mfc c++ set HWND address of another application through edit control - c++

I know how to get and set the handle of another applications window in the code, but I don't know how to set the applications handle at runtime through an edit control. the problem is is that I have to keep compiling my application every time I want to use it, because the handle of the window in application 2 is dynamic.
does anyone have any ideas?

To find current HWND of application window you are interested in, you can enumareate windows using EnumWindows:
or maybe easier is to use FindWindow, if you know its name/class:
you can also use GetWindow to iterate windows:
...lots of possibilities


Intercepting Windows Messages from Webview2 (Edge/Chromium)

I have recently migrated a project of mine to WebView2 and the last part I can't figure out is how to intercept the Windows Messages for the webview. My code is very similar to webview/webview but I was unable to find help on their GitHub.
Previously, I was able to find the hWnd for the webview and use SetWindowSubclass to add my own wndproc to the webview. However, I've used Spy++ and tried SetWindowSubclass on all the windows that showed up there (see below) but none of them had any windows messages in my wndproc other than some window management ones I did not think were useful - The best I got was WM_PARENTYNOTIFY, but I am interested in WM_MOUSEMOVE and WM_NCHITTEST - neither of which I could find.
My goal is to create a borderless, draggable, resizeable WebView2 based app.
The problem is, that the real window that controls and gets all this input is in another process. You just see a window that shows the output in your process.
Look into Spy++. Everything below Chrome_WidgetWin_0 belongs to a new process (MSEDGEWEBVIEW2) and is not part of your process. So you can't subclass such a window with the normal techniques.
So if you want to subclass this window. You need to inject a new DLL into this new process. This DLL might subclass the real window. And this DLL might communicate with you hosting program via any IPC.

Spy++ Win32 API Getting Window instance from Spy++ Information

I am using Spy++ to find windows, I am doing this as a test and realise the Handles change fequently. However, here is the information I get from Spy++. Can I use these handles to grab that window in C++
Here's how I get it from the name.
HWND main_window_handle = FindWindowA(NULL, WINDOW_NAME);
How can I get it using either the Window Handle or Instance Handle.
The window handle is the HWND and their values are not stable, it will probably change every time you run the program.
The instance handle (HINSTANCE) is also not stable and has little to do with finding a specific window in another application, it is the load address of the module (.exe or .dll) that created the window.
To find a window you will generally call FindWindow with a specific class name. If the class name of the window you are looking for is not really unique then you should probably use EnumWindows and try to look for other specific attributes and/or child windows to identify the top level window you are looking for.
It is also possible (and often the best approach) to use UI Automation to find and manipulate windows in 3rd-party applications.
Try using
HINSTANCE myInstance = (HINSTANCE)&__ImageBase;

How can i get handle for separate windows using MFC?

I'm new to MFC. Can anyone please tell me how can I get handle separate windows using MFC. My task is to take screenshot of separate windows and I want to display it. By using CWnd::GetDesktopWindow I’ll take the handle for desktop. If I want to get handle for other windows how can I get it. Now i got the handle for desktop if I want to display the desktop which I captured how I can do it. Please anyone help me.
It depends on what types of window do you want to get. To retrieve some window has specified class name or caption, please use API FindWindow(...) with class&caption as input; to get all the child windows under desktop or some top level window, you could use EnumWindows(...) in a recursive function.
In order to get the handle to all the windows on your desktop, you need the function EnumWindows.
You provide it with a callback function and it will call it with a handle to each window it finds.
To get an MFC CWnd* from a HWND, you can do this:
CWnd *const window = CWnd::FromHandle(hWnd);

Stick Window to Other Window

I want to develop Windows program who can stick into other
I searching fastest-way to do this. I can get by WinAPI all
information about target window and move my window into good location
and after it Sniffing Windows Messages of target window to searching resize or move window and after this doing move my window again. But i don't know what is a simplest good working way (maybe somewhat on .NET? But i don't preffer answers in .NET i like free framework's).
I want to stick on the top, bottom, left, right of the target window, but this maybe never mind.
Can anyone help me something with this problem?
I used DLLInjection to get into target windows process, created some hooks using winapi calls and by XML over Message Pipe transporting this values to other application who stick to this windows.
You basically need to do two things:
Get a list of all windows to which your app is supposed to stick, and their locations/dimensions.
Listen to your application's main window's move event and if at any point your window gets close enough to any of the relevant windows from #1 you move it yourself so that they align.
You can do both in Win32 API or with .Net. You just need a good criterion for #1. Like, for example, all top level visible windows that are within the desktop's boundaries.
Might want to include the desktop itself in the list above, so that your app sticks to the edges of the desktop as well.

How do I write a console application in Windows that would minimize to the system tray?

I have a written a Visual C++ console application (i.e. subsystem:console) that prints useful diagnositic messages to the console.
However, I would like to keep the application minimized most of the time, and instead of minimizing to the taskbar, appear as a nice icon on the system tray. I would also like to restore the console when the system tray icon is clicked.
How should I change my program to do this?
This is going to be an ugly hack.
First, you have to retrieve the hWnd / hInstance of you console application. Right now, I can only come up with one way:
Create a Guid with CoCreateGuid()
Convert it to a string
Set the title of the console window to this guid with SetConsoleTitle()
Find the hWnd of the your window with the Guid as the tile with FindWindow()
And you can do it from the usual way from this point. See for more info.
Don't forget the rename your console window to the original title once you're done.
As you can see, even though this is possible to do, it's a horrible and painful solution. Please don't do it. Please do not minimize console applications to the system tray. It is not something you are supposed to be able to do in the Windows API.
You might want to write a separate gui to function as a log reader. You will then find it much easier to make this minimize to the tray. It would also let you do some other stuff you might find useful, such as changing which level of logging messages are visible on the fly.
To learn the console's hWnd you have two choices:
On Windows 2000 or later you can use the GetConsoleWindow() function. Don't forget to define _WIN32_WINNT as 0x0500 or greater before including windows.h to have access to this function.
If you want to run your program on earlier Windows versions as well then you must use something like the GUID trick described above.
Probably your best bet is to create a "Message-only window" (a message queue without a visible window) to receive the Notification Area messages.
The answer with a GUID is completely ridiculous (no sense at all)
The Console hWnd is of course given by GetConsoleWindow() (!)