Insert a number of spaces in replacement - regex

I have a long line of code that I need to split into separate lines:
Method(new Namespace::ClassName(LongParameterName1, LongParameterName1, LongParameterName3));
I want to split it the following way:
Method(new Namespace::ClassName(LongParameterName1,
The regular expression will be like this:
s:, :,\r :
How can I set a number of spaces that are used (if I can)?
NOTE: I have quite a big number of lines like this so that's why I want to use the regex.

You can calculate the position where you want to begin variable names in following lines and use a substitution command with expression, like:
:let c = strridx(getline('.'), '(')
:s/\v(,)/\=submatch(1) . "\r" . printf("%" . c . "s", " ")/g
I wrote them in two instructions to avoid a Markdown scroll, but you can join them with a pipe character.
First instruction searches the position of the last opening parentheses (the first one beginning from the end). And second instruction uses a printf() to insert that number of spaces after the newline character.
It yields:
Method(new Namespace::ClassName(LongParameterName1,
To repeat this task multiple times you can wrap these instructions in a function and call them from a :g command. I hope you get the idea.

That how I would do it:
set a macro (qa') that search for the next ',' (<escape>\,), hop into edit mode and hit enter (i<enter>), quit recording the macro (q)
replay that macro very quickly until I'm done with the line (#a then ##)
replace the cursor on the second line and start recording a new macro (qa'): I then press <space> until your parameter is sufficiently tabbed, and move to next line while replacing the cursor on the first caracter (<escape>j^), quit recording the macro (q)
and replay that final macro like the first one (#a then ##)
That looks less elegant than regexes, but IMHO, when it's time to get things done, well, it's time to get things done :)

I would use the regex first and then indent. For instance...
s:, :,\r:g
In real practice I'd probably use >....... instead of 8> because it lets you visualize how much you're indenting.


Regex to remove unnecessary period in Chinese translation

I use a translator tool to translate English into Simplified Chinese.
Now there is an issue with the period.
In English at the finish point of a sentence, we use full stop "."
In Simplified Chinese, it is "。"which looks like a small circle.
The translation tool mistakenly add this "small circle" / full stop to every major subtitles.
Is there a way to use Regex or other methods to scan the translated content, and replace any "small circle" / Chinese full stop symbol when the line has only 20 characters or less?
Some test data like below
It shall turn into:
Line 1 it only has 10 characters, and shall have Chinese full stop removed.
Line 4 is a sub heading, it only has 4 characters, and shall have full stop removed too.
By the way, I was told 1 Chinese word is two English characters.
Is this possible?
I'm using the approach 2
Second: maybe this one is more accurate: if there is no comma in this line, it should not have a full stop.
to determine whether a full stop 。 should be removed.
^ start of a line
(?=.*。) match a line that contains 。
(?!.*,) match a line that doesn't contain ,
([^。]*)。 anything that not a full stop before a full stop, put it in group 1
Check the test cases here
But do mind this only removes the first full stop.
If you want to remove all the full stops, you can try (?:\G|^)(?=.*。)(?!.*,)(.*?)。 but this only works for regex engines supports \G such as pcre.
Also, if you want to combine the two approaches(a line has no period , and the length is less than 20 characters), you can try ^(?=.{1,20}$)(?=.*。)(?!.*,)([^。]*)。

vim delete till one character before the end of the line

I can press $ to go to the end of the line so if I want to delete everything till EOL I can do d$ (or D). What if I want to delete till EOL column - 1 character (or - n chars more broadly)?
I have a row 1234.567890 where . represents the cursor and want 1234.0 (. represents cursor again).
How about
This deletes until one character before EOL.
If there's no identical character in between (or the number of those is easily determined), the f and t commands are very useful, because they just involve two keystrokes (the command and the target character, possibly prepended by a [count]), and (unlike the more generic /...<CR>) they are limited to the current line. For your example, that would be dt0 then.
For more complex scenarios, before I stop and lengthily contemplate possible solutions, visual mode is a quick alternative that lets you iteratively fine-tune the area before applying the command. I think it's a great pragmatic addition to the original command set of vi. For your example, that would be v$hd.
There is no built-in movement for that, but you can create
your own easily with :omap. It will work with any
:onoremap <silent> q :<C-U>normal! v$hh<CR>
Now dq will do what you want, as well as cq to change
until the before-last char, vq, yq and so on.
This works by replacing q with a call to :normal to
initiate a visual selection, up to the end of the line
(v$) and back two characters (that's because $ selects
until the newline itself). The <C-U> clears any possible

Vim: How to apply external command only to lines matching pattern

Two of my favorite Vim features are the ability to apply standard operators to lines matching a regex, and the ability to filter a selection or range of lines through an external command. But can these two ideas be combined?
For example, I have a text file that I use as a lab notebook, with notes from different dates separated by a line of dashes. I can do something like delete all the dash-lines with something like :% g/^-/d. But let's say I wanted to resize all the actual text lines, without touching those dash lines.
For a single paragraph, this would be something like {!}fmt. But how can this be applied to all the non-dash paragraphs? When I try what seems the logical thing, and just chain these two together with :% v/^-/!fmt, that doesn't work. (In fact, it seems to crash Vim...)
Is there a way to connect these two ideas, and only pass lines (not) matching a pattern into an external command like fmt?
Consider how the :global command works.
:global (and :v) make two passes through the buffer,
first marking each line that matches,
then executing the given command on the marked lines.
Thus if you can come up with a command – be it an Ex command or a command-line tool – and an associated range that can be applied to each matching line (and range), you have a winner.
For example, assuming that your text is soft-wrapped and your paragraphs are simply lines that don't begin with minus, here's how to reformat the paragraphs:
:v/^-/.!fmt -72
Here we used the range . "current line" and thus filtered every matching line through fmt. More complicated ranges work, too. For instance, if your text were hard-wrapped and paragraphs were defined as "from a line beginning with minus, up until the next blank line" you could instead use this:
:g/^-/.,'}!fmt -72
Help topics:
:h multi-repeat
:h :range!
:h :range
One way to do it may be applying the command to the lines matching the pattern 'not containing only dashes'
The solution I would try the is something like (not tested):
:g/\v^(-+)#!/normal V!fmt
EDIT I was doing some experiments and I think a recurvie macro should work for you
first of all set nowrapscan:
set nowrapscan
To prevent the recursive macro executing more than you want.
Then you make a search:
Test if pressing n and p works with your pattern and tune it up if needed
After that, start recording the macro
qqn:.!awk '{print $2}'^M$
In this case I use awk as an example .! means filter current line with an external program
Then to make the macro recursive just append the string '#q' to the register #q
let #q .= '#q'
And move to the beggining of the buffer to apply the recursive macro and make the modifications:
Then you are done. Hope this helps

vim regex : multi-line edit and controlling the cursor position

A text file is formatted like this:
Section 4 Area B Unit 20
stuff i don't need...
stuff i don't need...
45990 - Title of Project that I want to save
line of text I need to keep
line of text I need to keep
2010-11 this line (starting with 2010) is not needed
stuff i don't need
Section 589 Area C Unit 1005
stuff i don't need...
stuff i don't need...
45990 - Title of Project that I want to save
line of text I need to keep
line of text I need to keep
2010-11 this line (starting with 2010) is not needed
stuff i don't need
and these sections repeat by the hundreds. The "stuff i don't need" lines are actually about 30 or so. I need to keep the association of the "Section..." line, "Title..." line and "line of text I need to keep" related to each other. So I was hoping to first destruct the text document down (linewise) to the stuff I need before operating on it further (character-wise). So I wrote this:
After deleting I get the "Section.." line and the "Title..." line, but never the subsequent lines underneath the "Title.." line. Those subsequent lines vary from 4 to 8 lines, but the "2010-11" line is consistent and always what I no longer want.
You can see I tried using zs and ze to select what I do not want deleted. I think the selection is working because if I change the command to "2011-12" then there is no match and the (OR) half of the command does not return a result.
I think the fault might be the cursor position(?), but I'm not sure and my effort to fix that has failed.
Can anyone see my error?
Give this a whirl.
:silent! g/^Section/+ , /^\s\+\d\+ -/- d
:g/^\s\+2010/ , -/\nSection\|\%$/ d
:g finds every line matching start of the pattern, ! will revert the selection and command will get applied to these lines.
Would something like g/^Section.../normal! j2dd3jd} do?
If not you can use a search for the Title line inside normal!
You may need to enclose it in "exec" but may be much simpler to write a function.
Do you really need to use vim? Seems like job for Perl to me.
There are many ways to do t, I'm sure. I think this sequence of commands should work (ignoring comment lines that begin with double quote):
" global delete of line below 'Section' to line before 'Title'
" global delete from date line to line before 'Section'
" go to top line of buffer
" delete last chunk, from final date to last line

Vim: Invert string (by words)

This is my string:
"this is my sentence"
I would like to have this output:
"sentence my is this"
I would like to select a few words on a line (in a buffer) and reverse it word by word.
Can anyone help me?
It's not totally clear what the context is here: you could be talking about text in a line in a buffer or about a string stored in a VimScript variable.
note: Different interpretations of the question led to various approaches and solutions.
There are some "old updates" that start about halfway through that have been rendered more or less obsolete by a plugin mentioned just above that section. I've left them in because they may provide useful info for some people.
full line replacement
So to store the text from the current line in the current buffer in a vimscript variable, you do
let words = getline('.')
And then to reverse their order, you just do
let words = join(reverse(split(words)))
If you want to replace the current line with the reversed words, you do
call setline('.', words)
You can do it in one somewhat inscrutable line with
call setline('.', join(reverse(split(getline('.')))))
or even define a command that does that with
command! ReverseLine call setline('.', join(reverse(split(getline('.')))))
partial-line (character-wise) selections
As explained down in the "old updates" section, running general commands on a character- or block-wise visual selection — the former being what the OP wants to do here — can be pretty complicated. Ex commands like :substitute will be run on entire lines even if only part of the line is selected using a character-wise visual select (as initiated with an unshifted v).
I realized after the OP commented below that reversing the words in a partial-line character-wise selection can be accomplished fairly easily with
\%V within the RE matches some part of the visual selection. Apparently this does not extend after the last character in the selection: leaving out the final . will exclude the last selected character.
\= at the beginning of the replacement indicates that it is to be evaluated as a vimscript expression, with some differences.
submatch(0) returns the entire match. This works a bit like perl's $&, $1, etc., except that it is only available when evaluating the replacement. I think this means that it can only be used in a :substitute command or in a call to substitute()
So if you want to do a substitution on a single-line selection, this will work quite well. You can even pipe the selection through a system command using ...\=system(submatch(0)).
multiple-line character-wise selections
This seems to also work on a multiple-line character-wise selection, but you have to be careful to delete the range (the '<,'> that vim puts at the beginning of a command when coming from visual mode). You want to run the command on just the line where your visual selection starts. You'll also have to use \_.* instead of .* in order to match across newlines.
block-wise selections
For block-wise selections, I don't think there's a reasonably convenient way to manipulate them. I have written a plugin that can be used to make these sorts of edits less painful, by providing a way to run arbitrary Ex commands on any visual selection as though it were the entire buffer contents.
It is available at Currently there's no packaging, and it is not yet available on, but you can just git clone it and copy the contents (minus the README file) into your vimdir.
If you use vim-addon-manager, just clone visdo in your vim-addons directory and you'll subsequently be able to ActivateAddons visdo. I've put in a request to have it added to the VAM addons repository, so at some point you will be able to dispense with the cloning and just do ActivateAddons visdo.
The plugin adds a :VisDo command that is meant to be prefixed to another command (similarly to the way that :tab or :silent work). Running a command with VisDo prepended will cause that command to run on a buffer containing only the current contents of the visual selection. After the command completes, the buffer's contents are pasted into the original buffer's visual selection, and the temp buffer is deleted.
So to complete the OP's goal with VisDo, you would do (with the words to be reversed selected, and with the above-defined ReverseLine command available):
:'<,'>VisDo ReverseLine
old updates
...previous updates follow ... warning: verbose, somewhat obselete, and mostly unnecessary...
The OP's edit makes it more clear that the goal here is to be able to reverse the words contained in a visual selection, and specifically a character-wise visual selection.
This is decidedly not a simple task. The fact that vim does not make this sort of thing easy really confused me when I first started using it. I guess this is because its roots are still very much in the line-oriented editing functionality of ed and its predecessors and descendants. For example, the substitute command :'<,'>s/.../.../ will always work on entire lines even if you are in character-wise or block-wise (ctrlv) visual selection mode.
Vimscript does make it possible to find the column number of any 'mark', including the beginning of the visual selection ('<) and the end of the visual selection ('>). That is, as far as I can tell, the limit of its support. There is no direct way to get the contents of the visual selection, and there is no way to replace the visual selection with something else. Of course, you can do both of those things using normal-mode commands (y and p), but this clobbers registers and is kind of messy. But then you can save the initial registers and then restore them after the paste...
So basically you have to go to sort of extreme lengths to do with parts of lines what can easily done with entire lines. I suspect that the best way to do this is to write a command that copies the visual selection into a new buffer, runs some other command on it, and then replaces the original buffer's visual selection with the results, deleting the temp buffer. This approach should theoretically work for both character-wise and block-wise selections, as well as for the already-supported linewise selections. However, I haven't done that yet.
This 40-line code chunk declares a command ReverseCharwiseVisualWords which can be called from visual mode. It will only work if the character-wise visual selection is entirely on a single line. It works by getting the entire line containing the visual selection (using getline()) running a parameterized transformation function (ReverseWords) on the selected part of it, and pasting the whole partly-transformed line back. In retrospect, I think it's probably worth going the y/p route for anything more featureful.
" Return 1-based column numbers for the start and end of the visual selection.
function! GetVisualCols()
return [getpos("'<")[2], getpos("'>")[2]]
" Convert a 0-based string index to an RE atom using 1-based column index
" :help /\%c
function! ColAtom(index)
return '\%' . string(a:index + 1) . 'c'
" Replace the substring of a:str from a:start to a:end (inclusive)
" with a:repl
function! StrReplace(str, start, end, repl)
let regexp = ColAtom(a:start) . '.*' . ColAtom(a:end + 1)
return substitute(a:str, regexp, a:repl, '')
" Replace the character-wise visual selection
" with the result of running a:Transform on it.
" Only works if the visual selection is on a single line.
function! TransformCharwiseVisual(Transform)
let [startCol, endCol] = GetVisualCols()
" Column numbers are 1-based; string indexes are 0-based
let [startIndex, endIndex] = [startCol - 1, endCol - 1]
let line = getline("'<")
let visualSelection = line[startIndex : endIndex]
let transformed = a:Transform(visualSelection)
let transformed_line = StrReplace(line, startIndex, endIndex, transformed)
call setline("'<", transformed_line)
function! ReverseWords(words)
return join(reverse(split(a:words)))
" Use -range to allow range to be passed
" as by default for commands initiated from visual mode,
" then ignore it.
command! -range ReverseCharwiseVisualWords
\ call TransformCharwiseVisual(function('ReverseWords'))
update 2
It turns out that doing things with y and p is a lot simpler, so I thought I'd post that too. Caveat: I didn't test this all too thoroughly, so there may be edge cases.
This function replaces TransformCharwiseVisual (and some of its dependencies) in the previous code block. It should theoretically work for block-wise selections too — it's up to the passed Transform function to do appropriate things with line delimiters.
function! TransformYankPasteVisual(Transform)
let original_unnamed = [getreg('"'), getregtype('"')]
" Reactivate and yank the current visual selection.
normal gvy
let #" = a:Transform(#")
normal gvp
call call(function('setreg'), ['"'] + original_unnamed)
So then you can just add a second command declaration
command! -range ReverseVisualWords
\ call TransformYankPasteVisual(function('ReverseWords'))
tangentially related gory detail
Note that the utility of a higher-level function like the ones used here is somewhat limited by the fact that there is no (easy or established) way to declare an inline function or block of code in vimscript. This wouldn't be such a limitation if the language weren't meant to be used interactively. You could write a function which substitutes its string argument into a dictionary function declaration and returns the function. However, dictionary functions cannot be called using the normal invocation syntax and have to be passed to call call(dictfunct, args, {}).
note: A more recent update, given above, obsoletes the above code. See the various sections preceding old updates for a cleaner way to do this.
:s/\v(.*) (.*) (.*) (.*)/\4 \3 \2 \1/
Of course you probably need to be more specific in the first part to find that particular sentence. Generally you can refer to match groups as \number with \0 being the whole match.
Here's a way to do by calling out to Ruby. After selecting the line you want to reverse, you can do this in command mode to replace it:
!ruby -e 'puts\b/).reverse.join'
I found the solution myself thank to your answers and a lot of trying :)
This works:
function! Test()
exe 'normal ' . 'gv"ay'
let r = join(reverse(split(getreg('a'))))
let #a = r
exe 'normal ' . 'gv"ap'
Didn't thought that I was enable to write such a function :)