Segmented mp4 in GStreamer - gstreamer

I'm have pipeline:
gst-launch-1.0 rtspsrc location=rtsp://ip/cam ! rtph264depay ! h264parse ! mp4mux fragment-duration=10000 streamable=1 ! multifilesink next-file=2 location=file-%03d.mp4
The first segment is played well, others not. When I'm try to view the structure of damaged mp4 see an interesting bug:
Some data
The most interesting thing in "Some data". There is no header data, they simply exist. By block size I think it MDAT. I find size of the block and add before it MDAT header. File immediately becomes valid and playing. But the unknown piece can't be played because before it no MOOF header.
Problem is at mp4mux and qtmux. Tested on GStreamer 1.1.0 and 1.2.2. All results are identical.
Can use multifilesink not correct?

If you take look at documentation for multifilesink you will find the answer:
It is not possible to use this element to create independently playable mp4 files, use the splitmuxsink element for that instead. ...
So use splitmuxsink and don't forget to send EOS when you done to correct finish last file
Looks like at time when question has been asked there wasn't such element like splitmuxsink

Can this be reproduced using videotestsrc instead of rtsp?
Try replacing your h264 receiving and depayloading with "videotestsrc num-buffers= ! x264enc ! mp4mux ..."
This might be a bug, please file it at so it gets proper attention from maintainers.
Also, how are you trying to play it?


GStreamer 'rawvideoparse' element reads wrong amount of bytes

I'm reading a byte-stream YUV420 at 972x720 pixels from a file with Gstreamer using the following command:
gst-launch-1.0 filesrc location=testfile blocksize=1049760 ! rawvideoparse width=972 height=720 framerate=1/1 ! xvimagesink
This works in so far that I get an image but it isn't displayed correctly. When exporting the frames seperately using command:
gst-launch-1.0 filesrc location=testfile blocksize=1049760 ! rawvideoparse width=972 height=720 framerate=1/1 ! multifilesink location="rvp_%d.raw"
I see that when using the element 'rawvideoparse' it will create a file of 1051200 bytes per frame instead of the expected 1049760. When I remove 'rawvideoparse' the frames are exported correctly but my objective is to read them directly from the file into an 'xvimagesink'
Where am I messing up?
Thanks to the GStreamer Development mailing list I got an answer. The problems was that the rawvideoparse element can't handle this resolution. When I switched to 976 width it works.

x264 enc v4l2 /dev/video2 stream

I have this working but have been unable to get video from my magwell to intergrate and could use help with the correct pipline.
gst-launch-1.0 videotestsrc ! video/x-raw,width=848,height=480,framerate=25/1 ! x264enc bitrate=700 ! video/x-h264,width=848,height=480,framerate=25/1,stream-format=byte-stream,profile=baseline ! tee name=t\
t. ! queue ! tcpclientsink host= port=8000 \
t. ! queue ! tcpclientsink host= port=8000
I do not see the receiver side pipeline in the question description. This is required to verify that there are no issues at the receiver side. Based on your current pipeline I have the following suggestions:
You don't need set the caps again after the element x264enc, because the output is anyhow of type video/x-h264. What you need is to add h264parse after x264enc. You need to also add h264parse, before passing the data to decoder you are using at the receiver side.
The bitrate set for x264enc is also very less. The units are in kbits/sec, and for a video this might be very less. It's best to leave this to default setting if you do not have any strict resource constraints. Otherwise try for a higher value.
Also is there any reason why you are using TCP. Using UDP might be a better idea for video, in case video data/packet loss is not an issue.

Creating a virtual webcam from jpeg using GStreamer

I'm trying to use a jpg-File as a virtual webcam for Skype (or similar). The image file is reloading every few seconds and the Pipeline should also transmit always the newest image.
I started creating a Pipeline like this
gst-launch filesrc location=~/image.jpg ! jpegdec ! ffmpegcolorspace ! freeze ! v4l2sink device=/dev/video2
but it only streams the first image and ignores the newer versions of the image file. I read something about concat and dynamically changing the Pipeline but I couldn't get this working for me.
Could you give me any hints on how to get this working?
Dynamic refresh the input file is NOT possible (at least with filesrc).
Besides, your sample use freeze, which will prevent the image change.
One possible method is using multifilesrc and videorate instead.
multifilesrc can read many files (with a provided pattern similar to scanf/printf), and videorate can control the speed.
For example, you create 100 images with format image0000.jpg, image0001.jpg, ..., image0100.jpg. Then play them continuously, with each image in 1 second:
gst-launch multifilesrc location=~/image%04d.jpg start-index=0 stop-index=100 loop=true caps="image/jpeg,framerate=\(fraction\)1/1" ! jpegdec ! ffmpegcolorspace ! videorate ! v4l2sink device=/dev/video2
Changing the number of image at stop-index=100, and change speed at caps="image/jpeg,framerate=\(fraction\)1/1"
For more information about these elements, refer to their documents at
EDIT: Look like you use GStreamer 0.10, not 1.x
In this case, please refer to old documents multifilesrc and videorate
You can use a general file name with multifilesrc if you add some parameter adjustments and pair it with an identity on a delay. It's a bit fragile but it'll do fine for a temporary one-off program as long as you keep your input images the same dimensions and format.
gst-launch-1.0 multifilesrc loop=true start-index=0 stop-index=0 location=/tmp/whatever ! decodebin ! identity sleep-time=1000000 ! videoconvert ! v4l2sink

convert a video to a sequence of frame images

I need to capture a video using a webcam and output a single image for each video frame captured.
I have tried using gstreamer with a multifilesink, e.g.:
gst-launch v4l2src device=/dev/video1 ! video/x-raw-yuv,framerate=30/1 ! ffmpegcolorspace ! pngenc ! multifilesink location="frame%d.png"
However, this does not actually output every frame, meaning that if I record for 2 seconds at 30 fps, I don't get 60 images. I'm assuming this is because the encoding can't go that fast, so I need another method.
I figured it might work if I have one pipeline capture a video, and a separate pipeline convert that video to frames, but I don't know enough about codecs. Do I need to encode the video to a file like h264 or mp4 just to then decode it again?
Does anyone have any thoughts or suggestions? Keep in mind that I need to be able to do this in code, not using an application like Adobe Premiere, for example.
You could simply add a queue in there like this:
gst-launch v4l2src device=/dev/video1 ! video/x-raw-yuv,framerate=30/1 ! queue ! ffmpegcolorspace ! pngenc ! multifilesink location="frame%d.png"
This should make sure the video-capture is allowed to run at 30 fps, and then writing it to
disk can happen in its own tempo. Just be aware that the queue will grow to quite a large size
if you leave this setup for too long.
the solution I have to offer doesn't use gstreamer but ffmpeg. I hope that's fine for you too.
As described in this forum post, you can use something like this:
ffmpeg -i movie.avi frame%d.png
to get a png/jpg image for each frame of the video.
But depending on the input file you use, you might have to convert it to an MPEG vid before running ffmpeg.
If you want leading zeroes in your image file names, use %05d instead (for 5-digit numbers, like in C's printf()):
ffmpeg -i movie.avi frame%05d.png
The output file format depends on the file extension, so you might use .jpg, .bmp, ... instead of .png.
I ended up doing this in two parts.
Write video to file.
gst-launch v4l2src device=/dev/video2 ! video/x-raw-yuv,framerate=30/1 ! xvidenc ! queue ! avimux ! filesink location=test.avi
Post process.
gst-launch-1.0 --gst-debug-level=3 filesrc location=test.avi ! decodebin ! queue ! autovideoconvert ! pngenc ! multifilesink location="frame%d.png"

How do I use gstreamer to encode an ffv1 file?

I'd like to encode a video with gstreamer to an FFV1 (ffmpeg's lossless video format) file. However, I cannot work out what type of mux'ing to use. If I run this:
gst-launch videotestsrc ! ffenc_ffv1 ! filesink location="test.ffv1"
Then the thing runs OK, but the resulting file doesn't appear to be a valid video file. When creating theora videos, I've previously written "theora ! oggmux ! filesink" in the pipeline, and this works. However, oggmux doesn't work here. What type of transport stream should I be using here, and what is the correct gst-launch fudge to use?
This does not seem to be supported in the version I have installed. You can check it for your version by saving the output of gst-xmlinspect to a file and searching for video/x-ffv in this file. The elements where this mime type is mentioned are:
So it seems this is supported by the avi demuxer but not by any muxer.
PS: The mime type can be found with gst-inspect ffenc_ffv1.