Differentiating between missing and total in output of proc means? - sas

I've got something like the following:
proc means data = ... missing;
class 1 2 3 4 5;
var a b;
output sum=;
This does what I want it to do, except for the fact that it is very difficult to differentiate between a missing value that represents a total, and a missing value that represents a missing value. For example, the following would appear in my output:
1 2 3 4 5 type sumA sumB
. . . . . 0 num num
. . . . . 1 num num
Ways I can think of handling this:
1) Change missings to a cardinal value prior to proc means. This is definitely doable...but not exactly clean.
2) Format the missings to something else prior, and then use preloadfmt? This is a bit of a pain...I'd really rather not.
3) Somehow use the proc means-generated variable type to determine whether the missing is a missing or a total
4) Other??
I feel like this is clearly a common enough problem that there must be a clean, easy way, and I just don't know what it is.

Option 3, for sure . Type is simply a binary number with 1 for each class variable, in order, that is included in the current row and 0 for each one that is missing. You can use the CHARTYPE option to ask for it to be given explicitly as a string ('01101110' etc.), or work with math if that's more your style.
How exactly you use this depends on what you're trying to accomplish. Rows that have a missing value on them will have a type that suggests a class variable should exist, but doesn't. So for example:
data want;
set have; *post-proc means assuming used CHARTYPE option;
array classvars a b c d e; *whatever they are;
do _t = 1 to dim(classvars);
if char(_type_,_t) = 1 and classvars[_t] = . then hasmissing=1;
if cmiss(of classvars[*]) = countc(_type_,'0') then hasmissing=0;
else hasmissing=1; *number of 0s = number of missings = total row, otherwise not;
That's a brute force application, of course. You may also be able to identify it based on the number of missings, if you have a small number of types requested. For example, let's say you have 3 class variables (so 0 to 7 values for type), and you only asked for the 3 way combination (7, '111') and the 3 two way combination 'totals' (6,5,3, ie, '110','101','011'). Then:
data want;
set have;
if (_type_=7 and cmiss(of a b c) = 0) or (cmiss(of a b c) = 1) then ... ; *either base row or total row, no missings;
else ... ; *has at least one missing;
Depending on your data, NMISS may also work. That checks to see if the number of missings is appropriate for the type of data.

Joe's strategy, modified slightly for my exact problem, because it may be useful to somebody at some point in the future.
data want;
set have;
array classvars a b c d e;
do _t = 1 to dim(classvars);
if char(_type_,_t) = 1 and (strip(classvars[_t] = "") or strip(classvars[_t]) = ".") then classvars[_t] = "TOTAL";
The rationale for the changes is as follows:
1) I'm working with (mostly) character variables, not numeric.
2) I'm not interested in whether a row has any missing or not, as those are very frequent, and I want to keep them. Instead, I just want the output to differentiate between the missings and the totals, which I have accomplished by renaming the instances of non-missing to something that indicates total.


SAS Studio: Finding Values of Column 2 in Column 1 Until Column 2 is Specific Value

I have a simple question that I can't seem to answer. I HAVE a large data set where I am searching for values of column 2 that are found in column 1, until column 2 is a specific value. Sounds like a DO loop but I don't have much experience using them. Please see image as this likely will explain better.
Essentially, I have a "starting" point (with the first_match flag=1). Then, I want to grab the value of column 2 in this row (B in this example). Next, I want to search for this value (B) in column 1. Once I find that row (with column 1 = B & column 2 = C), I again grab the value in column 2 (C). Again, I find where in column 1 this new value occurs and obtain the corresponding value of column 2. I repeat this process until column 2 has a value of Z. That's my stopping point. The WANT table shows my desired output.
My apologies if the above is confusing, but it seems like a simple exercise that I can't seem to solve. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Glad to supply further clarification as well.
Have & Want
I have tried PROC SQL to create flags and grab the appropriate rows, but the code is extremely bulky and doesn't seem efficient. Also, the example I laid out has a desired output table with 3 rows. This may not be the case as the desired output could contain between 1 and 10 rows.
This question has been asked and answered previously.
Path traversal can be done using a DATA Step hash object.
data have;
length vertex1 vertex2 $8;
input vertex1 vertex2;
data want(keep=vertex1 vertex2 crumb);
length vertex1 vertex2 $8 crumb $1;
declare hash edges ();
edges.defineData('vertex2', 'crumb');
crumb = ' ';
do while (not last_edge);
set have end=last_edge;
trailhead = 'A';
vertex1 = trailhead;
do while (0 = edges.find());
if not missing(crumb) then leave;
edges.replace(key:vertex1, data:vertex2, data:'*');
vertex1 = vertex2;
if not missing(crumb) then output;
All paths in the data can be discovered with an additional outer loop iterating (HITER) over a hash of the vertex1 values.

Perform calculations using n and nmiss values

I have the following SAS PROC MEANS statement that works great as it is.
proc means data=MBA_NODUP_APPLICANT_&TERM. missing nmiss n mean median p10 p90 fw = 8;
where ENR = 1;
var gmattotal greverb2 grequant2 greanwrt;
However, I am trying to add new variable calculating nmiss/(nmiss+n). I don't see any examples of this online, but also nothing that says that it cannot be done.
To calculate the percent missing, which is what your formula means, just use the OUTPUT statement to generate a dataset with the NMISS and N values. Then add a step to do the arithmetic yourself.
Or you could create a new binary variable using the MISSING() function and take the MEAN of that. The mean of a 1/0 variable is the same are the percent that were 1 (TRUE).
data test;
set sashelp.cars;
proc means data=test nmiss n mean;
var cylinders missing_cylinders ;
So 2/428 is a little less than 0.5%.
The MEANS Procedure
Variable Miss N Mean
Cylinders 2 426 5.8075117
missing_cylinders 0 428 0.0046729

Loop through numbered variabled in DS

I have a dataset that consists of variables named month0-month120 and for each record I am trying to check if these variables equal a particular value. I am having a bit of trouble trying to do this dynamically rather than writing 120 lines of code. How would be the proper way to accomplish this? I am also having trouble formulating how to word the question which is also hindering me when searching online.
Edit: So basically I have this time series of values from the last 5 years represented in month0-120. I am trying to see how many '.' values are present within this array for each record. An example of input is as such
data testing;
set blah;
len = 0;
do i = 0 to 120;
if month[i] = . then len+1;
To count the number of missing values use NMISS().
data testing;
set blah;
len = nmiss(of month0-month120);
Note CMISS() will also work since CMISS() works with both numeric and character variables.
For more general solution for referencing a set of variables use an ARRAY.
data testing;
set blah;
array months month0-month120;
do index=1 to dim(months);
* do something with MONTHS[index] ;
For the code you posted, you would need to explicitly declare your array and it's easier if you specify the index from 0 to 120. Otherwise, SAS would index it from 1 to 121 essentially.
data testing;
set blah;
array months(0:120) month0-month120;
len = 0;
do i = 0 to 120;
if month[i] = . then len+1;

How to perform rolling window calculations without SSC packages

Goal: perform rolling window calculations on panel data in Stata with variables PanelVar, TimeVar, and Var1, where the window can change within a loop over different window sizes.
Problem: no access to SSC for the packages that would take care of this (like rangestat)
I know that
by PanelVar: gen Var1_1 = Var1[_n]
produces a copy of Var1 in Var1_1. So I thought it would make sense to try
by PanelVar: gen Var1SumLag = sum(Var1[(_n-3)/_n])
to produce a rolling window calculation for _n-3 to _n for the whole variable. But it fails to produce the results I want, it just produces zeros.
You could use sum(Var1) - sum(Var1[_n-3]), but I also want to be able to make the rolling window left justified (summing future observations) as well as right justified (summing past observations).
Essentially I would like to replicate Python's ".rolling().agg()" functionality.
In Stata _n is the index of the current observation. The expression (_n - 3) / _n yields -2 when _n is 1 and increases slowly with _n but is always less than 1. As a subscript applied to extract values from observations of a variable it always yields missing values given an extra rule that Stata rounds down expressions so supplied. Hence it reduces to -2, -1 or 0: in each case it yields missing values when given as a subscript. Experiment will show you that given any numeric variable say numvar references to numvar[-2] or numvar[-1] or numvar[0] all yield missing values. Otherwise put, you seem to be hoping that the / yields a set of subscripts that return a sequence you can sum over, but that is a long way from what Stata will do in that context: the / is just interpreted as division. (The running sum of missings is always returned as 0, which is an expression of missings being ignored in that calculation: just as 2 + 3 + . + 4 is returned as 9 so also . + . + . + . is returned as 0.)
A fairly general way to do what you want is to use time series operators, and this is strongly preferable to subscripts as (1) doing the right thing with gaps (2) automatically working for panels too. Thus after a tsset or xtset
L0.numvar + L1.numvar + L2.numvar + L3.numvar
yields the sum of the current value and the three previous and
L0.numvar + F1.numvar + F2.numvar + F3.numvar
yields the sum of the current value and the three next. If any of these terms is missing, the sum will be too; a work-around for that is to return say
cond(missing(L3.numvar), 0, L3.numvar)
More general code will require some kind of loop.
Given a desire to loop over lags (negative) and leads (positive) some code might look like this, given a range of subscripts as local macros i <= j
* example i and j
local i = -3
local j = 0
gen double wanted = 0
forval k = `i'/`j' {
if `k' < 0 {
local k1 = -(`k')
replace wanted = wanted + L`k1'.numvar
else replace wanted = wanted + F`k'.numvar
Alternatively, use Mata.
EDIT There's a simpler method, to use tssmooth ma to get moving averages and then multiply up by the number of terms.
tssmooth ma wanted1=numvar, w(3 1)
tssmooth ma wanted2=numvar, w(0 1 3)
replace wanted1 = 4 * wanted1
replace wanted2 = 4 * wanted2
Note that in contrast to the method above tssmooth ma uses whatever is available at the beginning and end of each panel. So, the first moving average, the average of the first value and the three previous, is returned as just the first value at the beginning of each panel (when the three previous values are unknown).

Data step manipulation based on two fields conditioning

For the dataset,
data testing;
input key $ output $;
1 A
1 B
1 C
2 A
2 B
2 C
3 A
3 B
3 C
Desired Output,
1 A
2 B
3 C
The logic is if either key or output appear within the column before then delete the observation.
1 A (as 1 and A never appear then keep the obs)
1 B (as 1 appear already then delete)
1 C (as 1 appear then delete)
2 A (as A appear then delete)
2 B (as 2 and B never appear then keep the obs)
2 C (as 2 appear then delete)
3 A (as A appear then delete)
3 B (as B appear then delete)
3 C (as 3 and C never appear then keep the obs)
My effort:
The basic idea here is you keep a dictionary of what's already been used, and search that. Here's a simple array based method; a hash table might be better, certainly less memory intensive, anyway, and likely faster - I would leave that to your imagination.
data want;
set testing;
array _keys[30000] _temporary_; *temporary arrays to store 'used' values;
array _outputs[30000] $ _temporary_;
retain _keysCounter 1 _outputsCounter 1; *counters to help us store the values;
if whichn(key, of _keys[*]) = 0 and whichc(output,of _outputs[*]) = 0 /* whichn and whichc search lists (or arrays) for a value. */
then do;
_keys[_keysCounter] = key; *store the key in the next spot in the dictionary;
_keysCounter+1; *increment its counter;
_outputs[_outputsCounter] = output; *store the output in the next spot in the dictionary;
_outputsCounter+1; *increment its counter;
output; *output the actual datarow;
keep key output;