Dynamical initialization of memory at a given memory address - c++

Ok this might seem odd but please bear with me, I'm just a beginner. Over the past few days i have been trying to develop a general purpose hash function for maintaining an associative array with a hash table using all the best parts of hash functions like RS ,JS , ELF e.t.c to reduce hash collisions. but now the problem is even now to avoid a appreciable amount of collision i will have to use unsigned long values with atleast 6 digits to avoid collision.
Lets just assume i just need to map names of students to their marks.So i maintain an integer array for the marks.
Now back to my question.
The idea i thought of was to use these values as few lower order bits of of an actual memory address and then dynamically initialize memory large enough to store a integer for the marks obtained. This process is repeated for each new value added.
Now assuming i somehow managed to avoid all memory locations that would be reserved by the OS
Is there any viable way to dynamically initialize memory at an address we like rather than letting the new operator to initialize it and then return a pointer to that address location in C++. (i'm using gcc).

It is platform-dependant. On Unix systems, you might try using mmap(). The Windows equivalent is VirtualAlloc(). But there is no guarantee since the address might already be in use.


Finding the size of a large boost::unordered_map

I would like to find the size of a boost::unordered_map I have that contains a pointer to a class mapped by a std::string. I am doing a sizeof(unordered_map var). Is that right? Would it give me the space it occupies? Including the house keeping it takes up? Wanted to measure it to compare it to a std::map that will hold the same data, which also I would measure by sizeof(std::map var). I would like to know both to decide how much storage each occupies, and which is a better alternative to go with, comparing the speed and space.
Please let me know if my way of calculating the sizes are right and will give me the actual/correct sizes and will help me make the right decision.
Edit 1:
If my way of trying to get the size is wrong, please let me know ways of getting the correct size(inclusive of house keeping)
The sizeof() operator returns only the size of an object, but not the space it occupies on the heap (dynamically allocated memory). Since maps and strings may very well allocate memory on the heap, this will not help you.
There is no simple way to measure the total memory footprint of certain parts of your program. However, it is not impossible. One option is to use a custom allocator, which records its memory allocation and which you use for all objects related to the entities you want to measure (for the map and its objects including the strings).
You're simply not going to be able to reliably calculate the amount of space used up by your map. There's types and space you have no access to.
What you should do is ask a totally different question having to do with the problem you're trying to solve where you think this is necessary.

How to avoid wasting memory on 64-bit pointers

I'm hoping for some high-level advice on how to approach a design I'm about to undertake.
The straightforward approach to my problem will result in millions and millions of pointers. On a 64-bit system these will presumably be 64-bit pointers. But as far as my application is concerned, I don't think I need more than a 32-bit address space. I would still like for the system to take advantage of 64-bit processor arithmetic, however (assuming that is what I get by running on a 64-bit system).
Further background
I'm implementing a tree-like data structure where each "node" contains an 8-byte payload, but also needs pointers to four neighboring nodes (parent, left-child, middle-child, right-child). On a 64-bit system using 64-bit pointers, this amounts to 32 bytes just for linking an 8-byte payload into the tree -- a "linking overhead" of 400%.
The data structure will contain millions of these nodes, but my application will not need much memory beyond that, so all these 64-bit pointers seem wasteful. What to do? Is there a way to use 32-bit pointers on a 64-bit system?
I've considered
Storing the payloads in an array in a way such that an index implies (and is implied by) a "tree address" and neighbors of a given index can be calculated with simple arithmetic on that index. Unfortunately this requires me to size the array according to the maximum depth of the tree, which I don't know beforehand, and it would probably incur even greater memory overhead due to empty node elements in the lower levels because not all branches of the tree go to the same depth.
Storing nodes in an array large enough to hold them all, and then using indices instead of pointers to link neighbors. AFAIK the main disadvantage here would be that each node would need the array's base address in order to find its neighbors. So they either need to store it (a million times over) or it needs to be passed around with every function call. I don't like this.
Assuming that the most-significant 32 bits of all these pointers are zero, throwing an exception if they aren't, and storing only the least-significant 32 bits. So the required pointer can be reconstructed on demand. The system is likely to use more than 4GB, but the process will never. I'm just assuming that pointers are offset from a process base-address and have no idea how safe (if at all) this would be across the common platforms (Windows, Linux, OSX).
Storing the difference between 64-bit this and the 64-bit pointer to the neighbor, assuming that this difference will be within the range of int32_t (and throwing if it isn't). Then any node can find it's neighbors by adding that offset to this.
Any advice? Regarding that last idea (which I currently feel is my best candidate) can I assume that in a process that uses less than 2GB, dynamically allocated objects will be within 2 GB of each other? Or not at all necessarily?
Combining ideas 2 and 4 from the question, put all the nodes into a big array, and store e.g. int32_t neighborOffset = neighborIndex - thisIndex. Then you can get the neighbor from *(this+neighborOffset). This gets rid of the disadvantages/assumptions of both 2 and 4.
If on Linux, you might consider using (and compiling for) the x32 ABI. IMHO, this is the preferred solution for your issues.
Alternatively, don't use pointers, but indexes into a huge array (or an std::vector in C++) which could be a global or static variable. Manage a single huge heap-allocated array of nodes, and use indexes of nodes instead of pointers to nodes. So like your ยง2, but since the array is a global or static data you won't need to pass it everywhere.
(I guess that an optimizing compiler would be able to generate clever code, which could be nearly as efficient as using pointers)
You can remove the disadvantage of (2) by exploiting the alignment of memory regions to find the base address of the the array "automatically". For example, if you want to support up to 4 GB of nodes, ensure your node array starts at a 4GB boundary.
Then within a node with address addr, you can determine the address of another at index as addr & -(1UL << 32) + index.
This is kind of the "absolute" variant of the accepted solution which is "relative". One advantage of this solution is that an index always has the same meaning within a tree, whereas in the relative solution you really need the (node_address, index) pair to interpret an index (of course, you can also use the absolute indexes in the relative scenarios where it is useful). It means that when you duplicate a node, you don't need to adjust any index values it contains.
The "relative" solution also loses 1 effective index bit relative to this solution in its index since it needs to store a signed offset, so with a 32-bit index, you could only support 2^31 nodes (assuming full compression of trailing zero bits, otherwise it is only 2^31 bytes of nodes).
You can also store the base tree structure (e.g,. the pointer to the root and whatever bookkeeping your have outside of the nodes themselves) right at the 4GB address which means that any node can jump to the associated base structure without traversing all the parent pointers or whatever.
Finally, you can also exploit this alignment idea within the tree itself to "implicitly" store other pointers. For example, perhaps the parent node is stored at an N-byte aligned boundary, and then all children are stored in the same N-byte block so they know their parent "implicitly". How feasible that is depends on how dynamic your tree is, how much the fan-out varies, etc.
You can accomplish this kind of thing by writing your own allocator that uses mmap to allocate suitably aligned blocks (usually just reserve a huge amount of virtual address space and then allocate blocks of it as needed) - ether via the hint parameter or just by reserving a big enough region that you are guaranteed to get the alignment you want somewhere in the region. The need to mess around with allocators is the primary disadvantage compared to the accepted solution, but if this is the main data structure in your program it might be worth it. When you control the allocator you have other advantages too: if you know all your nodes are allocated on an 2^N-byte boundary you can "compress" your indexes further since you know the low N bits will always be zero, so with a 32-bit index you could actually store 2^(32+5) = 2^37 nodes if you knew they were 32-byte aligned.
These kind of tricks are really only feasible in 64-bit programs, with the huge amount of virtual address space available, so in a way 64-bit giveth and also taketh away.
Your assertion that a 64 bit system necessarily has to have 64 bit pointers is not correct. The C++ standard makes no such assertion.
In fact, different pointer types can be different sizes: sizeof(double*) might not be the same as sizeof(int*).
Short answer: don't make any assumptions about the sizes of any C++ pointer.
Sounds like to me that you want to build you own memory management framework.

Hypothetical Memory Usage Monitoring Program

Would it be at all possible (I don't care about practicality or usefulness) to write a C or C++ program that monitored memory usage in the following, very basic way?
Given that declaring a variable without assigning it a value results in it having the value of whatever is already at its memory location, one could create a large array (thousands or millions of elements) and leave all the values unassigned. Then to see if any of these elements have been overwritten, we would simply need to repeatedly compare their current values to a previous value.
I highly doubt this would be as simple as I posited above. Assuming my doubt is well-founded, wherein would the problem lie and, more importantly, would it be something we could circumvent with some creative or esoteric code? I imagine that the problem would be attributable to something along the lines of the declared, uninitialized elements being not allowing other system processes to write to their memory address. Please give me some pointers! (heehee) Thanks.
Lets say your program is in C
Creating a large array is limited to the extent free memory is allowed and how the OS limits you.
So let's say you created a pretty large array (uninitialized).
Now that memory is given to your process(program you ran) and no other process can access it ! (It's OS role to avoid such things , basic requirements of Virtualization).
So as no other process can access its value won't be changed once its allocated to you.

c++ Alternative implementation to avoid shifting between RAM and SWAP memory

I have a program, that uses dynamic programming to calculate some information. The problem is, that theoretically the used memory grows exponentially. Some filters that I use limit this space, but for a big input they also can't avoid that my program runs out of RAM - Memory.
The program is running on 4 threads. When I run it with a really big input I noticed, that at some point the program starts to use the swap memory, because my RAM is not big enough. The consequence of this is, that my CPU-usage decreases from about 380% to 15% or lower.
There is only one variable that uses the memory which is the following datastructure:
Edit (added type) with CLN library:
class My_Map {
typedef std::pair<double,short> key;
typedef cln::cl_I value;
tbb::concurrent_hash_map<key,value>* map;
My_Map() { map = new tbb::concurrent_hash_map<myType>(); }
~My_Map() { delete map; }
//some functions for operations on the map
In my main program I am using this datastructure as globale variable:
My_Map* container = new My_Map();
Is there a way to avoid the shifting of memory between SWAP and RAM? I thought pushing all the memory to the Heap would help, but it seems not to. So I don't know if it is possible to maybe fully use the swap memory or something else. Just this shifting of memory cost much time. The CPU usage decreases dramatically.
If you have 1 Gig of RAM and you have a program that uses up 2 Gb RAM, then you're going to have to find somewhere else to store the excess data.. obviously. The default OS way is to swap but the alternative is to manage your own 'swapping' by using a memory-mapped file.
You open a file and allocate a virtual memory block in it, then you bring pages of the file into RAM to work on. The OS manages this for you for the most part, but you should think about your memory usage so not to try to keep access to the same blocks while they're in memory if you can.
On Windows you use CreateFileMapping(), on Linux you use mmap(), on Mac you use mmap().
The OS is working properly - it doesn't distinguish between stack and heap when swapping - it pages you whatever you seem not to be using and loads whatever you ask for.
There are a few things you could try:
consider whether myType can be made smaller - e.g. using int8_t or even width-appropriate bitfields instead of int, using pointers to pooled strings instead of worst-case-length character arrays, use offsets into arrays where they're smaller than pointers etc.. If you show us the type maybe we can suggest things.
think about your paging - if you have many objects on one memory page (likely 4k) they will need to stay in memory if any one of them is being used, so try to get objects that will be used around the same time onto the same memory page - this may involve hashing to small arrays of related myType objects, or even moving all your data into a packed array if possible (binary searching can be pretty quick anyway). Naively used hash tables tend to flay memory because similar objects are put in completely unrelated buckets.
serialisation/deserialisation with compression is a possibility: instead of letting the OS swap out full myType memory, you may be able to proactively serialise them into a more compact form then deserialise them only when needed
consider whether you need to process all the data simultaneously... if you can batch up the work in such a way that you get all "group A" out of the way using less memory then you can move on to "group B"
UPDATE now you've posted your actual data types...
Sadly, using short might not help much because sizeof key needs to be 16 anyway for alignment of the double; if you don't need the precision, you could consider float? Another option would be to create an array of separate maps...
tbb::concurrent_hash_map<double,value> map[65536];
You can then index to map[my_short][my_double]. It could be better or worse, but is easy to try so you might as well benchmark....
For cl_I a 2-minute dig suggests the data's stored in a union - presumably word is used for small values and one of the pointers when necessary... that looks like a pretty good design - hard to improve on.
If numbers tend to repeat a lot (a big if) you could experiment with e.g. keeping a registry of big cl_Is with a bi-directional mapping to packed integer ids which you'd store in My_Map::map - fussy though. To explain, say you get 987123498723489 - you push_back it on a vector<cl_I>, then in a hash_map<cl_I, int> set [987123498723489 to that index (i.e. vector.size() - 1). Keep going as new numbers are encountered. You can always map from an int id back to a cl_I using direct indexing in the vector, and the other way is an O(1) amortised hash table lookup.

Why are empty classes 8 bytes and larger classes always > 8 bytes?

class foo { }
writeln(foo.classinfo.init.length); // = 8 bytes
class foo { char d; }
writeln(foo.classinfo.init.length); // = 9 bytes
Is d actually storing anything in those 8 bytes, and if so, what? It seems like a huge waste, If I'm just wrapping a few value types then the the class significantly bloats the program, specifically if I am using a lot of them. A char becomes 8 times larger while an int becomes 3 times as large.
A struct's minimum size is 1 byte.
In D, object have a header containing 2 pointer (so it may be 8bytes or 16 depending on your architecture).
The first pointer is the virtual method table. This is an array that is generated by the compiler filled with function pointer, so virtual dispatch is possible. All instances of the same class share the same virtual method table.
The second pointer is the monitor. It is used for synchronization. It is not sure that this field stay here forever, because D emphasis local storage and immutability, which make synchronization on many objects useless. As this field is older than these features, it is still here and can be used. However, it may disapear in the future.
Such header on object is very common, you'll find the same in Java or C# for instance. You can look here for more information : http://dlang.org/abi.html
D uses two machine words in each class instance for:
A pointer to the virtual function table. This contains the addresses of virtual methods. The first entry points towards the class's classinfo, which is also used by dynamic casts.
The monitor, which allows the synchronized(obj) syntax, documented here.
These fields are described in the D documentation here (scroll down to "Class Properties") and here (scroll down to "Classes").
I don't know the particulars of D, but in both Java and .net, every class object contains information about its type, and also holds information about whether it's the target of any monitor locks, whether it's eligible for finalization cleanup, and various other things. Having a standard means by which all objects store such information can make many things more convenient for both users and implementers of the language and/or framework. Incidentally, in 32-bit versions of .net, the overhead for each object is 8 bytes except that there is a 12-byte minimum object size. This minimum stems from the fact that when the garbage-collector moves objects around, it needs to temporarily store in the old location a reference to the new one as well as some sort of linked data structure that will permit it to examine arbitrarily-deep nested references without needing an arbitrarily-large stack.
If you want to use a class because you need to be able to persist references to data items, space is at a premium, and your usage patterns are such that you'll know when data items are still useful and when they become obsolete, you may be able to define an array of structures, and then pass around indices to the array elements. It's possible to write code to handle this very efficiently with essentially zero overhead, provided that the structure of your program allows you to ensure that every item that gets allocated is released exactly once and things are not used once they are released.
If you would not be able to readily determine when the last reference to an object is going to go out of scope, eight bytes would be a very reasonable level of overhead. I would expect that most frameworks would force objects to be aligned on 32-bit boundaries (so I'm surprised that adding a byte would push the size to nine rather than twelve). If a system is going have a garbage collector that works better than a Commodore 64(*), it would need to have an absolute minimum of a bit of overhead per object to indicate which things are used and which aren't. Further, unless one wants to have separate heaps for objects which can contain supplemental information and those which can't, one will every object to either include space for a supplemental-information pointer, or include space for all the supplemental information (locking, abandonment notification requests, etc.). While it might be beneficial in some cases to have separate heaps for the two categories of objects, I doubt the benefits would very often justify the added complexity.
(*) The Commodore 64 garbage collector worked by allocating strings from the top of memory downward, while variables (which are not GC'ed) were allocated bottom-up. When memory got full, the system would scan all variables to find the reference to the string that was stored at the highest address. That string would then be moved to the very top of memory and all references to it would be updated. The system would then scan all variables to find the reference to the string at the highest address below the one it just moved and update all references to that. The process would repeat until it didn't find any more strings to move. This algorithm didn't require any extra data to be stored with strings in memory, but it was of course dog slow. The Commodore 128 garbage collector stored with each string in GC space a pointer to the variable that holds a reference and a length byte that could be used to find the next lower string in GC space; it could thus check each string in order to find out whether it was still used, relocating it to the top of memory if so. Much faster, but at the cost of three bytes' overhead per string.
You should look into the storage requirements for various types. Every instruction, storage allocation (ie:variable/object, etc) uses up a specific amount of space. In c# an Int32 type integer object should store integer information to the tune of 4 bytes (32bit). It might have other information, too, because it is an object, but your character data type probably only requires 1 byte of information. If you have constructs like for or while in your class, those things will take up space, too, because each of those things is telling your class to do something. The class itself requires a number of instructions to be created in memory, which would account for the 8 initial bytes.
Take an assembler language course. You'll learn all you ever wanted to know and then some about why your programs use however much memory or take up however much storage when compiled.