openssl-1.0.1f msys/mingw64 build fail - build

I am getting an error building openssl-1.0.1f with msys/mingw64:
installing libcrypto.a
/bin/sh: line 5: mingw64bin/ranlib.exe: No such file or directory
installing libssl.a
/bin/sh: line 5: mingw64bin/ranlib.exe: No such file or directory
make: *** [install_sw] Error 1
when I run .Configure I get:
RANLIB =\mingw64\bin/ranlib.exe
PERL =perl
Soooooo seems pretty easy I just need to change the backslashes to slashes
I open .Configure and search for Ranlib and I get:
my $ranlib = $ENV{'RANLIB'} || $fields[$idx_ranlib];
Farther down:
s/^AR=\s*/AR= \$\(CROSS_COMPILE\)/;
s/^NM=\s*/NM= \$\(CROSS_COMPILE\)/;
Oookkeeee why not change \s*/RANLIB= \$(CROSS_COMPILE)/; to \s*/RANLIB= /$/(CROSS_COMPILE)/;
Scalar found where operator expected at ./Configure line 1619, near "s/^RANLIB=\s*/RANLIB= /$/"
Backslash found where operator expected at ./Configure line 1619, near "CROSS_COMPILE\"
syntax error at ./Configure line 1619, near "s/^RANLIB=\s*/RANLIB= /$/"
Execution of ./Configure aborted due to compilation errors.
How I feel:
For those still wondering, yes I am a beginner.
Soooo my questions:
Is ranlib path the real problem here? If so, how can I make msys see slashes instead of backslashes? If you know the answer, do you think you can use concise and clear explanations?

I suspect you are trying to build OpenSSL not from the MSYS console.
You should run these commands from the MSYS console (to start it, use C:\msys64\msys.bat):
perl Configure mingw64 --prefix=/wherever-you-need-to-put-it
make test
make install
P.S. MSYS should be configured for using MinGW: you should create a file C:\msys64\etc\fstab with a line like this (adjust the first part if it is different on your machine).
c:/mingw64 /mingw


*** internal error: unable to open jobserver semaphore '3,4': (Error 2: The system cannot find the file specified. ). Stop

I am trying to compile an existing qt application's code using mingw compiler.
During compilation I am getting an error "*** internal error: unable to open jobserver semaphore '3,4': (Error 2: The system cannot find the file specified. ). Stop".
My current project is a makefile based project. Here I have one make file ( that compiles all primary modules and then
compilation steps
Here in this QT code directory I have another makefile ( which has following content:
cd "qtcode_compilation_out_dir"
qmake.exe "" -r -spec win32-g++
mingw32-make -w
If I try to run the make command manually for QT code then it works fine.
#Alexander: Thanks for the suggestion.
Please suggest if anyone has any idea about it.
Finally, I found out the exact reason of the problem and solution as well.
Reason for failure:
The compilation command that I am using is "make" which is been aliased to "make -j2"and along with "mingw32-make -w" it was producing the error because mingw32-make is an obsolete make command and it doesn't support multi threaded compilation.
I just replaced the mingw32-make with make.

sclite (SCTK) `make check` faliure, C++/perl/Cygwin, Safe to use Perl4 stuff?

I am currently trying to install NIST's sclite, which is part of SCTK 2.4.0 (github or newer version). I am attempting the install on Cygwin in bash. The installation is done using make.
I have gotten past the make configure and make all parts of the installation. This didn't come without some effort (See the SO posts on the first (file not recognized) and second (template/scoping) problems). When I get to the make check part of the install, a lot of the checks/tests pass, but then I get the following error.
No tests defined for
make[2]: Leaving directory '/cygdrive/c/David/programs/sctk2.4.0/sctk/src/acomp'
(cd def_art; make check)
make[2]: Entering directory '/cygdrive/c/David/programs/sctk2.4.0/sctk/src/def_art'
Testing passed without tests
make[2]: Leaving directory '/cygdrive/c/David/programs/sctk2.4.0/sctk/src/def_art'
(cd hubscr; make check)
make[2]: Entering directory '/cygdrive/c/David/programs/sctk2.4.0/sctk/src/hubscr'
Running test 'test1-sastt', operation 'test', options '-G -f rttm -F rttm -a', directory 'test1-sastt.test'
Executing command
Error: unable to get the version for program with the command '' at ../ line 419.
Error: Execution failed at ./ line 30.
make[2]: *** [makefile:20: check] Error 2
make[2]: Leaving directory '/cygdrive/c/David/programs/sctk2.4.0/sctk/src/hubscr'
make[1]: *** [makefile:68: checkFast] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory '/cygdrive/c/David/programs/sctk2.4.0/sctk/src'
make: *** [makefile:52: check] Error 2
I've done some research (described below), and I've been able to get past this problem. However, this involved including some outdated perl modules (Perl4).
My first question was how to fix this error or how to skip that part of the test. I've been able to fix the error, and if people think that it's safe, I'll put it as an answer. Note that there is one more problem with make check after this problem is fixed, but I mention how to get past that at the end.
I'm wondering if using the old Perl (Perl4::CoreLibs) is safe and/or good programming practice. Would it be better to change the source code to use Perl5 stuff?
Is there a better way altogether?
One thing I want to be sure of is that there are no critical tests further down the make check line which might fail.
System Details
$ uname -a
CYGWIN_NT-6.1 CAP-D-ENG-INT3 2.10.0(0.325/5/3) 2018-02-02 15:16 x86_64 Cygwin
$ bash --version
GNU bash, version 4.4.12(3)-release (x86_64-unknown-cygwin) ...
$ gcc --version
gcc (GCC) 6.4.0 ...
$ g++ --version
g++ (GCC) 6.4.0 ...
$ make --version
GNU Make 4.2.1
Built for x86_64-unknown-cygwin ...
$ systeminfo | sed -n 's/^OS\ *//p'
Name: Microsoft Windows 7 Enterprise
Version: 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 Build 7601
Manufacturer: Microsoft Corporation
Configuration: Member Workstation
Build Type: Multiprocessor Free
My Attempts/Research
From the output above, we have passing the check because there are no checks - " passed without tests". However, the next thing checked,, failed. The error comes from
The obvious thing to do seemed to be to run, which I did.
$ ./src/def_art/
Can't locate in #INC
(#INC contains: /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.26/x86_64-cygwin-threads /usr/local/share/perl5/site_perl/5.26 /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.26/x86_64-cygwin-threads /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl/5.26 /usr/lib/perl5/5.26/x86_64-cygwin-threads /usr/share/perl5/5.26)
at ./src/def_art/ line 40.
So it seems to me that this is a deprecated perl file (or module, or whatever).
I dug a little further and found this discussion on a kaldi discussion from 2014. (kaldi is a speech-recognition toolkit that uses the SCTK scoring system). There are 3 sections of the discussion that I think are especially relevant, which I will link (first, second, third). I'll insert parts here: is looking for which I coudn't find on my machine!
... [T]hese are legacy packages that are no longer supported in recent versions
of Perl 5. I don't think we should accept a dependency on them. They have
been deprecated since the beginning of Perl 5.
Instead of 'require ""', we should be doing
use Getopt::Std
(note: modern perl code should not call "require" for system packages).
There is a similar issue with "" in the Perl scripts. I don't know
what the Perl 5 package name is.
... There are several places where this occurs.
I finally found that both and are available from Perl4::CoreLibs. The URL that I use for wget was referenced at this site. Apparently, in other *NIX distros, the package manager can be used, e.g.
apt-get install libperl4-corelibs-perl
yum install perl-Perl4-CoreLibs
but I could not find an install via apt-cyg. I was able to install them from a tarball, as described in the What I'm Doing section.
One again, I'll state my main question: Is this safe/good programming practice? Is there a better solution?
If there is a better solution (using Perl 5), it seems that this link might lead the way to it.
Some other links that are possibly related: link_{n} and link{n+1} about, link_{n+2} & link_{n+3} about and Perl4::CoreLibs.
What I'm Doing
$ mkdir perl_added
$ cd perl_added
$ wget
$ tar -xzf Perl4-CoreLibs-0.004.tar.gz
$ cd Perl4-CoreLibs-0.004
Rather than adding this directory's lib subdirectory to the PERLLIB environment variable with a one-time command-line, environment-variable-addition thing, I did the following.
Make a new directory in the /usr/lib directory, move the files there
$ stat /usr/lib/libperl4-corelibs-perl
stat: cannot stat '/usr/lib/libperl4-corelibs-perl': No such file or directory
# Checked that the directory didn't already exist. It didn't exist.
$ mkdir /usr/lib/libperl4-corelibs-perl
# Make each file executable, then move it into the new directory
# I'd like to come back and explain this.
$ find ./lib -type f -name "*.pl" -print0 | xargs -I'{}' -0 \
bash -c 'new_dir=/usr/lib/libperl4-corelibs-perl/; chmod +x {}; \
mv {} ${new_dir}'
Finally, I made it so that this directory will become part of the perl search path every time I use a terminal by adding the following line to my ~/.bashrc
This command adds the path to the PERLLIB environment variable. Different flavors of Linux have different syntax for adding to environment variables, make sure to find out what yours is!
export PERLLIB="/usr/bin/libperl4-corelibs-perl:$PERLLIB"
The commands I ran for this were
$ echo -e "\n\n## Allow Perl to use the files in Perl4::CoreLibs" >> $HOME/.bashrc
$ echo -e "export PERLLIB=\"/usr/lib/libperl4_corelibs_perl:$PERLLIB\"" >> $HOME/.bashrc
$ source $HOME/.bashrc
(Thanks to #melpomene for noting that the current version is 0.004, not 0.003.)
After that, I went back to the base folder of the install and ran make clean, make config, make all, and make check.
That did get me farther in the make check but not by far.
I'm wondering if using the old Perl (Perl4::CoreLibs) is safe and/or good programming practice. Would it be better to change the source code to use Perl5 stuff?
P.S. After all this, you probably want to go back and delete the folder where you untarred everything. In my case:
rm -rf /path/to/where/I/started/perl_added
The Result/Next Steps
A bunch of tests that passed and then
(cd hubscr; make check)
make[2]: Entering directory '/cygdrive/c/David/programs/sctk2.4.0/sctk/src/hubscr'
Running test 'test1-sastt', operation 'test', options '-G -f rttm -F rttm -a', directory 'test1-sastt.test'
Executing command
Unescaped left brace in regex is illegal here in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/{_recursive_/_recur_{ <-- HERE _sive_/_si_ve_}_}/ at ../../md-eval/ line 1099, <DATA> line 12.
Error: MDEVAL failed
Command: -nafcs -c 0.25 -o -r sastt-case1.ref.rttm.filt -s sastt-case1.sys.rttm.filt -M sastt-case1.sys.rttm.filt.mdeval.spkrmap 1> sastt-case1.sys.rttm.filt.mdeval at ../ line 679.
Error: Execution failed at ./ line 30.
make[2]: *** [makefile:20: check] Error 255
make[2]: Leaving directory '/cygdrive/c/David/programs/sctk2.4.0/sctk/src/hubscr'
make[1]: *** [makefile:68: checkFast] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory '/cygdrive/c/David/programs/sctk2.4.0/sctk/src'
make: *** [makefile:52: check] Error 2
Maybe this will be helpful. I will post a separate question for this issue or, if the solution is quick, I will add the solution on this post.
A Better Way
(Actually, a couple of better ways. See my comment under the question for the kaldi solution.)
In talking with colleagues and friends, it seems that there isn't anything unsafe about the Perl4 stuff. I did find a better way to get them "installed", but I'll leave the notes in the question showing the "long way" with the tarball, PERLPATH, etc.
Check that you have CPAN
$ which cpan
If you see something starting with which: no cpan in (...), you most likely don't have it. Try installing perl. For me, on Cygwin, I used
$ apt-cyg install perl
(Install apt-cyg if necessary, cf. here for instructions.)
You probably won't have to install Perl. You will likely see something like /usr/bin/cpan as the output of which cpan. If so, you're good. Enter cpan at the command prompt.
$ cpan
If it's your first time, it will ask a bunch of questions about the configuration. I just pressed "Enter" to accept the default each time, I finally got a prompt like this:
cpan shell -- CPAN exploration and modules installation (v2.18)
Enter 'h' for help.
There, I entered
cpan[1]> install Perl4::CoreLibs
The install will proceed. When it will have finished, you will be able to type exit and press "Enter", which will take you back to the bash command prompt.
cpan[2]> exit
Lockfile removed.
At this point, make check will still choke, but the install will complete successfully. If you want the make check to get all the way through, go to the "Getting past make check" section below. At this point, though, you can do the last two steps in the process.
$ make install
At this point I added the install path to my PATH variable. Hopefully, I'll be able to put in a link about that process. Here is a one-time solution.
$ export PATH=/path/to/sctk/bin:$PATH
Here is a lasting solution.
Now, for the last step in the installation process:
$ make doc
After the make doc, I made sure that the man pages were available. I looked on my machine until I found the place where other man files went. (Sorry, I don't have a systematic way of doing it, I just looked in a lot of places.) For me, on Cygwin, the directory was /usr/man/man1
I went into the doc directory
cd doc
and copied all of the files into the directory I had found
cp -r ./* /usr/man/man1/
Note that there are also now html and htm files in the directory that also provide documentation.
Getting past `make check`
So, you really want to see it go through without errors. You need to change the following file: src/hubscr/
Originally it has the following beginning, which I have used the head command to show.
$ head -n 15 src/hubscr/
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
my $operation = (defined($ARGV[0]) ? $ARGV[0] : "test");
sub runIt{
my ($op, $testId, $options, $glm, $hub, $lang, $ref, $systems) = #_;
my $baseDir = $testId.".base";
my $outDir = $testId.($op eq "setTests" ? ".base" : ".test");
print " Running test '$testId', operation '$op', options '$options',
directory '$outDir'\n";
system ("mkdir -p $outDir");
system ("rm -fr $outDir/test* $outDir/lvc*");
### Copy files
foreach my $file($glm, $ref, split(/\s+/,$systems)){
system("cp $file $outDir");
Change it so that, after the print command, you have new lines as follows. I again use the head command to show the beginning of the file
$ head -n 63 src/hubscr/
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
my $operation = (defined($ARGV[0]) ? $ARGV[0] : "test");
sub runIt{
my ($op, $testId, $options, $glm, $hub, $lang, $ref, $systems) = #_;
my $baseDir = $testId.".base";
my $outDir = $testId.($op eq "setTests" ? ".base" : ".test");
print " Running test '$testId', operation '$op', options '$options', directory '$outDir'\n";
####DWB, 2018-05-21 Getting `make check` to work####
if ( $testId eq "test1-sastt" &&
$operation eq "test" &&
$options eq "-G -f rttm -F rttm -a" &&
$outDir eq "test1-sastt.test" ) # <problem 1>
print "\n";
print "\n#### SKIPPING ####";
print "\nJust kidding. That breaks the make.";
print "\nIt said: \n\n";
print "\nUnescaped left brace in regex is illegal here in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/{_recursive_/_recur_{ <-- HERE _sive_/_si_ve_}_}/ at ../../md-eval/ line 1099, <DATA> line 12.";
print "\nrror: MDEVAL failed";
print "\nCommand: -nafcs -c 0.25 -o -r sastt-case1.ref.rttm.filt -s sastt-case1.sys.rttm.filt -M sastt-case1.sys.rttm.filt.mdeval.spkrmap 1> sastt-case1.sys.rttm.filt.mdeval at ../ line 679.";
print "\nError: Execution failed at ./ line 30.\n\n";
print "\n"
print "\nThat's a perl legacy problem, see:"
print "\n[][1]"
print "\nI'm outta here.";
print "\n Sincerely, bballdave025";
print "\n";
print "\n";
}#endof: if (<problem 1>)
if ( $testId eq "test2-sastt" &&
$operation eq "test" &&
$options eq "-G -f rttm -F rttm -a" &&
$outDir eq "test2-sastt.test" ) # <problem 2>
print "\n";
print "\n#### SKIPPING ####";
print "\nJust kidding. That breaks the make.";
print "\nIt said: \n\n";
print "\nError: Test test2-sastt has failed. Diff output is :";
print "\ndiff -i -x CVS -x .DS_Store -x log -x '*lur' -I '[cC]reation[ _]date' -I md-eval -r test2-sastt.test/sastt-case2.sys.rttm.filt.alignments/segmentgroup-116.html test2-sastt.base/sastt-case2.sys.rttm.filt.alignments/segmentgroup-116.html";
print "\n 45c45";
print "\n < jg.drawStringRect(\"SUB48\",0, 47, scale*656, \"left\");";
print "\n ---";
print "\n#### and a whole bunch of other draw stuff! ####";
print "\n1 at ./ line 61.\n\n";
print "\n"
print "\nThat looks like Java drawing code, and I don't"
print "\neven want to mess with it!"
print "\nI'm outta here.";
print "\n Sincerely, bballdave025";
print "\n";
print "\n";
}#endof: if (<problem 2>)
system ("mkdir -p $outDir")
Now you should be able to get through. Try it:
make check

Error when compiling Qt project. The process "/usr/bin/make" exited with code 2

I'm brand new to Qt and I tried to build a new project. I searched around and people seem to have similar problems but none of the solutions worked for me. I made New Project > Application > Qt widgets Application > created "Tester" file in /Volumes/MATT'S EHD/Qt > Kit: Desktop Qt 5.8.0 clang 64bit
I build it and this is my output:
sh: line 0: cd: /Volumes/MATTS\ EHD/Qt/build-Tester-Desktop_Qt_5_8_0_clang_64bit-Debug && /Volumes/MATT\S EHD/Qt/5.8/clang_64/bin/uic:
No such file or directory
/bin/sh: -c: line 0: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `''
/bin/sh: -c: line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of file
make: *** [main.o] Error 2
11:43:23: The process "/usr/bin/make" exited with code 2.
Error while building/deploying project Tester (kit: Desktop Qt 5.8.0 clang 64bit)
When executing step "Make"
There's some other output but these are what's outputting in red and I'm assuming what's giving me issues. I haven't changed the file at all. I'm just trying to build it to see if it works and it doesn't. I'm running on OSX and everything is stored on my external hard drive. Any help is appreciated.
Since the error message complains about a missing matching (in that case closing) single quote, I strongly suspect your “MATT'S EHD” directory is a problem. That’s not too surprising because build systems in the C and C++ world are notoriously crappy when it comes to handling paths with spaces and/or quote characters.
Try a spaceless and quoteless path, not only for your project but also for your complete toolchain, especially the Qt installation. If you can’t or dont want to move your toolchain you can also try to backslash escape all special characters in Qt Creator’s “Build & Run” options. Should work theoretically, but I’ve never tried it in practice.

How to compile OpenSSL on Windows?

I have been following the instructions in the OpenSSL User Guide, which links to a guide by 3noch for compiling OpenSSL. Here are the tools/versions I am using:
ActiveState Perl v5.20.2
Microsoft Visual Studio 2012
Netwide Assembler (NASM) v2.12.02
OpenSSL 1.0.2j (source tarball)
Following the instructions, I am able to execute the following commands without issue:
perl Configure VC-WIN32 --prefix=C:\Build-OpenSSL-VC-32
Then, when I go on to execute
nmake -f ms\nt.mak
I receive the following
Assembling: tmp32\sha1-586.asm
tmp32\sha1-586.asm(1432) : error A2070:invalid instruction operands
tmp32\sha1-586.asm(1576) : error A2070:invalid instruction operands
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: '"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0
\VC\BIN\ml.EXE"' : return code '0x1'
After looking into that issue, I found a blog post by HostageBrain that mentions that exact error, stating to use nasm to perform the compiling. So, I switched to this command sequence:
perl Configure VC-WIN32 --prefix=C:\Build-OpenSSL-VC-32
nmake -f ms\nt.mak
However, once switching to the NASM variation, I receive the following errors:
tmp32\sha1-586.asm:1: error: parser: instruction expected
tmp32\sha1-586.asm:2: error: parser: instruction expected
tmp32\sha1-586.asm:3: error: parser: instruction expected
tmp32\sha1-586.asm:4: warning: label alone on a line without a colon might be in error
tmp32\sha1-586.asm:5: warning: label alone on a line without a colon might be in error
tmp32\sha1-586.asm:6: warning: label alone on a line without a colon might be in error
tmp32\sha1-586.asm:7: error: symbol `IF' redefined
tmp32\sha1-586.asm:7: error: parser: instruction expected
tmp32\sha1-586.asm:8: error: parser: instruction expected
tmp32\sha1-586.asm:9: error: comma expected after operand 1
What I am looking for is to be able to compile OpenSSL into .lib files that I can then link to from other C++ projects, such as when compiling FreeTDS.
On the same my blog page which you refer I also describe 'no-asm' case - this case is simpler for compiling (it won't require nasm at all), but drawback is - some algorithms performance will be 2x-4x slower than assembler versions.
If your case can accept this performance - try to compile 'no-asm' case.
perl Configure VC-WIN32 no-asm --prefix=C:\Build-OpenSSL-VC-32
I built the library from a regular command prompt on Windows 10 with VS 2015 with the following commands (debug build shown):
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\bin\amd64\vcvars64.bat"
perl Configure debug-VC-WIN64A --prefix=C:\Path\to\target\folder
nmake -f ms\ntdll.mak
cd out32dll.dbg
cd ..
nmake -f ms\ntdll.mak install
I know this is an old post, but for others having the problem with NASM parsing errors, here's the solution:
Once you run either ms\do_ms.bat (to use masm) or ms\do_nasm.bat (to use nasm), you can't just switch to the other one without first clearing out the tmp32 directory, otherwise perl will never regenerate the .asm files correctly. The parser errors you're getting are from nasm trying to assemble a masm-formatted file.
The easiest way to clean out tmp32 is to run "nmake -f ms\nt.mak clean".
Answering to this very old question. There are a couple of problems associated with building it under x64 that way including hitting "assemblers not found", downloading NASM and adding to path etc. There is a very good and simple solution using MSYS2.
Install MSYS2. Ensure you get the toolchain needed (see the guide for pacman). Then follow below steps
$Launch msys2_shell.cmd -mingw64
$wget -c
$tar -xzvf openssl-1.0.2o.tar.gz openssl-1.0.2o/
$cd openssl-1.0.2o/
$./configure shared mingw64
That's it. In apps directory you will get openssl executable along with the libraries.
-Sreejith. D. Menon

Building U-Boot is failing

I am trying to build u-boot
I am following this site to build this u-boot
It says to put cross compiler path before building.
export PATH=/usr/local/angstrom/arm/bin:$PATH
1) I can see angstrom folder in /usr/local. Also I think that we need the toolchain's actual place of binaries. Let suppose in /home/myhome/BBB/angtrom_x_y_z/usr/local/angstrom/arm/bin
So which path actually i should export?
2)I have tried to put both paths, but I am getting errors.
3)I have downloaded three toolchains
1st gives errors as
CROSS_COMPILE=arm-angstrom-linux-gnueabi- make am335x_evm
scripts/kconfig/conf --silentoldconfig Kconfig
CHK include/config.h
GEN include/
arm-angstrom-linux-gnueabi-gcc: 0: No such file or directory
arm-angstrom-linux-gnueabi-gcc: unrecognized option '-G'
cc1: error: unrecognized command line option "-mabicalls"
make[1]: *** [include/] Error 1
make: *** No rule to make target `am335x_evm'. Stop.
second one is I think for 64 bit processor, I have i386 one, so it also doesn't worked
Third one is corrupted.
Can anybody tell me how to compile it as the site says. Maybe the site is outdated but still if anybody can tell me a straightforward way how to do this.
It looks like Angstorm toolchian is too old to deal with recent U-Boot. I tried your procedure and get other errors. I'm not sure why you try to use that old toolchain and if you have to use it. But I quickly check Linaro toolchain gcc-linaro-arm-linux-gnueabihf-4.9-2014.07_linux, which I use for boards like Cubietruck and A20-OLinuXino-MICRO and it works fine.
git clone git://
cd u-boot
export PATH=${PATH}:${PATH_TO_TOOLCHAIN}/gcc-linaro-arm-linux-gnueabihf-4.9-2014.07_linux/bin
CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabihf- make am335x_evm_defconfig
CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabihf- make -j$(nproc)