Enabling RTTI for clang tool? - c++

I'm experimenting with clang's libTooling to build a basic source-to-source transformation tool.
I want to use boost::regex and boost::filesystem, but linking against them requires exceptions and RTTI be enabled. According to the clang mailing list , it should be possible to enable RTTI without breaking anything.
That said, I can't find a setting or variable to instruct the build system to enable RTTI. (i'm using cmake). I can add the -frtti and -fexceptions flags to the compiler commands, but the clang build system is adding its own -fno-rtti, -fno-exceptions flags which seem to have higher priority.

The relevant variables are called LLVM_ENABLE_RTTI and LLVM_ENABLE_EH.
They can can be set either by using a cmake gui like ccmake or cmake-gui, or by passing them directly to the cmake invocation.


Difference between add_compile_options and add_link_options also flags each option supports

I've been using a .bat file to build my applications for years. Recently, switched to CMake for it's elegancy and I ran into a situation where I had to guess the flags that I should put into CMake's add_link_options and add_compile_options
Example flags that I've used in my BAT file,
-s WASM=1 --bind -s MODULARIZE=1
And, In CMake this flags have become (After trial and error),
add_compile_options("SHELL: -s WASM=1")
add_link_options("SHELL: --bind")
add_link_options("SHELL: -s MODULARIZE=1")
Honestly, I can't find any information regards flags that add_link_options and add_compile_options supports.
I know what is a linker is but lost when it comes to add_link_options or linker flags.
I'm used to compile everything in single line and now in CMake everything appear to be involve separate steps.
I am not sure what your problem is, but here is a full working sample from a Wasm project that sets project-wide strict mode and disabling of exception support:
add_compile_options(-fno-exceptions "SHELL:-s STRICT=1")
add_link_options("SHELL:-s STRICT=1")
Note in particular that, as it has a [compile+link] marker in the emscripten settings, -s STRICT=1 has to be used both for compiling and for linking, thus it appears in each.
The if(EMSCRIPTEN) around is there because this project can also be built for Windows and Linux.
The options you can pass to the compiler or linker depends on which compiler or linker you use. For example if you fork GCC and add a -Wstackoverflow-copy-pasta option, you can pass that option to add_compile_options(), but other people using standard GCC cannot.
So the answer to your question seems to be, read your compiler and linker documentation.

c++ coverage setup with CMake

I have CMake project that sometimes may use clang, sometimes it may use gcc, sometimes it may use MSVC.
Does CMake provide some generic way to enable coverage generation, or do I need to do if else by myself(compiler flags for gcc and clang differ, and MSVC does not have coverage)?
There is no central cmake option to handle such a situation, but some solutions could be:
Don't do anything. Collect coverage statistics with kcov, which doesn't require special compiler flags.
Add a build configuration alongside the usual Debug, RelWithDebugInfo and so on. Then, select this build configuration only when it makes sense, i.e., when compiling with clang or gcc. Like this:
"Build options: None Debug Release RelWithDebInfo MinSizeRel Coverage." FORCE)
# Use generator expression to enable flags for the Coverage profile
# Don't forget that the linker needs a flag, too:
When you need to dispatch further on the compiler type, you can use generator expressions, too.
but as far as I know, there are no real differences between clang and gcc with respect to coverage flags.
Don't add another build configuration, just define the above flags for the build configuration you intend to use for coverage reports, probably Debug. Then, it's obviously necessary to exclude MSVC.

Inducing minimal C++ standard version in CMake

CMake has a nice framework for setting and defining an explicit value for the C++ standard, typically:
However this does not clearly fit my needs, I'd rather states that I need at least c++11. I thought that I could just do instead:
$ cat CMakeLists.txt
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.7)
project(p CXX)
add_executable(foobar foobar.cxx)
target_compile_features(foobar PRIVATE cxx_nullptr)
$ cat foobar.cxx
int main()
char * p = nullptr;
However again in this case this forces me to use -std=c++11 eventhough by default g++ 6.3.0 default to -std=c++14 (technically -std=gnu++14):
$ c++ -dumpversion
leads to:
$ make VERBOSE=1
make[2]: Entering directory '/tmp/p'
[ 50%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/foobar.dir/foobar.cxx.o
/usr/bin/c++ -std=c++11 -o CMakeFiles/foobar.dir/foobar.cxx.o -c /tmp/p/foobar.cxx
[100%] Linking CXX executable foobar
/usr/bin/cmake -E cmake_link_script CMakeFiles/foobar.dir/link.txt --verbose=1
Is there a way to say: "Build this project with at least C++11 Standard" in CMake ?
Typically for a project built using g++ 4.8.5 it would add -std=c++11 but for a project build with g++ 6.3.0 it would leave the default (implicit) -std=c++14
Update: The following is out of the scope for the question, but since I received a lengthy answer from #ComicSansMS, I feel I need to clarify the need for this.
I am working with my Debian Maintainer hat on, and I was convinced a couple of months back that setting an explicit C++ standard version in cmake within a project was the right way to do, hence my proposal:
Mandates explicit -std=c++XY for c++ projects
However there are two things that get mixed here:
Defining a c++ standard version for the interface of the library being built
Defining a c++ standard version for the implementation detail of the library being built.
From a Debian Maintainer perspective setting explicitly a C++ standard version makes it hard to rebuild a portion of the package archive when a library SONAME is being updated. Let's consider the case where GDCM is using the Poppler library. While the implementation details of GDCM are written using C++98, the fact that Poppler library has been build using the default (implicit) standard version of gcc-6 makes it suddenly a compilation failure for GDCM, since an explicit -std=c++98 is being passed.
So while for an implementation prospective, setting an explicit c++ standard version make sense (obviously!), it is a little less clear for an interface prospective. The vast majority of open-source projects do not define multiple c++ ABI (std::string[98] AND std::string[11]) and assume a single version will be used to ship the binary. In this case it makes it important for a c++ package to be build using the default (implicit) version of gcc (at least when uploaded as official Debian package).
You can always test for compilers support of the specific standard flags yourself.
First check for -std=c++14, and if it doesn't exist then check for -std=c++11, and if that doesn't work then error out.
Flags can easily be checked with the CheckCXXCompilerFlag module.
These days you should probably start with -std=c++17 though. You might also want to add checks for the pre-release standard versions like c++1z (for C++17) and c++1y (for C++14).
Start with the highest version, then work your way downward the minimum required version. Stop when it doesn't fail.
For newer versions of CMake you could use target_compile_features to specify features that the target compiler should be able to provide for.
This way, if (for example) your project uses auto type deduction you could tell CMake that the compiler need to suport the cxx_auto_type feature. Then CMake will make sure that the compiler can indeed support C++11 and the auto type deduction.
Is there a way to say: "Build this project with at least C++11 Standard" in CMake ?
No, and this is probably not a reasonable thing to request.
It does not make any sense to request a standards version that is newer than the code you are trying to build, as your code will not make any use of those features anyway.
The other big problem here is that newer standards are not strict supersets of older standards. In recent versions, the C++ standard has been quite keen on deprecating and even removing features that have outlived its usefulness.
What you have is a specific piece of code that expects a specific set of language features to be available. And that is exactly what you should tell the buildsystem. If your code expects the C++11 features to be available, set CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD to 11 and be done with it. It will guarantee that all of the required features are available and safeguard you (within reasonable bounds) against any future deprecations.
Now, there is one scenario where specifying an exact standard is not enough: You might have different implementations in your code and then want to switch between implementations depending on the available compiler capabilities. That is, your code might be C++14 aware and you want it to compile in C++14 mode if available, but still leave the C++11 mode as a fallback.
This is exactly the default behaviour of CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD:
This means that using:
with a compiler
which does not support -std=gnu++11 or an equivalent flag will not
result in an error or warning, but will instead add the -std=gnu++98
flag if supported. This “decay” behavior may be controlled with the
CXX_STANDARD_REQUIRED target property.
So in a nutshell, always specify the latest standard that your code is aware of, but not newer.

How to set c++ compiler on OS X with bazel?

How can you tell bazel to use a different C++ compiler on OS X?
bazel build --action_env CC=/path/to/compiler //:target
works on linux.
But -s shows that bazel always runs with external/local_config_cc/wrapped_clang (clang) on OSX regardless of what CC is.
CC correctly works only when you use the C++-only toolchain. If you have Xcode installed, bazel will detect this and automatically pick a different toolchain, the one that supports both C++ and ObjC. This toolchain can only use Xcode-provided clang.
This is unfortunate and I propose two solutions:
File a feature request for bazel to make it possible to select which toolchain is used. This will allow you to tell bazel that even though you have Xcode installed, you want to use C++ only toolchain with a custom compiler. This is quite simple and doable in a short time.
File a feature request for bazel to make it possible to select which compiler is used with C++/ObjC toolchain. I cannot comment on viability of this, I know next to nothing about osx, and I have no idea if it makes any sense to compile ObjC with a compiler that is not provided with Xcode...
Actually with the latest version of bazel specifying
build --action_env CC=/path/to/compiler [...]
does work, in the sense that the specified compiler is used. However there is still a problem with the compiler flags. If the compiler flags of the old compiler are incompatible with the new one, there is a problem. I still have to find out how to change compiler flags.
Use --crosstool_top.
See also --host_crosstool_top and --apple_crosstool_top.

Recommended ways to use CMake with icc via configuration options?

I would like to use the Intel compiler icc (or icpc) with a CMake-based project (on Linux for what it's worth). I can of course export the CXX variable when calling cmake, e.g. like
CXX=icpc cmake ../
and this works fine. I would however like to make this choice available via a custom option. For this I parse custom option, e.g.
MESSAGE(STATUS "** Compiling with Intel settings **")
and set CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER together with some compiler flags. This also works, however there is an important "but".
I would also like to use the option -ipo (interprocedural optimization) for my code when compiling with icc plus I need to compile a static library within the build process. For this to work, I need to use Intel's xiar (and also xilink I guess).
cmake actually offers a special property for this
however this only seems to works properly when the compiler has been set via the environment variable (then xiar is used). When setting the compiler via CMAKE_CXX_COMPILERthis property is ignored.
Is there another way to do this?. Some recommended way? Or at least a work-around?
The recommended way is to run cmake with the appropriate CMAKE_<LANG>_COMPILER defined.
Linux users
Windows users
From an Intel Compiler console:
cmake -G "NMake Makefiles" -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=icl -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=icl -DCMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER=ifort ..
Ok, since there have been no answers here, I've also turned to the CMake mailing list list for help on this issue. The consent of the experts there seems to be that the way I was trying to do this is a rather bad idea. The reason is that the parsing of my custom flags happens to late in the initialization process. One should therefore rely on setting the compiler via environment variables and let CMake do its magic during the initial configuration run. I will modify my approach..
Basically, avoid trying to change the compiler. See the FAQ: How do I use a different compiler?. CMake Toolchain files provide a way to support some complex cases, like an exotic HPC compiler.