js_of_ocaml and Core - ocaml

I'm quite new to OCaml and to the js_of_ocaml compiler in particular.
Did someone manage to compile the application which uses Jane Street Core with js_of_ocaml? I get lots of "missing primitives" warnings during the compilation, and then when I try to run it with node they turn into an actual exceptions.
I understand that those are primitives which can't be ported from OCaml to JS and that their implementation should depend on the application, but for core there is literally thousands of them, whereas my program only uses output to stdout.
On a side note, I had trouble even compiling a simple "hello world" project, as IO functions weren't implemented in JS. Is there a "standard" JS file somewhere which could be used for this purpose? e.g. replacing caml_ml_output_char with console.log and other things, so that modules can be compiled to something useful without writing any custom javascript?

Yes, it is possible to compile Core_kernel with js_of_ocaml, OCamlPro did a version of Try-OCaml with it. It requires to patch a few of its dependencies (sexplib, ounit, etc.) and to use the latest version of js_of_ocaml from the repository, that includes a bigarray implementation.

as of today, core_kernel version 0.9, it works.
after compile to bytecode.
run js_of_ocaml
js_of_ocaml +weak.js +nat.js +base/runtime.js +core_kernel/runtime.js +bin_prot/runtime.js main.bc
or add the js_of_ocaml in jbuilder directly.
(js_of_ocaml (
(flags (+weak.js +nat.js +base/runtime.js +core_kernel/runtime.js +bin_prot/runtime.js))))

Yeah, missing primitives are the issue when using Core with js_of_ocaml. There is core_kernel library. It is a subset of Core which contains basic functions. UNIX-related functions from core are not included to Core_kernel. If I remember correctly, the main reason for extracting Core_kernel from Core is your issue.
I have failed. It seems that developers have tried to allow using Core_kernel with js_of_ocaml but without success. It seems that you can't do it now. They are waiting for OCaml namespaces.


How do I compile a C++ file to WebAssembly?

Suppose I have a simple, self-contained C++ file (math.cpp) like this:
int add(int x, int y) {
return x + y;
How would I compile it to WebAssembly (math.wasm)?
Note: I am using the Clang tool-chain.
I found this gist to be very helpful.
Basically, this are the steps:
(build llvm and clang 5.0.0 or above with -DLLVM_EXPERIMENTAL_TARGETS_TO_BUILD=WebAssembly)
Compile the .cpp soure to llvm bitcode with clang:
clang -emit-llvm --target=wasm32 -Oz math.cpp -c -o math.bc
Compile the bitcode to s-assembly:
llc -asm-verbose=false -o math.s math.bc
Use binaryen's s2wasm tool to create a .wast file
s2wasm math.s > math.wast
Use WABT's wast2wasm tool to translate the textual .wast file into binary .wasm:
wast2wasm -o math.wasm math.wast
Some of the steps feel redundant but I have not yet found a tool that allows shortcuts. (It would be nice if llc could compile directly to .wasm, or if s2wasm actually created binary .wasm files as the name suggests.) Anyway, once you got the toolchain running it's relatively painless. Note, however, that there are no C or C++ standard libraries for web assembly yet.
Alternatively, if you need the .wasm file just for trying out stuff you can get away without all the toolchain trouble. Browse to https://mbebenita.github.io/WasmExplorer/, paste in your C/C++ code, and download the compiled .wasm file.
Thank you #noontz and #LB-- for pointing out that
Actually as the comments in the gist suggest you can skip binaryen and compile straight to wasm from Clang/LLVM. I'm currently using the following command line for C++ :
clang++ test.cpp -ObjC++ --compile --target=wasm32-unknown-unknown-wasm \
--optimize=3 --output test.wasm
Emscripten comes with everything you will need to compile a C++ file to wasm. Emscripten also has an SDK that makes life easy when it comes to installing all the necessary tools.
By default, however, Emscripten will add some framework code to your wasm file as well as generate some html and javascript.
It is possible to create a minimal wasm file with Emscripten that doesn't include any framework code, javascript, or html. Using options -s SIDE_MODULE=1 -Oz -s ONLY_MY_CODE=1 while compiling with emcc or em++ will give you a minimal wasm file.
The following command would export a minimal wasm file using your examples and Emscripten:
em++ math.cpp -o math.wasm -Oz -s SIDE_MODULE=1 -s WASM=1 -s "EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS=['_add']" -s ONLY_MY_CODE=1
As of 2019, Clang (8) supports webassembly out of the box. Here is a repository that contains everything needed to compile, link and run a simple .wasm file.
Currently the easiest way to compile C and C++ is with emscripten. The components you mention are all components, but emscripten is a full toolchain that supports building end-to-end, and includes all the parts you need including libc/libc++, and a variety of other useful libraries. It supports targeting both asm.js and wasm.
Based on the answers in this thread, I've created a little guide.
For me, the easiest way was to compile emscripten (the website is also a great starting point!) on my machine, compile the code to wasm, generate the appropriate bindings and hide all this in a wrapper on the JS-Side to that I get a nice interface.
Because of the name mangling of c++, I've found getting started with C is easier.
A little late for this answer but there are beautiful tools online for compiling your scripts.
By example, I'm using this one. That one giving you minimim option of compiling (C,C++,std99...) but there are sufficient : https://wasdk.github.io/WasmFiddle/
And depending of how you gonna use it, you can choose between differents languages such as x86, code Buffer. You can also share your code, kind of functions that I find cool when you are working with some other buddy : https://wasdk.github.io/WasmFiddle/?gus9d :)

Creating an OCaml library

I am trying to create a library that I can use in other OCaml projects, and I'm totally lost.
I'm currently using ocamlbuild which is great for spitting out executables, but I don't know how to get a library out of it.
I've discovered the -a option in ocamlopt and ocamlc but I'm not really sure how to use it. The documentation I've found (for example, here), seems to assume some preexisting knowledge. I don't even know what a .a file is. After I run that, which of the outputted files do I need to build a project that depends on this library? Do I need the mli files so that the application knows the signatures of the library code, or is that included in the output somehow? Also, it would be nice to be able to package all the files together, something similar to a .jar file for Java.
In any case, I would love for ocamlbuild to do all of this for me, since if I have to invoke ocamlopt -a I will have to either manually specify dependencies or hack a script around ocamldep -- something that ocamlbuild was supposed to fix. However, I don't know how to tell it to build a library.
I'm willing to use oasis or OPAM or something if it's necessary, but I would like to learn how to do this using just the basic tools first.
OCamlbuild has some built-in functionality for building libraries, so you can get started with just ocamlbuild foo.cma foo.cmxa (assuming foo.ml is your entry point). This will invoke ocamlopt -a and ocamlc -a for you, handling all the dependency plumbing and leaving the generated files inside _build.
That should be enough to let you compile a library and link it from another program. Since this is just a test you can simply point at the aforementioned _build with -I when compiling the program that uses the library. For real use a library should be packaged - when you get to that point you'll want to look into ocamlfind, oasis, etc.
Have a look at the ocaml.org tutorial on compiling OCaml projects. Additionally the official manual for the bytecode and native code compilers contains useful detail on producing and using the various types of files.
The documentation for ocamlbuild archives seems to cover this pretty well.
In any case, here's one way to do ocaml libraries. Let's say you have a directory called foo containing your .ml, .mli, and .mllib files. Let's say it contained bar.ml, bar.mli, baz.ml, and baz.mli. To distribute all this as one library, you'd also have a foo.mllib in that directory, whose contents are
Then to compile, do
$ ocamlbuild -use-ocamlfind foo.cma foo.cmxa
Here is an example.
Then to use your library foo, let's say you had a sibling directory called main, and main contains main.ml, _tags, myocamlbuild.ml.
myocamlbuild.ml should have the following contents:
open Ocamlbuild_plugin
open Command
let () =
dispatch (
| After_rules ->
| _ -> ()
_tags should have the following contents:
<main.{ml,native,byte}>: use_foo
Compile main.ml with
$ ocamlbuild -use-ocamlfind main.byte main.native
run with
$ ./main.byte
$ ./main.native
More information here as well: https://ocaml.org/learn/tutorials/ocamlbuild/Using_an_external_library.html

vtkMy python wrapping

VTK offers the possibility to extend the library with C++ classes so that they can be used in Python (or in any language supported). As far as I know, there are two way to do that, using the examples folders vtkLocal or vtkMy provided with the library (Examples/Build/).
I would like to use this functionnality, but I don't understand the installation process (vtk 5.8 on Debian). I follow the README instruction on vtkMy, it compiles and generetate 3 files : vtk*.so vtk*Python.so and vtk*PythonD.so.
What I am suppose to do next ? I've tried appending those file's path to $PATH, $PYTHONPATH or $LD_LIBRARY_PATH as suggested, but I've never been able to import anything into Python.
Any insight or even some instructions on how to compile/import/use the dummy classes provided in vtkMy would be a tremendous help.

using OCaml Batteries Included as a vanilla cma

I am a bit frustrated and confused by the OCaml Batteries Included concept and the way most tutorials I could find proceed. Before I get to use "productivity" tools like GODI or replace invocations of ocamlc with ocamlfind batteries/ocamlc (which is, at this point, too magical for me) I was hoping to be able to simply use OCaml Batteries Included core set of libraries like any other library. To that end I downloaded the latest source from git (head hash: 9f94ecb) and did a make all. I noticed that I got three .cma libraries at ./_build/src/ together with 102 .cmi files in the same directory. So I assumed that compiling with the -I switch pointing to that directory and linking with one of the three .cma libraries found there would be enough without needing to "install" the Batteries or use the platform tools. To test that, I set out to produce an executable for the following simple program I found somewhere:
(* file euler001.ml *)
open BatEnum
open BatPervasives
let main () =
|> BatEnum.filter (fun i -> i mod 3 = 0 || i mod 5 == 0)
|> BatEnum.reduce (+)
|> BatInt.print stdout
let _ = main ()
I was able to compile it with:
ocamlc -c -I ../batteries-included/_build/src/ euler001.ml
but when I tried to link with:
ocamlc -o euler001 unix.cma nums.cma ../batteries-included/_build/src/batteries.cma euler001.cmo
I got:
File "_none_", line 1, characters 0-1:
Error: Error while linking ../batteries-included/_build/src/batteries.cma(BatBigarray):
The external function `caml_ba_reshape' is not available
The nums.cma and unix.cma I added at the command line because the linker complained about missing references to undefined global Big_int and (when that was added) to Unix. But after these two modules were added on the linker invocation I received the last message (on the missing external function 'caml_ba_reshape') which proved blocking for me. So I would like to ask:
how does one proceed in this particular case?
how does one proceed in the general case (i.e. when the linker complains about a missing external function)
is it viable to use Batteries Included in this fashion? Before I rely on platform tools I want to have the assurance that I can use the underlying artifacts (cma and cmi/mli files) with the standard OCaml compiler and linker if I run into problems.
caml_ba_reshape is, as you could guess from the name but I agree it's not obvious, a primitive of the Bigarray module. You should add bigarray.cma in your compilation command, before batteries.cma which depends on it.
There is a reason why it is advised to use ocamlfind, which is precisely used to abstract over those dependencies. I don't think you are supposed to use ocamlfind batteries/ocamlc, but rather ocamlfind ocamlc -package batteries. If you insist on using the compiler without such support, then indeed you have to compile manually -- I understand your frustration, but I hope you also understand that it is intrisic to any sufficiently sophisticated OCaml library, and that it comes only from your self-imposed constraints.
how does one proceed in the general case (i.e. when the linker complains about a missing external function
You have to know or guess where the primitive comes from. Looking at the META file provided by the library, which is used to inform ocamlfind of the dependencies, may help you. You can use the tool ocamlobjinfo to know which primitive a .cma provides, if you want to check your assumption. (Or better, use ocamlfind to spit the correct compile command, see below.)
is it viable to use Batteries Included in this fashion?
Compiling "by hand" is reasonable if you insist. Working only in the source repository, without installing the library, is not. It's easy to keep doing what you do after an install, just replace your -I ... by the chosen install path.
Before I rely on platform tools I want to have the assurance that I can use the underlying artifacts (cma and cmi/mli files) with the standard OCaml compiler and linker if I run into problems.
ocamlfind is not (only) a platform tool. It is the way to use third-party ocaml libraries, period. It should be a standard on any ocaml-using platform. That it does not come with INRIA's distribution is an historical detail.
You can ask ocamlfind to show you its invocation of the bare compilers:
% ocamlfind ocamlc -linkpkg -package batteries t.ml -o test -verbose
Effective set of compiler predicates:
+ ocamlc.opt -o test -verbose -I /usr/local/lib/ocaml/3.12.1/batteries /usr/lib/ocaml/unix.cma /usr/lib/ocaml/nums.cma /usr/lib/ocaml/bigarray.cma /usr/lib/ocaml/str.cma /usr/local/lib/ocaml/3.12.1/batteries/batteries.cma t.ml
I don't want to throw stones at you. The landscape of OCaml tools, beside the minimal nutshell of what's provided by the source distribution, is quite sparse and lack a coherent point of entry. With time I've grown used to those tools and it's quite natural to use them, but I understand there is some cost of entry that we should try to lower.
PS: any advice on how to improve batteries documentation is warmly welcome. Patches to add things to the documentation or fix it are even better. batteries-devel#lists.forge.ocamlcore.org is the place to go.

Using code generated by Py++ as a Python extension

I have a need to wrap an existing C++ library for use in Python. After reading through this answer on choosing an appropriate method to wrap C++ for use in Python, I decided to go with Py++.
I walked through the tutorial for Py++, using the tutorial files, and I got the expected output in generated.cpp, but I haven't figured out what to do in order to actually use the generated code as an extension I can import in Python. I'm sure I have to compile the code, now, but with what? Am I supposed to use bjam?
Py++ generates you syntax you use along with boost::python to generate python entry points in your app.
Assuming everything went well with Py++ you need to download the Boost framework, and add the boost include directory and the boost::python lib to your project then compile with the Py++ generated cpp.
You can use whatever build system you want for your project, but boost is built with bjam. You need to choose whether you want a static lib or a dynamic boost python lib then follow the instructions for building boost here.
If on windows, you need to change the extension on your built library from .dll to.pyd. And yes it needs to be a library project, this does not work with executables.
Then, place the pyd where the python on your machine can find it and go into python and execute import [Your-library-name] and hopefully everything will work.
One final note, the name given in generated.cpp in this macro:
needs to be the exact name of your project, otherwise python will complain.
I just went through all this less than a month ago so I know about the confusion.
One thing I did to make my python extension very easy to use while building the library and testing, was to build boost::python and python myself in my build environment. That way the pyd ends up exactly where I want it and users do not need to install python in order to run with my extension. That may be overkill for what you are doing though.
If you want your extension to be easily installed and compiled on a machine, check out python's setuptools. With just a few simple lines you can have python compile and install your package for you. One downside though is its not IDE compatible for those of us who like developing in visual studio.
The following answer was provided to me by Roman Yakovenko on the Python C++-sig mailing list; I'm posting it here, with minor edits, for the benefit of the Stack Overflow community.
I don't fully comprehend the answer yet, but I felt it points me in the right direction.
After you have generated the code, you have to compile it. For this purpose, you can use your favorite build system. I use bjam only to compile boost. After this, I prefer to use scons (on Windows and on Linux).
The following is an example of sconstruct file, which is used to compile one of the Py++ unittests (this is generated code too :-) ):
import sys
env = Environment()
if 'linux' not in sys.platform:
env['MSVS'] = {'VERSION': ''}
env['MSVS_VERSION'] = ''
t = env.SharedLibrary(
LIBPATH=[r"", r"/home/roman/include/libs"],
Since your code generator written in Python, you can continue where Py++ stops and generate your favorite "make" file. You can go even father. Py++ tests generate the code, compile, load the new module and test the functionality. All this is done in a single, stand alone process.
I wrote a small makefile with the following:
PYTHON_INC=$(shell python-config --includes)
PYTHON_LIBS=$(shell python-config --libs)
g++ -W -Wall $(PYTHON_INC) $(PYTHON_LIBS) $(BOOST_LIBS) -fPIC -shared generated.cpp -o hw.so
and then loaded the created .so into ipython to play around with it:
In [1]: import hw
In [2]: a = hw.animal('zebra')
In [3]: a.name()
Out[3]: 'zebra'