Vtiger 6 - customize login page - vtiger

Where is the login page for VTIGER 6?
I tried /Smarty/templates.
However, the login.tpl there is the old Vtiger 5.4.
I want to customize the login page.

To customize login page, just go to folder: vtigercrm\layouts\vlayout\modules\Users
Duplicate file: Login.Default.tpl rename to Login.Custom.tpl
You can modify it safely there
In case, you need some new images or modify them, you can go to folder: vtigercrm\layouts\vlayout\skins\images

Full customization for vTiger 6 can be done via the following files:

Its in layouts/vlayout/modules/Users/login.tpl
I doubt you are using Vtiger EA version. Use the stable version always

in Vtiger version 6 the folder structure is changed a bit.
In new version they have moved it under layouts folder.
To modify you can edit the file layouts/vlayout/modules/Users/Login.tpl
Fore more details on new file/folder structure please check https://wiki.vtiger.com/index.php/Vtiger_6_Developer_Guide#Folder_Structure
Thank You

In case of vTigerCRM 6.0 use the following file to change the login screen
And for vTigerCRM 6.2 onwards change the following file
Here login.tpl checks whether the developer has the Login.Custom.tpl or not (Please check the attached screenshot). Else it loads the Login.Default.tpl


"Edit this page" or "View source option" for Jekyll blog post

For my jekyll blog, I'm knitting Rmd to Md for the posts. At somewhere (preferably top), I want to programmatically add a link to view the source page (Rmd) hosted under _sources folder in top level directory.
Similar implementation can be found at https://yihui.org/en/about/ (at the left sidebar- Edit this page option)
Can this be done by some modification in custom knit command?
Some html-include with liquid syntax should be used?
What about this? This has the Github icon, and links to the repo on the github page. Without any reprex, or an example from you, this is the best I can do unless you give more details. Does Jekyll use YAML?
I got this working, so answering my own question
Well in Rmarkdown, we can access the current source file as knitr::current_input().
This can be combined with the url of repository to get the full link to the source file. The best way is to create a new YAML entry as
RmdSource: '_source/`r knitr::current_input()`'
Now to programmatically add the link, either we can use R code with some liquid syntex at the top of the source file OR we can use html-include file inside the current layout file.
I prefer the latter.

ember-cordova cannot multi-upload photos with x-file-input

I am using the plugin from https://github.com/thefrontside/emberx-file-input. I want to multi-select photos while uploading. I can do it from the laptop. But when I use ember-cordova and create app on my android device, I cannot multi-select photos even though I have added the multiple = true in the code. Here is the code below,
{{#x-file-input multiple=true action=(action "selectImg")}}
Do you use a block or inline component invocation? You use # at the start of component name, it means you have to close it by {{/x-file-input}}, I just try to understand if it just a typo..
I see emberx-file-input addon is out of date since the last activity in Github is Dec 2017. I suggest you to use ember-file-upload addon.
If you are implementing the file upload module only buy now i would suggest you to go with ember-file-upload addon.

Getting crash when trying to set General Link value on sitecore

I am working on a template that have a General Link field, when I am trying to set the Insert link on Sitecore Content Editor I am getting below crash:
I am working on Sitecore 8.0 (rev.150121)
Even though the other General link options is working fine:
Insert media link
Insert external link
Insert anchor
Insert email
Insert JavaScript
I added a new field to the same template as a general link filed as well and it is working fine even for the Insert link option.
when I view the Raw value for the item I found that the link had a default value set to "" when I removed it and save all is working fine, the other testing link that I added do not have this default value, and the field on the template itself do not have such value or any default value.
This is a duplication of the question found on the Sitecore StackExchange here. Just to avoid any open question, here is the answer as provided in the same question:
The issue you reported was fixed in Sitecore Experience Platform 8.0 rev. 150621 (8.0 Update-4) and you can upgrade your solution to address the problem.
Please take a look at the reference number 416281 in Sitecore CMS release notes on for additional details on the fix: https://dev.sitecore.net/Downloads/Sitecore%20Experience%20Platform/8%200/Sitecore%20Experience%20Platform%2080%20Update4/Release%20notes
If upgrade is not an option for you, we suggest you implement the following workaround to resolve the issue on your current solution:
Place the attached Sitecore.Support.416281 assembly to the \bin folder of your solution;
Open /sitecore/system/Field types/Link Types/General Link item in the Core database;
Clean up its Control field;
Put Sitecore.Support.416281 in the Assembly field and Sitecore.Support.Link in the Class field;
Save changes.
Please download the assembly : https://www.dropbox.com/s/hl7ho6wmnca8u2y/Sitecore.Support.416281.dll?dl=0

Sitecore: Detect user in Page Editor mode

Can I know how to detect user is in page editor mode using code?
This is because, I have a component, when user browses from page editor, it will search in master_index folder instead of web_index folder.
Please check with : if (Sitecore.Context.PageMode.IsPageEditorEditing)
also is working on Sitecore 6.6, it not depends on Sitecore 7.
Please check also this Sitecore blog post by Martina Welander.
To check if is normal page use: if (Sitecore.Context.PageMode.IsNormal)
To check if is preview mode use: if (Sitecore.Context.PageMode.IsPreview)
Also are others PageMode:
IsPageEditorNavigating, etc
If you are curious you can check with Reflector or dotPeek this class: Sitecore.Context.PageMode from Sitecore.Kernel assembly.
Rather than checking the page mode, I think you just want to piggyback on the context database name -
var indexName = Sitecore.Context.Database.Name + "_index";
I am using this syntax in view to add a class for JS detection, same code can be used for back-end detection with bit modification:
<html class="#(Sitecore.Context.PageMode.IsPageEditor ? "inexpeditor" : "notexpeditor")">

django-cms editors and HTML data attribute cleaned up

Using django-cms 2.4 I need to create pages that contain bootstrap code, but the html5lib used cleans data-* attributes. No matter if you specify valid_element in TINYMCE_DEFAULT_CONFIG. (I still looking for a similar option for Wymeditor), because this is done in #plugins/text/models (clean_html function: https://github.com/divio/django-cms/issues/1529 )
Github issue:
What could it be a possible workaround?
How can I extend the text plugin in the admin part?
i belive the removing of the fields is done by html5lib that the cms uses as python package, you'll need to open html5lib folder and open sanitizer.py, in line 184 where the code is:
if name in self.allowed_attributes])
change to:
if name in self.allowed_attributes or re.match( r'data-.*',name)])
this will allow all data-(whatever) attributes
for WYMeditor the data-(whatever) attribute is already allowed