SAS: validating SASApp - Stored Process Server - sas

I try to validate the SASApp - Stored Process Server through SAS Management console. But the error is occured here:
[20.01.14 16:49] INFO: Starting extended validation for Stored Process server (level 1) - Making a connection
[20.01.14 16:49] SEVERE: Connection refused: connect
[20.01.14 16:49] SEVERE: The application could not log on to the server "server:8601". No server is available at that port on that machine.
I've checked in the properties the port for this server is 8601.
The official SAS Institute patch from didn't solve the problem.
Has anybody had the same problem?

Four years late, but I ran into the same issue during a deployment workshop twice this week- both times it was because of a password mismatch with the service account responsible for accessing the servers. I re-updated the password in SAS Management Console and updated the password using deployment manager and then reattempted the validation and was successful. Hope this helps anyone else having the same issue!
More on updating passwords through Deployment Manager can be found here:


Redislabs UI logging error when number of nodes more than one

I am new at Redis Enterprise and can't fix this problem:
I have a Redis Enterprise cluster (v.6.0) in AWS with two nodes. When I have only one node I can enter UI, but after adding other (second) nodes always throws me out to the login page after entering credentials. Meanwhile, the cluster works fine (information is taken from rladmin).
In what direction I should investigate the issue?
P.S.: Can this error from logs cause an issue?
ERROR redis_mgr MainThread: Connect failed: connect: connection failed: Error 2 connecting to unix socket: /var/opt/redislabs/run/ccs.sock. No such file or directory.: retrying
Possibly, this solution will help anybody:
the reason was that ALB before UI didn't use sticky sessions.
the solution was to enable a sticky session and it works.

Agent Unreachable after restore VMware Horizon Connection Server

After a power outage I got both of my View Connection Servers unbootable with BSOD and I could not recovery it and also I don't have backup of it.
After all steps below I could not get things fixed, all VMs are "Agent Unreachable"
Created a new VM for connection server (WITH THE SAME NAME AS THE OLD "VIEWCS01")
Before doing it correctly I connected the base disk, and not the last
snapshot, to the new VM and broke up the whole thing with the error
"file system specific implementation of ioctl [file] failed", I solved
this correcting the CID -
Installed Windows (Same version)
As in
Installed Connection Server (Same Version)
Restored LDF backup
Removed all View Connection Servers and all Security Servers (vdmadmin -S -s -r viewcs01, viewss01 and viewcs02)
Uninstalled the connection server
Reinstalled the connection server reusing the AD LDS
I did removed the "viewcs01" because with my previous tests I was not removing it, I think because of >this, after the recovery steps done no console was opening, In previous tests I also not using the old >machine name, instead of it I was using "viewcs03".
Ok, Console opened, I changed the vCenter credentials (Just putting password was not working with error - - Log below:
2020-12-31T18:23:48.108-02:00 ERROR (18F8-0D0C) <MessageFrameWorkDispatch> [ws_java_bridgeDLL] BCryptDecrypt FAILED, status={Data Error}
An error in reading or writing data occurred. (0xC000003E)
2020-12-31T18:23:48.109-02:00 ERROR (18F8-0C54) <VCHealthUpdate> [SecurityManagerUtil] decryptAsText: com.vmware.vdi.crypto.SecurityManagerException: decrypt: Cannot decrypt: Cipher scheme decryption failed.
2020-12-31T18:23:48.109-02:00 DEBUG (18F8-0C54) <VCHealthUpdate> [ServiceConnection25] Connecting instance VCHealth Test instance at URL
Corrected Composer credentials, and added license.
All machines are "Agent Unreachable" - Connection Server Log below:
2020-12-31T18:23:49.160-02:00 DEBUG (18F8-1A6C) <DesktopControlJMS> [DesktopTracker] CHANGEKEY message from agent/bda3fbe6-029c-41f8-b9f8-017af574f56b accepted as key and thumbprints match machine record
2020-12-31T18:23:49.162-02:00 DEBUG (18F8-1A6C) <DesktopControlJMS> [DesktopTracker] found broker thumbprints: 0f:9e:80:5d:f6:33:c7:1b:a2:d5:8c:9a:9f:12:45:16:0f:6f:c0:2b:46:8d:d0:33:62:87:53:a9:48:8d:57:8c#SHA_256;51:c5:d0:44:02:7f:ca:6d:5a:ad:5b:f6:8d:f5:11:23:e8:aa:e1:91:d0:5c:ff:71:3b:fb:e2:4b:f4:12:5e:d5#SHA_256
2020-12-31T18:23:49.162-02:00 WARN (18F8-1A6C) <DesktopControlJMS> [JMSMessageSecurity] Failed to sign message: Cannot sign message
2020-12-31T18:23:49.162-02:00 DEBUG (18F8-1A6C) <DesktopControlJMS> [DesktopTracker] CHANGEKEY message from agent/bda3fbe6-029c-41f8-b9f8-017af574f56b result: true (success)
Excerpt from VM agent log:
2020-12-31T19:53:44.322-03:00 DEBUG (1EDC-0FA8) <Thread-4> [AgentJmsConfig] Using paired signing key
2020-12-31T19:53:44.322-03:00 DEBUG (1EDC-0FA8) <Thread-4> [AgentMessageSecurityHandler] Configuring message security (ENHANCED).
2020-12-31T19:53:44.369-03:00 DEBUG (1EDC-0FA8) <Thread-4> [BrokerUpdateUtility] Published CHANGEKEY request
2020-12-31T19:53:59.386-03:00 DEBUG (1EDC-0FA8) <Thread-4> [BrokerUpdateUtility] Timeout waiting for success response
2020-12-31T19:59:33.944-03:00 DEBUG (1430-2558) <Thread-4> [JmsManager] Using connection broker
2020-12-31T19:59:33.944-03:00 DEBUG (1430-2494) <MessageFrameWorkDispatch> [MessageFrameWork] KeyVault service got operation=getEndEntityCertificates, ok=1, msecs=0
2020-12-31T19:59:33.944-03:00 DEBUG (1430-2494) <MessageFrameWorkDispatch> [MessageFrameWork] KeyVault service got operation=getEndEntityCertificates, ok=1, msecs=0
2020-12-31T19:59:33.975-03:00 DEBUG (1430-2558) <Thread-4> [JmsManager] username for swiftmq connection is: agent/90916ab8-704c-4fe3-a605-c4a7745b246e
2020-12-31T19:59:33.975-03:00 DEBUG (1430-2558) <Thread-4> [AgentJmsConfig] Skipping pair operation: already paired
2020-12-31T19:59:33.975-03:00 DEBUG (1430-2558) <Thread-4> [AgentMessageSecurityHandler] Configuring message security (ENHANCED).
2020-12-31T19:59:33.975-03:00 DEBUG (1430-2558) <Thread-4> [JmsManager] Re-connecting using secure port 4002
2020-12-31T19:59:34.381-03:00 DEBUG (1430-2780) <SwiftMQ-ConnectorPool-2> [AgentSSLSocketFactory] Received cert with subject cn=router/viewcs01
2020-12-31T19:59:34.381-03:00 WARN (1430-2780) <SwiftMQ-ConnectorPool-2> [AgentSSLSocketFactory] Certificate thumbprint verification failed, no matching thumbprint. Presented identity: router/viewcs01
2020-12-31T19:59:34.381-03:00 DEBUG (1430-2558) <Thread-4> [JmsManager] Unable to connect to JMS server com.vmware.vdi.logger.Logger.debug( Unexpected certificate: router/viewcs01
2020-12-31T19:59:34.381-03:00 WARN (1430-2558) <Thread-4> [JmsManager] Unable to connect to any listed host. The agent will continue to retry: [,]
Reinstalled the agent and also tried the command below, as mentioned in, nothing has worked at all.
vdmadmin -A -d desktop-pool-name -m name-of-machine-in-pool -resetkey
Update to question:
Some piece (That I don't have now) of the log lead me to This KB, so I have uninstalled the Connection Server, remove all certificates and reinstalled it again, nothing changed.
After reading the following links [1], [2], [3]:
I've changed the security mode to Mixed, nothing changed.
But after change it to mixed and after reinstalling the Agent (I've reinstalled it before change to mixed and it didn't worked) from the VM have turned it to Available, I still not able to access machine with tunnel errors (Changed tunnel configurations also).
Updated the Connection Server to 7.13, stopped to open console.
Started the whole process from zero, now machine name is viewcs04, not worked also.
For any who encounter the same problem, I decided to create a new Connection Server and I will create manual pools, so people can work and I will migrate everyone to new linked-clone pools.
Just to mention, I cannot just create new pools, all pools are dedicated and have manually installed applications, printers etc.

Starting service Service Bus Message Broker failed: Time out has expired and the operation has not been completed

when I ran the workflow manager getting the error message at add host to service bus farm.
We have the SharePoint as standalone, OS is Windows server 2012 r2
SQL server 2016 developer.
Followed below two url's for installing unable to under stand the issue where exactly.
please find the below log file
[Verbose] [12/10/2018 4:43:54 PM]: Service Bus services starting.
[Progress] [12/10/2018 4:43:54 PM]: Service Bus services starting.
[Error] [12/10/2018 4:53:55 PM]: System.Management.Automation.CmdletInvocationException: Starting service Service Bus Message Broker failed: Time out has expired and the operation has not been completed. ---> Microsoft.ServiceBus.Commands.Common.Exceptions.OperationFailedException: Starting service Service Bus Message Broker failed: Time out has expired and the operation has not been completed.
at Microsoft.ServiceBus.Commands.Common.SCMHelper.StartService(String serviceName, Nullable1 waitTimeout, String hostName)
at Microsoft.ServiceBus.Commands.ServiceBusConfigHelper.StartSBServices(String hostName, Nullable1 waitTimeout)
at Microsoft.ServiceBus.Commands.AddSBHost.ProcessRecordImplementation()
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.AsyncResult.EndInvoke()
at System.Management.Automation.PowerShell.EndInvoke(IAsyncResult asyncResult)
at Microsoft.Workflow.Deployment.ConfigWizard.CommandletHelper.InvokePowershell(Command command, Action`3 updateProgress)
at Microsoft.Workflow.Deployment.ConfigWizard.ProgressPageViewModel.AddSBNode(FarmCreationModel model, Boolean isFirstCommand)
please let me know how to resolve this issue for installing the workflowmanager.
what worked for me was enabling TLS 1.0 in the registry.
in my case I don't have registry of client but only enabled the server one
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SecurityProviders\SCHANNEL\Protocols\TLS 1.0\Client]
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SecurityProviders\SCHANNEL\Protocols\TLS 1.0\Server]
fyi... I was stopped the Service Bus Message Broker while the workflow manager configuration wizard was running in the "add host to service bus fam" task, then the changes the wizard complete successfully. I hope so much you can resolve this issue :)
this is the link where I fund the answers and is the CRBenson post, thank you very much
I had almost same issue. Installing the correct patch fixed the issue.
Complete details on below thread.

Obfuscation process using Informatica

How to check obfuscation process status on Informatica, as I started the process about 8 hours ago and due to idle time was exceeded, my VM got logged off shutting all the applications.
You can still check the session logs from the integration server. They'll be in the installation directory / SessLogs
The Session Logs will be in readable format , only if you have selected - "Write backwards session logs" Option.
You can check session log in server in \server\infa_shared\SessLogs. Session logs will be saved in the server with time-stamp. To read the content of the log you can either open it through the workflow monitor, right-click on the session and select "Get session log".

SAS Grid Validation error

I am getting the following error message:
"Objspawn was unable to launch the server SASApp - Workspace Server due to the server launch exceeding the specified wait time.
Failed to start the server"
This is a grid environment, and the new application servers created - (for example SASAppVS, created for the Visual Statistics use) - work fine. I am new to the grid environment. So, any help regarding this would be appreciated.
more on SAS