split columns by a delimiter in postgres - regex

I have a large table key(keyid,data) . In this table data consists of a text separated by /.
Eg x/y/z . I wish to extract the 2nd field (in the example y) for all the values stored in datails column in the table.
I tried using these
dblp1=# select regexp_split_to_array((select key from keytable),'/') as key_split;
ERROR: more than one row returned by a subquery used as an expression
dblp1=# SELECT split_part((select key from keytable), '/', 2);
ERROR: more than one row returned by a subquery used as an expression
Both work on single string .

Pretty close. You need the function to be wrapped right around the column name, like so:
select split_part(key, '/', 2) from keytable;


MYSQL get substring

I'm trying to get substring dynamically and group by it. So if my uri column contains records like: /uri1/uri2 and /somelongword/someotherlongword I would like to get everything up to second delimiter, namely up to second / and count it. I'm using this query but obviously it is cutting string statically (6 letters after the first one).
SELECT substr(uri, 1, 6) as URI,
FROM staging
GROUP BY substr(uri, 1, 6)
How can I achieve that?
You can use combination of SUBSTRING() and POSITION()
(`uri` varchar(10))
SUBSTRING(uri,1,POSITION('/' IN uri)-1),
FROM Table1
edit: here I found amazon athena documentation: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/athena/latest/ug/presto-functions.html and here is the string function documentation: https://prestodb.io/docs/0.217/functions/string.html
my answer above still stands, but you might need to change SUBSTRING to SUBSTR
edit 2: it seems there's a special function to achieve this in amazon athena called SPLIT_PART()
SELECT SPLIT_PART(uri, '/', 1), COUNT(*) FROM tbl GROUP BY SPLIT_PART(uri, '/', 1)
from docs:
split_part(string, delimiter, index) → varchar
Splits string on delimiter and returns the field index. Field indexes start with 1. If the index is larger than than the number of fields, then null is returned.

Power query append multiple tables with single column regardless column names

I have the following query in M:
= Table.Combine({
Is it possible to get it working without prior changing column names?
I want to get something similar to SQL syntax:
select item from Tab1 union all
select Column1 from Tab2
If you need just one column from each table then you may use this code:
= Table.FromList(List.Distinct(Tab1[item])
& List.Distinct(Tab2[Column1]))
If you use M (like in your example or the append query option) the columns names must be the same otherwise it wont work.
But it works in DAX with the command
=UNION(Table1; Table2)
It's not possible in Power Query M. Table.Combine make an union with columns that match. If you want to keep all in the same step you can add the change names step instead of tap2 like you did with Table.SelectColumns.
This comparison of matching names is to union in a correct way.
Hope you can manage in the same step if that's what you want.

Column names containing dots in Spectrum

I created a customers table with columns has account_id.cust_id, account_id.ord_id and so on.
My create external table query was as follows:
CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE spectrum.customers
"account_id.cust_id" numeric,
"account_id.ord_id" numeric
row format delimited
fields terminated by '^'
stored as textfile
location 's3://awsbucketname/test/';
SELECT "account_id.cust_id" FROM spectrum.customers limit 100
and I get an error as :
Invalid Operation: column account_id.cust_id does not exists in
Is there any way or syntax to write column names like account_id.cust_id (text.text) while creating the table or while writing the select query?
Please help.
PS: Single quotes, back ticks don't work either.

How to Extract Numeric Range from Text in SQL

I am fairly new to SQL and I'm trying to extract some data from an ORACLE DB. My goal is to return rows where the query value lies in the range speicified by the "AA_SYNTAX" column in a table.
For example:
If the "AA_SYNTAX" column is 'p.G12_V14insR' and my search value is 13, I want to return that row. This column is organized as p.%number_%number%. So basically I want to return the two numerical values from this column and see if my query value is between them.
I have all the tables I need joined together and everything, just not sure how to construct a query like this. I know in regex I would do something like "\d+" but im not sure how to translate this into SQL.
Using Oracle, you can use Regular Expressions to extract a number from the string.
More specifically, I would look into REGEXP_SUBSTR.
Using the date given in your example above, you could use:
with cte as
select 'p.G12_V14insR' as AA_SYNTAX from dual
REGEXP_SUBSTR(AA_SYNTAX,'p\.[[:alpha:]]+([[:digit:]]+)', 1, 1, NULL, 1) as Bottom
,REGEXP_SUBSTR(AA_SYNTAX,'\_[[:alpha:]]+([[:digit:]]+)', 1, 1, NULL, 1) as Top
from cte
I'm sure you could clean up the Regular Expression quite a bit, but, given this, you get the value of 14 for Top and 12 for Bottom.
Hope this helps move you in the right direction.

Matching number sequences in SQLite with random character separators

I have an sqlite database which has number sequences with random separators. For example
_id data
0 123-45/678>90
1 11*11-22-333
2 4-4-5-67891
I want to be able to query the database "intelligently" with and without the separators. For example, both these queries returning _id=0
SELECT _id FROM myTable WHERE data LIKE '%123-45%'
SELECT _id FROM myTable WHERE data LIKE '%12345%'
The 1st query works as is, but the 2nd query is the problem. Because the separators appear randomly in the database there are too many combinations to loop through in the search term.
I could create two columns, one with separators and one without, running each query against each column, but the database is huge so I want to avoid this if possible.
Is there some way to structure the 2nd query to achieve this as is ? Something like a regex on each row during the query ? Pseudo code
FROM myTable
WHERE REPLACEALL(data,'(?<=\\d)[-/>*](?=\\d)','') LIKE '%12345%'
Ok this is far from being nice, but you could straightforwardly nest the REPLACE function. Example:
SELECT _id FROM myTable
WHERE REPLACE(..... REPLACE(REPLACE(data,'-',''),'_',''), .... '<all other separators>','') = '12345'
When using this in practice (--not that I would recommend it, but at least its simple), you surely might wrap it inside a function.
EDIT: for a small doc on the REPLACE function, see here, for example.
If I get it right, is this what you want?
FROM myTable
WHERE Replace(Replace(Replace(data, '?', ''), '/', ''), '-', '') LIKE '%12345%'