's LetsMove's alloc's init()'s PFMoveToApplicationsFolderIfNecessary()

Nativescript-vue: how to apply a new theme using default app.scss?

I initialized a new project using
tns create <project_name> --vue
So I've the file ~/App/app.scss
// Import app variables
#import 'app-variables';
// Import the theme’s main ruleset - both index and platform specific.
#import '~nativescript-theme-core/scss/index';
#import '~nativescript-theme-core/scss/platforms/';
// Import common styles
#import 'app-common';
I'd like to try one of the themes, for example 'aqua' or 'brown'.
What must I add and/or changes?
Opening _app-variables.scss I found this at start
#import '~nativescript-theme-core/scss/light';
I changed to
#import '~nativescript-theme-core/scss/brown';
Then commented all the overrides of the variables.
Then in my Home.vue, in the style section, I commented the use of $dark_accent.
In this way I can simply switch theme using the first row of _app-variables.scss

Set global properties in karma

How to set some global variable to windows object.
In my case we set some model to windows object through index.html.
And in our components we use that model directly. But while running unit tests it doesn't found that object and test fails.
I tried setting the model in spec file as: window.appConfig={};
But its throwing the error.
After some research I found the solution for this as:
To set some properties to windows object you need to use the below syntax:
Also if you are using this in multiple components then we can set this type of variables in 1 js file and provide that file in karma.js and then it can be accessed in any spec file.

CakePHP Exception change template

How to replace just one exception template for own exception inside a plugin, which is extended built-in exception? :)
Exception located is in /vendor/author/pluginName/src/Exception/TestException.php
But i try replace template by create file /src/Template/PluginName/Error/test.ctp but doesn't work.
Of course, if I create file inside /src/Template/Error/test.ctp works fine.
I have many plugins and each can has own TestException class.
So, How I can use /PluginName direcotry?
Cake 3.6
The correct template path for overriding a plugin template on app level starts with Template/Plugin/, followed by the plugin name and the expected local template path, ie for a plugin named Foobar, the path for overriding its test error template would be:
Also it's important to keep in mind that error templates will by default only be looked up in plugins, if the exception is being triggered in a plugin controller request, to be specific, when the current global request object (Router::getRequest(true)) has a plugin parameter set ($request->getParam('plugin'))!
It should also be noted that individual templates that map to exception/method names, will only be used for non-HTTP exceptions (\Cake\Http\Exception\HttpException), and only when debug mode is enabled, if it's a HTTP-Exception or debug mode is disabled, then only the error400 or error500 template will be used!
See also
Cookbook > Plugins > Plugin Views > Overriding Plugin Templates from Inside Your Application

On Foundation 5, what CSS is generated by setting $include-html-classes to false?

Specifying $include-html-classes to false and then importing Foundation 5 to your Sass file still generates a bunch of CSS. Looks like some of it is meta stuff for versioning information I suppose, but some of it looks like HTML classes. I thought the whole point of using this variable was to remove HTML classes?
Here's my SCSS file:
#import "../foundation/settings";
$include-html-classes: false;
#import "foundation";
This wasn't a problem in Foundation 4. What are these styles and how can I get rid of 'em?
This looks like it is a bug where new presentational classes have been added above the conditionals. Since you question is how to fix it, here is the process if you don't want to wait until it is fixed officially.
Move your Scss into a different directory or fork the foundation bower repo.
Update your config.rb (line 2) to point to the new files, this is relative to your project directory
# Require any additional compass plugins here.
add_import_path "some_other_directory/foundation/scss"
Then you will need to modify each file that generates presentational classes. Luckily Compass/Sass gives us the exact place to look.
/* line 259, ../bower_components/foundation/scss/foundation/components/_global.scss */ {
font-family: "/5.1.0/";
On line 296 you will see the conditional line:
#if $include-html-global-classes {
and all of the classes that have been added above it.
You will need to move this line to 260 and it should look like the following.
#include exports("global") {
#if $include-html-global-classes { {
font-family: "/5.1.0/";
Since this is Scss you could either leave or correct the indentation to match.
You would need to repeat this for each file that generates CSS with Compass. If you are running compass watch, you can just check or reload your stylesheets/app.css after each correction.